Ubuntu :: Added HDD Corrupts Fstab?

Jan 31, 2011

I have added a new sata HDD and this caused my fstab to becoming corrupted. I opened the fstab within a live cd and I changed it to the new setup. But I am still getting an error.

My old setup:
sda on PATA
Windows 7
Linux /root
Linux swap


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Ubuntu :: HD Not Mounting Once Added To Fstab

Sep 29, 2010

I recently added myself a harddisk with one big ext4 partition on it. I tried to add it to my fstab file like so:

UUID=c41b529d-77ee-427c-82b3-dff16f2123a2 /media ext4 rw,user,noexec 0 2

But it is not doing what I intended, which was the partition showing up in my Places menu. It also doesn't appear in my /media folder. How to alter the command above so I could have the harddisk open and writable in my Places folder just like my system harddisk?

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Ubuntu Servers :: No Boot Up With Added Lines To Fstab

May 11, 2010

I recently formatted my HDD and installed Ubuntu Server 10.04 x64. This is actually the 4th install in the past week because I was testing some things. But I had this problem on at least the previous install which made me want to start fresh again. The problem I'm having is Ubuntu will not boot if I add any of my drives to fstab. If I leave it with the standard proc, /, and swap lines it works fine. As soon as I add a line for one of my RAID arrays or an NTFS formatted partition the system hangs on bootup. It doesn't matter if I have the extra drives operating or not.

The last thing I see before it hangs is:
/dev/sda1: clean, 69351/4358144 files, 583945/17401600 blocks
Here is what the fstab currently looks like:

proc /proc proc nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0
UUID=c62ac627-46a6-4fd5-87e8-4ae0d9185d53 / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1
UUID=c1cee1e4-f8ac-4555-a88b-f237afdedd27 none swap sw 0 0
/dev/md0 /mnt/raid5 ext4 defaults 0 0

The other two lines which also made it hang included one which was almost exactly the same as the /dev/md0 line except it was md1 with a different mount point and another which used a UUID and was ntfs-3g. I know they work because all 3 of them were mounted by "mount -a" after putting them into fstab and they're pretty much the same as what I was using with 9.04 server.

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General :: Fstab Added To RAID 0 - Server Cannot Restart

May 5, 2011

I made a software RAID 0. It works fine, but when I add it to fstab and reboot the server, I can't restart the server.
# cat /etc/fstab
LABEL=/ / ext3 defaults 1 1
LABEL=/boot /boot ext3 defaults 1 2
tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
devpts /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0
sysfs /sys sysfs defaults 0 0
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
LABEL=SWAP-sda5 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/md0 /vz ext3 defaults 0 0

When I go to rescue mode and delete /dev/md0 from fstab, I can restart, but I get this when I try to mount it again:
mount: you must specify the filesystem type

So I try to make it to a ext3
# mkfs.ext3 /dev/md0
mke2fs 1.39 (29-May-2006)
mkfs.ext3: Device size reported to be zero. Invalid partition specified, or partition table wasn't reread after running fdisk, due to a modified partition being busy and in use. You may need to reboot to re-read your partition table.
#fdisk /dev/md0
Unable to read /dev/md0

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General :: Fstab Sdxx Or Uuid Or / Disk And Partitions In The Fstab File?

Jan 5, 2010

What would be the best way list disk and partitions in the fstab file?

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Hardware :: Changes To Fstab (UUID's) / Revert Fstab's Listings Back To The Old /dev/hd Settings?

Jan 15, 2010

I've had two hd's in my box forever. for more space and backup reasons. Well I have started running the Debian Squeeze distro since December. I've had many issues, some are still unresolved. but now I'm running into major headaches with the fstab. Specifically dealing with/wondering why UUID's are used instead of the old /dev/hd? I was a little annoyed when I tried Kubuntu to find /dev/sd? used instead of /dev/hd? but that was workable. But the UUID's are a nightmare. Here's my problem.

