Software :: How To Restore Older Grub

Feb 2, 2011

I am using ubuntu 9.10 as my desktop operating system in dual boot with win xp. Both these installations are in one 160 gb harddrive.I used a partition manager tool of windows and created an unpartitioned space in the partition that contained win xp.Then i installed the fedora 13, (just wanted to use a redhat based os) this installations was done in the unpartitioned space that i created earlier.

Everything was fine uptill now but the problem came in when i boot. The grub that used to load on startup earlier is now a different grub (0.97) and theres no option of the older ubuntu operating system. Though the linux partitions cannot be accessed from windows, I can see them and they look as they were before plus two extra partitions one of 500 mb and other of 43.75 gb (which is an accessible partition to windows with zero space available). I see that the partitions are there intact but theres no way how to access them. I don't know how to restore my older grub.

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CentOS 5 :: Exchange Older Distros GRUB With 5.4's One

Feb 6, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 9.10's GRUB. Now i wish to exchange it with CentOS-5.4's GRUB I didn't install GRUB during CentOS installation. Searched through Google and CentOS wiki find all about rescuing GRUB.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Booting Into Karmic Using The Older Grub?

Feb 3, 2010

i had a system running ubuntu karmic and grub2. Last day i installed fedora 12 on another partition and also installed the older version of grub that came along with it(because i was more used to it). The current status is:1. can boot into fedora, cannot boot into ubuntu.

2. can boot into fedora, chroot into the ubuntu partition
3. no data loss

However, i just can`t boot into ubuntu from the older version of grub which i have presently. Question is: How do i boot into karmic from the older version of grub? do take some time off and reply of you know the answer!

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Ubuntu :: How To Restore Grub In 11.04

May 18, 2011

I installed win7 after installing ubuntu, and now grub is gone. I looked around for tutorials, but none of them have worked so far.

So, how do you restore grub in 11.04?

I've heard about grub 2? I'm not sure what the differences are.

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Fedora :: Backup And Restore Of A Grub Mbr?

Feb 13, 2011

One Laptop. One hard drive. Two OS's. Windows 7 is shot to hell from installing and uninstalling to much crap. Windows & WILL rewrite my MBR. How do I back up my far superior GRUB MBR and restore it over the wincrap MBR once I am done reinstalling Windoze?

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Ubuntu :: Restore The Grub Loader In 10.4?

Feb 4, 2011

1q):: in ubuntu if grub (loader) has been currepted,while booting it will show grub>(has gone)so how to reload/restore the grub instead of installing linux(ubuntu) again.2)q:: in ubuntu if grub has been currepted,while booting it will show grub>(has gone)if i have some imp data in ubuntu ,i want take data using linux live cd(i used but i didnt see the data,i think we have mount to /mnt then we will see/access/copy the data)how to see/access /copy the data3q)::same question grub has been cuureptedve dueloot(windows+ubuntu),instead of installing ubutntu/ubutnu grub loader,can we do only windows as working(means i decided to remove the ubuntu , i want use the only windows,without distrubence the windows data(if i have some data in windows))

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Debian :: Restore The 'full' Grub Menu?

Aug 5, 2010

Upon booting, the existing grub menu shows the Debian OS, but I also have Ubuntu installed on the same hard disk. It does not show in the menu. Previously I had Debian, Ubuntu, and Mint. In Ubuntu config file (menu.lst) I wanted to delete Mint and an old Ubuntu. I did so. In doing this I must have removed the 'full' menu.lst,leaving only Debian. So now I cannot boot into the new Ubuntu. I presently have only two OS on the hard disk: Debian and Ubuntu. I cant see Ubuntu, How do I correct this problem?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Backup / Restore And GRUB 11.3 X86-64?

