CentOS 5 :: Exchange Older Distros GRUB With 5.4's One

Feb 6, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 9.10's GRUB. Now i wish to exchange it with CentOS-5.4's GRUB I didn't install GRUB during CentOS installation. Searched through Google and CentOS wiki find all about rescuing GRUB.

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General :: List Of Distros That Use Grub?

Jun 26, 2011

Would like to try multi-boot different distros other than the Ubuntu flavors, they must use grub boot loader automatically. I cant find any list on the web? I don't want to edit menu.list.

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CentOS 5 :: When Centos RH Plans On Upgrading Php In Future Distros?

Sep 8, 2010

Recently upgraded to Centos 5.5 and was suprised to see that the distro still is running php 5.1.6.Anyone know when Centos RH plans on upgrading php in future distros?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 2 Distros But 1 Controlling Grub?

Dec 2, 2010

I have 2 distros installed right now and generally keep the main one and install and look at other distros.My question is this; Can I install a second distro and not let it take over my frub/boot menu and NOT let it control the boot menu? If so how would I do it? I always get confused when I install the second distro when it asks what to do,use / or boot as the option etc...

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Ubuntu :: Booting Later Distros With GRUB Legacy?

May 17, 2011

It's a little silly to ask this, as I am about to try it anyway, but is it theoretically possible to use a GRUB Legacy USB boot cd to boot a distro beyond 9.04? Or do I need to get to reading about GRUB 2?EDIT: As the USB Boot CD needs to be created from the GRUB files existing inside the Distro that it is intended to boot, this is impossible. Question answered.DIT EDIT: Unless I revert to GRUB legacy inside the Distro itself. Ok. Neat. I guess I just needed a place to write it down to figure it out

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CentOS 5 :: Getting An Evolution Exchange Mapi (rpm)?

Nov 5, 2010

Is there an evolution exchange mapi (rpm) that is available for CentOS 5? I have a client that has an Exchange Server 2010 server,but wants to use a Linux Centos laptop. I was able to see this MAPI in on another Linux distro.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Replace GRUB With Multiple Distros

Jun 21, 2011

I have used the following

Code: #Don't change this comment - YaST2 identifier: Original name: none# title Ubuntu 10.04 booting via symlinks kernel (hd0,6)/vmlinuz root=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST9500325AS_6VE3ZHX6-part7 ro quiet splash initrd (hd0,6)/initrd.img for Ubuntu for some time. Can this symlinks-booting technique (with the appropriate partition numbers/names) be used for LinuxMint and/or Fedora ?

Currently, I have one PC with Ubuntu's GRUB2 managing multiple distros (openSUSE 11.3 and 11.4, Ubuntu, Linux Mint and Fedora) with Windows 7. I would like to replace it with the openSUSE GRUB, and the Ubuntu, LinuxMint and Fedora are rarely used.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Want To Boot Multiple Distros With GRUB

Jun 21, 2011

I currently am in an adventurous phase and want to try other distros while still having a reliable, stable Ubuntu installation to fall back on. I'm currently in the process of partitioning my disks, and I realized that I might have trouble booting them, as the most recently installed would control GRUB and clobber any previous GRUB setup. So what I want to know is how to go about managing everything so that only one distro, preferably Ubuntu, has control of the GRUB menu at boot up, and will still recognize the other distros on other partitions.

I plan to have three 15GB root partitions, one swap, and one home partition for each distro.

Would I create a /boot for each distro? Or create one /boot with files from each distro copied there? Or should I do something else entirely?
I just don't want the distros to interfere with each other. Also, I don't want to use VMs for this, because I want to see what a real full-performance install is like for each distro.

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Software :: How To Restore Older Grub

Feb 2, 2011

I am using ubuntu 9.10 as my desktop operating system in dual boot with win xp. Both these installations are in one 160 gb harddrive.I used a partition manager tool of windows and created an unpartitioned space in the partition that contained win xp.Then i installed the fedora 13, (just wanted to use a redhat based os) this installations was done in the unpartitioned space that i created earlier.

