Software :: Setup Session Variable In Mysql Using Option File?

Jun 7, 2010

As far as I know, mysql has several configuration files e.g. /etc/my.cnf, ~/.my.cnf etc. But I mainly focus on /etc/my.cnf to set up global variables.

My questions are:

1/ Global variables and session variables, which one of them take precedence? 2/ How to modify session variables using option file so that when clients connect to mysql server, the session variable settings would be applied... According to mysql document, I can do this using SET statements but I prefer to do this using configuration file. Global variables settings can be done using /etc/my.cnf but session variables settings configuration files are nowhere to be found.

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Programming :: Bash - Read Content Of File To Variable And Use This Variable In For Loop ?

Aug 21, 2009

I'm trying to read content of file to variable and use this variable in for loop. The problem is, when I have c++ comment style in file - /*. Spaces in line are also interpreted as separated lines.

For example:


Changing $files to "$files" eliminate these problems but causes that whole content of variable is treated as one string (one execution of loop).

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Software :: Get Variable From Text File Into Bash Variable?

Jun 10, 2009

I have a text file i that has a mailTo: NAME in it. In a bash script i need to extract NAME and put it in a $variable to use. How do i do this?

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Programming :: Perl Script Get Environment Variable LINES= For Current Session?

Apr 1, 2009

Want to return current LINES=, tryng to avoid the "hacky" backticks and string manipulation way

ie: my $somevar = `set | grep LINES`

I tried using the env command and it returns a empty value?

my $lines = $ENV{'LINES'};

$= doesnt work well for putty sessions...

my $lines = $=;

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Server :: Get Variable From Bash From Mysql Or Pass From Php?

Apr 26, 2010

I am not parsing on a webserver so is it possible to have both

#! /usr/bin/php &

in the same script? Alternatively, I have a current bash script that I need to get some variables from mysql and not sure how to get mysql results in bash:


mysql -h -u username1 -paaa -e "USE squid; SELECT email, usern FROM TABLE WHERE blah blah;"
emailadd="resultfrom above"

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CentOS 5 Server :: Set MySQL Environment Variable?

Sep 17, 2010

I have successfully installed XAMPP on CentOS. I can access PHPMyadmin from my browser. So my mySQL installation is OK. I need to set Environment Variable. I am confused about the path directory.

For an example in windows the path was:

%MYSQL_HOME% -------> C:xamppmysql

What will be the path for CentOS $MYSQL_HOME? Under LAMPP folder I did not see the "mysql" folder

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General :: Implementing A Variable-length List Of Keywords In Mysql?

Sep 20, 2010

I'm having a hard time googling for answers because I keep using the word "keyword."

I've never really used any kind of database before, but I want to learn the basics, so I'm playing with it a little bit at work. What I want to do is make a database to hold information on various articles. For example, with columns for the title, author, and date. Those are all easy. The tricky part is that I'd also like to be able to label articles with keywords so I can search for certain topics.

Since there's no way to know ahead of time how many keywords, if any, each article might warrant, I'm not sure how to put this in database form. There's no variable-sized array data type. It seems sloppy to just list them all in a single VARCHAR column. Making several columns that may or may not be left null and putting one keyword in each seems wasteful.

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Server :: Perl Apache Session MySQL Inconsistency On Debian Lenny

Apr 11, 2011

I have been tearing my hair out with this. As part of a backend perl script i am holding the Epoch time as session data using apache session and mysql so i can delete sessions after an expiry period. When I retrieve the time it is about three months old even when i only just set it. The code example below best describes the problem:

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Server :: Setup Master / Master Mysql In HA Setup Without Use Of Load Balancer Provided By Host?

Mar 31, 2010

I have a load balancer with 2 web servers behind it. The web servers rsync with cloud storage to update their apache directories 1 time every hour. Apache is just running php pages that pull/push data to a DB so they dont need to be updated that often. However I need to figure out how to implement a Master/Master MySQL setup to have my web servers point to for the PHP stuff. I need to implement it without having a single point of failure. The Load balancers are useless for failover as they only detect availability based on Ping request. So putting a master/master setup behind a Load Balancer is out. what is the best way to setup the master/master mysql in a HA setup without the use of a load balancer provided by the host?

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General :: PATH Variable Setup?

Jan 22, 2010

One of my colleague ran into trouble with setting up of path variable.

Earlier the entry for PATH in /etc/profile was:


Now what he mistake is:

He added a new Lines at the end as


Now due to this he is unable to run commmands now because that has overwritten the earlier PATH varaible.
If he types now:

It shows:


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OpenSUSE :: MySql Won't Start / No File Mysql.sock?

