Software :: "kill" Doesn't Like "pidof"?

Jul 7, 2011

A script uses the following command:

root:/var/tmp> pidof inetd
root:/var/tmp> kill -HUP `pidof inetd`
kill: bad pid '`pidof'
kill: bad pid 'inetd`'
Since "pidof" by itself works fine, does someone know why "kill" can't use its output

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Ubuntu :: Pipe And Kill Pidof Output?

Jan 13, 2010

I want to kill a specific program with the kill -9 pid in a hole command. How do I pipe and kill the output from this command? pidof transmission |

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Ubuntu :: Kill Doesn't Kill, Killall Is Powerless?

Oct 21, 2010

Today I run extensions update and it freezed fter showing me that everything was successful.When i xkilled it it refused tolaunch without any problem indication.killall soffice.bin didn't report "No process found" after 1,2,3...20 times.So I tried killall soffice.bin -i

$ sudo killall soffice.bin -i
Kill soffice.bin(3319) ? (y/N) y


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Fedora :: Bind C-u To Kill-whole-line In Bash Doesn't Work

Mar 19, 2010

I'd like control-u to erase the whole line, instead of only erasing backwards from the current point. I tried

bind -r "C-u"
bind -r C-u
bind -r ^U

to erase the current binding for control-u, but after running any / all of the above, bind -p still tells me

"C-u": unix-line-discard

bind "C-u":kill-whole-line doesn't work either. How can I change the binding of control-u to kill-whole-line?

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Programming :: How To Get Process ID Using Pidof

Jan 31, 2011

I tried to get process ID using pidof. It didn't give any error but a blank output at console Code: $ pidof -s instance1

But when I use ps -ef, I get the process ID Code: $ ps -ef | grep instance1
root 4174 21661 0 06:52 pts/1 00:00:00 grep instance1
provgw 30220 30219 28 06:46 pts/1 00:01:44 /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_18/bin/java -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager


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CentOS 5 :: Pidof: Invalid Options On Command Line?

Aug 19, 2009

when i show status ricci on centos5.3x86_64 #service ricci status pidof: invalid options on command line pidof: invalid options on command line p is stopped how can i fix that bug ?

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Software :: Unable To Kill Process With Kill -9

Jan 13, 2011

the process is mcelog. When I do as root kill -9 2323 which is pid of mcelog the process is not killed. I tried doing the same from top, press K and enter pid of mcelog. doing ps auwx | grep mcelog I see there are several results. I tried killing all of them like kill -9 2355 2341 3425 2345. But re-running the above commands still shows them as running. How else would I troubleshoot this to avoid restarting of the box.

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CentOS 5 :: Why 'ctrl+a, K' Nor 'ctrl+a Kill' Doesn't Work For Screen Windows?

Oct 3, 2010

anyone has a clue why 'ctrl+a, k' nor 'ctrl+a, :kill' doesn't work for killing one of screen windows? Other screen's commands invoked with 'ctrl+a'seem to work.

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Fedora Servers :: Why Can't Use "pidof" In Crond Service

Nov 18, 2009

I have a computer with linux playing a movie in loop. And I want to stop playing movie in 22:00 . I wrote something like this in my script :

please note that the space in the command .

And what puzzled me is that I can succeed in running it in command line, but fail in crond service . I always get this warning: pidof : coomand not found.

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General :: How To Get Process ID Using "pidof"

Jan 31, 2011

I tried to get process ID using pidof. It didn't give any error but a blank output at console


But when I use ps -ef, I get the process ID


Actually i'm writing a shell script. So I thought if i can get the process ID directly using "pidof" it'd be helpful.

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Server :: How To Kill %CPU In Top

Nov 5, 2010

when u running command "top" u can see table and under %CPU i see some time used over 60% how can make server kill any thing using 60% or over auto ? i'm not using php or mysql i hosted vps's and they not runung mysql

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General :: What Is The Meaning Of Kill %1

Jul 30, 2011

I have seen the following command:

$ kill %1

What is the usage of this statement?

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Ubuntu :: Why Cannot Run Kill From Logout

Jun 23, 2010

Since the OpenOffice quickstarter effectively disables the shutdown and hibernate buttons under Lucid, I put a command into my .logout to kill the quickstarter:
kill `ps aux | awk '/soffice.bin/ && (/quickstart/ || /splash-pipe/) {print $2}'`
This works fine if I execute it manually, but in the .logout file it seems to have no effect.

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Ubuntu :: How To Kill A Print Job

Aug 4, 2010

I accidentally submitted a print job twice. So I have this job sitting in the queue and haven't been able to figure out how to clear it. Tried system > administration > printing. Nothing there about how to clear the queue. I'm running 8.04.

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Ubuntu :: Kill A 'sh' Zombie?

Dec 10, 2010

Sometimes I find a process named 'sh' running under my username with the status 'zombie' waiting channel 'do_exit' on my system. Its ID increments by 4 every time System Monitor updates its display.

Today, it was there immediately after booting The only thing I did after logging in is start the System Monitor

I can't kill it since its ID changes too fast.

I don't know how it gets started, but it bothers me since it is behavior I would expect from something that is trying to hide.

If I hover over its name, the tool tip contains 'sh'

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Ubuntu :: Can't Kill Firefox-bin

May 13, 2011

I have this problem where I keep losing internet and the only way to fix is to restart the computer, I think it's because my wifi card isn't completely compatible with ndiswrapper. Anyways when ever this happens I am unable to shutdown properly because ubuntu says firefox-bin is still running, when I try to shutdown it just hangs. I tried killing firefox-bin with the system monitor but that didn't work, then I tried killing it the terminal by using killall -9 firefox-bin. This too doesn't work. How can I kill firefox-bin?

