Software :: Get Shockwave (actual Shockwave Not Flash) Working In Firefox 3.6 Series On (L)Ubuntu 10.04

May 19, 2010

I'm trying to get Shockwave (actual Shockwave, not Flash) working in Firefox 3.6 series on (L)Ubuntu 10.04. (And for that matter I'll also want Authorware. Yes, I need these things.)


The Windows version of Firefox does play Shockwave, but it's ugly as sin, I'd rather not be depending on wine for the web browser, and worst I can't get Java installed in wine - I really want one browser with Flash, Shockwave, Authorware, and Java support (see this thread for the background).I've heard Crossover can do it, but have yet to try this.

how I can get Shockwave working in the Linux version of Firefox? Changing distros is an option, if anyone has success stories from a different distro.

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OpenSUSE :: Total Firefox 3.6.3 / Disabled With Shockwave Flash Plugin?

May 23, 2010

ever since i updated to firefox 3.6.3 on my opensuse 11.0, it has been crashing instantly on loading videos and gmail.

i have done all of the obvious things. run in safe mode, uninstalled and reinstalled including deleting the entire profile, reinstalling the flash player and adobe reader plugins, disabling all extensions (in fact, i have no extensions installed at all now) - nothing works!

i have put a request in to the mozilla forums, but nobody has an answer.

i am able to get firefox to load the videos page only when in safe mode and with the shockwave flash plugin disabled. it still crashes instantly on gmail.

when i go into the yast installer to look for older firefox versions that i might downgrade to, the versions list is in such tiny type that it is unreadable. every other font is fine except that one versions list! it's driving me mad that the one thing i need to see in order to get a working firefox is invisible to me due to some obscure bug.

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CentOS 5 :: Shockwave Flash Player Not Working Under 5.5?

Dec 13, 2010

I have shockwave flash installed properly under Centos 5.5 running in virtualbox 3.2.12. I had no problems when I was using flash under 5.4 but for some reason can not access any videos or audio. I have confirmed that it is installed. I even tried renistalling it. It does show up as an add-on in Firefox too.

]# rpm -q flash-plugin

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Random Flash/Shockwave Objects Refuse To Work In Firefox

Jan 6, 2010

i run ubuntu 9.10 64-bit, using firefox 3.5.6 (courtesy of ubuntuzilla) as my web browser. i've had a problem with some flash and/or shockwave objects simply refusing to work inside firefox, despite having 64-bit flash player and all necessary plugins/addons/extras etc. installed.

there is no pattern to the problems, other than all of them being flash or shockwave objects that won't play. the majority of videos videos do play, including hd ones. however, this morning i encountered a pair of videos clips that simply would not play. i could load the page they were on, but all i ever saw was a black box, with no audio, where the video should have been.

i also noticed that on some of the videos that do play, the flash player's built-in volume control does nothing. i can slide it up or down or mute it entirely, but the sound from the flash video is unaffected.

i'll post urls of the problem videos later, so others can try them.

meanwhile i was able to watch other videos videos without issue, on another tab, aside from the broken flash player volume control.

i've also had a problem with the [url] player for a radio station, which i believe uses shockwave. i like to listen to atlanta, ga's wsb 750 am radio in the mornings before work, but so far i have to do it on a virtual windows xp machine running firefox 3.5.6, under virtualbox. if i try to open the player in firefox 3.5.6 running in the host os (ubuntu 9.10), i get only a blank popup window. url is [url]; click the "listen live" box at upper left to try it.

both machines, the host ubuntu 9.10 install and the guest windows xp machine, use exactly the same ad-blocking hosts file. i use the noscript addon in the host os install of firefox, but i allow any and all scripts when visiting the radio station's website.

since the streaming radio works on the virtual xp machine, i'm pretty sure my network configuration, hosts file etc. have nothing to do with this.

has anyone else had this problem? the flash content really should be agnostic with respect to the host os and browser, shouldn't it?

i guess it could be some random problem with the 64-bit vs. the 32-bit version of the flash plugin, so i may try instaling 32-bit ubuntu on a virtual machine to find out whether there's a difference.

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Ubuntu :: Open Office Impress And Shockwave Flash

Jan 26, 2010

I am running Karmic and OOo 3.1.1. I am trying to insert a Shockwave flash video into my presentation, but I just get a blank box. I have the SWF videos saved on my hdd and I can play them in Firefox if I open the files in the browser. I tried the OOo forum but have had no responses.

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Fedora :: Shockwave Plugin For Firefox ?

Nov 3, 2009

I installed shockwave to try and get a game working. The game ended up not working correctly and shockwave installe da plugin to play flash content in Firefox. So now Firefox won't play flash content. I removed Shckwave but Shockwave left the plugin for Firefox. I cannot seem to getrid of it I even reintalled the flash plugin to no avil. So how to get rid of the Shockwave plugin from Firefox. Then I can reinstall the flash plugin.

