Software :: Play Empire Total War On Ubuntu / Patch Wine?

Dec 28, 2010

to play empire total war on ubuntu i need to patch wine according to this site: url

however i am new to linux and wine itself and dont know how to patch wine.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Star Wars: Shadows Of The Empire With Wine

May 16, 2011

I would like to install this game with Wine, but when I open one of the exe files I get a message saying the file is not executable and since it's in a CD I can't change the permissions to make them executable. What should I do in order to be able to play the game?

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Ubuntu :: Total System Crash After Attempt To Play An MP3 On Lucid?

May 15, 2010

Today while browsing the web and attempting to listen to a mp3 file on the site of a musician, this laptop with Lucid CRASHED badly! It went into a black screen and the only solution was a reboot! I am not a masochist, but I could repeat the crash a couple of times just to verify it.

This is the worst crash that I have seen on GNU/Linux! I expect things to go down in a more controlled way: maybe first the crash of a plug-in, then the crash of a web browser, eventually the crash of a windows manager. But I don't like seeing that playing an mp3 is leading to kernel crash on what is supposed to be a LTS-release!

Any observations of similar behavior or hints on the cause? Is it possible that the crash is related to intel graphics 85x on this system that are now very problematic on Lucid?

By the way, the music file in question is probably not malformed and plays perfectly on Mac and Windows. I am digging into system logs to try to find any record of the problem. For the the record: I've been around Ubuntu since 5.04, on Linux since 2003, on Unix since 1988, and on computers since 1979.

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Ubuntu :: Adding Patch To Wine: Hunk #1 FAILED At 94

Jul 7, 2010

So I'm trying to get Worms Armageddon working on linux via wine and following the instructions here. Downloaded source of Wine 1.1.39 from sourceforge, and using this patch. I try to patch by running this command:

patch -p0 < ../worms.patch
But I get this error in return:

patching file b/dlls/wined3d/swapchain_gdi.c
Hunk #1 FAILED at 94.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file b/dlls/wined3d/swapchain_gdi.c.rej
patching file b/server/window.c
Hunk #1 FAILED at 2310.

1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file b/server/window.c.rej I'm not to familiar with this patching and compiling from source business.

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Ubuntu :: Find A Way To Play A Game Under Wine Without Using The CD?

Jul 26, 2010

I have been struggling to find a way to play a game under Wine without using the CD, so looked if it was possible in Wine. I came across this commmand: Code: sudo mount /home/joseph/BIONICLE.iso -o loop /media/cdrom0/ which I tried. It didn't work, and gave me an error about how there was no "cdrom0". I assumed that it was created whenever something is mounted. Out of desperation, I removed cdrom0 from the command, and then things got funky. Doing so replaced all the contents of /media (there were no files, only useless floppy folders, since I have no floppy drive) with the contents of the ISO file. I tried using sudo to delete the files, but it said that it was a read-only filesystem. I tried changing the permissions using sudo chmod +w /media, but it didn't work, and complained about being read-only. I am unable to mount anything now! Can someone help, both with deleting /media, and possibly with running Wine games without the CD?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Lucid Can't Play Rift Using Wine 1.2?

May 1, 2011

I'm getting bad video displays while rift is active. rift did say that my video driver is out of date.

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General :: Apply Kernel Patch - Couldn't Find File To Patch

Apr 8, 2011

I just want to upgrade my Slackware 13.1 kernel ( to the latest stable kernel from ( I have never done anything like this and I am a Linux newbie, so I would appreciate a "Kernel Patching for Dummies" version if possible. I did do a search on this forum and most of what I read was over my head. I found an FAQ on on "How To Apply A Patch" but when I attempted what they suggested, it said it couldn't find the file to patch at line 5 and asked me which file to patch. So I CTRL-Z'd out of there and came here. Here's what I tried:


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Ubuntu :: Tutorial On How To Play PS1 Roms Without Having To Install WINE?

Jul 18, 2010

Is there a tutorial on how to play PS1 roms without having to install WINE?

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Ubuntu :: Most Objects In Games Play Under Wine Are Black

Jul 4, 2011

I use playonlinux to install the games, so I don't install them manually.Also I think it might have something to do with the graphics settings I did when it told me to install a version of Wine to make the game work. I have no idea how many gigabyte or megabyte my graphics card is so I selected the highest number.

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OpenSUSE :: Play High-end Games Through WINE?

Feb 9, 2011

im planning to migrate from windows to OpenSUSE. One thing i cant leave from windows is, its support for high end games. I did some research, we can use Wine application in Linux. Im wondering, if i install a game (for example) FIFA 11, will it run smoothly like i run it on Windows 7? Does it depend on our hardware (graphic card, processor, memory)?

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Software :: Tweak Wine To Play Swat 4?

Sep 25, 2010

I downloaded Swat 4 (legally) as well as wine, using all defaults I hoped it would work. (yeah right) After installing using wine, which worked great, I get an error when I try to play the game. Wine is trying to load the game from the Cd drive yet it's installed.

EDIT: forgot to mention that wine does recognize that I have installed the program to its virtual c drive.

