General :: Change Default Boot Order In 10.04?

Jan 13, 2011

How can I change default boot order in Ubuntu 10.04 from Ubuntu to Windows7? However, I already checked sudo gedit /etc/default/grub and modify the grub file to be GRUB_DEFAULT=4 and update the grup sudo update-grub I even install graph software to re order the book sudo startupmanager But still after restart the default choose for boot is Ubuntu ...

P.S: I am using Ubuntu 10.04 with grub version 1.98

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Ubuntu :: Change The Boot Order To Make Windows 7 The Default Start Up?

Aug 5, 2010

I am running a dual boot with Windows 7 pro and ubuntu.

How do I change the boot order to make windows 7 the default start up??

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General :: Change The Default System JVM Search Order?

Jan 25, 2011

I have installed java-6-sun on my Ubuntu 9.10 and now I wanna change the default system JVM search order. Based on the following instruction I should modify my /etc/jvm.

But there is no jvm in my Ubuntu, all I have is jvm.* which "*" refers to ".h" or other suffix. There is no "jvm" alone in my Ubuntu in order to do what the following says.

Setup the default Java version

Ubuntu Linux comes with update-java-alternatives utility to updates all alternatives
belonging to one runtime or development kit for the Java language. To select, Sun's JVM as provided in Ubuntu 7.10, enter:

$ sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun

You also need to edit a file called /etc/jvm This file defines the default system JVM search order. Each JVM should list their JAVA_HOME compatible directory in this file. The default system JVM is the first one available from top to bottom. Open /etc/jvm

$ sudo vi /etc/jvm

Make sure /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun is added to the top of JVM list


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General :: Edit Default GRUB Boot Order In Ubuntu 9.10 64 Bit?

Mar 25, 2010

I have Ubuntu 9.10 64 Bit, and I also have Windows 7, and I want to make Win7 boot first and without having to manually choose it every time I restart, for my non-linux using family. I have tried the guides where it says you have to edit the "menu.lfg(or whatever it is)" and I don't have that file. I have looked, it's not there, the closest I found was "grub.cfg" and I can't make any sense out of it. I'm not unfamiliar with computers, I'm just relatively new to Ubuntu, and want to make the best out of it I can, I love it. I've tried going into GRUB, and and editing the Win7 Loader, but it doesn't work.

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General :: Changing Grub Boot Order And Make Win7 Default

Aug 13, 2010

I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04 from earlier versions. I have a dual boot system with Windows 7. Grub was set to boot Windows by default Things were working fine. I decided to upgrade to Grub2. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Now when booting up,the name at the top of the Grub menu is 1.98, which is Grub 2. When I run grub-install -v, it comes back grub-install (GNU GRUB 0.97) which is not Grub2. Now when I boot up, Ubuntu 10.04 is the default. I have to manually choose Windows if I want to use that system. I have been unable to change the boot order following instructions from this site. Any Way changing the boot order to make Windows 7 the default. I am using a Toshiba Satellite.

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General :: Change The Boot Order In Grub?

Aug 4, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 onto my toshiba C655 iCeleron 900 2.20ghz 1GB RAM. I have win7 and I have a 4GB swap partition. How Do I change the Boot order in Grub? I saw instructions somewhere else to type sudo, etc in the command line and was getting access denies...

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General :: Can't Change The Boot Partition Order?

Jan 27, 2011

I recently installed Ubuntu on one of my partitoins. Sinec I am new, I formatted that partition to install a different type. Now when I boot my machine, instead of booting to my Windows partitoin, it boots to my blank Linux partition and gives me a Linux prompt.

I can boot from the Ubuntu DVD, by changing it in my BIOS, but I can't change the boot partition order within Linux (that I know of).

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General :: Change The Macintosh Boot Order?

Feb 19, 2010

I'm working with an employer as part of a college internship. I work on anyone's computer that brings it in. Some lady brought in a macintosh. I'm not here to give my opinion on evil, controlling corporations, but I can't figure out how to get the thing to change boot order.

It has an old and unsupported version of OSX, it's "panther" and I can't even install any firefox after 2.0. It has 256mb ram and a 1.8ghz single core so I thought to dual boot it with debian.

-Tried holding "C"
-Tried holding "option key" (alt)
-Tried holding command (windows) + option + shift + delete
-Went into system prefs and chose "startup disk" but it doesn't list the CD drive at all.

The bios, or whatever it is, is completely blank at startup besides an apple logo.