Nov 5, 2010

I do regular full and incremental backups using dar. All disk volumes are labeled and mounted by label. There is no other operating system installed. I built a new system but due to having to RMA a disk, I built the openSUSE system on a disk from the backup cycle. This Maxstor disk has problems which is why it was moved into an external box and the backup system. I now have a replacement disk and wish to replace the Maxstor before it dies. I initially tried a disk to disk clone with clonezilla but this died complaining that a small target partition was smaller than the source partition. It had created the partition and the start and end sectors were identical. There are no problems with the new disk.

I decided that it would be a good opportunity to test a full system disk restore from the backups. I have in the past restored individual files and partitions but have never restored onto a bare boot disk. I have restored and labeled all 6 partitions. The partition containing / has been marked as active. /boot is included in the partition containing /. fstab is valid, menu.lst is valid, needs editing but this is not a problem.

What do I need to do to make this disk bootable. I have looked through the GRUB documentation but if you try some standard GRUB commands in 11.3 you get messages saying don't do this use YAST. I have seen other suggestions ranging from trying to start the not supported system repair option to using dd to copy the MBR which seemed to trash the partitions in the users extended partition.

The YAST bootloader displays "boot from the root partition". I assume that this is currently what is happening rather than what YAST thinks might be a good idea for next time. I suspect that all I have to do is dd the first 512 bytes of the root partition. If this is the case I can add this to the backup process. While I automate backups I do not automate restores. Each restore tends to be different and I am not sure of the best way getting grub to work on a bare disk restore.

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Ubuntu :: Remastersys Grub Restore Tool?

Jan 15, 2010

i restored grub2 with renastersys grub tool and now i cant reach my system i tried to reinstall grub2 but it has not worked. When i try to open my computer grub restore tool comes out and i cant enter my system

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.04 - Any Way To Remove Grub And Restore MBR

Jan 19, 2010

I have installed Kubuntu on a usb stick. I installed version 9.04 from a disk that came with linux magazine. After installation I can only boot pc if the usb stick is plugged into pc before I turn it on. I then gat a menu with 5 options. The first is Kubuntu and the last is Windows XP. If I try to boot my pc without the usb stick plugged in I get a GRUB error message.

I think this is the GRUB menu which means that it must have amended the Master Boot Record. If I try to boot my pc without the usb stick plugged in I get a GRUB error message. This is generally a minor inconvenience and a great security measure. My worry is that I am notorious for losing usb sticks. If I lose this one I wont be able to boot pc. Is there a way to remove GRUB and restore the MBR?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Restore Grub In 9.10 With Wubi

Feb 22, 2010

i hav dual boot system with Windows Xp and Ubuntu 9.1 using Wubi i have 5 partitions at one 250gb harddiskwindows is working on C:i have ubuntu on the 5th on G: installed under windowsWhile i am experimenting with startupmanager i selected to show spalshscreen and restarted ubuntuthen i found a problem with grubani have only a terminal to enter grub commands named sh:grub:>how can i restore the grub and boot into ubuntu

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Ubuntu Installation :: Restore Grub Without Live CD?

Apr 30, 2010

After upgrading from 9.10 to 10.4 computer stop working. Booting stops on grub with a massage:

Grub loading.
Error: the symbol 'grub_puts_' not found
grub rescure>
I try to restore grub but after command:
insmod /boot/grub/linux.mod
I get error:
Error: the symbol 'grub_puts_' not found

Is any way to restore grub without Live CD ?

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Ubuntu :: How To Restore Grub Boot Loader

Jun 29, 2010

I installed Mandriva today, but it got rid of my GRUB boot loader. So I need to know how to fix this, I have Ubuntu 10.04 installed, but am currently running the Live CD from 9.10 to get me online.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Restore GRUB Using Instructions?