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OpenSUSE :: Winecfg Doesn't Play Any Sounds Under Wine

Jan 13, 2010

openSUSE 11.2 32 & 64bit
default repos + packman, nvidia
wine v 1.1.28 (default)

I was completely shocked to find that the new Wolfenstein demo works perfectly under this version of wine, but sadly I get no sound. winecfg doesn't play any sounds, just a faint humming sound when testing, and I get the same thing when playing the demo. I've had the problem of sound sharing on this system with each install I do, and I've installed/re-installed many many times so far.

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Debian Multimedia :: Use The Free Driver For Nvidia But I Can't To Play With Wine?

Feb 12, 2011

I have a problem when i use the Nvidia driver and the latest version of Xorg (1.9.4) on Debian Sid. In fact, when i minimise a window (Nautilus, console or Chromium/Iceweasel), i see the window's black border and it's very slowly when i minimize or maximize it. I don't know how to explain correctly so i tried to take a screenshot :

In this screenshot, you can see the black border. I haven't this problem if i use the free driver for my Nvidia but i can't to play with wine I tried with the driver on experimental repositories or the driver on Nvidia Website.

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OpenSUSE :: Can't Play Games (native Or Wine) Without Disabling Composite

Sep 26, 2010

Since I have upgraded to KDE 4.5 I can't play games (native or wine) without disabling composite before start playing.When I start a game its window begins to shiver (to tremble or to shake... not sure) and so I have to disable composite first and then relaunch the game.I never had to do this in KDE 4.4.

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General :: Remove Patch From Kernel / Apply A Squashfs-lzma Patch (squashfs 4.1cvs)?

Sep 11, 2010

is there a way to remove a patch from a kernel?

I need to apply a squashfs-lzma patch (squashfs 4.1cvs) to the liquorix kernel source which is already patched with squashfs 4.0.

how would I do that?I tried googling got this. url

but I dont know the command used to apply the patch the patch is called


but that patch includes more than squashfs,etc

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OpenSUSE :: Install Patch - Error "vmware-7.1.3-2.6.37-rc5.patch' Not Found"

May 11, 2011

I'm trying to install a patch but when I copy it into terminal I get message " /home/john/ 'vmware-7.1.3-2.6.37-rc5.patch' not found. copy it to the current '/home/john' directory. Exiting" But I have it in my home directory!

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Software :: Install Wine Got "Missing Dependency: Wine-gecko Is Needed By Package Wine"?

Mar 19, 2010

when I tried to install wine I got "Missing Dependency: wine-gecko is needed by package wine"so I looked for wine-gecko and download it but also when I tried to install it I got "Missing Dependency: wine-gecko is needed by package wine"it seems that I am in loop each package need the other what to do please?

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Ubuntu :: How To Uninstall / Purge Wine And Any Wine Installed Windows Programs

Apr 15, 2011

How can I uninstall / purge wine and any wine installed windows programs?I've tried deleting .wine (hidden folder)but in /usr/bin/ there are a number of wine related files.And wine sub menu still appears in Applications menu

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Debian :: Can't Remove Wine - Apt-get Bricked - Could Not Perform Immediate Configuration On 'wine-unstable'

Feb 16, 2011

while trying to get a game to work on wine I was surprised to find out that the wine version that ships with sid is 1.0.1 released in October 2005. So I installed the latest release I found at [URL] like this :

dpkg -i wine_1.1.42~winehq1-1_amd64.deb

The install failed, I think because I hadn't remove the old wine version, and that's when the joy-ride started. Impossible to remove wine to restart properly. (apt-get remove libwine wine and apt-get -f install didn't) After some googling I tried this :

dpkg -i --force-depends wine_1.1.42~winehq1-1_amd64.deb

This did install the wine version I wanted, and the game ran fine after that. However the result was a borked apt-get. Tried to remove wine again with the above commands, resulting in apt-get failing to do so because it tried installing wine-unstable and reported errors similar to these : E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'wine-unstable'. see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)

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Server :: Install Wine On Rhel 5 - Send Wine Installtion Command?

May 21, 2010

i want to install wine on rhel 5.plz send me wine installtion command.

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Software :: Wine In Virtualbox \ Distro Which Runs In A Virtual Box An Starts Wine?

Mar 29, 2011

maybe my questions sounds funny: i'm looking for a very small (or better as small as necessary) distro which runs in a virtual box an starts wine.The reason is: we have new laptops in my school runnig windows7 64bit home and we have some software which runs only on WinXP. So why not take a virtualbox wich runs wine to start the old Software?

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General :: WINE GNOME Menus Won't Show Up After Re-install Of WINE?

Dec 18, 2009

Lot of questions about WINE... When I'm done I'm going to make a HOWTO so that others can do what I did It's hard work, but I'm nearly done.The last problem I'm having is the WINE menu on GNOME won't show up after a install of WINE from a .deb package (it usually does). This was after I compiled WINE from source and removed it with "make uninstall" and "rm -rf /.wine".So now I installed the WINE from a deb package and the Wine menu entry is not showing up.I've tried re-installing Wine and rebooting my PC but nothing seems to work.