My main box is finally giving up the ghost. The mobo is dying. So in order to do some tests I took my hd bundle (my two hard drives with their cables) physically out of the box and temp installed them in a test box. I wanted to do some benchmark and other tests. I got all kinds of errors. I found that the system wasn't recognizing the UUID's listed in fstab. My concern is when the new mobo gets here next week I won't simply be able to plug the hd's in like I always have been and just let Linux reconfigure itself (Debian used to be good about this). I really don't want to have to clean reinstall if it's not needed.

So for this I have two questions. WHY developers decided to drop using /dev/hd? or even /dev/sd? ?

And is it possible to revert fstab's listings back to the old /dev/hd? settings. In debian fstab had lines commented out showing how each partition was listed in it's /dev/hd? status during install.

I'm getting really sick of all these archane changes in ALL aspects of linux that don't seem to have any good explaination or need.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot With Xp - Corrupts Primary HDD MBR

Jun 7, 2010

I want to install Ubuntu 10.04 on a second HDD than my windows xp installation. The second drive is on the same ide ribbon as the primary HDD (xp) and is set to slave. When i installed ubuntu on the second HDD it corrupted my primary drives MBR. It was an easy fix but every attempt i make ends in the same result. I also have another HDD that is sata and the sata controller is a via pci expansion card. Installation of ubuntu to this drive as well also corrupts my primary HDD MBR. But when I install to the same HDD the dual boot works fine.

I was thinking of unplugging the power cable from the primary HDD, then installing ubuntu to one of the separate HDDs. Would i still be able to dual boot. And which drive would be optimal for a dual boot installation in this configuration.

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Ubuntu :: Ntfs-3g Hangs And Corrupts Svn Working Folder

Jul 14, 2010

This problem started after I moved from ubuntu 9.10 (64bit) dual core to 10.04 (64bit) quad core machine. On both machines, I have svn working directories in an NTFS partition since I dual boot between Vista and Ubuntu - which gives me the opportunity to work on my projects whether I am on vista or ubuntu. My fstab entry is very simple:

UUID=62B81CE6B81CBA8D /media/ntfsdata ntfs-3g defaults 0 0

I use either RapidSVN or RabbitVCS. Whenever I commit those folders to the SVN server(google code), the folders seem to get corrupted. After which a rebuild or a refresh on Eclipse would provoke a 100% use on one of my 4 cpus. It would just hang there and the ntfs partition would not be accessible at all until I killed ntfs-3g process.

Then I would have to boot on vista to repair that partition. The gparted repair utility is USELESS because it cannot spot any partition errors caused by the svn commit. The dual cpu machine had occasional similar trouble but I never needed to repair it. SVN would not kill the ntfs-3g, but eclipse rebuild project after an svn operation would. I could prevent ntfs-3g hangup by checking off build automatically after a svn operation and close all projects and reopen one at a time to refresh.

A refresh would trigger a rebuild. On the phenomenally faster quadcore machine, the speed of operations could be too quick for ntfs-3g to handle (may be??). It looks like ntfs-3g is unable to handle high number of files at high speed operations. I use the same ntfs partition to store high volume bulk copy and bulk downloads with no problems - apparently, it is not the problem with high volume of transfer but the high number of files being thrashed back and forth at high speed by eclipse and svn commit. Does anyone else store their svn working directories on ntfs when developing with Eclipse on ubuntu 10.04?

Further addition: I need to mention that partition is compressed under ntfs. Perhaps, ntfs-3g is not capable of handling compressed ntfs. I uncompressed them - and during uncompress operation, explorer hung at the folder where I had done the svn commit. I rebooted vista and made a fresh uncompressed copy of those svn working folders and deleted the old copy. I'll wait and see what happens on my next commit using rabbitcvs.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Apt-get Corrupts Partial Downloads Frequently?