Nov 10, 2010

I have a dual boot system with Ubuntu 10.10 and Windows Vista. Today I upgraded Vista to Windows 7, and GRUB is no longer working. The usual problem, I know. Searched forums & Web and found many instructions for restoring GRUB manually or by using the Ubuntu Live CD.I tried the Live CD first. All the instructions say to boot to the CD, open a terminal, and enter: sudo grubI get an error message: command not found.Then I tried the manual method, which (after mounting the relevant partition) includes the instructions:

Reinstall the boot manager by typing "sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sdX", replacing "X" with the Ubuntu drive's letter, and then hitting "Enter." For example, "/dev/sda" is the Ubuntu drive for most users.[This step appeared to work fine.]Then: Restart the computer into your Ubuntu system.Alas, the computer restarts to sh:grub and I don't know how to get from there to either Linux or Windows, or what to do to fix this problem. At this point I have no working system on that computer

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Ubuntu :: Restore Grub After Windows 7 Install?

Jun 18, 2011

Iv looked around for the tutorials but none of them worked i keep getting errors.
Can someone just guide me from the top?c

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Software :: Restore GRUB After Installing Windows 7?

Dec 26, 2009

have an Intel Core2 Duo system that would dual boot via GRUB between Windows Vista and Fedora 10. I recently attempted to upgrade from Vista to Windows 7, however because the version of Vista I had would not upgrade to Windows7. This has removed the ability to boot into my Fedora 10 installation. After some brief research on the Internet, I created a Live CD of Fedora 12, and booted into that. Accessing the terminal I tried typing:

[liveuser@localhost ~]$ su root
[root@localhost liveuser]# grub

Probing devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time.

GNU GRUB version 0.97 (640K lower / 3072K upper memory)
[ Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB


Error 15: File not found

What is needed so I can restore GRUB on my system and boot into Fedora again?`

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OpenSUSE Install :: Restore Windows 7 And Configure GRUB?

Jan 29, 2010

My problem is that I have installed openSUSE 11.2 on a laptop with Windows 7 already installed. Yast resized my Windows partitions, which seemed to upset Windows as I had to go to my Windows Recovery Disc to restore it. When Windows was restored it did something so that GRUB no longer appeared. So I did a system recovery for openSUSE 11.2 which then removed Windows 7 from GRUB! Now I'm trying to restore Windows 7 and configure GRUB so that Windows and openSUSE will stop fight for boot supremacy and play nice with each other. Here are my Yast2 Boot Loader settings:

Section Management Settings
SUSE LINUX (type)image (/dev/sda6, root=dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST9320320AS_5SX4PRAS-part6)
Failsafe SUSE LINUX (type)image (/dev/sda6, root=dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST9320320AS_5SX4PRAS-part6)
Boot Loader Installation Settings
Boot Loader: GRUB
Boot Loader Location: Boot from Extended Partition
Disk Order: /dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST9320320AS_5SX4PRAS


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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Boot / Restore Grub?

Nov 4, 2010

I was messing with some boot loaders which accidently disabled grub and I was remained with windows 7 boot loader only.How can I restore grub?I am using Opensuse 11.3

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OpenSUSE Install :: Multiboot Bootloader - Cannot Restore Grub

Apr 13, 2011

I installed Gnome 3 on a free partition of my netbook but I lost the boot to my suse kde...(MBR). I launched a live CD on USB but cannot restore Grub; the only way is to reinstall the KDE. Then it boots but does not show Gnome 3. Why the installer does not take into account both OS?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Asus EEE PC Restore Causes Grub Rescue

Feb 11, 2010

I had windows XP and Ubuntu installed on my Asus 1000HE and the hard drive is failing so I need to RMA it. They told me to restore it to factory defaults which I just press F9 at boot 3 time and Ghost takes over and reformats, creates 2 partitions and installs XP on one of the and the other is for another OS or just storage if needed.

