Software :: Getting Windows 7 Back?

Jul 29, 2010

I was running windows 7 on my c:/ drive. Today i installed granular ( linux) and i choose my e drive to resize and installed granular on it. then when it restarted it directly starts granular. What to do if i want to boot into windows 7?

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Ubuntu :: Windows 7 Won't Boot - Displays Windows Logo And Then Drops Back To The Grub Menu

Jan 9, 2010

I have a Compaq Presario CQ60 with Nvidia GeForce 8200M graphics card. When I first installed Windows 7 followed by Karmic in dual boot I could boot into both OS. Now when I try to boot into Windows, it displays the Windows logo and then drops back to the grub menu. It may have started happening after Windows 7 installed updates. I tried reinstalling both Windows and Karmic again and it again worked initially but now Windows no longer boots. Does anyone have any suggestions about what may be causing this or how I can fix the problem without reinstalling?

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Ubuntu :: Go Back To Windows?

Feb 23, 2010

i have ubuntu, no dual-boot. how do i go back to windows? just pop in the windows cd and boot from there?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Back Into Windows?

May 4, 2010

I seem to have gotten a bit overzealous and gotten myself into a problem. I've managed to install Ubuntu 9.10 on a Compaq CQ50 Laptop so that it dual-boots with Windows Vista. Everything initially was working fine - Vista and Ubuntu worked side by side pretty well, and it all seemed hunky dory, until I shot myself in the foot. Basically, whenever the computer was booting I would first see the Windows Boot Manager, followed by the GRUB boot manager when Ubuntu was selected. Since both boot loaders had options to boot into the other OS, I figured that it wouldn't hurt to set Windows Boot Manager to 0 seconds display time, thus removing one small step in the booting process. Unfortunately, now when I choose to boot into Windows via GRUB, it briefly flashes up with the Windows Boot Manager and then kicks back to GRUB, and nothing I do seems to let me get back into Windows. I've tried booting from a Vista disk and using Bootrec /FixBoot, I've tried reinstalling GRUB and getting it to update its boot tables, I even tried installing LILO. So far, nothing seems to be working.

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OpenSUSE :: GDM Login Windows Gone / Get That Back?

Dec 9, 2010

I have gone from Suse 10.3 to 11.3, completely refreshed.
I used to have boot screens really nice ones come up at random after Grub loaded.

Now with the 11.3 that is gone.
I looked at GDM and see it is different from my previous version and does not seem to have the option to have the login window.
Is there any way to get back the old version of GDM?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Won't Let Boot Back Into Windows

May 10, 2010

I had a fresh Windows 7 install on for a few days before taking the plunge with Ubuntu 10.04. It's great except I want to go back to Windows 7 to reformat by iPod with the Windows HD structure. The problem I have is that when I restart and I am presented with the options of whether I want Ubuntu or the safe mode for Ubuntu or Windows 7 to boot I can't use the arrow keys on my keyboard to scroll down to select Windows. The arrow keys don't work.

The keyboard works fine with the computer. And the Esc, F12 keys etc work to access the bios but not to scroll down and select my boot choice. The keyboard is a silver mac one with the keypad [URL] I've tried searching for the right drivers for the keyboard in case that's it and I've searched these forums and google to no joy.

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Installation :: Getting Windows Back After Ubuntu?

Oct 7, 2010

I hope everyone is doing great. I recently installed Ubuntu on my laptop which came with Windows 7 preloaded. How I did it is that I created a new parition for Ubuntu on the same harddisk which had windows installed on a separate parition and installed Ubuntu on the new parition and made it the primary partition. The windows is still lying on its own to get windows working as well without loosing the Ubuntu installation.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 LTS Vs 10.10 Almost Made Me Go Back To Windows?

Nov 16, 2010

Back in July I bought an Acer Aspire ONE KAV60 with Xubuntu installed on it. I used to run Linux a long time ago but had not messed with it for a couple of years and I was surprised to find out how much more "user friendly" Linux had gotten (With Ubuntu anyways). There are more and more GUI programs/processes now days which makes everything easier to do, however there are a couple of things that I have found in the last few months running Linux only on my little netbook.