Jun 4, 2011

I'm using 10.04.2, and I find that whenever I'm trying update (whether using synaptic, or command-line apt-get), the package download starts off fine, but after downloading a few files (usually only 4 or 5), the next partial (ongoing) downloads become corrupt, all the remaining downloads stay in the partial folder and finally apt-get gives a size mismatch error .I'm forced to watch the update progress the entire time and wait for the downloads to corrupt (at this point the progress bar stops at say, "Downloading file 4 of 70" but the details show subsequent files are being downloaded)the update process and clean the /var/cache/apt/archives/partial folder (NOT the archives folder, or all the packages will have to be downloaded again). Then I restart the update and it picks up after the last successfully downloaded .deb.

Effectively, every such iteration downloads 3-5 .deb files successfully, and corrupts the remaining. Needless to say, if I'm upgrading 50 packages, it gets really frustratingI faced this problem even on new installations on my system as well as a friend's. Lucid, Maverik, Natty all have the same problem. By new installations, I mean on the very first boot, I setup the network (I'm behind a proxy server in a university) and that's it. I tried Linux Mint and it had the same problem.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Sound Corrupts On Song Change?

Aug 7, 2011

After a fresh boot the first few songs I play with Banshee or Rhythmbox (only used for testing if Banshee was the issue) the songs start to be played badly distored. Like the sound is only being played in very short bursts with gaps between them.

If I restart Banshee the music will usually resuming playing fine for a couple of songs and then the issue repeats. If system load is high the number of songs before the issue appears decreases (as low as 0).

I've attached the output of the alsa-info.sh as I see 90+% of audio issue threads ask for that file in the first reply

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Ubuntu :: Rename The Fstab-BAK To Fstab?

Jan 19, 2010

I've apparently changed my fstab file and now my boot drive fails to mount. The original file is still there "fstab.BAK". How do I rename the current fstab to another name and rename the fstab.BAK to fstab? Since this is read only in the /etc directory I have not been able to make this happen from a command prompt.

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Ubuntu :: Keeps Freezing - Corrupts File System After Hard Shutdown

Jan 6, 2010

Ok, this just started happening with ubuntu 9.10.

When it first happened, I didnt know what to do so i accessed all my data, backed it up in a diff partition, reformated my drives and reinstalled a clean 9.10. But now, every now and then (i think its when i use frostwire and have other programs running) my ubuntu keeps freezing up, it becomes non-responsive to anything i do, so i have to do a hard shutdown, after which, when i reboot, it is not able to mount /home, so i run FSCK and it fixes it, but ive done this about 3 times now, its starting to get a bit annoying, i dont know if anyone else has this problem, or if its a known bug. Here are my specs:

Running: Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 64 bit
3 Sata HDD: 1 TB, 750 GB, 350 GB
4GB Ram
2 Nvidia 7900GS
with a Pentium core 2 duo @ 3.0GHz

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Amarok And Rhythmbox Corrupts Preferences After Every Quit

Feb 27, 2010

I switchted my windows friend over to kubuntu and I installed the kubuntu-restricted-extras as well as the ubuntu-restricted-extras and at first amarok was flawless. Now, every time I quit amarok and reopen it, my media library is still there but when I try and play anything it just stops and does nothing.

Then I go to my /.kde/share/apps/amarok directory and clear it and it works again if I open it and reimport the music, but this is a bitch to do every time. I briefly tried rhythmbox also and it seemed to be suffering from the same problem although I didn't try deleting the preferences and testing if it worked after, it also refused to work after quitting. Note: it might get corrupted on reboot only or on quitting

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Debian :: Tarball System Backup Always Corrupts Libc6-dev?

Aug 3, 2011

With tar, it is possible to back up your desktop system like so (probably best done from runlevel 1 or a live medium):

# cd / # or wherever your root directory is mounted
# tar --exclude=dev/* --exclude=proc/* --exclude=sys/* --exclude=tmp/* --exclude=backup.tar.gz -czvpf backup.tar.gz .


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Software :: Kubuntu Install Corrupts NTFS Partition

Feb 5, 2010

I convinced my sister into trying linux instead of windows. When she agreed, I messed things up for her in the install and now her files are gone. I was trying to install Kubuntu. I had backed up all of the data into one partition (hda7 ... which is the last partition) and restructured the other partitions. When applying changes, it crashed in the middle so I had to start again and redo things.

