Ubuntu :: 11.04 - White Box Flashing On Flash Player Screen

May 13, 2011

i've installed 11.04 on an intel classmate nl1 netbook (atom n270, gma950 graphics, 1gb ram) but have a problem with flash when i visit a specific website. i don't have any other general problems with flash. e.g. videos works perfectly. the problem is a white box flashing on the flashplayer screen. i installed adobe flash and have tried flashaid. if i select low quality in flashplayer then the problem is much less, but it doesn't go completely. i never had this problem before with windows xp when visiting this site on the same netbook.

i asked the website customer services and this was their reply! "no we have not tested the program on ubuntu personally i have never heard of it before. our it suggested downloading google chrome and using that as your internet browser as that is the recommended browser." changing the browser makes no difference. i tested firefox, seamonkey and chrome. could there be some driver issue with the graphics card?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Boot / Hangs On Black Screen With A Flashing White Dot In Top Left Corner Of Screen?

Jun 1, 2010

After succesfully installing Ubuntu 10.4 x32 and rebooting pc hangs on black screen with a flashing white dot in the top left corner of my screen, i've tried installing it twice with the same results.

my setup is: Asus p5q-e,
4 gig of corsair dual ram,
ati 4850 graphics,
onboard audio.
ahci mode
win 7 installed on intel ssd, and xp on a samsung 320 gb sata 2,
i had this configuration running fine for 2 months without boot loaders,
on pc start up i choose from which hdd to boot from.

i installed ubuntu on the samsung drive where it was recognised fine, wiped it all and installed automatically.

pls let me know if there is anything i missed, and advice if possible in what to do.


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Ubuntu :: Black Screen With White Flashing Stripes?

Jul 15, 2010

on a cold computer randomly appears black screen with white flashing stripes up to half of the screen preceded by a message "checking battery state... [OK]". - ubuntu 10.04 LTS

- desktop compaq evo d510 sff

- intel 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE chipset integrated graphic device keyboard is not active on that black screen, BIOS settings look OK

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Ubuntu :: Constant Crashing - Screen Will Go Black And Then It Will Start Flashing Like White Bars

Dec 20, 2010

My computer keeps having some kind of meltdown. i really cant explain it other than the screen will go black, and then it will start flashing like white bars, or different colored bars. this happens at such random times i cant exactly pinpoint what sets it off.

the only thing i may have a clue to is that in my update manager, there is one thing that is a distribution update that i cant check to have it installed or anything like that. its then "Gij" and its description is it is "the gnu java bytecode interpreter" i just dont know if i should just go back to an earlier form of ubuntu because these problems didnt start happening until i upgraded to the new ubuntu

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dvd - Goes To Black Screen With Flashing White Bar In Upper Left Hand Corner

May 12, 2010

i thought i would give ubuntu 10.04 a try. So i downloaded the iso twice from two differant sources and burned to 2 diff dvd with diff burners and get the same problem. When i boot off of the disk i get the menu but whether i choose install are run live cd it just sits there for a sec are 2 then goes to black screen with flashing white bar in upper left hand corner and thats all it does. even tried my 9.10 disc which i know works. but it does the exact same. I have purchased a new video card since i last ran ubuntu and its the nvidia gtx 260 core 216. would that be whats causing my problems?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Wit HFedora 12 - Screen Goes Black And A White Line In The Top Left Corner Flashing

Feb 16, 2010

I have re-installed Fedora 3 times, each time, after a little while of use, when I am botting it up, it loads up, and before the login screen appears, the screen just goes black, and I end up with just a black screen and a white line in the top left corner flashing, thus resulting in me not being able to log in. The exact same has happened a number of time

Could it be something I had installed? Also, whilst using it, on the third install, a few times a message appeared telling me there was a kernel error, could this be linked to the problem? I was running Fedora in GNOME, but I had KDE installed too.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Partitioning External Drive - Screen Was Just Blank Black With The Flashing White Line

Jan 11, 2011

this is my first time doing a custom partition, I tried to do it with only the assistance of reading as I go, but I don't believe I found enough information last night. What I am trying to do, is put openSUSE on 200gb out of 500gb space on my external hard drive, as well as on 50gb space out of 110gb on my internal hard drive. The remaining 60gb space on my internal drive is going to be for microsoft windows. The remaining 300gb space on my external drive will be storage space. It seems like what I want to do is achievable

What I want is to have my main openSUSE on the external drive (primary partition I think?), with the GRUB loader so that when the external drive is not plugged in, my little brother can use windows on my internal hard drive. I tried this last night, and when installation had finished, I rebooted my computer and the screen was just blank black with the flashing white line as if waiting for me to type, although it would not allow me to type when I tried. It would be great if someone could tell me the order in which to partition, including the terms primary partition, extended partition, and logical partition, as needed.. I don't want to permanently muck up this machine.