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Slackware :: 64 Wine Running A Game Results In Wine Crash

Jun 24, 2011

I have a problem running a game on a fresh Slackware64 install.

Slack version is 13.37

I've followed alien bobs instructions for a multilib environment from here:[url]

And then used sbopkg to download and compile wine version 1.2.2, which went through just fine.

After that I grabbed cabextract from sbopkg and ran this: wget [url] sh winetricks d3dx9 To get the DX9.

But, when I try to run the game, this is the error I get:


The game it self ran perfectly on the 32 bit version of Slackware, tested with 13.0. So now I think I'm missing some libs or something, but I have no clue which.

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Ubuntu :: Files In /var/log Which Total 398 GB

Oct 31, 2010

What could be the cause of this?


I've deleted all the syslogs now, since it prevents me from using the system properly, and it seemed to keep expanding every time I freed space.

After deleting syslog entries:


Daemon.log seems to suggest it's an NTFS issue, as it's filled with copies of this entry(with different dates and times).


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OpenSUSE :: After Applying The Latest Wine Update Mouse Cursor In Wine Windows Is Now Purple/magenta/pink

Oct 19, 2009

I don't know if it's just my system, but after applying the latest Wine update, the mouse cursor in Wine windows is now purple/magenta/pink, whatever. Not a big problem, just annoying. I've looked through the various config files in ~home and /usr/share/wine, and can't find any parameter that might even remotely address this.

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Fedora :: Remove Wine And Wine Installed Program?

Nov 19, 2010

I am new to fedora and installed wine to see if I could get the sony reader software working (required to access sony bookstore from my sony ereader). Well the program did not work though it did create icons on my desktop. wine kept crashing and I said lets just get rid of it. I uninstalled wine via yum remove and nothing appeared to happen so I did rpm -qa |grep wine and saw lots of stuff. So I simply did yum remove wine* and then a rpm -qa |grep wine was empty. however wine is still under applications on my desktop and still has a category for programs--reader. I should also mention that while wine was installed I attempted to remove the reader via the wine uninstalller but a) wine gave a message of a core crash and b) all the uninstaller did was give me the option to reinstall the reader program. so now when I attempt to open an epub it tries with the sony reader software. I know I can just right click to use another program but for now I want wine gone completely from my pc and the sony program gone.

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Ubuntu :: Uninstall But 10.04 Has Been A Total Nightmare?

May 19, 2010

I have 10.04 installed full install on my computer Have been using ubuntu since 8.10 i want to take 10.04 off and reinstall windows7 how do i go about it ,i don't want to uninstall but 10.04 has been a total nightmare for me, programs that ran on 9/10 now no longer work on 10.04

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Ubuntu Installation :: Total Meltdown While Upgrading To 8.10?

Jan 11, 2010

I have a toshiba A135 laptop that has been running an old old version of Ubuntu, mainly because I didn't have it set up to receive automatic updates. I decided to upgrade it (to version 8.10), and in the middle of the upgrade, it froze. I had no choice but to reboot the computer. Once I did, it would no longer boot. I tried booting in recovery mode and "fix" the broken packages, and that didn't fix it. When I boot the computer it prompts me to enter my username and password, and then it sits at the blank pink screen forever and doesn't advance on into the desktop.

The next thing I tried was booting from an ubuntu 9.10 disk in hopes that once I was inside the computer, I could at least back up some files that I didn't want to loose on an external hard drive - especially if I was going to end up having to reinstall.

I am able to get to the alternative boot source screen and select boot from cd. Then I select "trial run of ubuntu 9.10 and it just sits at a black screen with the cursor flashing forever. Now I'm at a loss. I would like to be able to at the very least get into my computer and save some files to my external drive but I can't seem to able to do it.

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Ubuntu :: Keep Running Total Of Data Up/downloaded?

Apr 1, 2010

Sometimes I connect to the internet via a "wired" connection (interface usb0), sometimes via a dial-up connection (ppp0).

Stupid annoying arbitrary data transfer limits imposed by ISP make me want to keep a running total of data uploaded and downloaded, so I can keep an eye on this and hopefully avoid using up my allowance. program that will keep this running total for me, across all interfaces? Or maybe someone has a script that can do this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 9.10 To 10.04 Total Failure?

May 27, 2010

I ran the upgrade from ubuntu 9.10 yesterday and it's now a mess. Is there something I can do to refloat this ship?

The file download stage seemed to be working OK: I was watching it when it only had three minutes left to go. I went away and came back a few minutes later and the screen had gone black. OK I thought, this must be all part of the plan, so I went away and came back over an hour later: still nothing. I decided, perhaps foolishly, to press the power button and boot it up.

Eek! Now I get the following errors:

mounting none on dev failed: no such device

chroot:cannot execute /etc/apparmor/initramfs: no such file or directory

Then the message Ubuntu 10.04 LTS cruncher tty1 and a login prompt. I can log in OK but don't know what to do next to recover the situation.

Rather alarmingly there is some activity on the system: lots of messages beginning with a number like [22.71309.

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