Software :: Unable To Installed Nsclient On Windows Machine?

Sep 15, 2010

installed nagios on rhel 5.4_64 bit machine. now wants to monitor windows hosts using nagios,but not able to installed NSClient++-0.3.8-x64.msi error found while installing this package not supporting your processor type and 2203 error.

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General :: Unable To View Installed VM After Physical Machine Restart

Mar 15, 2011

I have a physical machine of CentOs-5.4 on which I had installed Xen Virtualization. I have created VMs on that machine using virt-install. After installing all the VMs i used command virt-manager to see all the installed VMs. But after I have restarted my physical machine I am unable to find installed VMs by virt-manager command. It only shows name of the machine and id a qemu and can't see any installed VMs.

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Ubuntu :: Had 32 Bit Installed In A Virtual Machine On Windows But Wanted To Install It To Harddrive?

Jan 14, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu 10.10 64bit using Wubi. I had 32 bit installed in a Virtual machine on Windows but I wanted to install it to my harddrive (and wubi was easiest). I'm trying to install Cinelerra following the instructions at: I get to:autoreconf -i --forceit gives a few errors. Here's a copy and paste from the terminal:Quote:

lee@ubuntu:~/hvirtual$ autoreconf -i --force
Can't exec "libtoolize": No such file or directory at /usr/bin/autoreconf line 196.
Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at /usr/bin/autoreconf line 196.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Just Installed On New Machine Alongside Windows 7 - No Boot Menu

Jun 9, 2011

I've just installed 11.04 on a new machine, to be dual booted with Windows 7. The installation process completed, popped the disc back out, but when booting up I get no boot menu and just load Windows 7. I don't get any error messages or any sort of feedback. If i go into BIOS, I only have Windows 7 as a bootable option. I presumed grub or an equivalent would be installed as part of the installation.

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Fedora Installation :: Make A Virtual Machine Using Exiting Installed Windows 7 On Laptop HD?

Dec 4, 2010

I have a Lenovo T500 laptop with 4 GB RAM. I have installed Windows 7 64bits OEM on my laptop HD. I also installed Fedora 14 on my USB External Hard Drive which it has it own boot sector. I don't want to have a dual boot. So if I plug in my external HD to my laptop and turns the machine on, it automatically my Fedora comes up, other wise my windows 7. (I set up start-up boot drive , first to USB External HD and then internal HD)

I installed KVM (Virtual Machine Manger) on my Fedora 14 and I am trying to install windows 7 64bits OEM on my Fedora 14 as Virtual Machine. After setting everything and start installing windows form CD, I got BLUE SCREEN right after "WINDOWS FILES LOADING..." finished. it shows me a blue screen and then it will stop


1- How can I fix that problem?
2- Is ther way to make a Virtual Machine on my Fedora using my exiting installed windows 7 on my laptop HD?

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General :: Unable To Telnet To A Windows Server Machine?

Aug 28, 2010

Why am I not able to telnet to a Windows server machine? Is it because the telnet server is not running there? A remote desktop connection works though.

Does a telnet server run by default on a Unix machine?

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Fedora Servers :: Unable To Connect To The Share From Windows Machine

Jun 14, 2011

Trying to setup Samba for the first time and am unable to connect to the share from my Windows machine. It is a very basic setup, just trying to setup a single share to use a backup location for my windows files.

I've done the following:
1. Fresh install if fedora 15
2. installed samba
rpm -qa | grep samba
gives the following:


3. Used samba server configuration to setup the share and create the samba users
4. When I tried to connect from my windows machine I get the error that the server is not accessible, you might not have permission to use this network resource or I get the error "windows cannot access server, check spelling and try again.

Both computers can ping each other. I opened samba ports in the linux firewall and tried to connect again: same error Disabled firewall all together and have the same error. Here is the output from the testparm command


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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Access Samba Share From Windows Machine?

Jul 15, 2011

I am unable to access samba share from my windows machine. I am getting the following error

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Software :: Using Nsclient++ With Nrpe To Monitor Event Logs?

Oct 5, 2010

someone with good experience of monitoring windows event logs with nrpe or check_nt + nsclient++ give me some good examples of the above. I do have this working, but some of the checks appear inconsistent.

./check_nrpe -H -c CheckEventLog -a filter=new file="Security" MaxWarn=1 MaxCrit=2 filter-generated=<2d filter+eventType==Information filter=in filter=all truncate=400 unique descriptions
Eventlog check ok|'eventlog'=0;1;2;

I just cant seem to get this particular check correct.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Access Machine Via Windows Machine - Samba Password Reset?

Feb 13, 2011

I try to access my ubuntu machine via my Windows Machine (Samba Server on Ubuntu Machine). Anytime I try to access the machine it asks me for my password...I enter it but it says it is there anyway to reset it? I have already tried to remove and purge everything Samba related and then tried reinstalling, but that still didn't do anything

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Ubuntu :: Numbers To Put In Linux Machine Can Connect / Print To Windows Machine?

