Software :: Eclipse Hangs On Startup?

Jan 29, 2010

Iam using fedora 12. I have been trying to run ganymede eclipse but it hangs with an empty dialog box after the splash screen.

I have searched around the net and found that this is caused by an update in xulrunner. Anyway to fix this. Iam currently using the latest versions from the yum repository. Following is the error log taken from workspace/.metadata.

!ENTRY org.eclipse.ui.workbench 4 0 2010-01-30 08:41:13.537
!MESSAGE Widget disposed too early!
java.lang.RuntimeException: Widget disposed too early!


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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Hangs On Startup?

Sep 1, 2011

Just wondering if anyone also had problems with ubuntu 11.04 booting up? The problem started this morning, before this everything was booting without a problem. When I boot with Recovery mode, it stops after

Performance Events: PEBS fmt1+, Westmere events, Intel PMU driver.
... version: 3
... bit width: 48
... generic registers: 4


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Fedora :: System Hangs At Startup

Dec 23, 2009

I booted up the computer (Fedora 11) and it hung at the blue screen with the F bubble in the middle. I waited for quite sometime without any change to the system I held down the power button to power off and tried starting the computer again with the same result.

When the sytem reboots and I press alt+ctrl+2 i see messages like below on the black screen:Unknown username "root" in message bus configuration file.Could not get password database....Failed to start message bus: Could not get UID and GID for username "dbus"..Please help me get the system up. I saved some data and did not take a backup. Is there's a way I can restore my system to a previous date? Or backup my data somehow?

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Ubuntu :: VLC Hangs System On Startup?

Apr 26, 2011

VLC media player hangs OS when starting, presumably as it loads a new video file (.mp4 in my case). It doesn't happen every time, but after a few days it eventually freezes the system requiring a reset. Google shows many complaints on this, but no fix. Is there a solution?

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Ubuntu :: Transmission Just Hangs On Startup?

Jul 27, 2011

I start transmission (already has about 6 files loaded) and it starts and then the screen goes grey and nothing seems to happen.

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Ubuntu :: Hangs At Startup On Image?

Aug 21, 2011

I recently installed the Ubuntu startup dsik on an external HDD, which I use as a portable version of Ubuntu everywhere I go

It now hangs at startup.... i.e., it comes to the "ubuntu" page, with the red& white rounds below, and does not go further... after 1 hour, the red point is still running...

I tried to see what was hapening, reading that disk from another computer, inspeted the /var/log syslog and boot, but I see nothing comes written there: it seems it has not reached that level.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: 12 X86_64 Hangs On Startup?

Jan 17, 2010

I have just installed Fedora 12 on my old AMD64 desktop. The install went fine, I then set about adding various useful things like skype, flash plugin- some manually, some with autoten.

Upon rebooting, the system hangs. Looking at the text startup, the last line before it hangs is:

Starting jexec servicesStarting yum-updatesd: [OK]

After this line appears, the display flashes repeatedly then does nothing. It sits there with the text showing (or on graphical startup, the splash screen disappears) and a cursor flashing.

I think the problem may be with the nvidia driver I installed with autoten, which I suspect is wrong for my system (think my graphics card is too old).

Does anyone know how I might remove the driver given I can't get as far as logging in at the moment? Or am I wrong and the problem likely to be something else?

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Ubuntu :: Netbook Launcher Hangs On Startup ?

Apr 10, 2010

I'm a pro Windows user, but I'm kinda new to Linux/Ubuntu.

I've installed Ubuntu Netbook Remix on my notebook and I've having terrible hiccups. When I boot the notebook, it comes to the login screen and I login, and all is well so far.

After the login animation, it shows me my wallpaper, and the top panel, and the netbook-launcher is just launching when a portion of the screen turns white - like it's hanged. I press Ctrl+Alt+F1, Alt+F4 and Alt+F2 but with no luck. The only way out of this is a cold reboot(pressing the power button for 4 seconds). After a number of reboots, it logs in.

I don't know if this helps or if it has anything to do with the problem, but I added Pidgin to the startup applications a few days back.

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Ubuntu :: Hangs At Startup After Kernel Selection

Apr 13, 2011

Ubuntu hangs at start up.Im running 10.10 from a wubi installation - without any problems since. Now, I select the kernel, do ENTER, then I get the blinking big dos-like cursor (still normal)but when it should show the list of "checks".( I dont know how this is called where it checks services, battery state and comments everything with [OK]) it suddenly hangs. All I get is a small blinking cursor, but not more. I need to power down and turn my computer on again, then it usually works.

