Ubuntu :: Acidentically Removed Libdrm-nouveau1?

Sep 13, 2010

I started removing the package through synaptics, even though it told it would render Ubuntu unusable.I Have inserted a sd card with ubuntu on, and chrooted unto my harddrive.This is what i've tried so far:

root@ubuntu:/# apt-get install libdrm-nouveau1
Reading package lists... Done


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Software :: ./configure:line1349:syntax Error Near Unexpected Token 'libdrm'

Apr 6, 2011

When i compile xorg-1.7.2 on debian6 like this:

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Software :: When Removed CUPS Some Other Files Were Removed Too?

Jun 24, 2011

I've been having trouble with CUPS.I uninstalled it and I wanted to re-install it. When I removed CUPS some other files were removed too. I don't have an option of installing the software or updating a system, in the Control Center.

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SUSE / Novell :: Removed Accidently Removed Panel At Suse 11.1?

Jan 9, 2009

I accidently removed bottom panel of suse 11.1.Please be so kind to help me to get it back my bottom panel.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Cannot Be Removed From 9.10 To 10.04?

May 4, 2010

I installed unbuntuzilla in 9.10 and kept an update of firefox from Mozilla. After one update firefox 3.6.3 refused to start except in safe mode. Also attempts to remove firefox was unsuccessful, even when I upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04. see the printout below which I got when I ran sudo aptitude remove-firefox-mozilla-build.

I cannot update my system at the moment either as Synaptic cannot go beyond trying to remove firefox.

princekoj@princekoj-laptop:~$ sudo aptitude remove firefox-mozilla-build
[sudo] password for princekoj:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree


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Ubuntu :: Removed PPA - Now Can't Login / What To Do?

Jan 12, 2011

All I did was go into Software Sources, selected the PPA for the program I wanted to remove (I forget what it was called now - Synabolus or something...it was a desktop search program), then went into Ubuntu Software Centre and removed the applicable entries there.

Now when I boot up into Ubuntu it asks for my password (which it never use to do) and when I enter the password it just keeps looping to the password screen.

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Ubuntu :: Msttcorefonts Can't Be Removed?

Feb 26, 2011

I have recently upgraded from Ubuntu 8.04 to 10.04.

I have a problem with my synaptic manager. I can't seem to install anything because msttcorefonts doesn't seem to have been installed properly and I can't remove it. Everytime I update or install I get the error: Code: E: msttcorefonts: subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 1 remove the package. Not even re-install works.

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Ubuntu :: Removed /bin/sh - Now Can't Boot

Jun 16, 2011

I was trying to point /bin/sh at /bin/bash but got the symbolic link the wrong way and wiped bash, so tried to reinstall it but apt gave me problems. So I tried rebooting, but it fails to with errors like this:

init: Failed to spawn plymouth main process: unable to execute: no such file or directory

I'm pretty sure this is related to the lack of /bin/sh

So how can I tinker with the grub boot arguments and give it /bin/dash or something instead? I'm running 10.10 in a VM (Parallels) so don't have access to the filesystem from elsewhere (as far as I know)

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Ubuntu :: Evolution Removed From Me Menu

May 22, 2010

I tried some new EMail clients and I didn't like any, so I went back to Evolution. For whatever reason it did not return to the Me Menu (the little envelop icon), now it's just Empathy and Gwibber. Is there a way to return Evolution to that menu?

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Ubuntu :: Taskbar Removed From KDE Desktop

Sep 9, 2010

I've accidentally removed the taskbar from my KDE desktop. Minimized programs are only accessible through a widget called Window List. I would like to have my KDE desktop back to its default view.

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Ubuntu :: Removed X.org,stuck In Terminal?

Sep 10, 2010

i was trying to reconfigure xorg, i removed it now im stuck in the terminaltried different commands.but nothing is helping. is there anyway i could save some data?

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Ubuntu :: Aptitude Removed From Mavrick Now Using Apt-Get Instead?

Oct 13, 2010

So, aptitude has been remove from Maverick. I realise I can just install it if I wish to use it over apt-get, but is this this a sign that I should really be using apt-get now instead?

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Ubuntu :: Apt-get Removed Network-manager?

Nov 16, 2010

I was going to arping something the other day and found it wasn't installed. So I used sudo apt-get install arping. It went through fine, I was arpinging happily. I shut down for the night, and then this morning, I couldn't connect to the internet. I do some searching around and get eth0 added to me /etc/network/interfaces correctly, and I'm back online, but I can't see the network manager to connect to a wireless network; not a big deal since I have a dock here, but I might want to go on the move.