Finally when everything was installed, I tried mounting the NTFS hda7 partition but to no success. Upon checking in fdisk, it was listed as ext3 but even could not mount it with ext3. I checked in windows and the partition is marked as "unknown". what has changed is that instead of hda7 being logical, it is now marked as primary. I have checked testdisk and I am not able to recover any files from it. Any ideas?

1. Testdisk ... did not find any files from that partition
2. Partition magic ... got some messages that something wrong with the partition table, it fixed that, but get Error 17 and partition magic cannot start
3. chkdsk ... did not find anything

I read something about DD but I have never tried it and I am worried I might mess up things.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Suse But Installer Corrupts Screen Graphically And Is Unusable

Aug 16, 2011

i've tried both the gnome and kde installers and initially it boots fine to the first menu, but if i then select 'installation' or even try to boot to the live cd, the screen goes blank and then reappears as something that looks like the static on your television if you're trying to tune it in. if you let it continue to boot, then it goes blank again and comes back with a different corrupted screen, but this time you have a white block in the middle that is apparently the mouse point as i can then move it around.

i've tried it in VESA mode and even text mode and the same thing happens. the installation media checks out fine, and my graphics card is brand new - a Radeon 3650 HD. I might try an older version of suse and try and upgrade from there

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SUSE / Novell :: 1-Click Install ATI Driver For ATI X1950 Video Card Corrupts - 11.1

May 23, 2009

I have installed Open Suse 11.1 on two different machines. One contains an ATI X850 video card, and the other contains an ATI X1950 video card. I updated the ATI drivers on the 850 card and it works like a dream. I updated the ATI drivers on the 1950 card and Suse becomes unusable. System works fine before the update. Before the update I ran it at a resolution of 1280 x 1024. I thought I would lower it to 1024 x 768 to see if that would help, but it does not. I dual boot with WinXP, and card works fine with that setup at 1280 x 1024, so I would suspect this is a specific problem with my Suse setup as opposed to a Motherboard issue.

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Ubuntu :: Clipboard "broken" - Corrupts Whatever Copy ?

Dec 15, 2010

The clipboard corrupts whatever I copy to - when pasting to anywhere. It could be copying a URL in FIrefox to Gedit or from Gedit to Gedit. Always the same.

But this only happens when I am running Virtualbox - Win XP Pro SP3. I have been running the same VM for years - this is a new problem.

I googled a bit and most stated to upgrade to the latest (which I did) and run the Guest Additions (which I have).

I have allocated 1 GB of memory to the VM (out of 3GB). Memory on Ubuntu side is fine:


Copying and pasting within the VM works fine. And a lot of the memory is free:


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Fedora :: Files Corrupts - Upload A File (using Ftp Or Sftp) Some Weir Characters Are Included Inside The File

Mar 23, 2010

I just installed Fedora12 in a Core i3 machine... everything looks fine, but I have a huge problem... every time I upload a file (using ftp or sftp) some wier characters are included inside the file... for example.


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Ubuntu :: Second HD Added Share Rights

Nov 19, 2010

This probably something simple but it's got me foxed. I have a desktop and a laptop both running 10.04 great no issues, I have my music and movies on the desktop and stream wirelessly to my laptop.All worked great until I started to run out of space on the base units hard drive, no problem I added a second 500gig sata drive internally and moved the music and movie folders across.Now although I have marked them as shares I access them remotely, the second drive has to be mounted and appears almost like a external drive.

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Ubuntu Installation :: When Will Firefox 3.6 Be Added To Repositories

Mar 8, 2010

Firefox 3.6 is currently available for Windows, so I'm wondering why and/or when will it be added to the repositories?

