Software :: Can't Use Yum To Install Packages Anymore?

Apr 18, 2011

I can't use Yum to install packages anymore. When I try to install a package, I get this error:

Code: [Errno 14] HTTP Error 404: Not Found and I discovered the error to be that the variable %24releasever is not being expanded into "5" which is my version of centos and what the URL should be for it to work. So, I did some digging in yum.conf and found this to be the problem:
which according to google, should be


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Ubuntu :: Can't Install Packages On 10.04 - Error Action Requires Installation Of Untrusted Packages

Apr 30, 2010

Whenever I do sudo apt-get or use the Ubuntu Software Center, I can't download anything because a message comes up saying "Action requires installation of untrusted packages: The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources." I've been trying to download GIMP and Thunderbird, so... I dunno what the problem is.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgraded From 11.2 To 11.4 - Switching Systems Packages To PACKMAN Packages

Aug 31, 2011

I just upgraded from 11.2 to 11.4 and the installation/upgrade worked just perfect. I than followed the instructions in the "New User How To/FAQ", "Multimedia and restricted format" post. I was following the instruction in the 11.4 section. I added the additional repositories as explained. I then was on the section where it talks about going into software management and selecting the "Packman" repository and clicking to "switch systems packages" to the versions in this repository (packman). I than click this link and the "warning" screen appears and I am present with conflict resolution after conflict resolution dialog. It just seems that there are some many conflicts, it just seems wrong and I canceled.

The installation/upgrade appears to have worked just fine. My mail is there, audio and dvd play back worked the first try after the upgrade. I am not clear if this is what I should expect or their is something wrong or if I even need to complete this step for a successfully installation.

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Fedora :: Install Packages From The 14 Dvd Instead Of Downloading From Internet Using Add / Remove Packages

Mar 31, 2011

im using fedora 14 and i have a slow internet connection. i want 2 install some packages from the fedora 14 dvd instead of downloading from internet using add/remove packages. i tried to edit /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora.repo and /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-updates.repo but it dint work.

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Software :: Cannot Install Source Packages - No Packages Given For Installation

Jan 5, 2010

HOW TO INSTALL PACKAGES IN IT ,IT SHOWS SOME ERROR (Cannot install source packages) OR (No packages were given for installation.)

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Ubuntu :: Can't Install Anything Anymore O_O?

May 18, 2010

I was trying to install PlayOnLinux but it froze at about 85% after it downloaded via the Software Center. So I had to shut the Software Center. The PlayOnLinux did install despite the fact it froze at 85%. I can't install any more stuff bec the Software Center seems opened all time some how and I get the "You have to repair this before you can install or remove any further software." error.I tried the "sudo dpkg --configure -a" command it gives me this, looks like it's stuck at some connection. I'm pretty new to Linux.

Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily


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OpenSUSE Install :: KDE Won't Start Anymore?

May 9, 2011

since about a week I got a serious Problem on my Multimedia Homeserver. It firstly happened after doing normal updates with 'zypper dup'. Starting the Machine xdm starts up normally, but after logging in KDE (4.6.0, OpenSUSE 11.4 64Bit) shows its progress bar and finally ends up hanging at about 80% completion. Repos are the original distro repos (except nvidia, packman and VLC Repos) for stability reasons - this means no KDE-factory or Tumbleweed repo is activated here. Icewm starts fine so I can use Xine but I'd like to get KDE back running again for using amarok and others.Here is what I tried so far:

tried another user - same result
tried root-user - same result
renamed ~/.kde4 - same result


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Ubuntu :: 10.10 - Cannot Install GDM Theme Anymore

Jan 4, 2011

I have ubuntu 10.10 installed. And I discovered GDM theme's as news as linux is for me. But is it true i can't install gdm theme's anymore ? only change background and colour?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Access Anything 10.3 Related Anymore

Jan 31, 2010

I know 10.3 is old, but my main reason for using Linux is that I can build a machine and then just use it for 3-5 years without dealing with stupid degradation issues like Winblows.