I did that now I get a grub rescue prompt when I boot my netbook. Is there a way that grub installed itself to my PE partition that's a hidden partition that came with the netbook? I've taken the drive out of the netbook and put it into my desktop and formatted both main partitions but not the restore one. Yet I still get the grub rescue prompt, how can that be?? I can't even boot from flash drive or get to bios it just goes straight to the rescue.I need to send the netbook back but can't unless its restored. Right now I'm on the 9.10 live flash drive I made on my desktop and my only hard drive attached it the netbooks.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Restore Grub After Using Fixmbr In Windows?

Sep 1, 2010

I need to use the fixmbr command to fix my windows installation. I'd like to restore grub to its former state after doing so. I have searched how to do this and since my configuration differs slightly, I'd rather get more specific instructions. Right now this is what menu.lst looks like:

titleUbuntu 8.04.1, kernel 2.6.24-21-generic
kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-21-generic root=UUID=0c5d1c9c-70bb-4f61-a0ad-7dc5e59d9713 ro quiet splash


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Ubuntu :: Remove GRUB And NOT Restore The Windows Bootloader

Oct 31, 2010

Is there any way to simply remove grub? Does GRUB reside in a specific partition? Do I have to just delete the partition that has GRUB on it?The way my bootable partitions work is something like this.

1)Installed Vista

2)Installed Ubuntu

3)Thought I removed GRUB

4)Put in new HDD(1) and installed Win7 onto it

5)Put in another new HDD(2) and put another Win7 onto that (but I disconnected every other HDD so that the bootloader would be written onto the new HDD(2). When I have all my HDD's plugged in now, I get a GRUB load error (I think it's 21).

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General :: Restore Grub - After Rebooting The Menu Is Not Displaying

Jul 13, 2010

I have two operating systems installed in my computer. one is Windows XP( sp2 ) and another is Ubuntu Linux 10.04Lts. I reinstalled Windows XP. After rebooting, the grub menu is not displaying, only windows is booting, there is no sign of Ubuntu. Is there any way to restore the Ubuntu or I have to freshly install Ubuntu again ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove GRUB, Restore Windows Bootloader?

Jan 15, 2010

Basically, I used a USB stick to run ubuntu 9.10 live, then tried to install to an external 500gb HDD connected with a Sharkoon Drivelink USB adaptor. The installation went fine, but I get a GRUB error 21 when booting a lot of the time. I figure this is due to the way in which the drive is connected. I am a complete noob, and I want to just ove GRUB completely and restore my Vista bootloader. Unfortunately, I do not have an installation disk as my laptop didn't come with one, and none of the others I have other PC's are the same version (home premium 32-bit).If you know of a way to fix the GRUB issue/sso I can use the external drive I would love to hear them too, but the main aim of this thread is to help me remove GRUB and restore the windows bootloader. If any more information is needed, just ask and I will provide it.HP Touchsmart TX2-1010Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bitExternal HDD:Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 SATAII (with jumper set for 150mbps)

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Ubuntu :: Grub Error 22 - Restore Macrium Backup On One Of Two Partitions

Feb 11, 2010

my old 80gb pata HD showed a dual boot Ubuntu - XP on startup, although ubuntu never worked, onlly XP booted. Recently I tried to Restore a Macrium backup on one of its two partitions, & spoiled something. On boot up it says:-

GRUB loading stage 1.5GRUB loading please waite Error 22

I tried to reinstall Ubuntu 10.8 with no success, & also XP with "R" for repair again with no success.

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Debian :: Restore Original Boot Record After Grub Installation?

Mar 11, 2011

A few days ago I installed my first Linux product, which is Debian 6.0, and I installed the GRUB booting device on my main boot record, as it was suggested that it was a harmless step to take. Unfortunately, some quirk in my system made GRUB believe that I had XP when in fact I have Vista, so the options I have now are to boot Debian or to boot XP which is not on my computer. In other words, I have to get rid of GRUB now, but I'm realizing that he's not such an easy customer to kick out. I have moved my Linux installation to another drive, but the old GRUB always stays in place, and my Vista is stuck there frozen for eternity. So after considering all kinds of possibilities, I have come to the conclusion that the easiest way to restore my original boot record would probably be to find its backup copy that I assume the installation program made, and to copy it back into the right address at the beginning of the disk. I don't have the Vista recovery CD, so I really have to do this manually. So now my questions are these: did the installation program make a copy of the boot track, and if so, where did he put it and under what name, and finally, what command can I use from within the Debian terminal, which is now my only tool left, to copy the content of thesaid file into the first 512 bytes of the hard drive? I know that would be a simple matter for any serious geek, I guess I must be a little rusty. Anybody feel up to it?