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Ubuntu :: Chromium Shockwave Flash Plugin Crashed After Update

Mar 8, 2011

after running an upgrade chromium browser shockwave flash plugin crashed! if you have the same problem i have a workaround. firstly open firefox goto a website that uses flash (not videos) i used bbc iplayer, then right click and click on "settings..." the left most tab shows the "enable hardware acceleration" tickbox. untick it

then close and reopen chromium and go back to a flash site e.g. videos and test it is working. the reason this worked for me is that there is a bug in either googles chromium or the unix/x11 build of shockwave flash or my graphics card drivers. there seems to sevral bug reports regarding this on the net [url]. flash could be a little slower now it doesn't have the hardware accelerating it. so maybe the setting could be re-enabled in the future?

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Software :: Can't Install And Use Shockwave Flash On Computer Which Is Running Ubuntu 10.10?

Mar 17, 2011

My son would like to know why he can't install and use Shockwave flash on this computer which is running Ubuntu 10.10? I didn't have an explanation why it won't work in Linux yet.....Can someone shed light on this for me please? I think he just wants to play a few simple games on the miniclip website that require shockwave He now says he wants windows back and I want to avert thoughts of going back to those dreadful days.. Is there a way to install it using wine? I don't have a need for wine but I'm sure I could figure it out if its been done before..

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Slackware :: Unknown Plugin (application/x-shockwave-flash), But Adobe Only Offers Binaries?

Jun 27, 2011

every here and there i enter a page where a box pops up:Additional plugins are required to display all the media on this page . After a number of steps I am at a page by Adobe, and I download what seems to be a generic package (Ubuntu will of course be there).But its instalation has never proved helpful. Still the same pop-up. Are there binaries for Slack or a way to get the sources?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: On-site Code Generator Download That Generates Color-customizable FLV / SWF Shockwave Flash Players?

Apr 6, 2011

So, if i want to embed a video stream on my site and use the one that the company provides, it has ugly colors that clash with my website.And, if i do Internet searches for a customizable one that allows color changes, the results i get are to download windows programs.Can you direct me to on on-site code generator or a linux download that generates color-customizable FLV/SWF shockwave flash Players? So that i may use my own Embed GUI with the proper color that matches my website. I cannot seem to find one on my own.

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General :: Use Shockwave Player Or Flash Player On TOR Browser?

Feb 28, 2011

Is there a way to use shockwave player or flash player on TOR browser?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To View Shockwave Files

Oct 29, 2010

i cannot view shockwave games on says missing plugin..but does show any to install..

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Fedora :: VLC Doesn't Play Shockwave Files?

Apr 16, 2011

Surprisingly, VLC doesn't play shockwave files. Can anyone recommend a shockwave player for Linux?

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General :: Install Shockwave Player On Puppy?

Apr 2, 2010

I was wonder if anyone would know how to install shockwave player on Puppy Linux, I'm new at this Linux and just can't find an answer anywhere else

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Debian :: Install Adobe Shockwave Player Without The Use Of Wine Or Virtualbox?

Jul 15, 2011

When I try to play this game Red Line Rumble 3 on [URL].gamelanding/redlinerumble3.jsp I get missing plugins. I checked if the plugin is installed on Google Chrome by typing about:plugins it says Shockwave flash but no Shockwave player. I have tried looking for the Shockwave player plugin from Debian packages and the official website but I cannot install it from the official website of the Shockwave player because it is only available for Windows and Mac. [URL]... Is there anyway I can install Adobe Shockwave Player on Linux without the use of Wine or Virtualbox?

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Flash Not Working

Apr 17, 2010

i have problem with firefox. if web page have movie e.g [url] i can not play it, but if i right click on the movie and select watch on videos, than it's working.

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Ubuntu :: Flash Not Working In Firefox?

Dec 16, 2010

So I've installed the flashplugin-nonfree package but for some reason flash refuses to work under Firefox. The is in the right folder and flash actually works under Chromium browser - just not Firefox.

I setup the system from a 10.04 32bit minimal CD could it just be a pakage I am missing that is causing flash not to work under Firefox? I've tried Firefox 3.6.x and 4.0 beta and flash fails in both.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 - Flash Not Working With Firefox 3.6.13

Dec 23, 2010

I'm confused with Adobe Flash. I'm using 32-bit Ubuntu 10.10. Flash was working for me in Google Chrome 8.0.552.224 but not with Firefox 3.6.13. So, I tried to troubleshoot it myself. I searched for how to uninstall Flash and I found a link to a thread from 2008, [URL]. I quickly ran the code posted. And, of course, only after running the code did I bother to read the date the post was posted which was 2008. I did:

sudo apt-get remove -y --purge flashplugin-nonfree gnash gnash-common mozilla-plugin-gnash swfdec-mozilla libflashsupport
sudo rm -f /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/*flash*
sudo rm -f ~/.mozilla/plugins/*flash*
sudo rm -f /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/*flash*
sudo rm -f /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins/*flash*

Then I ran
sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin

Then Shockwave Flash 10.1 r102 was working for ..... in Firefox. And was still working in Google Chrome. Is there a site that has explicit steps for removing Flash from 10.10? And I had thought that the file named "" always had to be located in Firefox's directory named, /home/user/.mozilla/plugins/ for it to work in Firefox. But, now the only place that file exists is:

# find / -name ""

So, I guess I was wrong with thinking that the file named "" always had to be located in Firefox's directory named, "/home/user/.mozilla/plugins/". I have no idea where it's suppose to go for Google Chrome 8.0.552.224. How does Chrome find it? So, in the end, Flash is working for me in both browsers and I have no idea why.