The problem is that I can't access any 10.3 online respositories anymore, so package management is a big mess. Basically I'm down to manual rpm-ing. If I try to install anything with Yast, it attempts to access 10 different repositories for dependencies, all of which fail because I guess they just don't have 10.3 directories anymore.

I really hate updating my Linux all the time to the newest version, because frankly that usually breaks things.

Not sure what do to. This conundrum often makes me consider if any distributions are better in this regard. But then I don't have a lot of time to play with Linux. What started out as a hobby in 1994 is now a tool, like any OS, that I just want to work. I don't use Linux to use Linux, I use it to run programs.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Server Does Not Boot Anymore?

Oct 6, 2010

My server with Opensuse 11.1 doesn't boot anymore.This afternoon I've installed imagemagick over yast. After that the server still works for a couple of minutes. Then it stops working (I'm not sure if it's because of the installation). so I had to reboot it.But it never came up again.It doesn't boot anymore.I get the boot menu and can make my choice. But it doesn't matter what I choose (standard or failsagfe) the only message I get is:

Booting 'Failsafe -- openSUSE 11.1 -'
root (hd0,0)


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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Boot Anymore From Any Of Hard Disks

Jul 18, 2011

i have got a very strange boot problem. But first: I have openSUSE 11.4 with kde installed. I have the amd64 dual core cpu and 2 hard disks. I was able to boot from both of those disks (on the second disk I have openSUSE 11.2 in case something goes wrong with the first disk). Then I decided to install openSUSE 11.4 from DVD to a usb key (just like I would to a hard disk). I succeeded. I did not involve any partition of the hard disks in this install. But now I can not boot anymore from any of my both hard disks although bios finds them it did before. After bios I get the following message: Loading stage 1.5 error 21.

Error 21 means: Selected disk does not exist. This error is returned if the device part of a device- or full file name refers to a disk or BIOS device that is not present or not recognized by the BIOS in the system But I am still able to boot from usb key. I have even modified the menu.lst from the usb key to boot openSUSE 11.4 from the first hard disk. This works fine. I have also tried to install grub again on my first hard disk with grub.install.unsupported and with yast2. But installation stops with an error message like "hard disk not found by bios".

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Ubuntu :: U10.10 Software Center Doesn't Install Anything Anymore / Get It Going Again?

Nov 6, 2010

I seem to have caused a problem with the software center in Ubuntu 10.10. When I pick out a piece of software and click 'install' I see it doing something (CPU goes up etc.), but the usual "fill in your password" window doesn't pop up and after say 10 secs the 'install' button in the software center returns to its normal state, i.e. as if I hadn't pressed it yet at all.

I am afraid this is related to a manual install (i.e. through apt-get in a terminal) I did some time ago (I was following an online tutorial to get DVD playback working properly) that probably went wrong (the installation process did get stuck at some point, when it hadn't progressed for a long time (>1 hour) I saw no other option than to quit the terminal). I don't remember exactly what packages I was trying to install though.

What would be the best way to get software center going again?

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Software :: Appearence Manager Will Not Let Me Install Themes Anymore?

Feb 21, 2010

"Installation for theme failed.Can't move directory over directory"permissions are read/write for all for my usr/share/themes directory. Not sure what directory it wants to move over for user installed themes though. Everything worked fine before and these themes too which are unchanged.gnome btwim also noticing a strange error when i load a theme "This theme will not look as intended because the required GTK+ theme engine is not installed"

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OpenSUSE Install :: Hdd Local Repo - Release Will Be Not Supported Anymore

May 9, 2010

leaving the discussion is this logical or not. If I download the whole www folder to my hdd for example: from [URL] to /mnt/repos/oss/ and replace in package manager source [URL] with local one file://mnt/repos/oss will this work as it works from http server? What i want to do is to backup chosen repos before my linux release will be not supported anymore.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Evrgreen Zypper Up And Server Don't Boot Anymore?

