Software :: When Try To Change/add A New Skin, The Interface, Skln Resource File Box Will Not Do Anything?
Jun 13, 2011
I'm using VLC v. 1.1.9 and when I try to change/add a new skin, the Interface, Skln Resource File box will not do anything. When I click Choose, nothing happens.I see this when I run vlc from the command line:
VLC media player 1.1.9 The Luggage (revision exported)
Blocked: call to unsetenv("DBUS_ACTIVATION_ADDRESS")
I'm new here as I'm new to openSUSE. Having used Mandriva 2006 for years, I've gotten used to KDE3, and I'm still using it. I've got a few problems right now, but one of the most annoying is this: I changed my Yakuake skin (I can't remember the name of the skin), and Yakuake became really slow. It can take even ten seconds for it to scroll down, which to me is a bit too much. The thing is, I can't change the skin back. Here's what I tried to do:
1. Look for the right file and set the skin from there. (Didn't work) 2. Delete the skin file. (Nope.) 3. Reinstall yakuake. (Nope, same skin.)
Now okay kde4-yakuake is an option. However I feel like this is something I should be able to solve. My attempts this far have been a bit foolish, but usually something works.
I'm currently running Ubuntu Maverick - 2.6.32-30-generic. I recently bought a Garmin eTrex Vista H, which connects via usb (from my reading, it looks like older versions connected over serial). Well, like so many before me, I can't seem to write to or read from the device via gpsbabel.Originally tried to read anything from the device (I have one waypoint in there) via:
gpsbabel -i garmin -f usb:
It returned "Found no Garmin USB devices." I then tried turning on the eTrex. Doing the same while locating satellites just does nothing - I have to escape from the command in terminal. Trying again produces the error:
Claim interfaced failed: could not claim interface 0: Device or resource busy
After doing some research, I unblacklisted and then reblacklisted garmin_gps. I also went into
as directed in this . Everything seemed to be correct.I then followed some other advice found here and created the policy under /etc/hal/... Still no luck!
I want to change the resource limits for a specific processOr to create a new process and give it limits as I want, There is a function setrlimit, Which is possible to change it but for a programmatic I want to apply it to another Process, The problem is that this function does not receive process ID for example. I read in most books on the subject of The Linux system programming
Recently I use a program "pktlogdump" in IXP platform. But the system print an error message as follow:"error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory".So where can I get this file? Or how can I get the resource file?
I'm using VLC in ubuntu 10.10. May problem began when I DL and changed the skin of my VLC media player. After installing the new skin, the gui doesn't work. I can't open the preferences and change the skin settings from there.
I've tried removing and re-installing VLC but, when I install it, it remembers the old skin on which I got that problem. I've tried deleting the vlc files in "/var/cache/apt/archives" and "/var/lib/dpkg/info" but, it still remembers the previous setting on which I got the this problem.
I've been having a few problems with OpenOffice.Org and the language settings.
I'm using the latest Fedora 11 and OpenOffice.Org 3.1.
When trying to change the interface language from en-us to en-gb there isn't an option for en-gb at all in the drop-down, despite me reading that other people have been able to switch the interface to en-gb. This doesn't matter that much, since it's only a few words but I think it might be affecting another issue of mine.
Despite having en-gb set for my dictionary settings, I still get the Americanised words. Stuff like: internationalised vs. internationalized, colour vs. color. I've even installed the Oxford English Dictionary extension but that doesn't show up in the dictionaries.
Edit: I've tried searching the repos. for en-gb langpacks but I can only see the general 'en' English one. Yet I can see there's an en-gb lang pack on the OpenOffice.Org website [URL] but I thought you're meant to use the repos. where possible.
Edit 2: I feel a bit stupid now, it's under uk not en-gb. ''. Still doesn't solve my dictionary issue Americanised spellings should come up as red underlined.
Hats off to opensuse's 11.4 desktop appearance. It can even stand upto a MacOS . However a thing that spoils my whole mood is the screen that appears till the desktop is loaded. The foggy dark green colour isn't that appealing.
changing the background of that part. the gecko logo and the progress bar are fine, i just want to change that dead background. The opensuse 11.3 appearance was far much better.
I've managed to change the boot loader skin, the logon and splash screen
Nice surprise to see Grub appearing with its winter skin today. So Grub can be configured for some events, like birthdate, Christmas, New Year,... ? I've checked in /boot/grub and saw nothing like a .xml file to edit (like one used for background on Gnome desktop).
I'm using CFEngine 2.2.8 to configure a network of Debian servers, the servers have two interfaces eth0 and eth1, how can I configure cfagent to take as the default interface eth1? eth0 is the internal interface and eht1 is the one with the public IP, I need to define classes based on lists of public IPs and it would be really helpfull if I could use functions as IPRange that only consider IP in eth0 interface.
Any program that has a web interface and has a features such as adding, deleting users as well as changing password. If none, does anyone knows a program that can interact with a script. A java page or apache+php perhaps? I can create script for those features but my problem is how can I integrate it to a GUI.