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Ubuntu :: Partition - Doesn't Boot - Shows A Black Screen With The White Underscore ("_") Flashing In The Corner

Jun 29, 2011

I had switched over from Windows to Ubuntu and got rid of windows completely but still had the recovery partition and deleted it. I then tried to add that space to another partition, "Media." For whatever reason it deleted the "Media" partition so I used TestDisk to restore it. I did something wrong and when I rebooted my computer it would not boot so I used my LiveCD to check whats wrong and it had deleted all of my partitions and Ubuntu was nowhere to be found.

So I used TestDisk again to recover them, this time it was successful. The problem now however is that when I start my computer it does not boot into Ubuntu it just shows a black screen with the white underscore ("_") flashing in the corner. I'm not sure but I don't think it is booting into the correct partition, I think it would be trying to boot the first partition, /dev/sda1, rather than /dev/sda3. If this is the problem how could I fix it?

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Ubuntu :: Computer Doesn't Boot Just Shows Black Screen With White Underscore ("_") Flashing In Corner

Jun 29, 2011

I had switched over from Windows to Ubuntu and got rid of windows completely but still had the recovery partition and deleted it. I then tried to add that space to another partition, "Media." For whatever reason it deleted the "Media" partition so I used TestDisk to restore it. I did something wrong and when I rebooted my computer it would not boot so I used my LiveCD to check whats wrong and it had deleted all of my partitions and Ubuntu was nowhere to be found. So I used TestDisk again to recover them, this time it was successful. when I start my computer it does not boot into Ubuntu it just shows a black screen with the white underscore ("_") flashing in the corner. I'm not sure but I don't think it is booting into the correct partition, I think it would be trying to boot the first partition, /dev/sda1, rather than /dev/sda3. If this is the problem how could I fix it? I got all the boot loader information, here it is:


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Screen Blinks White After Selecting Fullscreen In A Flash Video?

Aug 31, 2010

As the title implies I can't use the fullscreen feature in a flash video because all the screen turns white &, wherever the pointer was, get noticed as a faint shadow. I can increase the screen only if using the keyboard shortcut <Ctl++> keys combination.Have Shockwave Flash 10.1.r82 add-on. Firefox version is 3.6.8. Ubuntu = 10.0.4 LTS.

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Ubuntu :: Freezing With Flash - Screen Randomly Whited Out Fading In Splotches To Black And Then Back To White

Dec 18, 2010

I am having a problem. I am running Ubuntu 10.04 on a Sony Vaio FW series. It has Nvidia graphics that I don't think the OS is taking advantage of, whatever. It also came with 64-bit Windows, it's a 32-bit OS, and again, as far as I have been concerned, whatever. It's been functioning fine for the half a year since I installed it.

Until recently. My computer has been freezing. What happened first is that the screen randomly whited out, fading in splotches to black and then back to white. This freaked me out, but restarting seemed to smooth things out. Then windows in the OS wouldn't resize, then Flash videos would freeze the OS up, repeating the 2 seconds of sound it last played. Over and over again. In a loop. On a white screen. Sometimes with vertical stripes.

This all happens inconsistently, and whenever I restart it's fine again. I just want to know if there's a deeper issue so that I can resolve it. Otherwise I have been completely satisfied, as a previous Windows and OSX user who is computer-competent within a GUI.

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Ubuntu :: Install Adobe Flash Player 10 - When Go To Firefox And Epiphany Still Has Flash Player 9

Jun 1, 2009

I just installed Adobe Flash Player 10 and it says it's installed, when I go to firefox and Epiphany it still has flash player 9, Ive quited the browsers and everything Ive uninstalled/reinstalled still no luck.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Based Flash Player - Full Screen Video Flashes

May 4, 2010

I am having some weird problem with the firefox based flash player when playing videos in full screen. The video flashes white in areas while the video is playing. I don't know if this is Ubuntu, Firefox or flash. I am running Lucid on a Macbook Pro

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General :: Flash Player With 2 Monitors: Always Full-screen On Primary Monitor

Feb 21, 2010

My setup at home uses a laptop, with a larger external monitor in addition to the built-in LCD panel, which is primary. I can see the larger monitor from the rest of the room and use it as my TV, for playing DVDs and various types of web video. However, it isn't ideal for Flash video. For instance, if I watch a video from Hulu or any other Flash-based site, I can expand it to full-screen mode.