Everything was fine uptill now but the problem came in when i boot. The grub that used to load on startup earlier is now a different grub (0.97) and theres no option of the older ubuntu operating system. Though the linux partitions cannot be accessed from windows, I can see them and they look as they were before plus two extra partitions one of 500 mb and other of 43.75 gb (which is an accessible partition to windows with zero space available). I see that the partitions are there intact but theres no way how to access them. I don't know how to restore my older grub.

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Ubuntu :: PC Boots To Grub-rescue - Cannot Boot Live Distros From Usb

Apr 27, 2010

got four partitions, one for media storage, one with ubuntu 9.10 32bit, one with crunchbang lite 9.04 64bit and one swap partition. The partition with ubuntu has been formated from ext4 to fat32 (with nothing on it, obviously). Whenever I boot up the pc now, I get an "unknown filesystem" error and a grub rescue> prompt. When I try to boot up a live usb image from my usb stick I either get a "linux kernel not found" message (crunchbang lite 32bit) or "initial menu has no LABEL entries!" error (gparted live usb) which changes to "Could not find kernel image: vesamenu.c32" after a couple of seconds. save my media partition or, more importantly, my crunchbang lite partition (which has one single important file on it, I'd love to recover). If this is somehow not possible, then I'd at least like to get my system usable again by succesfully booting from usb. I'm fairly new to using linux. I tried some grub-rescue commands, but not even the "help" command worked,

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CentOS 5 :: Older 32 Bit Programs In Centos 64bit?

Oct 12, 2009

I have 2 older 32 bit programs that I have to run in Centos 64bit. I have seen that in Centos-64-bit there are both 64-bit libraries than 32-bit These programs seems to work properly but is it necessary to do anything else?

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Ubuntu :: How To Make Update-grub (grub2) Ignore Other Partions / Distros

Jun 9, 2011

I generally have at least 4-5 distro's installed at one time - I always install grub to the boot partition of other distros -that was I control grub from the individual distros - I use ubuntu's grub as the default boot loader.

Rather than the method that ubuntu uses with the update-grub.I normally edit the grub.cnf file to add other distros but when update-grub launches it also adds links in grub.How can I prevent the upadte-grub script automatically adding lines for other distros i.e - I just want it to add ubuntu entries and ignore other partitions.

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Installation :: Multibooting Multiple Distros With A Separate / Boot Partition For GRUB

Mar 27, 2010

Noobish question on multibooting multiple Linux distros. I have four of the current major Linux distributions. Each has been installed and run individually (no other Linux distribution installed) in a dual-boot configuration with Windoze. No problem.

What I want to do is install all four Linux distributions and multiboot them. Reading the internet it would seem this is a simple task with GRUB. The short version being - install a Linux distro with a separate /boot partition for GRUB and use GRUB to boot the other Linux distros from the GRUB boot menu.

So I installed one of the Linux distros with a separate partition for /boot. The distro installer installed GRUB in /boot and correctly setup a dual-boot configuration with Windoze. GRUB was installed to the MBR. Next I installed a second Linux distro in its own root partition and told the distros installer NOT to install GRUB to the MBR, but rather, to the boot sector of the root partion of the second Linux distro. Installation was uneventful (and I could access the second Linux partition from the first installed Linux distro, things looked ok). Then I added to following to the installed (MBR - /boot) GRUB's menu.lst:

Code: title lixux distro 2
root (hd0,7)

chainloader +1 After which I rebooted the system and the new entry for the second Linux distro now appears in the GRUB boot menu. I selected the second Linux distro from the boot menu and got the following GRUB error: Error 5 : Partition table invalid or corrupt

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Ubuntu Installation :: Booting Into Karmic Using The Older Grub?

Feb 3, 2010

i had a system running ubuntu karmic and grub2. Last day i installed fedora 12 on another partition and also installed the older version of grub that came along with it(because i was more used to it). The current status is:1. can boot into fedora, cannot boot into ubuntu.

2. can boot into fedora, chroot into the ubuntu partition
3. no data loss

However, i just can`t boot into ubuntu from the older version of grub which i have presently. Question is: How do i boot into karmic from the older version of grub? do take some time off and reply of you know the answer!

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CentOS 5 Server :: Postfix Save Mail Before Relying It To Exchange?