When I downloaded Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid and installed it from the Xubuntu, I was quite satisfied with the general desktop setup and ease of the operating system. I loved it, it was like going from OS/2 to Win95 all over again! (I'm not that old, I just started young). Here recently, I ran into a little problem with 10.04 and had to re-format, but when I went to re-download it the new 10.10 was available instead. I threw it on a flash drive and installed it on my netbook only to have "problem after problem" upon installation and had downloaded and installed 10.04 from the archives in a matter of a few hours after messing with 10.10.

There were plus sides and down sides to both right off the bat. I am a nerd I suppose and I have started to play a game called Runescape. After installing 10.10, I opened up Runescape and was able to use the "Re-sizable" screen option! That's an amazing option with Runescape on a netbook. I then opened up my favorite and most used program suite called aircrack-ng. I had the apparently infamous problem titled "fixed channel mon0: -1" and was completely unable to get it working (even after reading the SOLVED article on here.) I spent probably 2 hours trying to figure out that problem and was unable to do so. I cannot be without the aircrack-ng suite so I decided to revert back as I fore mentioned.

Upon reverting back to Lucid LTS from the archives, I was happy with the smoothness of how it runs on my netbook compared to 10.10, but as soon as I logged onto that damn game Runescape, I was on a mission to figure out how to correct the "fixed channel mon0: -1" issue on 10.10 so I could have the re-sizable screen option again.

I finally figured out that I needed (from a fresh install on 10.10) to do apt-get install patch and apt-get install gcc before I could complete the steps of the SOLVED issue guide. This was never mentioned and it made me realize I still need to know what I'm doing if I'm going to run Linux and then maybe I won't have all these issues.

Out of all this, I have a couple of questions and would like to learn more about Linux so I do not have these problems in the future. Here are a couple of questions I would like to mention first: What is gcc? I had all that trouble just because I didn't know to install gcc to do the tutorial.

I believe the re-sizable screen option is available for me in 10.10 and not 10.04 because of Java. I did not have to install Java in 10.10 at all, I just opened up Runescape "out of the box". In 10.04, I use Sun Java with the apt-get command in Terminal. Does anybody have any information to confirm or deny this?

Once I got aircrack-ng working in 10.10, I was surprised to find out that it is amazingly fast compared to 10.04. I believe this has to do with drivers. I was able to use aircrack-ng (after install) "out of the box" with 10.04 so I did not download the "compat wireless" drivers that had to be used in 10.10 to get it to work.

If I were to revert back to Ubuntu 10.04 (I much prefer Lucid for my netbook, runs much better), would I theoretically be able to download a different Java and use the re-sizable option on Runescape? Would I also be able to use the "compat wireless" drivers in 10.04 to make aircrack-ng send and receive arp's and ack's so much quicker?

Last but not least, I would like some sources if possible to better learn Linux from. I mean Terminal type Linux, I do appreciate (as I said earlier) the new GUIs that are available now and I didn't have before, but I still feel the need to know my way around the system and I just don't have that knowledge.

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Ubuntu :: Switch Back To Windows 7?

Nov 21, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.10 over Windows 7, getting rid of Win7. I have decided that I want to switch back to Windows 7, because of more compatibility. Windows 7 came pre-installed on my laptop. Is there any way I can recover it? I did a full install of Ubuntu 10.10.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Going Back To Windows 7 Only?

Dec 2, 2010

I was able to install Lucid Lynx 64-bit. I selected manual partitioning which I completed without complication.

I encountered several problems after installation:

I could not use my Radeon HD 5870 graphics card. Whenever I enabled it in the BIOS, the monitor would go to "sleep." When it was disabled and the onboard 4200 graphics card was used, everything was normal. Of course, this meant that I could not enjoy my PC gaming.

Next, I could not connect to the internet.

I searched for solutions and found one [here]. After I performed this procedure, I activated the ATI proprietary driver. I also had internet! Everything seemed great. I was about to enjoy the fruits of my labor.