However, no matter which monitor the browser window is on, the full-screen mode is always on the laptop LCD panel, which is both too small and not visible from most of the room. Does anyone know of a way to force the Flash video to play full-screen on the monitor I select instead of the primary? My video chipset is NVidia, using kernel 2.6.31 (Ubuntu).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Flash Player With Firefox Which Works Fine In Non-full Screen Mode And NVIDIA

Jan 10, 2010

I have downloaded the recommended NVIDIA driver for my Quadro FX 1400 graphics card which has 256 MB RAM. I have my laptop in a docking station and from the docking station is a DVI to HDMI converter then HDMI cable to my TV (the idea is to use it as an internet TV slave! ). When I come to configuring the NVIDIA X Server, it correctly detects both my laptop screen and my TV via the HDMI connection. However, when I come to save the settings for the X server and go to restart it, it cannot save the configuration file. This is most annoying as it does not allow me to use the dualview I need.

The second problem comes when I use something like the BBC iplayer or anything that uses the flash player. I have the latest flash player with Firefox which works fine in non-full screen mode. However, when switching to full screen, the CPU load jumps to 100% and the playback is really jerky. Had this running the beloved windows XP before and could handle full screen no problems. I have seen a few posts here which show workarounds to zoom in on the small screen on Firefox but would prefer to run it in the full screen mode.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Login - Gnome - Background And The Login Box In The Middle Of The Page Just Turns Whole White And Keeps Flashing

Jun 23, 2011

when I get into the login page, I can only see the background and the login box in the middle of the page just turns whole white and keeps flashing. no response for any clicks. I was force to ctrl+alt+F1 to switch to init 1 to do my work. But I still want to use my graphical desktop either KDE or Gnome is ok. I am using gnome.

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Ubuntu :: Downloaded Adobe Flash Player Multiple Times But Flash Movies Still Not Working?

Dec 20, 2010

i downloaded adobe flash player multiple times but flash movies still not working what do

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General :: Use Shockwave Player Or Flash Player On TOR Browser?

Feb 28, 2011

Is there a way to use shockwave player or flash player on TOR browser?

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Slackware :: Update To New Adobe Flash For X86_64 - Flash Player - Square - Preview Release

Sep 18, 2010

You may know that there was a security release for Adobe Flash Plugin for Linux x86 but not for x86_64. There has been a development:

See : http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html

It works fine here. I have a Multilib Slack 13.1 stable.

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Ubuntu :: Screen Keeps On Flashing?

Jun 23, 2011

was trying to get rid of the ubuntu menu and try to change how the desktop looks. It's hard to explain but it was first the desktop you get when you first start up ubuntu on NetbookThen I somehow turned in into a desktop esque menu. With all the icons and stuff. Today my battery accidentally fell out as I moved it around and when I restarted my computer all went fine until the screen started flashing. On the upper right hand corner, was a transparent square with 2 arrows when it flashes. It still showed that I connected to my wireless and etc.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Flash Showing Up Just White Or With Artifacts?

Oct 5, 2010

I have had quite a bit of trouble now getting flash to work on only one of my machines, the others work just fine. I have installed the flashplugin-installer, ran the .deb from abobe.com, gotten the whatever.so and put it into my firefox folder, tried disabling compiz and now I'm getting frustrated.

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Ubuntu :: Screen Flashing On Start Up / Fix It?

Aug 29, 2010

I tried to enable Compiz on my netbook, so I installed ccsm. Then when I enabled visual effects and restarted, my netbooks monitor starts flashing when I boot up. So I restarted in low graphics mode, uninstalled ccsm, and it's still flashing. Is there anything else I need to remove to get my netbooks monitor back to normal?b

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Ubuntu :: Flashing Screen At Login?

Oct 30, 2010

Recently, whenever I restart my computer, I am automatically logged in and a rapid sequence of flashes repeats itself over and over. First a white screeen appears. Then my desktop background appears, dimmed and overlaid with the netbook-launcher's up and down arrows in the upper lefthand corner. Then my desktop background appears in full color, with my panel above it but no launcher. Rinse wash repeat. I assume it has something to do with Compiz. When escape to a tty and type "compiz --display :0--replace &" the loop ends and everything works. Any ideas how to avoid having to do this every time I restart

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Ubuntu Installation :: Flashing Screen On 11.04?