So, I start looking around forums and in the process of following some of those guides, I find NetworkManager is not installed! I get it installed and everything managed properly again. My system is working as intended. But now I'm curious what happened, so I start looking at some of the logs in /var/log. Then I find this in /var/log/apt


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Ubuntu :: Accidentally Removed Environment

Dec 27, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx. I recently started messing with the desktop environment, going from GNOME to Ubuntu Studio to Netbook Remix... and then I decided to remove the Netbook look and go back to Studio, by removing it through the Software Manager. But this seemed to remove any and all desktop environments present. So now I just have the xterm. This was not part of the plan. I can get the Software Manager up and running, but I cannot get packages. I could try to provide the exact error message I get when I try, though I'm not entirely sure how to bring it to you. Is there a way I can get a desktop environment back after such a screw-up?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Removed Apache2 But It's Still There?

Mar 8, 2011

I'm very baffled by this, I was setting up my mumble server since my old one had a hard disk failure. I was messing around with web registration but decided I didn't want it since this server is really only for a few friends.

So I removed all the mumble-django and apache2 packages required for web registration, but for some reason apache2 is still on my system and listening for connections.

terminal output below to further clarify.

Linux voiceserv 2.6.35-27-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 22 20:25:29 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux
Ubuntu 10.10
Welcome to Ubuntu!


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Ubuntu :: Removed The File That It Said To Create, But Still Can't Log In?

Mar 30, 2011

I followed this tutorial exactly:When I rebooted, I tried to log in but was redirected to the login screen every time.I removed the file that it said to create, but still can't log in.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Installed - All Partitions Of 2nd HD Removed

Jul 26, 2011

Today ubuntu (installed 11.04) really disappointed me. I was using Windows seven since many months without any problem and a friend of mine suggested me to try UBUNTU thing. In my desktop pc I have:
Pentium Core2Duo
2 SATA 320 GB (Samsung & WD)
Windows 7 Is installed on WD SATA

I installed UBUNTU 11.04 from USB installer (universal usb installer) and ISO image (Downloaded from UBUNTU website). Installer displayed an option to install UBUNTU along with existing Windows without making changes to existing data on drive. - I preferred choosing this option..
No other detail were given and installer began to install UBUNTU. After the installation was complete and Ubuntu boot up to with no error I found that all the partitions of my second hard drive (samsung SATA) were removed and it Disk Utility shows single Ext4 version 1.0 type Linux Basic Data partition of
Device: /dev/sda2
Capacity: 318GB
Available : -
Mount Point: Mounted at /

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Ubuntu :: WINE Not Completely Removed?

Jul 28, 2011

I tryied installing wine patched for league of legends from the source code (./configure, make, sudo make install). Wine didn't appeared in the application tab in gnome and then i installed wine from its repo. After uninstalling it i saw that whenever i try to open an exe file, wine still tries to run it, regardless the fact that wine is not present in the application folder. After a search i find that wine libs and files are still there, even after the unistatll. I think they are there because the installation from source files so how do i remove them besides deleting them manually?

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Ubuntu :: Why The Possibility Of Installation Was Removed From 10.4

May 8, 2010

I have never ever have a single installation issue with ubuntu (been using it for years and years, and before I used other distributions for years).Now I want to install Ubuntu 10.4 alongside Windows 7. I don't have any other demands or wishes, just for it to install. Unfortunately, there is no way to do that. The installer is always stopping at a "no root file system is defined". When I go to gparted in the liveCD version it shows my entire drive as free, unallocated space (although there are at least 3 partitions, one of them with working windows 7).The LiveCD sees the partitions all righ, I can access the windows partitions without any problem. Fdisk -l also shows my partitions properly. Gparted, however, for some reason doesn't recognize them.

I have only two options:

1) use whole drive (which would erase my windows 7 - no, no)

2) set up manually (which says all my 250gb drive is unallocated space). No other choices.

And generally the installer of ubuntu says "This computer has no operating systems on it."

Installing through wubi doesn't work as well. After restart it wants to install but reaches sth like 257% on "getting time from server" and says there's no root filesystem. So it's all basically about ubuntu not wanting to acknowledge the simple fact that there are already partitions and OS's on my drive...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Accidentally Removed Libs - Can't Log Onto 10.04

May 9, 2010

i was trying to remove the flash plugin 32bit wrapper (don't remember the exact name of the package),using the command apt-get -y remove --purge and i saw somehow uninstalled a bunch of other programs like the gnome-network manager,emphaty...Now i rebooted and can't log on anymore .Is there a way to repair this,like running an upgrade from the livecd to restore the missing parts without wiping out my conf & other programs ? I've tried this that i found some other forum ,but i didn't work


sudo mkdir /mnt/repair
sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/repair
sudo chroot /mnt/repair su


I'm running a dual-boot with windows 7

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Ubuntu :: Grub Removed After Xp Install / Get That Back?

