Software :: WinExe Hangs With WMIC Share Command

Jan 6, 2010

Has anyone messed with winexe? It's a very cool program. Let's you get into Windows from Linux. [URL].

[]# ./winexe -U domain/username%*****// 'cmd'
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

However it seems to have some limits. For example, I can't get it to work with "wmic" commands. For example:
[]# ./winexe -U domain/username%***** // 'wmic share get caption,name,path'
It hangs...

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Applications :: WinExe Command - Cannot Open Control Pipe Error

Dec 2, 2010

When I give the command:
winexe --interactive 0 --user <user>%<password> //<ip_address> 'cmd /C dir'
I receive the message:
ERROR: Cannot open control pipe - NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
The source machine is a RedHat EL4 server. The target machine is a Windows XP Home SP3 pc. When I give the same command to another pc all works fine. The other pc is a Windows XP Prof SP3.

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Fedora :: Svn Checkout Command Hangs

Jan 10, 2011

I have installed fedora 14 ami on one of the amazon instance. And installed subversion successfully using following command: # sudo yum install subversion But when i try to check out code from our subversion repository which exist on deifferent remote machine, the checkout commands just hangs indefinitely. If run "top" command then i can see that cpu usage shoots to 100%.

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General :: Sending Email / It Hangs When Run The Command?

May 3, 2011

I'm using Linux 11.04 and just installed the most recent version of Postfix. I'm trying to send a simple email (through a relay) but when I run the command

sendmail FROM: SUBJECT: hello world this is a test email .

It just hangs there. There is nothing in /var/log/mail.log or in any of its accompanying files.

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Networking :: VSFTPD Hangs On LIST Command?

May 21, 2010

I've got a new server and have vsftpd setup there , when i login using filezilla :

Response:230 Login successful.
Command:OPTS UTF8 ON
Response:200 Always in UTF8 mode.


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Fedora :: Bash Hangs When Command Not Found / Sort It?

Dec 9, 2009

I've been using linux for a long time, and I just ran into a problem that has me stumped. Any time I mistype a command, it says "Command not found."... yea, I know that's normal. But it doesn't return me to my # prompt. I have to press Ctrl+C to get back. code...

I know I do have one issue with this computer, I have 2 blown caps on my motherboard. This was a dual boot system, but after a virus with winblows, I decided to switch it to strictly linux. (roommates... *grumble*) I think I was running fc10 before I wiped the hd & installed fc12. Fc12 does seem to be running slower, and I still haven't got my sound card working properly... but that issue is for another topic...
-YungBlood Reborn

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Fedora :: After Giving Reboot Command System Hangs During Booting

Mar 2, 2011

today i installed nvidia graphic card drivers for fedora13 using yum, after giving reboot command the system hangs during bootin.

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Software :: Ruby Hangs When Started From Command Line / Solve This?

Jun 24, 2011

I am attempting to start ruby in interactive mode from the command line. However, when I type ruby at the command line, it simply hangs. I know that I have ruby installed. Any ideas as to how to resolve this problem.

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Programming :: BASH - Works On The Command Line, Hangs As A Script?

Jul 16, 2010

I'm writing a Bash script to take IPTC keywords from a text file and write them, via Exiv2, to several (first batch is 100) JPEG files in a single directory. The script has one while loop inside another while loop, both terminated, but I'm pretty sure that's not my problem. I think it's how I'm incrementing the "counter" variable, although it could also be the method of parsing the text lines from the file (using cut with delimiters that have worked fine in simpler scripts).

Here's the code as I've worked it up to this point.


And yes, "keywords" checks out in Crimson Editor, Emacs GUI and nano as an ASCII file with UNIX line endings. No issues on that score.

Feeding each line consecutively into a terminal (excepting the exiv2 command) works fine: each variable echoes with the part of the text line used as a variable value as it should, even when the b variable is incremented the quick&dirty way (up arrow three commands and hit enter).