Apr 28, 2011

I've just downloaded and installed Ubuntu 11.04 (amd64) and every time I boot i get a flashing screen. I didn't have any problems at all with the LiveCD. The graphics card and my wireless adapter worked out of the box. But after the install it won't work. I can choose the OS in GRUB and then there's a purple screen. After that the screen starts flashing and I can hear the login sound.

I have tried using "nomodeset" but that didn't work either. There is no flashing, just a purple screen all the time. But it was possible to enter tty. I also tried booting the Recovery Mode but it just loads and then a pink flashing screen appears.

The graphics card is a XFX Radeon HD6870 1GB.

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Ubuntu :: Screen Flashing Black At Random?

Jun 26, 2010

Once I installed it I've been having a problem where the screen flashes black for a split second. i looked up the problem and found this:I navigated to the directory it said, but I don't have an "options" file. What should I do? Are there any other fixes for this? It's quite an irritating problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 - Screen Flashing On Every Boot Up

Jun 27, 2010

I just recently installed Ubuntu 10.04. Every time I boot it up the screen flashes, like going off, then on again. It won't stop doing that. I can see the screen for 1 sec then it goes black, and keeps repeating this.

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Ubuntu :: Constant Screen Flashing On Boot Up?

Jul 5, 2010

I recently wiped and partitioned my hard drive on my Sony Vaio Z series laptop. I set up the NTFS partition for windows, the Ext-4 partition for Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook Remix, and a large NTFS partition for my all my media. I installed the netbook remix off of a flash drive, and I couldn't have asked for a smoother install. Everything went fine, and I proceeding to install google chrome and all the other little goodies. After that, I configured all my settings and ran the update manager to get everything just fine. After a reboot, I became frustrated and prevented maximus from running on start up because I did not want every windows I opened to be maximized. After a reboot, the screen would flash very brightly more than once per second. I could see the top bar with the processes and such as well as the correct background, but I cannot do anything because the screen will not stop flashing. I figured out I could stop it from flashing by pressing ctrl+alt+F7, but the screen just freezes where it is at and is still unusable. Desperate to start enjoying my Ubuntu Netbook Remix, I wiped the Ubuntu partition and reinstalled and did everything EXACTLY the same except instead of preventing maximus from opening, I used gconf-editor to change the setting to not maximize everything by default. Reboot, exact same problem.

I've searched everywhere for a solution, but I only find people with vague similarities or explanations. Could it possibly be a graphics problem? My laptop has 2 graphics cards in it - an Intel integrated one and an nVidia one. The nVidia one has a hardware issue so I just use the Intel one for now. It is also worth noting that I have installed Ubuntu 10.04 (desktop) on my machine before and I never had any such problem.

Also, I tried booting up in the "safe mode" equivalent, but I eventually encounter a black screen and I am forced to hold down the power button to shut it down.

(also, if it's worth anything, I know how to use windows well if there's any way I can change something in Ubuntu from my windows installation)

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Ubuntu :: Purple Screen / Flashing Dot Boot

Apr 3, 2011

when I install them all goes well but when I get into the GUIs I can hardly press anything - major bug with mouse and it is really annoying. Secondly there is a big gap between the GUI and my screen's edge. Hmm, I think - it must be a problem with the GPU driver and that might be the thing also messing with the mouse clicks. I download the drivers provided by the Ubuntu community - all goes well and I restart - stuck at purple screen after the "moving dots" on boot. So I reinstall the whole OS and try with the drivers provided by NVIDIA - same thing. I try the same procedure with Kubuntu and no progress.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Flash Video Sometimes Doesn't Play - White Square

Feb 20, 2010

I was wondering if you could help me out with this Flash problem: sometimes, Flash elements don't play in my browser window - there's just a big white area where my Flash should be. I have to close and re-open Firefox. This especially happens when I activate the "Flashblock" plugin, a very useful tool that blocks all Flash unless you click on it and choose to play it. Whenever I have that enabled, most of the time, clicking on the "play" button produces the white area where the Flash object should be. It's Karmic 64 and Firefox 3.5, Shockwave Flash 10.0.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Black Screen, Flashing Cursor?

Jan 21, 2010

I have just wiped my whole hard drive to install a fresh copy of Ubuntu on it, and now as soon as i power it up it passes the POST screen and black screen shows up with a flashing cursor. I bliv it should say no operating system and pick the USB which has Ubuntu installation on it.I have formated the hard drive to NTFS, the system is Samsung NC10.

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