Apr 16, 2011

I remember it being really easy to add a printer attached to another computer using Ubuntu, but I don't remember exactly what made it so easy. All I know is that now that I have switched to Kubuntu the process has become much harder because now I have to find out some special locations, numbers etc. for it to connect to the printer. It's connected to a Windows XP machine on the other side of the house.
It says alot about 'contacting the network administrator' if I am unsure about what to put in. But I am more or less the network administrator. how to find out what numbers to put in so that my Linux machine can connect and print to the Windows machine? Or maybe someone knows a few commands to share? I go to Applications > Settings > System settings, Printer configuration, New Printer, New Network printer, and then there are a few options but I don't know which one to choose. Windows Printer via Samba, I guess? Then in the box that says smb://[enter stuff here] I need to put in info but I don't know how to find that info.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Way To Share Folder From Machine To Windows Machine

Aug 28, 2010

I am trying to establish the easiest way to share a folder from an Ubuntu machine to a Windows machine.In the past I have added things to smb.conf and that has all worked fine but what I am trying to do is to figure out what the "new user" way of doing this is so that when I am helping other people I know I am getting them to do the simplest thing.I completely removed samba and reinstalled it so that I didn't have any configuration. Right clicked on a folder and selected "Sharing Options" ticked the "Share this folder box" gave it a name and a comment and ticked the other two boxes.

When I went to the windows laptop then it kept asking for a username/password and nothing worked.Back on the ubuntu machine I did sudo smbpasswd -a [username] and created a blank password. Now from the windows machine I can access the shared folder.Is the smbpasswd step still required? It's very confusing for a new user as there is no suggestion that anything other than right clicking on the folder and choosing the options you want would be required. Is it something to do with the fact that this is an ubuntu machine that has gradually been upgraded through versions and this problem wouldn't have been there from a new install?

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Networking :: Access A Windows Server 2000 Machine Using A Machine Via KDE?

Apr 9, 2010

I need to access a Windows Server 2000 machine using a Linux machine via KDE, but that will migrate to Gnome. The Linux user to connect to Windows machine, you should open an application 'XYZ' automatically, and only this, denying any unauthorized access. When you close the application 'XYZ' communications (RDP?) Should be terminated. Do I need a log of accesses and possible attempts to circumvent the system and access other application.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Make Machine To PXE Boot Windows From Another Machine Having RHEL5.2?

Jul 23, 2010

I want to make my machine to PXE boot windows from another machine having RHEL5.2. I know the procedure to PXE boot linux, but I want to know is it possible to PXE boot your client machine with windows XP.

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Networking :: Transfer Files From A Machine To A Windows Machine Which Are Not In The Same Network?

Jul 6, 2010

I had run one script in unix machine and want to copy the results to a windows machineBoth the machines are on different networksIn linux machine trying to do the ftp to the windows machine its giving connection refused. How to chech whether ftp is running on that linux machine or not?Also tried scp and ssh , both are failing

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Ubuntu :: How On Earth Do I Access Machine From Windows Machine

Feb 22, 2011

Right now I just installed open ssh because i was told its a great thing to have for remote controlling my machine if I am at work on my windows system. My question is, how on earth do I acess my machine from my windows machine now that its installed? i did sudo apt-get ssh and thats about all so far...

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Networking :: Can't Ping CentOS 5.3 Machine To XP SP2 Windows Machine

Oct 31, 2009

I have two machines, one has XP service pack2, second one has CentOS 5.3 (Linux), they are connected through crossover cable. I have configured everything fine but don't know why till now can't ping!

A. Windows machine settings as follows:

IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gatway:
+ Firewall is turned OFF.

B. For Linux machine, I will list everything stored in network files, logged as [root@localhost ~]# :

1. /etc/sysconfig/network:

ifconfig eth0 netmask up
route add -net netmask eth0
route add default gw eth0

2. /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0


3. /etc/resolv.conf

search locadomain

4. I restarted network service using this command:

/etc/init.d/network start

everything is fine. When checking using ifconfig command. I get the following:

eth0 Link encap: Ethernet HWaddr 00:08:0D:EE:19:66
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr:........


I mean I assigned the IP: to Linux machine (Eth0). I did everything above and can't ping till now, when pinging from windows or Linux I get a message "destination host unreachable" restarted Linux many times but same result. NETWORK CABLE is working fine I tested it.

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General :: Access Windows Machine Through System Machine?

Aug 3, 2010

I'm the Administrating the computers in my office. I want to monitor the user's activity. How can i remote login without distrubing the user's activity on his computer? Any software need to be installed? (I don't want to use Terminal server client).

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Software :: Rsync Some Data From A Windows Machine To A Machine?