Jun 3, 2011

I use evergreen for 11.1 on a hosted server. I just did a "zypper up" and I can't boot anymore!I still have access to the server through a recovery system a bit like the openSUSE rescue. But my main mail server in on this machine, so I don't have anymore access to the evergreen mailing list (of course I can subscribe from gmail of else, but i try first here).

I can reinstall from my hosting provider, but I just missed the point that this reinstall is not from 11.1 but to 11.4, and that mean I have to reconfigure most of my service, and this takes there a way I can reinstall original 11.1 base? may I stop the evergreen repo, do zypper up and be undergraded?important notice: this server use a provider kernel and lilo, not the evergreen kernel. I now have a 2.6.38 kernel next time I will try simply issuing "lilo".

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot Windows 7 And 11.3 Doesn't Work Anymore

Sep 20, 2010

My dual boot Windows 7 and Opensuse 11.3 doesnt work anymore, i have to keep repairing the OS i want to use, i fix one and that breaks the other, how can i fix this so both work

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Ubuntu :: Install 10.04 - Sound Broken Brasero - Won't Write CDs Anymore - Permissions?

Jul 17, 2010

I'm having some real troubles with my install of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. It was a fresh install just after 10.04 was released, so it's not been installed long. Just recently lots of things have stopped working I can't sudo (sudo: must be setuid root) Trying to su root tells me I got the password wrong, even though I know it's right Sound has broken Brasero won't write CDs anymore Plugging in a pendrive gives some permissions mounting error Clicking 'shut down' just logs out. The machine won't shut down at all. I'm guessing this might all be related to permissions/users? I really don't want to have to reinstall again!

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OpenSUSE Install :: Splash Screen Does Not Show Up Anymore After Changing The Boot Up Resolution

Mar 25, 2011

i changed the boot up resolution in the boot up loader to 1366*768 (native res of my monitor) the boot option is still set to quiet splash however, instead of showing the progress bar, it would now always display the complete boot up log ( the list of starting services and such) i then manually changed the boot option from to 1024*768 at boot loader screen, and teh splash would show up, but then on next boot up if i stick with 1366*768, it doesnt work again

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General :: Options To Pickup Where Install Left Off And Start Adding Packages - Scrap And Re Install

Apr 18, 2011

I've got an ASUS eee1005 that I'm trying to load eeebuntu -- I've read good things about it! However, I managed to get it (partially) installed using only unetbootin and the eeebuntu-nbr iso. Luckily I've got other working laptops in the house, or I'd be stuck because now I've got a partially installed distro that isn't allowing me usage of my wireless. Basically, what I'd like to do is be able to go back to the install process and load all the packages I want, which, hopefully, will give me NetworkManager so that I can finally connect. I can boot to the thumbdrive (8gig, btw) but I don't think I've got the right files on it to do the install. Here's what appears on the thumbdrive:


I would think that with these files on the thumbdrive, it could find its way into the install process. Apparently not. I've read most, if not all of the 'install from USB' threads and how-to's, and it's still not working right - Now, having a partially installed distro (with GUI that's not GNOME, or KDE. . ?) Are there any options I can use to pickup where the install left off and start adding packages? Or should I just scrap it and re-install?

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Ubuntu :: Install Or Un-Install Packages Using Software Centre?

Jun 20, 2010

I've lost the ability to Install or Un-Install Packages on my Advent 4213 Netbook running Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop Edition. I keep getting an error message saying Previous installation hasn't been completed

The installation could have failed because of an error in the corresponding software package or it was cancelled in an unfriendly way. You have to repair this before you can install or remove any further software.

every time I try to Install or Un-Install Packages using Ubuntu Software Centre. Is there a way to repair my Install without having to resort to doing a clean Re-Install?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Install New Packages - Old Package Blocks Install?