Feb 5, 2009

I thought that the problem is in the phpMyAdmin not in the mysql. But now i think different. It seems that the problem is right in the mysql. I think that there was no root user, when mysql was freshly installed. Unfortunately i did everything i can find on internet (some tutorials) but they don`t helped me at all, maybe i fu**ed up the mysql service. So i reinstalled it, and when i want to start it there is no file mysql.sock and i get the following:

linux-nepg:~ # service mysql restart
Restarting service MySQL
Shutting down service MySQL done
Starting service MySQL warning: /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock didn't appear within 30 seconds

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Fedora :: The Service Does Not Use The System Environment Variable For JAVA And JRE Setup?

May 6, 2010

i have added a tomcat startup service using chkconfig. I have set up JAVA_HOME and JRE_HOME as well ass alternatives to point to the correct location.I have an init script in /etc/init.d. When i start the tomcat service using [ /etc/init.d/<x> start ] everything works fine and the environment variables for JAVA_HOME and JRE_HOME are used correctly.Now i added the service <x> using chkconfig --add so that it can start on boot up. But now the service does not use the system environment variable for JAVA and JRE setup by me.Also after complete bootup if i try to start the service using [ service <x> start] the environment variable in the shell are not used. don't want to exclusively declare variables for JAVA_HOME and JRE_HOME in the init script.

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CentOS 5 Server :: MySQL Setup Without 'mysql.server'

Jul 14, 2010

I am using CentOS5 and installed the MySQL for server during the installation. I can set up and use MySQL databases. But I cannot make it startup everytime the server restarts. And quite a lot of methods need this folder "support-files/mysql.server", while my set up cannot find this. I am wondering if my installation of the MySQL for server is complete or not.

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Programming :: Variable String File Base - Output File Doest Not Exclude The Values In Grep -av

May 1, 2011

My script.

This is may script:


Problem: Output file doest not exclude the values in grep -av

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General :: Setup A Samba Share With RecycleBin Option?

May 19, 2011

I've setup a samba share with RecycleBin option. However, there is no cleanup and soon will saturate free space.

I'm trying to plan a command that each week clean the content of those dir or the directory itself.

The dir tree is like /home/ :user1


To be careful to all possible situations I'm testing this line in directory with spaces in names. I know is ugly and ... and ... but users are just used to and they don't care about me And, having this line working for spaces I can use it for other situations other than shares.

File o directory non esistente = File or directory does not exist

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Ubuntu :: It Destroyed The 'boot On Windows' Option Had Setup?

Aug 3, 2010

I have a sister-in-law, married to an accountant who lives and breathes WinSoftware. I worked hard at convincing her to switch to the simplest Linux available imho, an Ubuntu, latest edition.She tried it, worked fine, was happy.Thenstarted to kernel update.It destroyed the 'boot on Windows' option I had setup, making it a daily pain for her husband to get on his Windows. I need not insist on the fact that Linux won't ever be back on that computer, because Ubuntu's update scripts can't do something as simple as check if Windows is the primary boot

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OpenSUSE :: How To Setup A Mysql Server

Dec 11, 2010

i want to setup a mysql server, however,,there are no mysql packages version 5.1.53 in the opensuse 11.3 repo's even not phpmyadmin where can i find mysql, mysql-client, mysql-community-server for version 5.1.53?

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Programming :: Pass Variable In Mysql Qyery In C Programming?

Dec 4, 2010

i want to pass variable in mysql qyery in c programming

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Fedora Servers :: DHCP - Cisco Option 150 For VoIP - Setup?

Oct 16, 2009

I just got DHCP working, but I need to add a "Pre-Defined Option" for the Cisco VoIP network here. At least that's what it's called in Windows. This "Pre-defined Option 150" is necessary on Windows dhcp servers tied to Cisco VoIP networks, but I have no idea where to start getting that set up in Fedora.

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OpenSUSE :: Setup PHP / Apache / MySQL For Development?

Mar 16, 2011

On Windows and Mac it's as simple as downloading some WAMP and XAMP stack and clicking "install".

On OpenSUSE I'm trying to do it myself. I went into YaST and installed the "Web and LAMP Server" pattern.

Then I edited the default-server.conf file to point towards my website by changing the DocumentRoot and <Directory "blah blah"> lines.

Then I tried to start apache, but got the following error:

# apache2ctl restart
httpd2: Syntax error on line 188 of /etc/apache2/httpd.conf: Could not open configuration file /etc/apache2/sysconfig.d/include.conf: No such file or directory
So I just went into httpd.conf and commented out that line.