When I rebooted and went to Windows to make sure everything was good on that end, I got the...wait for it...waaait for screen of death.

That's where I'm at. I'm extremely hesitant to do anything else at this point for fear of not being able to use Windows altogether (I need it for school). However, during the school break, I plan to re-format the HD because I don't see any possible solution to the BSOD. Using the Windows recovery disk availed nothing whatsoever.

Furthermore, since I don't have an actual Windows CD, and my recovery disk is not doing jack, that means I will be buying a Windows 7 Home Premium disc for $175. I wasn't expecting that when I installed Ubuntu. =(

I guess what I need to know is whether I can re-format my HD to the way it was pre-Ubuntu. That means, will I be able to delete the Ubuntu partitions?

Next, is there somewhere where the Ubuntu gurus go to learn all "sudo" codes? I know there are quite a few books out there on Ubuntu and Linux, but where does everyone get their knowledge? With Windows, you can go to the website tutorial or Microsoft itself. The only vast field of knowledge I've seen with Ubuntu is this forum and perhaps Linux forum, in addition to the books. I guess that's relatively equivalent, but I don't know, I guess I'm just disconcerted because I find myself plugging in codes which I am not familiar with.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Get Windows Back

Jan 11, 2011

I installed ubuntu for the first time, but then I used to get two boot options, "ubuntu" or "windows". So I loaded up windows and after googling a few things, managed to set ubuntu as the default option by going to system settings in windows and changing the boot options.

I am totally regretting this now, but I set the time limit to zero (ie load ubuntu without prompt) and now I can't get windows back? I have installed startup manager but the windows option on there "windows loader" does not work and does not bring it back (the screen stays blank until I have to restart).

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Go Back To Windows 7

Jul 10, 2011

I have had serious prob;lems with hardware in my laptop and since getting them rectified i have not been able to go back to windows 7, they wanted to charge me 70 just to reinstall it on my license. However i downloaded ubuntu and my first impression was wow this is amazing! however after using it for now about a week the only thing that works on it is firefox. i had this working on 7. fact that this is not a windows system anymore but i am getting to the point now of fronting up the �70 and going back as non of the games that i have will run through wine or Pol.

Even things that it states everywhere online run fine like steam and valve just does not work, well it does but as soon as you open anything it just closes the window. I am getting very frustrated with the whole thing and have concluded it must be me and not the interface that is making mistakes. i have read a few of the complete beginners guides, still non the wiser. so i guess my main question is this; can i expect my entire linux experience to be dogged by faults and failures at every twist and turn?

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General :: Installed UNR ... Can't Get Windows 7 Back

Nov 16, 2010

(Linux Noob here) I just installed Ubuntu Netbook Remix (the latest one off the official site) and had it installed on my Acer Aspire one Netbook. My netbook had Windows 7 prior to installing UNR. I managed to get a partition for UNR and installed it from the USB and just went with the steps (never gave me an option to install alongside Windows, since I booted using the UNR image from the USB).

so got UNR working but the problem is that there seems to be no option to boot to Windows 7. My netbook boots straight to UNR. I know I have to edit the GRUB or something but I have no idea how to even do this. How do I setup UNR so that I get the option to boot with either UNR or Windows. I previously installed Jolicloud and it was simple enough that it gave me the option to boot to either Jcloud or Win 7. How do I do this with UNR?

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Debian Installation :: Can't Boot Back To Windows

Nov 20, 2015

I installed Debian 5 hours ago, and I am fighting with it since then. I'll pass on the tons of issues I am encountering (wrong desktop environment (I asked for debian's, I got Gnome), shitload of various errors when doing basic things, resolution of a minitel).

The biggest issue I am having is that Grub is not listing Windows and I can't boot into it. I've tried os-prober and update-grub, the boot info script detects Windows 7 (it's windows 10 but, whatever), I've tried to boot into a windows repair USB stick and fix the mbr and boot through the cmd (which both returned success). I am currently trying to create boot-repair USB stick, but I keep getting errors about file systems not handling symbolic links...