Jan 29, 2010

I have postfix setup right now and it's relying mail to our Exchange server fine. What i would like to do though is have postfix save the email that gets passed through so that if a manager deletes an email, it's easy to look through by date and find the email he's looking for. Well, I'm thinking it would be a lot easier then having to need to pull out the backup tape and try to recover one email. Does anyone know whether I would be able to accomplish this?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Setup Sendmail (5.2) As Mail Relay For Microsoft Exchange?

Aug 5, 2010

how to setup sendmail ( Centos 5.2 ) as mail relay for Microsoft exchange. I will put the mail relay in DMZ and Mail server in Local Network.

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CentOS 5 :: Partitioning And/or Multiple Distros - Just 1 HDD?

Jan 15, 2010

I read somewhere that it's good to partition to several partitions, and even better to have separate parts on different hard drives, or even to have different distros, like Ubuntu or this or that UNIX-based OS on different hard drives, to maximize the functioning quality of your server.Unfortunately I only have one HDD and one computer at the moment, and although I can add more later when I've got the $$$, right now I'd like to know the best way to set up a partitioning sequence.

In addition, I have Windows 7 currently installed, and would like to keep it here. I've partitioned my internal HDD which is 250GB to only have 50GB to Windows 7, and I have ALL my data besides relevant application data stored on either my PS3 YDL 6.2, which has a 500GB HDD, and on my 1TB external HDD.So, what is the best partitioning sequence considering 180GB of space, a 50GB Windows 7 partition, and no other hard drives connected to the server? Also what/what OS to put on the different partitions?

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General :: How Does The Documentation Of CentOS/RHEL Compare To Some Of The Other Distros

Oct 29, 2010

documentation on the "stable" war-horse OSs. I am impressed for example on the community support of Ubuntu, Slackware, and impressed by the formal documentation of Arch and Gentoo.

1. However, how does the documentation of CentOS/RHEL compare to some of the other distros? and

2. How about compared to similar OSs, like Debian

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CentOS 5 :: Delete Files Older Than 7 Days?

Jan 26, 2010

I've been trying to delete all files older than 7 days in a directory temp1.I have try different ways but nothing happend:

find /temp1/* -mtime +7 -exec rm rf
find . -mtime +7 -exec rm rf
find /temp1/* -mtime +7 -print -exec rm{}

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CentOS 5 :: Why Is Kernel Much Older Than Current Stable Version?

Jan 21, 2010

I just ran "yum update" to download the latest kernel from the repository, and noticed that it's 2.6.18-164.11.1 while the latest on www.kernel.org is of curiosity, why is there such a discripency between the two? Lack of resources to test and build binaries?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Just Installed CenOS 5.4 On An Older GATEWAY?

Feb 3, 2010

The install actually seemed to go pretty smoothlyIt's a dell pentium4 with 128mbyes it installed textuallyI start the gui with 'startx'but the question I have is for the more experienced CentOS people.when I login as rootI am trying to figure out how to get my machine onto the internet.I had figured the OS would have NO problem with a Linksys 10/100 pci cardsince the OS has the latest drivers and all.The system reports the NIC as a "ADMtek NC100 ethernet" card (eth0)it also reports that the status is "ok"Now, I've seen the NIC when it's plugged into a hub (during the O/S install)and it DOES make the hub's light flicker when it tries to "talk" to it.but when I have it plugged into my Cable Modem (for internet) it's not doing anything.

During the install I SAW the NIC making the hub lights flicker... so I know the interface WAS doing "something".but nowwhen I go into the gui and I try the NetWork Admin , and I try to "activate" the card.Nothing.Am I NOT doing something that I SHOULD be doing?fconfig? (at the command line?) ifup? I would have thought I'd "activate" it with the gui ok...I'll keep poking around.I'm just a little surprised is all. Ubuntu 8.1 had no problem "discovering" and using a wireless Linksys cardTHIS operating system is even newer

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CentOS 5 :: Install An Older Version Of PHP From Remi Repo?

Jul 20, 2010

Ive got the Remi repo all setup along with yum priorities. I know how I would go about installing PHP 5.3 but for Drupal 6.x version 5.2.x is more compatible. I see php 5.2.13 in the remi repo archives. How should I go about installing it? just wget the rpm and install?