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Ubuntu :: Eclipse Plugins Don't Work / Doesn't Install A Bunch Of Libraries And Eclipse Cannot Recognize Standard Java Files?

Jan 19, 2010

I have been using Eclipse to program in Java for a long time, and have been using Jigloo for most of my GUI design. Recently I decided to try out the C/C++ plugin. I tried installing it, but it did not work. After many attempts, I finally gave up. However, after uninstalling it I found that Jigloo had stopped working. Any other plugins I try to install now also don't work. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling plugins, and reinstalling eclipse, but nothing I have done fixes it. Although eclipse says that the software has been installed, nothing shows up in the features list or the plugins list.

Another problem: When I install eclipse from the repositories, it doesn't install a bunch of libraries and eclipse cannot recognize standard java files.

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Programming :: Eclipse PDT 2.0 Versus Zend Studio For Eclipse

Jan 28, 2009

I have been writing PHP using Adobe Dreamweaver; I have been looking around for an application that focus more in PHP.I have found:




I know Zend stands behind PHP and that Eclipse is a popular open source IDE. What is the difference tho?Is the PDT Project only a functionality that could be added to Eclipse IDE? Is Zend for Eclipse a stand alone IDE for PHP? if so, Why the Eclipse in the name? I have downloaded Zend Studio for Eclipse, so far it seems very complete (no that have learned how to use all its features).

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Programming :: Metrics Plug-in For Eclipse - Does It Support Eclipse CDT

Sep 17, 2010

The Metrics plug-in supports Java development well at Eclipse.


I would like to know if it supports Eclipse CDT, so I can use it with my C++ project. Any thought? If it doesn't support CDT, is there any good static code analysis tools available for Eclipse CDT?

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Debian Multimedia :: Brand New Squeeze Installation Hangs At Gdm Startup?

Jun 6, 2011

Like the subject says, the whole system just hangs at gdm startup. No mouse or keyboard response. Didn't have this problem with lenny. My guess is there might be a problem with the graphics drivers. The box has ati rage 128 pro graphics card.

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Ubuntu :: Eclipse Not Opening Files In Eclipse?

Sep 11, 2010

I recently had to reinstall Eclipse on ubuntu 10.10 and i did it twice, once just removing eclipse package, and the second time removing every package associated with an eclipse install.when i launch eclipse I go into my package view and select a package and then double click on a Java file.

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Slackware :: Install Eclipse CDT Is A Plug-in For Eclipse?

Sep 12, 2010

I use Slackware64 13.1. I installed eclipse from slackbuild.But how can I install Eclipse CDT? is a plug-in for eclipse? It's another program?

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General :: Server Hangs At Startup To Connect To Ldap Before Network Service Starts?

Jul 6, 2010

I am using centos 5.5 x85_64 2.6.18-194.3.1.el5 The server is hanging at start up due to the follwoing error

udevd[746] nss_ldap reconnecting to LDAP server (sleeping 4 seconds)
udevd[746] failed to bind to LDAP ser er ldap:// cant contact ldap

It fails and then tries again, and again, each time increasing the sleep time. This is happening before network sercvices are started so ther is no way it can connect to ldap. anyone know a way to fix this problem?

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Fedora :: Download / Installing Eclipse Returning "no Package Eclipse Available"

May 13, 2011

I am new to Fedora (I have always used ubuntu in the past), and I am trying to download eclipse. Unfortunately, "sudo yum install eclipse" is returning "no package eclipse available". I think this means that I am missing the correct repo, but I'm not sure which is the right one and don't know how to add it to my repo list for this version. My version of fedora is centos5 based, and my current repo list is the following:


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Ubuntu :: Hangs On Startup Then "low Graphics Mode" / Resolve This?

Jun 25, 2010

I'm new to ubuntu, install was flawless, set up my email, chats everything was fine. Shut the computer off Weds night, turned it on Thurs now it won't boot. IS there a recovery anything built in so I can either repair the OS or get my file off the HD? Set up a dual boot of ubuntu so i could get my files but I dont know how to access them.

After a while I get the error "Ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode"
"your screen, graphics card, and input device settings could not be detected correctly. You will need to configure these yourself."