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General :: How To Change Boot Order In Grub

May 12, 2011

I wanna change the boot order, right now Linux starts first, and I wanna configure GRUB to make Windows start first, how can I do this?

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General :: Any Proper Way To Change Grub Boot Order

Feb 13, 2010

I am a linux noob and that is the reason I want to boot my windows xp by default. Now kubuntu boots first. I've googled how to do this but the topics of other people with the same 'problem' were old or maybe incorrect. Because the official GRUB Ubuntu wiki says you should not change the /boot/grub/grub.cfg file manually. The first line on the .cfg file is also a warning: Do not edit this file. So it continued looking for a proper way to change the boot order. Then I found something about etc/grub.d and also etc/default/grub. The problem is I don't understand how to change the boot order using this.

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General :: How To Easily Change Grub OS Boot Order

Feb 3, 2010

I've seen many, many different solutions for how to change the GRUB boot order. Search no more. This is by far the easiest, safest way to do that.

Open your terminal and type in the following:
sudo apt-get install startupmanager

When that is done go to your control panel and you'll have a new icon that says Startup Manager. Every thing you'll need work with your GRUB menu.

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General :: Change Dual-boot Order In Ubuntu 10?

Feb 11, 2011

I have a dual-boot setup in which Ubuntu 10 LTS is the default choice on the menu, followed by 2 or 3 alternate choices and finally Win 7. I would like to know how to change that order, making Win 7 the default. Solutions I've looked at mention editing menu.lst in the /boot/grub directory, but this file does not exist anywhere as far as I can tell. There is a /boot/grub/grub.cfg but it's unclear how that alters the menu sequence.

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General :: How Do I Change VMWare 1.x Server's Guest Boot Order

Dec 23, 2010

I have 4 VMs on a Linux host, call them A, B, C, D running on Z. I really don't care when A and B come up, but I would like to make sure that D comes up before C.I believe that in VMWare 2.x it's possible to change the boot order. Is this possible in 1.x as well? Is this done in /etc/vmware/vm-list? I see that there are a number of VMs listed there, including some that have long since been deleted.

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General :: Windows - Change The Order Of All Boot Entries In GRUB2 Not Just The First?

Jun 19, 2011

It's quite easy to change the default boot entry through etc/default/grub. However, this only allows for the first entry to be changed. I want to be able to move all the entries in any order I like. What is the best/easiest way to do this?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Changing Boot Order And Make XP As The Default OS?

Mar 19, 2009

My boot order has automatically changed, before I was booting Windows XP/ Vista as the default OS, now all of the sudden Fedora has become the default OS. So plz help me change the boot order. These are my grub settings at the moment.

# Note that you do not have to rerun grub after making changes to this file
# NOTICE: You have a /boot partition. This means that
# all kernel and initrd paths are relative to /boot/, eg.


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Fedora Installation :: Change The Boot Order To Boot Windows 7 First?

Jun 15, 2011

Dual booting Windows 7 and Fedora 15. What I would like to know is if I can change the boot order to boot Windows 7 first and Fedora 15 as other or second.

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Ubuntu :: Edit To Change Boot Order And Various Boot Selections?

Jan 6, 2010

I upgraded from XP to Windows 7 (I need this for legacy business) and decided to install Ubuntu permanently rather than using from CD. During an Ubuntu session I was prompted to upgrade, which I did, but when I boot up now, there seems to be 2 versions of Ubuntu which I can choose from the boot up menu, plus the usual mem test, safe mode etc, plus the option to boot Windows 7.

Firstly, is there in fact more than one Ubuntu image (and therefore precious disk space taken up), how do I find out, and if so what action should I take?If there is only one Ubuntu and one Windows 7 image, how do I edit (and where is the file) to change the boot order and the various boot selections?

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Fedora :: Change The Boot Order In Xp?

Jun 16, 2011

how slow XP was on my laptop, a casual friend (who moved away and I have since lost touch with) installed Fed 11 as a dual boot with XP, Fed 11 first. It has worked great for email and some net surfing. Now the machine is going to my wife, who does not want have to go to the boot menu to get XP. How do I change the order so that XP boots first and you have to go to the menu to get Fed 11? I've tried going through the forums, but since I'm not really a computer person, there are some basics I don't know (for example "open a terminal" - how does one do that?)

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Ubuntu :: Change Boot Order ?