How can I repair Windows boot (which seems to have been messed up by Debian's setup)..

Also, I am quite used to linux and unix systems, as I am dev and use Mac OS at work and used Ubuntu/Fedora for years, and I never had such a bad and messy experience with any of those OS...

Here is the boot-info generated with Boot-Repair-Disk [URL] .....

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General :: Restore Windows 7 From The Back Up Disc?

Oct 25, 2010

I have my back up disc but i do not know how too remove linux. I no longer want it.

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General :: Get Windows 7 Back After Installing Ubuntu?

Dec 13, 2010

My friend borrowed my laptop for a while and when he gave it back he said he replaced Windows 7 with Ubuntu. I asked him to switch it back simply because I prefer Windows. He claims not to know how. I don't want to go buy a new windows 7 disc I just want to figure out how to get rid of this Ubuntu and Windows 7.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lost My Windows Cd / Get That Back?

Jan 23, 2010

I am happy with ubuntu it's cool, but I want to go back to windows. I lost my windows cd. So I made a blank disc with an iso file. But the problem is. When I try to keep it inside my computer and restart it won't load. I think grub has something to do with this.

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Ubuntu :: Getting Back Jaunty Jackalope And Windows Xp

Mar 22, 2010

i had ubuntu jaunty jackalope and windows xp on my dell ispiron. a friend split my hard drive beacuse i wasn't sure about ubuntu. he installed using a cd. a few weeks ago i updated to karmic koala. i did it from the site, which took my whole hard drive. is it a difficult process to get back the jaunty jackalope and windows xp or is it gone forever?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot Back Into Windows 7

May 9, 2010

I wanted to go back to try Ubuntu again. I used to use it and I wanted to try it again. So I make a partition on my external hard drive to put Ubuntu in. I tried WUBI but that wouldn't work, so I downloaded it and burned it to a disc. I boot into the disc and install Ubuntu NOT on the partition I made. (It wouldn't install there). So it made it's own partition on my External Hard Drive. It installs, my computer restarts and the disc comes out.

My computer is booting up when a command line type screen comes up saying GRUB recovery or something along the lines. I can't do anything or get past it. So I restart my computer with the Ubuntu disc in, and it brings me back to the install menu like it never did anything. I looked in the Disc Utility and saw everything is still in it's place, so nothing happened. I really don't want to be stuck in this Try Ubuntu thing. I can give you all the information I can.


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Ubuntu :: Swich Back To Windows For Better Networking?

Sep 21, 2010

I have a dial-up 56k (no broadband available here) modem connection via ppp0 and a home LAN connection to two other systems through a DD-WRT set up router using eth0 wired and eth1 wireless. ppp and eth don't work to together. Something about DNS and resolv.conf resetting the DNS. I don't understand why it does this or how that system works or why it can't be worked around, but apparently it can't. I can dial into the Internet but if i was connected to the LAN before doing so I can't connect to any sites. The reverse with the LAN is also true. I have to shut down one or the other interface for the other interface to function correctly.

I've asked for help in these forums, specifically networking several times but seem to have hit the back hole of help when it come to issues for which their isn't a solution. I assume they think that if they ignore me I'll just go away, so I've moved to this forum hoping for better results.

In regards to my title question; if I switch to Window7(ugh!) or XP(groan!) will I be able to do these things. I'm sure there is someone with a dual boot system who can enlighten me to this. I've been using Ubuntu since Dapper and I did years ago have an Ethernet and ppp0 dial-up connection working together with ICS. I don't understand why doesn't it work now? OF COURSE if you have solution to my problem so it will work with my Ubuntu Lucid systems I'd be forever in your debit! I really don't want to return to using windows.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Get Back To Windows From Grub

Apr 12, 2011

I just did a fresh install of Windows XP Home Edition and then a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.10. I can't get Grub2 to find the Windows partition using the prober though. Here is the output of the Boot_Info_Script005 file.


Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in
partition #6 for (,msdos6)/boot/grub.


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Installation :: Change Back To Windows Bootloader?

Dec 5, 2008

I know practically nothing about Linux but am trying to learn. I actually want to get certified Linux+. So I figure this forum would be a great resource. Anyway, I have a dual boot situation going on my laptop with Windows XP and Ubuntu, and am pretty frustrated that I seem to forced to use GRUB. I really dont feel like reinstalling. Is there a way to simply change it back to using the Windows bootloader?

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Ubuntu :: Use 9.10 To Access All Windows Files And Back Them Up

Nov 30, 2010

1) Can I use the LiveCD to access my files stored in Windows? (The attached screenshot shows my Computer.)

2) If so, can I backup the files to DVD using CDDVD Creator, which comes with Ubuntu? If not, what must I do to accomplish these 2 things if I install Ubuntu?

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CentOS 5 :: How To Get Back Grub After Windows Install

Mar 13, 2010

How to get back centos grub after installing windows...? Whenever I reinstall my windows, centos bootloader will disappear....

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installed On Back Up - How To Delete Windows HDD

Jun 12, 2010

My desktop computer has 2 hardrives, one 70gb and one 40gb, previously, the 40gb was windows XP and the 70gb was a backup, I decided to install opensuse on the 70gb backup, and now I want to wipe out the 40gb HDD that has windows xp and turn that into a back up.

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General :: Uninstall GRUB And Get Windows 7 Bootloader Back?

Sep 13, 2010

I have windows 7 home premium currently installed and I have just recently installed Linux Mint and it has replaced my MBR with GRUB. Is there any way I can restore the normal Windows 7 Boot Loader and have the secondary option to boot my Linux Mint?

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Ubuntu :: Get The Machine Back To Being Able To Boot Into Windows Without Any Prompts

Jan 8, 2010

So I needed to remove linux from a dual boot, single drive setup I had going. Without thinking I was in Windows XP and formatted the linux partition I had created. After trying to reboot the computer I receive a Grub 1.5 Error 17 rightfully so.

I am having a hard time finding a solution... All I need to do is get the machine back to being able to boot into Windows without any prompts.

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Ubuntu :: Minimized Windows Disappear Beyond My Desktop / Get That Back?

Feb 19, 2010

I have a problem and I don't understand how it started...
When I minimize windows, they disappear beyond my desktop not leaving the button to maximize them again on the lower panel...
I have no idea how to get the minimized windows to be stored on the lower panel...

How can i fix this problem?

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Ubuntu :: Windows Won't Boot / Goes Back To Grub - Resolve This?

Mar 15, 2010

I have an Acer Aspire 5810T which came with Windows Vista. I prefer Ubuntu but I need some windows applications so I dual-booted Vista and 9.10.

There was a few minor problems with the Vista side but I didn't use it enough to care. A few weeks ago Vista would not open some programs and others would shut down automaticly and some would open but not connect to the internet like they should. This happened on my previous laptop and when I used the system recovery discs to restore the computer all those issues were gone.

I used the recover discs to restore everything to its original factory settings, it said everything was successful so I restarted. My computer got to the grub menu but when I chose Windows Vista as my operating system it goes black for half a second then returns to the grub menu.

I can get into Ubuntu fine, and I can see the Vista files when I mount the drive to Ubuntu. When I look at the files everything is the way it should be if I had restored it but I can't boot it..

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrading Windows Get GRUB Back?

Jul 6, 2010

I had Vista loaded on my computer, then loaded the BRILLIANT ubuntu onto a second partition! This gave me the GRUB boot loader which is fine.My 2 points are;1. Can I change the position of the items in the GRUB loader so if no keys are pressed it loads Windows automatically?? (Its for my sons computer!!) Also can I edit the GRUB so its less complicated for him??2.I want to update his Windows to Win 7, free upgrade! This over rights the Win partition and will therefore get rid of my GRUB loader. When I have updated how can I get back the ability to chose between booting Win 7 and Ubuntu?? How do I get the GRUB back?

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