I press, OK I'm given several options. I can select them but they don't do anything. in respect to reconfiguring my hardware

I can however get to a terminal to type in code.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Eclipse And Tomcat Are Running But Can't See Tomcat In The Eclipse

Sep 1, 2010

I installed eclipse and tomcat with package manager. Eclipse and tomcat are running but i can't see tomcat in the eclipse. I just see 'Basic' folder. That is a screenshot [URL]

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Ubuntu :: Hangs At Install Screen - Then Reboots And Hangs At HP Logo

Feb 15, 2011

I am trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 x64 on a HP Pavilion p6565uk.

My PC is x64 compatible, although ubuntu will not install.

I don't get to any gui, it says ubuntu will continue install in 5 seconds, at 0, nothing happens. The CPU light is flashing, but nothing happens.

After about 10 minutes, it reboots, but when the HP splash screen shows (Before the boot selection screen) it just hangs. I have to do a hard shutdown to boot back up.

I am using wubi for install.

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General :: KDE Hangs Afterwards Df Hangs

Oct 31, 2010

For a given user on a given networked system, starting KDE (slackware 13.1 stock) hangs during the startup. CNTL+ALT+Fx gets out, and KDE / X can be shutdown with a CNTL+C, however, afterwards doing a df hangs bash.My guess is that there is something IO oriented, as top shows a load of 9+.
There is 5% iowait according to iostat.

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Debian :: Is Eclipse Available On Repo?

Sep 9, 2010

Debian 504 64-bit.Is Eclipse available on repo? In the later case where shall I retain the package for installation ? /opt ? Or /home/user ?

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Fedora :: Get / Install Eclipse IDE For Php?

Jan 19, 2010

How i can get/install Eclipse IDE for php?.

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Fedora :: C++ Plugin For Eclipse?

Jun 29, 2010

downloaded Eclipse for my programming needs, how do I get/install the c/c++ plugin?

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Fedora :: Cannot Start Eclipse / What To Do?

Nov 5, 2010

I've install the fedora eclipse package. But I cannot start eclipse. It just show the logo and the CPU goes 100%

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Fedora :: Eclipse-PHP Installation ?

Aug 16, 2011


How to install "eclipse-php-helios-linux-gtk.tar.gz" on fedora 14

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OpenSUSE :: Get Eclipse 3.4 / JavaEE To Run On 11.2?

Jan 3, 2010

For those interested, I'll share my solution on getting Eclipse running smoothly with 11.2.

My very first problem was that I needed the JavaEE version, which is not in the distro. The second problem is that the distro version has issues:

Problems with the distro version: The infamous "button doesn't work" problem (more on this later) The plugin / updates don't work, so you can't add any modules Copying and pasting is very erratic

However, if you simply download and unpack 3.4.2 from the Eclipse site, you'll get a "Problem has occurred" error when you try to launch it.

Here are the steps to get this running:

* Unpack the .tar.gz package into a folder that is writable by your userid

* To fix the "An Error has occured" problem: Add the following line at the very end of the eclipse.ini file:

-Dorg.eclipse.swt.browser.XULRunnerPath=/usr/lib64/xulrunner-1.9.1/xulrunner If you run on 32-bit, replace 'lib64' with 'lib'.

* To fix the "button doesn't work" problem: in your ~/bin directory, create a file called and put the following in there:

# work around e#290395 / LP: #458703
# replace /home/noarch/apps/eclipse with the path


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OpenSUSE :: How To Install Eclipse In 11.4

Jun 17, 2011

What is the best way to install Eclipse in openSUSE 11.4? I can't find it in the official repositories. Not sure why its not in Oss.

Eclipse - The Eclipse Foundation open source community website. has packages for linux but I'm not sure which version (Helios, Galileo, Ganymede) will work best with openSUSE.

Are there any plans to add eclipse to the official repositories?

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Ubuntu :: Eclipse 3.5 Not Working At All?

Apr 7, 2010

I install eclipse via the synaptic package manager and it did work before but I was messing around with some svn packages and corrupted it. So naturally I did a complete removal of anything related to eclipse and reinstalled all the packages after, but to no avail problem still persists. here is the log file it tells me to look at, can really make head or tales of this stack error info, not really a big Java man.I have a 64bit install of ubuntu 9.10Quote:

!SESSION 2010-04-08 00:56:19.723 -----------------------------------------------


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Ubuntu :: The Eclipse Is Crashing?

Jun 5, 2010

every time that im entering to eclipse and the mouse is over a method for example Socket ... the eclipse is crashing

this is the log file

hs_err_pid11080 -

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