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Ubuntu :: 10.4 - Flash Not Working Correctly With Firefox 3.6.3

May 2, 2010

Has anyone noticed with the new 10.4 release and firefox 3.6.3, that flash is not working correctly? Videos do play fine but I have noticed that pausing the video, replaying the video, or even skipping around in the video does not work. I may try downgrading firefox and see if it works.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Get Flash Working In Firefox?

May 15, 2010

i'm running on 64-bit 10.04, and i can't seem to get flash working; well, i can see videos on newgrounds, but not on videos. it keeps telling me to install the latest flash player, and even when i install it through synapticit never shows up in firefox's list of installed plugins. then when i try to install it through adobe's site using the apt url, it says that the package it's trying to install is virtual, and the installation fails. i've also tried gnash, but that doesn't play videos videos, and i tried to install swfdec, but that didn't show up in firefox's plugins either

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Flash Plugin Not Working?

Jun 3, 2011

I have installed Flash Plugin NonFree, but it doesn't show up in Firefox v3.x.x aboutlugins. Does anybody know why. Flash works in Chrome however.

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Ubuntu :: Flash Player Not Working In Firefox?

Mar 14, 2009

I am trying to fix flash problem in Ubuntu 8.04, already installed all packages available in Respository but still flash is not working in mozilla firefox

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Ubuntu Installation :: Finding Actual PPA For 64-bit Adobe Flash?

Jan 21, 2011

Where to find the best and actual PPA for 64-bit Adobe Flash? When you're looking on the internet there are so many sites giving PPA's or installation instructions that i don't trust those site's. So, where to find the latest and best PPA for 64-bit Adobe Flash?

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Ubuntu :: Adobe Flash Player 10 Does Not Seem To Be Working In Firefox

Jan 28, 2010

I have Adobe Flash player 10 installed but it does not seem to be working in firefox... what do I do?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Flash 8 Firefox Keypress Not Working?

Feb 2, 2010

Firefox can't detect any keypresses from the programs I make. I use Macromedia Flash 8. Make a text box and give it the instance name"txt_test" add this actionscript code.

KeyListener = new Object();
KeyListener.onKeyDown = function() {
_root.txt_test.text = "OOOOO";


I want to either fix my firefox or make my program so that it can take input. Is it because I need to build my program with flash CS3 or 4?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Flash Not Working After Firefox Update?

Feb 25, 2010

I am using kubuntu 9.10 64-bit on AMD M500 machine I had installed the 64-bit special package for flash But after i updated firefox it cannot detect the flash while opera still does Would i have to reinstall (i would already have if it were straightforward)

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Ubuntu :: Flash With Working Sound But No Video In Firefox.

Dec 18, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop, and I can't see flash in Firefox. I can hear flash, but not see it. I'm not sure when this started, because I haven't been using Firefox in a while. I've been using Chrome but now I want to use Firefox 4 beta (which also has the same flash problem as Firefox).

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Debian :: Flash Player Not Working On Firefox?

Jun 14, 2011

i'm using debian lenny...i've just installed mozilla firefox 4 on my system but the flash plugin is not working.ther browsers Like Opera orthe way i installed firefox Downloaded the package firefox-4.0.1.tar.bz2stored it in /tmp directory,jxvf firefox-4.0.1.tar.bz2launched it from $ /opt/firefox/firefox &

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Fedora :: Flash Plugin Not Working In Firefox 3.5

Dec 24, 2009

I have never had a problem with flash plugin before. Just recently I decided to try gnash to see if it plays flash videos better then flash plugin (it doesn't). So I updated flash plugin from the 10.0 r32 version to the 10.0 r42 version and went under Tools > Add-ons > Plugins in Firefox and disabled the gnash plugin and re-enabled the flash plugin and now flash does not work any more. I've tryed uninstalling gnash, reinstalling flash plugin, reinstalling Firefox. Flash just will not work. Flash works in Google Chrome or if I run Firefox as root.
I have Fedora 12 32bit

I disabled the new version of flash plugin (10.0 r42) and re-enabled the old version (10.0 r32) and now flash works. I dont understand the new version of flash plugin works but only in Google Chrome or if I run Firefox as root?! Also Firefox (as my user) shows both versions of flash plugin 10.0 r32 and 10.0 r42 Firefox as root and Google Chrome only show the new version.

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Fedora :: Firefox 4 / No Flash Content Is Working

May 20, 2011

I've been struggling with Firefox and Flash for a while now and I'm finding that Firefox 4 has pretty well broken. No flash content is working in it at all but it seems pretty difficult to locate to remove and reinstall. I think I installed Firefox 4 from the Mozilla website originally. Most stuff works in Opera but I've been firefox for a long time so reluctant to change. I've searched for forums for similar problems but can't seem to see anything. I've uninstalled and reinstalled firefox 3.5 but that's not fixing the issue.

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