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General :: Remove Grub And Restore Windows 7 Boot Loader?

Oct 24, 2010

I just made my system unbootable... Here is what i did.. I have two sata HDDs

160 GB (Contained Windows 7)
500 GB

I copied entire 160 gb as an mirrored image to 500GB HDD using Acronis Disk Director. I deleted entire 160 GB HDD.. Removed the 500 GB HDD and kept it seperate.. Installed ClearOS Enterprise 5.2 Worked a little bit... The i wanted to delete ClearOS.. So i connected 500GB HDD and booted again in Acronis Disk director Formated the entire 160GB HDD.. Copied back the entire 160 from 500GB HDD.. Now my sytem refuses to boot... Just 4 letters "GRUB" appears on the screen... I tried booting using XP CD.. It gives a blue screen.. I tried Windows 7 CD.. It says unable to fix due to MBR problem..

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General :: Can't Boot From My Hard Disk / Unable To Restore GRUB - Fix It?

Feb 4, 2010

After completing the installation of Fedora-FEL edition, I cant boot from my hard disk. "No bootable device found " error appears.

I have one Windows XP & 2 Linux installation in my disk.
I tried to restore grub using "setup (...)" command.but same error repeats.
Even I cant restore Windows XP using "fxmbr" command in... recovery console .

But I can boot from that drive by "chainloader" command in grub. code...

Running above command in grub terminal boots my hard disk ("hd1" is my "unbootable disk")

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Ubuntu Installation :: Image Restore Grub Rescue Command Line

Feb 25, 2010

I do computer forensics here in Afghanistan and I am trying to keep a clean image of a dual bootable hard drive. Here is what I try to do...

1. Boot into UbuntuLiveCD
2. I run "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda conv=sync,notrunc bs=64K" to wipe the drive with all zeros.
3. I then install Windows by creating a new partician about 50GB.
4. I then install Linux by creating a partician in ext4 mounting it at '/' in addition I create a swap partician.
5. Next configure everything just the way I want it. I install all the drivers and software I need for my windows partician and build out the remaining part of the disc as a "data drive."
6. Then I use "dd" again to try to image my "clean slate" of a system. Remember I am dual booting. I dd the /dev/sda and gzip it.
7. When I go to restore it, I boot from the live CD again and unzip ig and "dd" it back onto /dev/sda.
8. I run fdisk -l and I get:/dev/sda1 * 1 6375 5120000000 7 HPFS/NTFS/dev/sda2 6376 11724 42965842+ 83 Linux/dev/sda3 11725 12453 ...... 82 Linux swap / Solaris.This means to me that it can "understand the file system"
9. But then when I take out the Live boot CD and try to get my "clean slate" machine back, the system goes into Grub Rescue mode with a grub command line "grub rescue>"
10. I tried using the tutorial on Grub2, but...
a. It would not understand the command "linux"
b. When I try to do insmod, it says it doesn't recognize the file system.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Restore Grub So Can Boot Again Into Windows 7 Without Loosing Data

Jun 22, 2010

I had i a dual boot win. 7 and ubuntu 9.10,recently i had some problem in my windows os so i restored the c drive to factory settings since both operating systems where in c drive so when i tried to boot grub was showing problem.the information displayed was loading grub, the file does not exist rescue grub> so what should i do to restore grub so that i can boot again into windows 7 and ubuntu without loosing my data.

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