May 14, 2010

I have searched everywhere for the error I am getting which pertains to "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" I came across this when I was trying to uninstall dovecot through apt. This is what I am doing:


# apt-get --purge remove dovecot
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done


I have tried the following:

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get -f install
apt-get clean
dpkg -P courier-pop-ssl
dkkg --remove courier-pop-ssl

None of these seem to work in efforts to unblock what I am trying to ultimately do, which is uninstall dovecot.

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Red Hat :: 5 Install All Packages Or Similar To Initial Install?

May 20, 2009

I have a user running a retail copy of RH 5 Ent. and isn't sure what package he needs. He is a developer and when installing other instances of RH he just checked off basically all of the packages under development during the initial installer. Now, he's trying to add packages but they require dependencies and he is not able to auto-satisfy those dependencies.

Is there a way that I can get back to that menu during the initial installation and let him check off all the boxes that he wants, or can I have RH auto-install all packages from DVD or install all required packages from DVD?

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Ubuntu :: Install 10.10 - Error "apt Configuration Problem, An Attempt To Configure Apt To Install Additional Packages From The Cd Failed."

Apr 24, 2011

I have an Acer Aspire One, Model PAV70 that had Windows 7 Starter on it. I booted Ubuntu 10.10 from a USB HDD and then formatted the Acer drive with Ubuntu. I then started installing Ubuntu on the newly formatted HDD and got an error near the end of the install. It said, "apt configuration problem, an attempt to configure apt to install additional packages from the cd failed." After this happened the system locked up and I had to reboot. Now I get a black screen with a white blinking cursor. I can't get the system to recognize anything. What can I do?

CPU Type: Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N450
CPU Speed: 1.66GHz
System BIOS Version: V3.05(DDR2)
VGA BIOS Version: Intel V2001

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Debian :: Install Some Packages With Apt?

Nov 1, 2010

I am new to Debian and I am trying to apt to install some packages When trying to get tango-icon-theme it says: E: Package tango-icon-theme has no installation candidate And when trying to get arandr it says:

E: Couldn't find package arandr

What should I do to fix this?

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Debian :: Install Packages Without CD

Jun 17, 2011

After installation the Debian Squeeze when installing some packages the system asks for the installation debian CD. I wonder how i can change the configuration so that the system can install the packages without the CD?

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Fedora :: Can't Install Rpm Packages?

Aug 26, 2011

I downloaded the flash plugin from Adobe, but when I click install, it says it can't install it and give the below answer. It is a .rpm package.Process /lib/dbus-1/dbus-daemon-launch-helper received signal 6How do I get out of that? How do I install it through the command line? wrote;yum localinstall flash-plugin- got the following reply

Loaded plugins: langpacks, presto, refresh-packagekit
Setting up Local Package Process
Cannot open: flash-plugin- Skipping.


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Ubuntu :: Can't Install Packages

Feb 24, 2010

<snip> Can't install packages

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Install The Packages

Dec 1, 2010

on ubuntu 7.1 , I can not install the packages , receiving the followings :

user1@ubuntu:~$ rpm -q make-3.80-184.1
The program 'rpm' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
sudo apt-get install rpm
bash: rpm: command not found
user1@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install rpm


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Debian :: How To Install Deb Packages?

Feb 24, 2011

I am tired of Microsoft Windows. So I am going to try Linux. I downloaded the ISO file and installed it. It did fine.My problem is I can't figure out how to install additional packages. Can someone tell me exactly what I need to type in to install packages from E: my CRDOM.Where can I download the complete GNOME DESKTOP package.Also, I am using Netzero Dial UP. Can you help me with this also.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Install Packages From Another Pc?

Oct 13, 2009

i own a fedora 10 box running on mercury mother board with amd athlon xp. since I dont have an internet connection at home.. i plan to take my HARD DISK to my office and get the audio/video pluggins installed. This machine runs on pentium 4 with intel orginal board.
can i do this without much effort ?? will my office motherboard accept my home hard disk easily..

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