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CentOS 5 Server :: How To Optimize Servers For Older Hardware

Mar 16, 2011

My machine is:

Intel Celeron, 2000 MHz (20 x 100), 400MHz FSB, s478 Northwood core with 128 KB L2 Cache
768 MB RAM: 3 * 256 MB PC133 SDRAM (3.0-3-3-6 @ 133 MHz), DRAM:FSB running as 4:3
Intel Havre D845HV (3 PCI, 1 AGP, 3 SDR DIMM, Audio) (latest BIOS, HV84510A.86A.0050.P15.0305252001)
Western Digital 60GB hard disc, WDC WD600BB-75CAA0
SONY DVD-ROM DDU1612, and some generic floppy


all in all this was a pretty good machine to run Windows XP SP3, MS office 2000 (or 2003), and some mozilla-based browser (Firefox can work OK, but with "K-Meleon 1.5.4" it's fast as lighting). It has enough horsepower to run CounterStrike at 1024*768 and play MiHD movies with just a few ocasional glitches. Plays DVDs or XVID and MP3s without any problems, and they don't seem to use much resources in Task Manager. Sound, graphics and network subsystem work very good, but this will always be a PC133 SDRAM system hence memory bandwidth problems, and not much can be done about that. Machine was used as office + internet box, with some Winamp music playing in the background and as such it was great.

Now I turned it into (dual boot) CentOS 5.4 development server for developing a nonprofit PHP site.Joomla-based contents load slower from this machine on the intranet then on the regular server online. It's not crazy slow (like pentium 1 @ 166 mhz) but it's definitelly not good either. I think it should be able to run much much better, especially when I remember the Athlon T-bird at 1 GhZ with 512 MB PC100 RAM used to be much more responsive while running web apps on Mandrake 9 (when it came out) with KDE WM, while this cellery runs just server in init 3 (no Xorg or Gnome, just command prompt).

Please advise me how could I enhance the speed of the system. CentOS 5.4 was installed with all settings on default. Everything worked plug'n'play, didn't need to install anything extra. Machine primarily runs Apache2 with PHP and MySQL, SSH and SFTP daemons, not much else I guess. No GUI, mostly it runs headless anyway. I'm mostly annoyed by the way it serves pages, it's like it takes up to 6 seconds to precache some complex PHP page and then poof! whole page appears at once. I'd much rather if it served the contents of the page part by part, gradually filling in the details. I'm not sure if (and how) that can be achieved though. I'd like to optimize servers (mostly Apache) and maybe net config to run smoother and faster.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Configure Postfix On 5 To Relay Email From The Internet To The Exchange Server

Apr 24, 2011

i need to configure postfix on centos to relay email from the internet to the Exchange Server and i also need that emails sent from the exchange within the same domain be sent to postfix then resent to exchange because i have spamassassin and clamav installed on centos to filter all incoming and outgoing mails ...

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CentOS 5 :: Grub Doesn't Automatically Boot OS After Install, Hangs At Grub Prompt?

Mar 21, 2011

I have used CentOS for a while and have never run into this issue. I searched all over and didn't see a similar issue anywhere, I did an install of CentOS as a server (no GUI) with only the base. Partition is /boot ext3, size of 100MB. The rest of the drive is partitioned as / with ext3. This is being done on a CompactFlash card of 32GB in size. The BIOS sees it as an IDE drive.

When the install completes and the system reboots, the grub stops at the grub> prompt. There is no menu for OS options. If I do the following commands:
grub>root (hd0,0)
grub>kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-194.el5 root=LABEL=/
grub>initrd /initrd-2.6.18-194.el5.img

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CentOS 5 :: Booting CentOS V5.2 Fails With GRUB Error 13: Invalid Executable Format?

May 5, 2009

I'm trying to install a dual booting machine with OpenSUSE v11.1 32bit and CentOS v5.2 64bit. I installed OpenSUSE first and allowed it to install and configure grub in the MBR and after that I wanted to proceed with CentOS v5.2. The installation went fine with two notable exceptions:- when I had to configure grub installation parameters, CentOS offered me only 2 solutions: either install it on the MBR of the first hard disk or not installing it at all. Other distributions are more flexible allowing you to install it in the boot sector of the root partition for example. Because I didn't want to ruin the existent grub onfiguration, I reluctantly accepted not to install it for CentOS assuming that I could manually configure the entry later in grub's menu.lst file.