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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Server And MySQL Setup

Dec 17, 2010

I will preface this post by saying I am completely new to any flavor of Linux and even in Windows. I don't do much in the command line so I am very much at the steep part of the learning curve. I have Ubuntu Server 10.10 installed on a vm using VirtualBox. I installed the Server GUI, Apache and MySql using the command line. Now I want to be able to use a GUI for MySQL so it should be an easier transition coming from MS SQL. I downloaded MySQL Workbench which sounded like the add on I wanted. I have the .deb file on a CD. Now I have no idea how to put it all together.

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Software :: Can't Setup MySQL Root Password?

Aug 1, 2010

Following guide for CentOS 5.5 i've installed mysql server on my box.Next step was setting up password for root user.As you undestood, it failed. output:

# rpm -qa | grep mysql


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Dual Monitor Setup - Separate X Screen Option

Feb 18, 2010

I've played around with a second monitor, but so far I haven't found a satisfying solution. I am using a laptop with a GeForce 9600M GS graphics card. I have managed to set up twinview, but my monitors don't have the same height so I'd rather have something like the "seperate x screen" option. Or how I imagine that option would be like. After some problems with the nvidia configuration tool (I couldn't change the xorg.conf, until I read this: [URL] I now have two separate screens, but the second one is all empty, with black background and X-shaped mouse cursor.

There seems to be no window manager running, I can start programs there with -display :0.1 , but they don't get any frame decoration and, which is worse, no keyboard focus. I'd be fine with a fullscreen konsole there, so I don't really need a window manager, but I do need access from the keyboard. I'd prefer a setup that would allow me to easily (without editing xorg.conf) switch between using both monitors and using only one, because I don't always use the laptop at home.

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Software :: Openbravo Installation / Ant Setup And Setup-prerequisites File (don't Remember Exact Name)?

Apr 27, 2011

i am trying to install openbravo on my server.I have installed all the pre-requisites as ANT, JDK(though i installed JRE).

Everything goes fine untill the ant setup and then running the setup-prerequisites...file (don't remember the exact name).

As soon as i issue ant install.source it ends up with some errors..

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Fedora Servers :: Yum Install For Mysql To Setup Email?

Oct 19, 2009

is this command exact or do I replace anything with my own setu

" yum install mysql mysql-devel mysql-server "

who can't tell what has to be changed for "My server name" and "my setup"

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OpenSUSE :: Setup Mysql Database On Local Machine?

Mar 16, 2011

how to set up a mysql database on a local machine?

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General :: LAMP Server Setup - MySQL - PHP - Apache - FTP

Mar 16, 2010

Good tutorial, using images for a lamp server that has, MySQL,PHP, Apache, FTP with all the fruit for running a server that will host a Gallery, forum and main site

I know there's heaps around for Ubuntu 9.10, but its not quiet what I'm looking for as in Gd, ImageMagick and some extras for Apache mods

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Server :: Unable To Setup Replication In MySQL 5.0.77 On CentOS 5.5

Jun 21, 2010

I am looking into setting up replication in a production environment but currently this is on two test machines. I am following the documentation at [URL] but I am unable to get past " Setting the Master Configuration on the Slave". When I do the CHANGE MASTER TO I am getting a syntax error for some reason. What am I doing wrong? These servers run "CentOS release 5.5 (Final)" and "MySQL 5.0.77-log Source distribution" installed via yum. The only changes from default are that I created a single database on the master before doing the table lock and dump, then everything else has been done exactly to what the documentation states, but is still failing.

The option skip-networking is not in the config file on either server and neither one runs SELinux or any firewall.

-> MASTER_USER='repl'
-> MASTER_PASSWORD='removed'


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Software :: How Does One Properly Setup Mysql For Mythtv Under Slackware?

Jul 30, 2011

How would I edit the files, for this under slackware with permissions for my other users to use it? I have been following the guide, and I have not gotten far. I have created the recommend mythtv user and have mythtv installed. Also should I switch to 64bit slackware for this project? I have 1 gig of ddr2 ram, 64 bit capable pentium 4 ht cpu clocked at 3Ghz, 80gigabyte internal hard drive, and I have a wintv card.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Setup LAMP On An Old Pc Installed Apache, MySQL?

Jan 16, 2011

i am trying to set up LAMP on an old pc i have installed linux, apache, mySQL and PHP following this guide Installing Apache2 With PHP5 And MySQL Support On OpenSUSE 11.3 (LAMP) | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials. i have installed phpMyAdmin but when i try and acess it i get this error

MySQL said:
Cannot connect: invalid settings.

phpMyAdmin tried to connect to the MySQL server, and the server rejected the connection. You should check the host, username and password in your configuration and make sure that they correspond to the information given by the administrator of the MySQL server.


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