Apr 8, 2010

So I am trying to learn a little about Cygwin and rsync. I'd like to rsync some data from a Windows machine to a Linux machine. I've got Cygwin installed but I can't figure out how to tell Cygwin were rsync will be pulling the data from; basically, how to set the directories that I want to be rsnyc'd. I've googled and googled but I can't seem to find the answer to this exact question.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To See Machine From Any XP Machine?

Jan 6, 2010

I have a ubuntu 9.04 machine i'm using as a file server. I'm able to see that machine from any XP machine, connect to it's shares play music, movies, work off of it NO problems. But i can't view the shares from a windows 7 home edition PC (garbage). AND, from the ubuntu PC, i can't see any of the other shares on network. I get "Fail to receive share list from server".

NOTE: Originally i had this machine connected with wireless card because of location. and I was able to see all shares then - both ways (still not from Windows 7 PCs though). However, when I moved to hard wire connection, the network disappeared. I've tried changing IP addresses, changing switches, but no network. I'd like to keep it hard wire. Can anyone point me in right direction or am i missing information?

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Fedora :: Run Xming Which Is A Xserver For Windows To Display On Windows Machine?

Apr 23, 2010

I currently have two computers at my desk, 1 is Fedora 12 and the other is Windows Vista. I am using the synergy client to share mouse/keyboard but I would like to run Xming which is a Xserver for windows to display on my Windows machine. I have 3 monitors 1 is connected to the Linux machine and then I have 2 connected to the windows vista and I want to share 1 one using a windows Xserver. I have the server installed and setup on my windows machine and I just curios on how to configure my Xorg.conf file to use my Xming Xserver as a seccond monitor.

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Fedora :: List The Installed Hardware On A Machine?

Feb 6, 2011

I am looking for a way to list all of my installed hardware. In windows I used to use the device manager for that. Is there some GUI package I can download that is similar for Fedora?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Installed Xubuntu And Now Can't VNC Into Machine?

May 21, 2011

I have 11.04, and installed xubuntu desktop, but now I can't vnc into this machine, I get connection denied. I was able to before with the default desktop. What do I need to do?

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CentOS 5 :: Use The Ksctp On Newly Installed Machine?

Jun 26, 2009

I am trying to use the ksctp on CentOS 5 newly installed machine. However, I am not able to find some files (/usr/include/netinet/sctp/h, etc.,) that are required for compiling my application.

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General :: Get Windows Virtual Machine Via VirtualBox Without Windows?

Jun 2, 2011

My goal is to install Windows 7 on a virtual machine running on Ubuntu. The Lenovo machine came with Windows 7 installed, but did not come with a boot disk. What are my options? Should I ask Lenovo for a disk? Will I need to purchase Windows just for the virtual machine?

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Fedora :: F15 Does Not Work Well In Machine After Nvidia Drivers Are Installed?

Jun 17, 2011

Today I finally could install Fedora 15 i686 in my now aging (2005) desktop computer (although I will always think of it as my "new machine", as long as I don't assemble a new one for me):

AMD Sempron 3100+ (1.8GHz)
1GB DDR400
NVIDIA GeForce FX5200 (128MB)

After I installed F15 my initialpression was that it worked really good on that hardware: everything went fine with GNOME 3 for example,except for some lags in graphics rendering, which I thought would be solved after the graphics card's full power were unleashed with the proprietary NVIDIA driver.For starters I am not sure which Nvidia driver is right for my card (Nvidia 173.X or the regularvidia).I managed to get "working" the 173.X driver but the desktop is even less responsive to begin with, and there appears to be a lot of activity on the hard disk side.So, my question is, which could be causing the performance loss?

A. The "small" RAM.
B. The vintage graphics card.
C. Some problem in the hard drive.
D. A known bug.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Migrate 10.04 Installed On Machine To .VDI For Virtual Box HDD

Jun 23, 2010

I was using a Sony laptop with Ubuntu 10.04 installed on the machine. I have just bought a Mac and I will be using Ubuntu 10.04 as my primary development OS by virtualizing it using VirtualBox.Now, my requirement is, I had a near perfect development environment setup on my Ubuntu box and I don't want to install the packages, apps, setting etc again on my VirtualBox VM.

I know there are ways to export apps, setting etc, but is there some app which will actually create a VDI disk for my VirtualBox which, when I plug in to my VirtualBox, I will get the old Ubuntu on my VM.

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General :: View All The Installed Software On RHEL 5 Machine?

Feb 2, 2010

view all the software installed on my RHEL 5 machine. Can we find any utility like Add/Remove Programs in Windows?

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Software :: Creating Image Of A Installed Linux Machine

Dec 22, 2009

How do you create an image of an installed linux system and use it to build other desktops or servers.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installed Via Usb Drive And Cd - Windows Xp And Windows 7 - Permission Denied

Jun 16, 2011

I have a problem when i installed ubuntu via usb drive and cd.. and i try it in windows xp and windows 7. it's a same problem .. but this is the error message " permission denied "

The log:

Also i try this v Ubuntu 11.04 Ubuntu 10.10

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