Software :: Using Smart Card To Login KDE / Gnome Session?
Mar 19, 2010
I've a smart card reader and a certificate (DNe). I'd like to use the certificate in the sc to login session (Opensuse 11.2 and Kubuntu 8.04).I've seen some modules (pam_pkcs11, pam_p11) but not able to configure them. Please, can any tell me what do I have to do for using my smart card to login KDE/Gnome Session?
Something has gone awry with my login. After the usual username/password prompt my laptop comes up with smart card authentication & I can't login. How do I get away from the graphical login so I can login & correct the problem?
I have just installed a version of 32 bits Lucid LTS on a server box. I would like to setup a VNC service so that I will be able to login to the server with VNC viewer and spawn a gnome-session. I ran the following command: Code: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop apt-get install Xvnc xinetd
I was in front of the server and make sure that I can start a gdm locally. Then, I added Xvnc service to xinetd following the guide here: {URL] I was only using a session, and /etc/xinetd.d/Xvnc is as follow: Code: service Xvnc { type = UNLISTED disable = no socket_type = stream protocol = tcp wait = yes user = root server = /usr/bin/Xvnc .....
After all, I restart gdm by "/etc/init.d/gdm restart". When I try to start a VNC connection from another machine, I can see Xvnc running successfully. But XDMCP does not run properly and I cannot see a traditional ubuntu login screen. I am sure that port 177 UDP is opening by looking at the output of "netstat -anp".
Our smart card readers stopped working with Firefox and Thunderbird after upgrading from Fedora 9 to 12. When I first opened it, Thunderbird warned that the "CAC Reader (DoD Configuration Extension)" is incompatible with the current version (3.0b4) and disabled the extention. Firefox (3.5.5) just doesn't work. The module listed in Mozilla Firefox/Thunderbird [Security Devices] was "/usr/lib64/pkcs11/" which is still there. To get it working in Fedora 9 I was able to run an installer from [URL]. That was before my VeriSign software certificate expired.
Now I can't even connect to because they require a PKI cert to connect. I'm wondering how they expect someone to get a driver for their CAC reader if they need a working CAC reader to get the driver - seems like a "Catch 22" situation. I also still have the rpm's that I downloaded before from I tried installing those but that didn't help. mozilla-dod-configuration-1.0.2-0.noarch.rpm firefox-mozilla-dod-configuration-1.0.2-0.noarch.rpm thunderbird-mozilla-dod-configuration-1.0.2-0.noarch.rpm
Does anyone know if there is a later version of these RPM's or if there's another way to get our CAC readers working again with Firefox and Thunderbird?
There is no module named "". It looks like there was a name change that broke the dependencies. I tried creating links within "/lib/modules/" named pointing to but it still isn't working. I've unloaded the module within Firefox (and Thunderbird) preferences within the [Security Devices] manager. Then tried adding it back using the [Load] button and specifying the coolkey library again but it's still not working.
I have recently installed RHEL6 BETA on my desktop. the login page is somewhat different from RHEL5.4. I can see 3 option
1) Log into session with smart card authentication 2) Log into session with fingreprint 3) Log into session with username & password.
By default only first option is active. If I press cancel, then only I can get the options for user & other.Then if I am selecting my user account and giving the password, nothing is coming. The screen is just flicking & coming back to original. No authentication failure can be seen.
Smart phone (MyTouch 3G) SD card is NOT being detected in Fedora 14 installed on Asus G73 JW-A1 laptop. Notes: SD Card, using the same cable, is detected just fine on Windows laptop and was detected on a desktop computer (that I no longer have access to) that was running Fedora 12.
I'm running Gnome 2.30.2 on a Gentoo amd64 system. A few weeks ago, one of my hard disks started to go bad, and suddenly some kind of GUI version of the S.M.A.R.T. disk analyser popped up (not malware, honest). It was really cool because it showed me S.M.A.R.T. analysis results of each of the disks in my RAID1 array, and it showed me that there were some bad sectors on one disk.
Anyway, since I fixed my array, I haven't been able to figure out how to get that GUI window back so I can play around with it. There doesn't seem to be anything related in my Administration or Preferences menu, and there doesn't seem to be a "gnome-smart" or "gnome-disk-monitor" program accessible from the command line. I can install "smartctl" myself and use that, but how do I open up the GUI interface?
Anyone running fedora 11 have any luck getting a smart card reader added as a security device under firefox? Specifically from firefox: Edit-Preferences-Advanced-Encryption tab-Security_Devices-Load; Enter arbitrary name and "/usr/lib64/" as the module.
This worked fine in fedora10 and was the necessary step to getting a card reader to work with firefox. In fedora11 (with firefox beta) the browser just comes back with nothing, it doesn't even respond. Note I am familiar with the concept of pki and certificates as well as certutil, pkcs11_inspect, pklogin_finder, etc. Also note utlities like pkcs11_inspect and pklogin_finder and esc all work and communicate with the reader and read the contents of the card but smart card login configured via the authentication applet (as working in fedora 10) is not working either.
When i logged into a gnome desktop i got this message: "The GNOME session manager was unable to read file:'/home/(desktop name)/ICEauthority'. If this file exists it must be readable by you for GNOME to work properly. try logging in with failsafe session and removing the file." What commands do i use for that? or do i need to do something else?
I'm currently building a ubuntu distro and would like to run a script on GNOME startup. I've read about doing it through the session manager but I have to do it through chroot so I'll need to set it up as a terminal command. Is there a way to add an item to the Session Manager from terminal or, even better, a directory where I can put the script so it will run on start?