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Ubuntu :: LV Extended 9.10 Not Recognizing Added Storage

Mar 26, 2010

I have learned a little about LVM through tinkering but on my new setup I am having trouble. I am running Ubuntu 9.10 Server with Gnome desktop 64 bit. I started with a 2TB HD and setup LVM with a LV for my data ("Storage) that mounts at /storage. That is full so I then added a second drive 500GB, formatted, added to VG and then extended the LV "Storage" with the 500GB partition. Now the LV reads as ~2.2TB which is right. Everything is successful up to this point. Except now when I go to the mounted LV at /storage Ubuntu shows it as full and only as ~1.7TB. The 500GB were never added!

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Ubuntu :: Added New User But Can't See The Shell Prompt?

Apr 8, 2010

I just added a new user to my ubuntu by:

useradd -gdevelopers -d/home/peter -m peter

when peter logs in (after I created a passwd for him) he doesn't see the shell as I do:


ALSO, he can't user the TAB to move inside a folder (when you type cs /home/p and use tab to get /home/peter)

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Ubuntu :: Take So Long For New Kernels To Be Added To Repositories?

Aug 3, 2010

The newest kernel in the repositories is currently 2.6.32-24, while on [URL]... you can already download a .deb of the 2.6.35 kernel. Why does it take so long for new kernels to be added to the repositories?

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Ubuntu :: Icon Added To Vista Thumbnails

Nov 12, 2010

Files copied from Ubuntu to Vista get a small icon on the bottom left of the Vista thumbnail, as attached image shows. I've not noticed this before.

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Ubuntu :: Getting A Screen Saying It Worked But No Content Has Been Added?

Dec 14, 2010

I'm currently learning how to program in PHP i have recently installed LAMP server and apache2 and MySQL, i have run a bunch of commands, so i can really remember them all..the ones i can remember is:

apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server
sudo tasksel install lamp-server
sudo apt-get install apache2
and when i entered url in my browser bar i got a screen saying it worked but no content has been added.

I tried put my test file (called index.php) into /var/www/ still not worked renamed it to index.html still not worked.tried url and with index.html wasn't working.

i woke up today to try find out what was wrong. BUT NOW I CAN'T ENTER url.I got a "server not found" screen like when you enter an incorrect adress

i tried to restart apache using:

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
but get's


* Restarting web server apache2 apache2: Syntax error on line 233 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax error on line 12 of /etc/apache2/conf.d/index.php: Expected </?php> but saw </div>

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Ubuntu :: Can A File Be Added To The Places Menu

Jan 20, 2011

wondering if it's possible to add a link to a file in the Places Menu? for example a link to a Writer file I use a lot. I see how to add folders, but is it possible to add files?

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Ubuntu Installation :: U64 And Win64 - Boot From Added SSD

Jan 23, 2011

I have been using Ubuntu since 8.04. I am about to receive a new PC made with the new Intel i7-2600 processor. I want to use it for video editing in Ubuntu but would like to keep the Win install also. The PC has a 1TB drive with Win7 installed. I want to add an 32GB SDD drive as my boot drive with Ubuntu 10.10-64. I want to add a 3rd drive - 1 TB for data store of large video files.

1. do U64 and W64 play well together?
2. Can U64 boot from the SSD drive?
3. Should I install Grub on the ssd?

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Ubuntu :: Icons Are Not Added To System Tray

May 3, 2011

After installing Kubuntu 11.04, the system tray has gone wild. It contains network manager, volume etc. icons, but applications cannot add theirs. For example Skype status icon positions itself in the top left screen corner; Pidgin icon floats in a small window on the desktop. What could be wrong?

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Ubuntu :: Software Center Not Updating With Added PPA

May 15, 2011

Today I tried adding several pieces of software using PPAs. I was able to add the PPA through "Software Sources" in the Software Center Edit menu. One I added a PPA, it wold show a running task for the update, but when I search for the software I want to get from the PPA in software center, it does not show up in the search results. However, I CAN add the software through the command line using apt-get.

For example, to add the QtQr application, I added ppa:qr-tools-developers/qr-tools-stable to Software Sources, and searched for 'qtqr.' There were no results. But I was able to 'sudo apt-get install qtqr' and it installed fine.Am I missing a step if I want to install stuff from new PPAs in Software Center?

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