May 20, 2011

I have a dual boot linux system with Mint 10 and Ubuntu 11. Currently Mint is the first OS in the boot order. How difficult is it to change that config so that Ubuntu is first (or default) and Mint second ?

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Ubuntu :: Error 11: Unrecognized Device String When Changing The Boot Order To Default

Jun 24, 2010

i downloaded backtrack 4 (final) and booted the iso onto a flash drive using unetbootin. i then changed the boot order so the flash drive was first. after i did that i got into backtrack 4 did the and now i cant boot windows 7. even after changing the boot order to default, i turn my computer on and get a message that says:

Ubuntu 8.10, kernel
Ubuntu 8.10, kernel (recovery mode)
Ubuntu 8.10, memtest86+
Other operating systems :
Memory Test (on /dev/sda1)
Ubuntu 8.10, kernel (on dev/sda1)
Ubuntu 8.10, kernel (recover mode) (on dev/sda1)
Ubuntu 8.10, memtest86+ (on dev/sda1)

i can only boot backtrack 4 OS, i really want to know what can i do to be able to boot my windows 7 home premium os.

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General :: Dualboot Sequence - Change Default Boot ?

May 19, 2010

I have a dualboot (Xp and fedora) system and would like to change default boot. How do I do this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can Change Boot Order ?

Apr 7, 2010

I use dual OS, n i have a problem when i want to set boot order. Can i change boot order? or can i make a priority for my OS?

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Ubuntu :: Change Order Of Boot Options?

Jul 5, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 x64 in a three-boot configuration; the first boot choice screen (the one I would like to change) gives the options of booting to Ubuntu, 3 options I don't understand, and booting to Windows 7. Unfortunately, at least for me, Ubuntu is at the top and is the default. [The third choice is Win XP x32 - but it appears on a separate screen]

My question: How can I make the boot to Windows 7 the default choice?

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Ubuntu :: Change Boot Order In Grub?

Jul 13, 2010

I want to change the default boot from Ubuntu to windows xp. What file do I need to edit to make that change? In other distros the file is grub.lst but I can not locate that file name in Ubuntu.

I can find the file /boot/grub/grub.cfg that looks like what I need but has a warning "DO NOT EDIT",

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Ubuntu :: Change Order Of Boot Menu?

Oct 19, 2010

how to change the order of GRUB. I found someone who asked in '06 but I believe the method has changed. I want windows (The bottom on the list) to start without me having to select it.

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Ubuntu :: Change Grub Boot Order?

Mar 18, 2011

I am trying to change the default gnu grub boot order to first go to windows 7. I entered gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst and it opened up the file but the file was blank.It didn't show me the 5 or 6 possible choices.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot With Xp Cannot Change Order?

Aug 18, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 11.04 as a dual boot system. I am given 5 choices with XP choice 5. Unless I highlight it I will boot into Ubuntu. I used the startup manager, and indicated that XP should be the default OS. Nothing changed. I tried the PySDM storage device manager which lists the partitions, but does not allow me to make changes.

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Ubuntu :: Change The 11.04 Boot Order List?

Sep 1, 2011

I've installed ubuntu 11.04 side by side with my xp. However after reboot I found my boot order list is like

Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.38-8-generic
Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.38-8-generic (recover mode)
Memory test (memtest86+)


As you can see the windows option is way in the bottom, how to make it to be on the second line like below ?

Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.38-8-generic
Microsoft Windows XP Professional (on /dev/sda1)
Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.38-8-generic (recover mode)


how can I remove the other 3 which I thought unnecessary

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Ubuntu :: Get To The BIOS To Change The Boot Order?

Nov 13, 2009

I want my PC to boot from the CD Drive instead of the hard drive.Can I change the boor order in UBUNTU?[I did a search on BIOS and got 0 hits]

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General :: Change Default Boot Options For Ubuntu Desktop

Mar 12, 2011

I have recently installed Unbuntu Desktop 10.10 on a partition alongside my normal Windows 7 x64 install. I expected to have only one OS boot menu which I would be able to edit via msconfig.exe in Windows. However I have two seperate sets of boot menus.The first one contains a bunch of different Ubuntu boot options and also contains an option to boot to Windows 7 (this is last in the list).

The first boot menu defaults to Ubuntu and is on a short timeout. I want to change this to default to Windows 7 and increase the timeout.Google tells me to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and although I do have a grub folder I don't seem to have a file called menu.lst: Change default operating system at boot

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