- when I was presented with the options for software components installation, I've clicked on virtualization category/function because I intend to use the machine as a VMware host. There was no guidance on screen at that point and I blindly assumed that by choosing the virtualization function I would get necessary tools and drivers that will help me further on. It seems that this was a wrong move as you can see it below.

After completing the installation, I tried to search for a template or guiding on how the menu entry in menu.lst should look like but the grub directory was empty, not surprisingly because I've told CentOS earlier not to install it. Using the files in the /boot directory from the CentOS installation I tried to improvise a menu entry but it's not working. The boot stops with famous Error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format. Using the file command to check what kind of files I'm trying to load as kernels I'm getting :

marte:~ # file /mnt/vmlinuz-2.6.18-92.el5xen
/mnt/vmlinuz-2.6.18-92.el5xen: gzip compressed data, from Unix, last modified: Tue Jun 10 19:20:51 2008, max compression


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CentOS 5 :: Centos 5.2 Installed On /dev/hda3, Won't Boot, Cant Find Grub Stage 2?

Nov 10, 2009

I just upgraded by box from Fedora Core 9 to Centos 5.2. Finally!I have a 500GB SATA drive, it's partitioned into three equal size slices, hda1 through 3. The old Fedora was on hda1, I installed the new Centos on hda3. I instructed the installer to write the MBR to /dev/hda, not /dev/hda3. Fdisk says I have sector 0 unused.First, the system wouldn't boot - it just looped through the BIOS, rebooting over and over again. The BIOS sees the disk, but it never loaded Grub. I tried re-running grub-install /dev/hda, and not I get a Grub Error 17 after stage 1.5 loads.

I can boot from rescue OK, the grub.conf man menu.lst look fine, it's pointing to "root (hd0,2)". It's either the BIOS that can't find the MBR, or the MBR can't find Grub.When I looked at the disk with fdisk after the install, hda1 was still marked bootable, hda3 was not, so I swapped bootable flags but that has not made a difference. I also appended the new grub to the old grub thinking I could get the MBR (if it is there) to load the old grub and thence find the new Centos, but that didn't work either.Mobo is an old Shuttle AK35.Any ideas? Did I mess up by not telling the system to put the MBR on /dev/hda3? Is there a way to fix this without reinstalling?

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CentOS 5 :: Create A Boot Load Entry For Mandriva From Grub Centos?

Feb 22, 2011

Ive installed centos freebsd and mandriva but i want to manage grub from my centos and y create successfully a boot load for freebds. But for mandriva it just doesnt work... so how can a create a boot load entry for mandriva from grub centos?

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Installation :: Dual CentOS - Windows 7 Boot - Had To Delete CentOS Partition And No Grub Menu

Sep 19, 2010

3 partitions (in order): Windows 7, CentOS and shared data partition.

I need to increase the size of the Windows 7 partition (c:windowswinsxs seems to be something not easily remedied).

GParted didn't work in moving things around (bad sector) so I wiped out its partition (# 2 out of 3) and I was able to increase the size of the Windows 7 partition (I can reinstall CentOS easily and not much work lost).

Except ... no more grub menu (unsurprising). This incantation does allow me to boot into Windows 7.

Is there any way of rebuilding the grub menu short of reinstalling CentOS (5.5)?

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CentOS 5 :: Centos 5.4 Grub Timeout Value Not Working?

Apr 15, 2010

pulled up an old clunker and put centos 5.4 on it the other day. well the grub spash screen appears but i have to manually hit enter to select a kernel.at the /boot/grub/grub.conf file and timeout=5. this is a new install. so I tried changing that value to 0 and it does boot the kernel immediately but never displays the splash screen. so something is not right I assume. btw I see a message (loading stage 2) for about 20 seconds as the computer boots and I have never seen that message on my ubuntu machine, so I wonder if something is off there.

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