May 18, 2010

I'm relatively new to ubuntu. I have an IBM X31 type 2672. It was running
windows 7 and ubuntu netbook edition 10.04. I installed windows xp after running these two OS' for a while to try and fix an issue I had with video playback. However, when I run the pc now it boots straight into xp. I have read the forums about reinstalling grub. However, the first command in the grub shell that locates the HDD doesn't work . Which means the other commands don't work

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Ubuntu :: Removed Shutdown From Top Panel And Cant Get Back?

Jun 18, 2010

I just installed Lucid, looks good so far. But In an attempt to move things around I removed the "Shutdown" button from the upper right tool bar and cant see how to bring it back anywhere. So please would someone tell me where its hidden!

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Ubuntu :: Resolution In X Settings Gets Removed On Boot?

Jun 22, 2010

Every time i boot up my computer (ubuntu 10.04) my screen resolution gets reset back to 800x600 when i want 1024x800. I save the configuration file, and when my computer starts i get this line in xorg.conf,

"# Removed Option "metamodes" "1024x768 +0+0; nvidia-auto-select +0+0""

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Ubuntu :: Removed Wine - Cannot Login To System

Jun 24, 2010

I was experimenting WINE in my Ubuntu machine. After a while I've decided to remove it. I uninstalled the application that I installed using WINE (Steam - Day of Defeat). And then I ran the following command:
sudo apt-get remove wine*
I checked (using tab) and only wine, wine1.2 and wine-gecko where there to remove. After doing this I shutdown my computer. When I turned it on again everything was fine until I had to pass trough the login page. I've inserted my credentials and then when I clicked in "Login" it appears a dark screen and then again the Login screen.

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Ubuntu :: External HD - Still Flashing After Safely Removed?

Jul 5, 2010

I've used both 9.10 and 10.04, but I noticed, when I in 9.10 mounted my external HD and then safely removed it (without removing the USB-cable) it used to flash for 3-4 seconds (indicator-light) and then go out.

Now, in 10.04, it just keeps flashing (indicator-light), even though I have removed it safely (not unplugged it though). Why would it do this? The indicator-light should only flash if there is activity going on on the HD?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Get Back After The Bugs Have Been Removed?

Aug 2, 2010

UBUNTU 9.10 is great. I am running this on Dell desktop. My experience with 10.4 is not so good. Not able to load and run Postgres ( psql) Gone back to 9.10. Maybe I can get back after the bugs have been removed.

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Ubuntu :: 'Customized Application Launcher' Removed?

Sep 16, 2010

The "Customized Application Launcher" function is no longer in my "Add to Panel" Window. Nor do I have the ability to "edit" existing launchers anymore.Is this a feature or a bug? I am sincerely hoping it's not a feature, it's a "look for a different window manager" kind of feature if it is. I don't have a launcher for Firefox and can't create one. (I probably can by hand editing some config files somewhere but I have no idea which ones). And I'm not inclined to do so. I had it up until my most recent updates, 30 minutes ago.

(update)It's running Lucid, AMD64. I have three other Lucid boxes and none of them acquired the same issue after updates so I now believe it to be something with this machine. After rummaging around for a few hours I have not found the fix. Can someone please tell me the program(s) that are responsible for this? That would at least point me in a better direction than I have now.And oh yes, I have logged out, rebooted and re-installed a few things with no change.

And..to make it more interesting. When logged in as root I HAVE this functionality, so it's something peculiar to this user profile.I gave up, made myself a new homedir, copied everything but .gnome and its subtree and a few other .subdirs and the functionality is back. I have no idea what fixed it, or broke it for that matter. But this is a valid workaround, worked for me..

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Ubuntu :: Removed User From Sudo Group

Sep 23, 2010

I made a mistake on my friend's Ubuntu system when trying to get hard drive permissions right. I wanted to add a user to a certain group with usermod -G, but without realising I should also use -a, with the result that the user is now not longer in the sudo group. This is the only (regular) user on the system, which means I can not sudo usermod again to get it right. So what to do? The only solution I can think of is using a live disc to restore the group belongings, but I want to know if there's a quicker way. Also, I don't know what more groups the user was in. Is there a history? Or else, what are the default groups?

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Ubuntu :: Removed Shut Down Panel From 10.4 - Cant Get It Back

Sep 30, 2010

My login name is John and I saw on top right my name where you can click and chose options for chatting. I wanted to remove it since i never use it so I did but then the shut down menu also removed. how do i get it back?

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Ubuntu :: Removed The Volume Control In Panel?

Oct 16, 2010

I accidentally removed the volume control in my panel (upper panel, stock 10.10 desktop) and I can't get it back. It's not listed in the "Add to Panel" choices.What wizardry must I conjure to make it re-appear in my panel?

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