Is it possible to theme or skin the Docky dock from a Gnome-do installl? I know you can theme/skin it if you install only Docky, but also if you have Docky as your Gnome-do theme?
I recently downloaded vlc to my Linux OS distro Ubuntu 10.10. player, but am unable to skin it. I have dl'd several packages and they will not extract, even from root. Every time I attempt to extract the .vlt files from zip, I briefly see the extraction progress bar followed by this error: "An error occurred while extracting files."
I often need to change a small part of long environment variable (especially, e.g., paths), and do it either by pasting the thing into an editor and changing it there, or the equivalent.
Is there some small convenience utility to edit environment variables with a cursor on the command line?
I suppose I could always whip one up, but am hoping there's already something that I'm just not aware of.
Running Ubuntu 9.10 ,installed vlc via synaptic work fine. Using the preference setting i download and install a new skin. When i launch vlc 2 version open ,one with the new and one with the default skin.Vlc is lock up. tried uninstalling and reinstalling still
Ever since the problem with Flash started up a few days ago, (Videos Lagging/jumpy/jerky horridly.) I decided to finally switch from 9.10 to 10.04...all was going well until a few minutes ago while I was browsing themes and running Konversation, the skin flickered black/green a few times then white vertical lines started appearing down from the top of the screen to about the middle, (Almost looked like the teeth on a haircomb). I had to then shutdown and restart. What id like to know is are the two connected (My earlier flash problem and this) or how I can fix it, so far it hasn't happened again but I'm starting to worry, I've never had problems with Ubuntu until a few weeks ago.
Every so often I need to manually IP if I'm hooking up an AP device or router and such. In windows it takes all of 10 seconds to do. In Ubuntu I know how to manually edit the /etc/networking/interfaces file but the last couple of days I figured it might be simpler to use the Networking Configuration GUI tool in System Preferences area. I edit the Auto eth0 device but it never seems to work for some reason.Can you use this tool to GUI change your IP's or do you have to stick with manual edits?
I'm new to Ubuntu Linux but have many years on windows platform. Please can someone help me with how to change the following items.
No.1 I would like to change the HORRIBLE!! YAK!! brown background color behind the word Ubuntu in the start up screen when the machine loads up (before the login). I have located the image file for this which I have found to be: /usr/share/images/xsplash/bg_2560x1600. jpg but the OS says that root is the owner and that I don't have permission to change this. So how can I change this for a color I do like.
No.2 I would also like to change the login dialogue screen style. I know this is possible but again I'm fumbling to see how I can do this. I have tried with the start up manager but every attempt fails, the settings don't take. Once again I suspect permissions are at the bottom of the problem?
No.3 Would like to have a colorful splash screen image on boot up, I've managed to remove the old one (small white 3 ring ubuntu logo on black background) but havent been able to install or replace with a new one. Its been incredibly frustrating, I'm feel sure I'm missing something simple here. Wondering if its permissions yet again?
Anyone who can offer help on any of the above, guidance or advise me would be much appreciated. Please bear in mind that I'm still very much feeling my way with Linux so keep it simple.
i just installed the ubuntu-netbook package to test out unity on my system.. on seems to work fine but how do i copy my files and folders to a usb drive ? wen i open files and folders using jus opens in a black window.. i cannot right click on any item..i can just open it.. how how do i do my normal file operations using it ?
setting up a basic apache webpage that would allow users to view files and folders on a server and transfer it from one directory to another? I know it doesn't sound very secure but this is an internal server so security is not a big issue as it is pretty secured in its network already. We have users that need to move files from one directory to another and we'd like to give them some intuitive interface to do this rather than having them log in to the linux system and run mv/cp commands. They are not very linux saavy.
This past Friday as I was performing regular maintenance on my RHEL / CentOS servers, I ran yum upgrades on them and when they rebooted, I realized there were network issues and I could not longer access them via Ping or SSH. When I jumped on the console, I realized that it created a new 'ifcfg-eth0' file with none of my static information & the old 'ifcfg-eth0' file with all my static info had been renamed to 'ifcfg-eth0.bak'. It appears that the MAC address on the new file and the old .bak file are different and I have no idea why. I have no changed or altered anything on the server.
I have a set of PDFs I'd like to index and made searchable. Most importantly, I'd like a web interface so I can search and access remotely. This morning I researched into several different options, but all seemed to fail.
Google Desktop Search - No good because web interface is only to the local host Beagle - No good because it is no longer support and there are executation errors when running in Maverick Recoll - No web interface Strigi - No web interface(?)
I recall using one about 2 years ago that was deployed on Apache Tomcat, but I can't remember the name.
using tomcat6 server os is fedora9 i need to run test.jsp file every 20 minits i assigned the cron job */20 * * * * wget http://<my host>/containfolder/recurring.jsp but, its take long time so i need to run test.jsp file in linux command prompt, Is it possible to run JSP in linux command prompt?. If there is yes mean, plz tell how we can do that.