Running the above script in eval mode (sh -x) stalls after setting the b variable to one and reading in the first line of text. I'd like to know why. I'd also like some advice on another reliable method of parsing the read-in lines.

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Ubuntu :: Command Mv Works When Moving To /usr/share But Not Cp?

Oct 2, 2010

I just ran this command:

john@cmp:~/Downloads$ sudo cp * /usr/share/amsn/skins

and it came up with something like "cp omitting directory xxxx" for all directories (so each line xxxx was just a folder name. I was trying to move all directories in my Downloads folder to the skins folder u see above. But when I replaced the "cp" with "mv", it all worked fine. How come? I dont see why i can move but not copy?

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Ubuntu :: Accessing A Samba Share Via Command Line?

Jul 3, 2010

I have a 500GB external usb drive connected to my USB router (running dd-wrt). I have the router setup with samba and can read/write to it from any PC on the network. I have it setup to automount in Ubuntu. How can I access that mounted samba share when I SSH into the box? I want to cp or mv files from the PC to the Networked samba share via ssh CLI.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Cannot Setup LDAP Via Server Guide / Hangs When Issuing 'ldapmodify' Command

Oct 4, 2010

I have been trying to set up an LDAP server for a development environment as part of an internship for a week now, and I cannot get past this point. I have been following the 10.04 server guide to set up LDAP here: URL...Once I get to the following point in the guide, it just hangs:"As an example of modifying the cn=config tree, add another attribute to the index list using ldapmodify:"I've been working on this for a week and can't understand why this won't work. I am fairly certain that I've followed the guide to a 'T.'Any idea why am I receiving a permission denied error? Is this a permissions issue with one of the config files?

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OpenSUSE :: Look Command Fails Look /usr/share/dict/words - No Such File

Dec 20, 2009

How can I install the dict file to look works?

I am running SUSE 11.1

Here is the error:

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Ubuntu :: Creating, Editing, And Removing Shares With The 'net Share' Command?

Mar 16, 2010

how-to use the 'net' command to add/remove and list net work shares on a ubuntu box, you'd think it would be slam dunk to get it working, but alas, this is linux we're talking about. I've attempted to create a new share using the following command:

net share add Music=/home/joeblow/Music -C testing -M 1 -S joeblow-desktop -Ujoeblow%joeblowpass

which results in this error:

NetShareAdd failed with: Access is denied

I've also tried deleting an existing share using the following command:

net rpc share delete documents -S joeblow-desktop -Ujoeblow%joeblowpass

which results in the error code (5) and no error message. Note, I'm logged in as joeblow the user and I'm attempting to create create/delete shares in joeblows HOME directory. Also, I can create and delete shares from joeblows desktop via "Places->Home Folder->..." method and I can access these shares remotely.

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Server :: Samba Share After Boot Requires Nmbd Command?

Feb 2, 2011

I'm running a fedora 14 file server with samba for a windows network. When I reboot my file server my samba share is no longer available. After a long search I found that if i run nmbd as root, the share is accessible again. I guess I can run nmbd everytime I reboot but I think something is wrong with my setup and it's one of those things that if I just ignore it will come back and bite me from behind

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Ubuntu Networking :: Some Command Line Way / Where Can Invoke Nautilus To Mount Windows Share

Oct 9, 2010

My computer is connected to the college lan where almost all machines are some variant of Windows OS. If i use Places > Network, while windows network is displayed, mostly it returns unable to mount shares, my workaround for this problem is I use some tool like nbtscan to see which hosts are up and then use network > Connect to Server > windows share and type in the ip address, this mounts the windows share even though Places> network doesn't display such hosts. My question is there some command line way where I can invoke nautilus to mount the windows share, ie the same job connect to server > windows share does? And is there some application like say lan surfer for windows which lists all the folders shared by a windows client.

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Ubuntu :: Cp Command - Copy One Picture Placed In Home Folder To Usr/backgrounds/share To Change My Login Screen

Jul 3, 2011

i wish to copy one picture placed in home folder to usr/backgrounds/share to change my login screen.