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Ubuntu :: Kill Program From X11 Like CAD?

Jul 3, 2011

How do I kill an X11 application using a keyboard command? The program does not have Linux specific bindings (interupts). I want something like Ctrl-alt-del and process manager.

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General :: How To Kill The Grub2

Sep 24, 2010

How to kill grub2? Even with a 20 second hard-drive delay grub2 throws a error: no such partition and will not boot to a floppy. I know there is no partition I deleted all and started over. How do I kill grub so I can install fresh? I can boot to a thumb drive with gpart how do I clear the partition table and bootstrap?

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General :: Using The Kill Command In Ssh?

Feb 18, 2010

use kill command in ssh? some of my friends are always disturbing me while i'm programing using ssh...

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Debian :: Can't Kill Zombie Process

Feb 2, 2016

Sometimes (rarely) when I try to open VLC it wont open, but it stays in the background and takes 98-100% of one core.

The problem is that I can't kill that vlc-process.

Code: Select allkillall vlc
will NOT kill it
Code: Select allkill 31641
won't work either

top shows
Code: Select allPID       USER      PR  NI  VIRT        RES     SHR     S    %CPU   %MEM     TIME+     COMMAND
31641  xxxxxxxx   20   0   1320248   64384  39120   S   100.0         1.6     44:51.94     vlc

Is there any way to kill the vlc-process (without booting the machine)? I also tried the "killall vlc" and "kill 31641" as root with the same results.

I have Debian jessie and the only "nonofficial" repositories I have enabled are

#google chrome stable main
deb jessie-backports main

And from those I have installed only chrome, and wine-development, and I dont think those could have anything to do with this problem.

Booting the machine does work, but I don't want to boot my machine just now. This happens about once per week

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Debian :: Kill A Process Using GUI Interface?

Dec 31, 2010

well i am doing an assignment about debian OS 5 . so i need some info about Deadlocks and how to kill a process using GUI interface . i already found a way to do it in Command line .

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Debian :: Can't Kill Desktop 'keep Aligned'?

May 31, 2011

OK, I admit I'm a little OCD about icon placement on the Desktop - I want to do it myself - so this is driving me a bit nuts.I have right-clicked to disable the option 'keep aligned'. I have made sure it is disabled in gconf-editor. BUT IT KEEPS COMING BACK!ince I don't mess a lot with my desktop, I'll notice it's reverted when I add something new, can't place it exactly where I want to and once again have to untick 'keep aligned'.It seems to be random so not quite sure what might be triggering it.

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General :: Kill The Process In Different Group But Not One-by-one?

Apr 5, 2010

Can we just put all the processes in one group and kill that group? Is there any other way to do this?

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General :: How To Kill A Process With Name Having Spaces

Dec 10, 2010

A process with name=example can be killed by killall -9 example

How to kill multiple instances of following command which contain spaces?

"valgrind --tool=lackey ./testcases/kernel/syscalls/waitpid/waitpid03"

Following command returns valgrind --tool=lackey ./testcases/kernel/syscalls/waitpid/waitpid03: No such file or directory

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General :: What To Do When Ctrl-c Can't Kill Process?

Feb 9, 2011

Ctrl-c doesn't always work to kill the current process (for instance, if that process is busy in certain network operations). In that case, you just see "^C" by your cursor, and can't do much else.What's the easiest way to force that process to die now without losing my terminal?

Summary of answers below:Usually, you can Ctrl-z to put the process to sleep, and then do "kill -9 process-pid", where you find the process's pid with 'ps' and other tools.On Bash (and possibly other shells) you can do "kill -9 %1" (or '%N' in general) which is easier. If Ctrl-z doesn't work, you'll have to open another terminal and kill from there.

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General :: How To Kill Same Group Process

Feb 18, 2011

How to kill a process initiated by another user, who is in same group as me?

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Ubuntu :: Kill The X Server And Have It NOT Restart In 9.10?

Apr 27, 2010

Sometimes, i just want to run a shell terminal so i can access the desktop environment of another computer over ssh. is there a way to kill the X server and have it NOT restart in 9.10 Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Xfdesktop Keeps Restarting When Kill ?

Jul 11, 2010

On Xubuntu Lucid, How do I kill Xfce's desktop (xfdesktop) without it restarting almost immediately? Right now, when I kill it (using built-in kill; /bin/kill; pkill) it restarts. I don't want that. Xfce seems to no longer have the option to choose if I want a desktop or not.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Kill Processes With Name=x && %mem>y?

Sep 22, 2010

I have an issue on one of my servers whereby the [normally very helpful] du and tar programs are somehow using up too much or my system resources (du 40% mem, tar 20% mem) and causing problems. I am after a command which is able to kill a process without knowledge of a PID but by process name e.g. "du" and memory usage e.g. >= 10%.

Something along the lines of:
kill $(pgrep du) grep %MEM > 10

Although I know that is invalid syntax I cannot fathom the correct/best way to achieve this end!

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Ubuntu :: How To Kill A Wine Process

Nov 7, 2010

How can I kill a specific wine process? for example paint shop pro has crashed under wine and will not close but how can I find the specific pid to kill it? ps axwww | grep wine shows the pid of wineserver and winedevice but it doesnt show the pid of the prgram I want to kill

5995 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/bin/wineserver
6001 ? Sl 0:00 C:windowssystem32winedevice.exe MountMgr
6054 pts/0 S+ 0:00 grep --color=auto wine

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