I have installed Ubuntu Netbook Remix 10.04 on my Sony Vaio netbook. I want to be able to log into a Gnome session as an alternative to UNR. The main reason for wanting to do this is to be able to add some applets to the panel which I use a lot. This is not possible in UNR, which is really irritating! However, I really like UNR otherwise, so don't want to just install standard version.
Synaptic shows that Gnome is not installed, but when I try to install it, I get this error message: gnome: Depends: swfdec-mozilla but it is not going to be installed
I tried uninstalling Epiphany, which I sometime use instead of Firefox, but still got the error. I installed Ubuntu-Desktop, but when I select "Gnome" from the session menue at the bottom of the login page, it just logs into UNR session.
How do I install Gnome desktop so that I can log into a Gnome session?
I'm running xubuntu 10.10 on an old toshiba P3 laptop and I'm very new to linux but am learning day by day. How can I either extend the login session or stop it auto logging me out as I want to leave a program running continuously. I've searched all over the web but can't find anything.
I have successfully hosted eGroupware on my server and I am happy to having EGW its really very handy to use for my organisation.
But I have a problem when ever I want login into EGW, on top of the login window I am still getting 'Your session could not be verified' the error. I am really not understand why this is coming even my EGW is working perfectly as per my understanding. But I am sure may be I have done a mistake either time of installation or configuration.
Gnome sessions started hanging during login on a debian lenny box, and I can only think it's related to a recent package update as it was working fine before the last set. It affects all user accounts and hangs before the applications menu or any icons appear on the panels, but after after the top /bottom panels and the desktop background appears.
I'm having issues logging into my system... After authenticating via GDM, the screen goes black with only the mouse showing and remains this way indefinitely. At first the hard disk is active to a similar degree as it was when logins were successful, but then the system (apart from being able to move the mouse) is unresponsive.
If left for long enough so that the screen goes into power-saving mode, moving the mouse brings up the unlock dialogue that you normally get if you set your computer to lock itself after a period of idleness.
I suspect some sort of file corruption, as I have not changed any settings recently. I have forced checks on all of my disks in the hope it would solve this problem. I have also tested logging in on a freshly created user account I created which gives the same result. Also, starting an xterm session from GDM works fine.
I'v debian with xfce, how can I automatically insert my user at login screen?? ...and what's the name of the program that start the login screen and maybe change it??
I have installed both GNOME and Cinammon Desktop Environments in Debian, using the latter as default. I would like to switch to GNOME DE, but there's no session menu (as in Ubuntu/Mint...) available at login.
Just recently I noticed that I suddenly couldn't open any folders, just getting a message in my bar saying it was opening the folder, then it'd immediately close. I also could not right click on my desktop. I removed and then reinstalled Nautilus, then reboot, but now my problem has worsened.
I can no longer select a session type at the login screen, and after logging in I just get a small terminal window in the top left of my screen while the rest is the background for the gnome login screen.
I'm creating a new thread based on this post by batagy:
So I have running x11vnc as service without any problem (running on Solaris 10 and SLES10 too). I'm using the x11vnc's inbuilt "user chooser" screen (that little black screen), these command line options:
x11vnc -inetd -unixpw -users unixpw= -display WAIT:cmd=FINDCREATEDISPLAY-Xvnc.xdmcp -env X11VNC_CREATE_GEOM=1248x900 (plus a couple of other options that are not interesting here)
My question is related to the wanted VNC screen size. By default, I set the defauls screen size to 1248x900, as can be seen above.
Currently , when a user want to personalize his/her screen size to be started, he can do it this way: when the small black authentication window is appearing first, after his username, he's entering a colon, then specify the wanted resolution in this format: geom=1600x1200.
My question: is it possible somehow to set automatically the preferred screen size, without entering this ":geom=1600x1200" string in the authentication window? I mean to set it per user, without modifying the service options. I mean, for example setting the X11VNC_CREATE_GEOM or FD_GEOM variables in the user's home ".profile" for example?
After following a tutorial to install a pxe server for debian network install I can't log in my user session on gnome anymore
I got an error saying : /$home/.dmrc was ignored, can't save session and language the file must belong to the user and has persmission 644
I remember on my last session i got some icons on my home folder with a little lock icon on them i tried to remove them successfully using the command line but i still can't login. however i can successfully login with another user.
How can I add a text session besides kde and gnome at startup? I know that modifying /etc/inittab to level 3 will do this job, but I want the text desktop to be a session option at starrtup. Is it possible?
I have followed the instructions at TightVNC (VNC Xvnc) on openSUSE as Client or Server (Remote Desktop Connections). I have also successfully configured vnc servers to use both Gnome and KDE on many machines; this is the first time I've had trouble.
I've got two ubuntu machines and i want to connect via ssh into a existing gnome session. (or a new one if that is possible) VNC works fine(well slow and unresponsive) but when trying ssh i get problems. After som trial and error(some permissions on host, i did sudo startx and screwed up) i logged in and could start xterm. Anyway now i want to use gnome, so i wrote "gnome-session" - something i read would work but i got ALOT of errors.
Code: gnome-session[6094]: WARNING: Unable to find provider 'nautilus' of required component 'filemanager' ** (gnome-settings-daemon:6104): WARNING **: You can only run one xsettings manager at a time; exiting ** (gnome-settings-daemon:6104): WARNING **: Unable to start xsettings manager: Could not initialize xsettings manager.
I have both a mac and ubuntu box sitting on my desk. I work on the mac and access the ubuntu box over ssh.Often I need the point-and-click interface of the ubuntu box, at which point I run gnome-session. The problem is that the top and bottom menu bars fill the full size available to them, which can cause me problems (I use two different-sized screens and the barsget hidden), and overall it looks very messy. I would therefore like to confine the gnome-session to a window, much like you get with vnc (or parallels if you're running a virtual ubuntu session).