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CentOS 5 :: Fresh 5.3 Install Hangs With "SCSI: Timing Out Command, Waited 22s"

Apr 5, 2009

On a fresh install on a dell 2650: The install goes smooth and on reboot after Nash starts we get

SCSI: 0:1:0:0: timing out command, waited 22s

repeated for two controllers and 16 devices on each controller. Then boots and runs fine.

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Ubuntu :: Hangs At Install Screen - Then Reboots And Hangs At HP Logo

Feb 15, 2011

I am trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 x64 on a HP Pavilion p6565uk.

My PC is x64 compatible, although ubuntu will not install.

I don't get to any gui, it says ubuntu will continue install in 5 seconds, at 0, nothing happens. The CPU light is flashing, but nothing happens.

After about 10 minutes, it reboots, but when the HP splash screen shows (Before the boot selection screen) it just hangs. I have to do a hard shutdown to boot back up.

I am using wubi for install.

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Server :: Server Hangs When Given Find Command

Dec 19, 2010

I am ClearCase Admin, new to Linux administration and our development environment is in linux servers. I have found that our development server which is RHEL 3 (also ClearCase client) hangs when user gives find command.After some time of execution of the find command the server hangs. We have to hard-boot the server.Is this the normal behaviour of the Servers? This server which I am talking about is highly used.Sometimes 120 or more terminals will be opened and few compilation will be happening in the server. And same single user some times opens multiple terminals and works simulataneously.We have been monitoring the server and found out that during the workdays CPU usage % goes very high.

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Ubuntu Security :: Configure The Share And Folder So That The Win7 Client Can Create Files And/or Folders In The Share?

Jan 15, 2010

I've just installed Ubuntu 9.10 and Samba 3.4. I've shared a folder and have accessed the share from a Windows 7 client. However, I've struggled to configure the share and folder so that the Win7 client can create files and/or folders in the share. Kept getting Permission Denied errors. Finally, (using Webmin) I set the permissions on the file folder so that "Other" had write access. I don't understand why this was necessary (and how unsecure this is). I already had the write access checkbox ticked for "User" but it wasn't enough.

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Ubuntu :: Share Files And Folders But It Does Not Allow To Select Share Folder

Sep 20, 2010

1. I have Ubuntu 10.04.1 installed alongside Windows Home premium 7 on a Compaq CQ5110f with 2 dual processors, 320 GB HDD, 4 gb Ram, less than a year old/ It is giving me some error messages. It is wanting to lock the drive or various programs after being left unused for a few minutes, I have not found where I can disable this. I do not need passwords, really. I am the only user. I reinstalled it once, on top of itself (Ubuntu) and it worked fine briefly, then started doing it all again.

I use to sometimes install Ubuntu as a windows app. on a previous version, maybe 9.04 - 9.10, but think I can not do it on this version?

So, Can I install as WIndows app on this version of Ubuntu? CAn I install Ubuntu on one drive alone, and windows on the other drive alone, install both in same computer and get dual booting? I think before, to do that I had to reset boot drives in BIOS to whichever I had the OS I wanted to use?

Or MUST they be installed on same drive for dual booting to be available?

I am attaching screen shots of the messages I get, etc. I have tried to share files and folders, but it does not allow me to select Share this folder as some security thing is not installed, And the time I am required to enter password to use comp[iter after being idle a few minutes, seems to be tied to my folder, which is JOHN. I may have to think about removing Ubuntu from this drive, add a SATA drive and use two, one for Windows and one for Ubuntu.

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Server :: Can Mount WinXP Share But Not Win7 Share In Fstab

Jun 8, 2010

this has happened in different distros, so far i have tried slack, arch, and mint at work i have an xp box with a shared folder i created. on my linux box i setup fstab as follows


//winxp/temp$ /home/user/temp cifs rw,uid=1000,gid=1000,credentials=/home/user/.creds 0 0

this gets mounted correctly and i can read/write the shared folder at home i have a win7 box that i create a share on and use the exact same code in fstab, but it wont mount the share. i get something like permission denied or access denied is there a difference in how winxp and win7 share folders? my usernames on the linux boxes match those of my windows boxes at each location. i have given my win accounts full access and control over the win shares.

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Slackware :: SAMBA Share Option 'grayed Out' In The Share Dialog?

Mar 18, 2011

I am attempting to share a folder from an existing drive that has been formatted in NTFS. I simply right click on the folder, goto share, and I can see the option to share to UNIX and that works with no problems. My question is; why is the SAMBA sharing dialog grayed out?

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Ubuntu Security :: Configure SMB Share Via Nautilus-share?

Apr 28, 2011

equivalent of "force_user" when sharing with nautilus-share? To put this question into context, I have shared out a folder with "Allow others to create ..." and "Guest Access ..." turned on via the GUI (I believe nautilus-share is applicaition behind the GUI). When Guest accounts create files or folders, I want the owner of the files or folders to be a specific user, rather then "nobody". In a Samba Server, I know you can use the parameter "force_user" in the smb.conf (under an individual sharename) which will specify the owner of the files and subfolders created through the share.

I have tried to add this parameter to the files created in /var/lib/samba/usershares but the owner of the files and folders are still "nobody" (NOTE: I rebooted the PC after making the change to the file) I have just done a fresh installation of Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop with nothing else installed (except the current Updates and the necessary components needed when sharing folders) As a follow on question, I also want to set the permissions for files and folders. To replicate what the "create_mask", "force_create_mode", "directory_mask" and "force_directory_mode" parameters do within a Samba Server.

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General :: KDE Hangs Afterwards Df Hangs

Oct 31, 2010

For a given user on a given networked system, starting KDE (slackware 13.1 stock) hangs during the startup. CNTL+ALT+Fx gets out, and KDE / X can be shutdown with a CNTL+C, however, afterwards doing a df hangs bash.My guess is that there is something IO oriented, as top shows a load of 9+.
There is 5% iowait according to iostat.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Share : Get An Error Message "unable To Mount Location, Failed To Mount Windows Share"?

Jan 22, 2011

I have installed ubuntu 10.10 and the Samba addon to configure my shares to my Windows terminals.This is what I got

Firewall off (utf disabled)

Internal Sata /dev/sda1 (EXT4 FS)

External USB HDD /dev/sdb1 mounted at /media/SG1500GB (EXT4 FS)

I have two shares

1. //home/test - Which I can see and access with no problems (can't write to it though even though I set the share as writable?, but, I can read from it). This is available to everyone. My windows terminal can see this folder and access it. This is on my main 80GB internal drive /dev/sda1.

2. //media/SG1500GB/Music. I set this up for everyone full access and I can see it at all my Windows machines but,I can't get into the folder. Windows keeps giving me an error stating network path not found.I also try to access it via the Nautilus (Places/Network/system/music) and get an error message "unable to mount location, Failed to mount windows share". This drive is mounted per the disk utility.

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Server :: NFS Share Within An NFS Share?

May 24, 2010

Have an NFS Server running on RHEL 5.4 with the following setup/export/home is mounted from a SAN and shared out (no problems there)In oneome directory I have recently mounted another partition (e.g. /export/home/user/foo) This directory is also shared via NFS.When logging into an NFS Client you can access /home/user as expected. If you CD into foo there are no errors, you can even read/write files there.On the NFS Server those files can only be seen by umounting /export/home/user/foo.The idea is for 'footo contain files are churned at a very high rate and that this partition will not be replicated offsite

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Ubuntu Servers :: Installing File Sharing Using EBox - Failed To Enable: "root Command /usr/share//ebox-samba/ebox-samba-enable Failed"

Sep 27, 2010

Installing file sharing using eBox and get the following error:


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Fedora :: Run Python3 Scripts From Command Line And Call Up Python 2.6.2 Idle With The Command Idle From Command Line?

May 29, 2010

i've gotten my fedora 12 to the point where i can run python3 scripts from command line and can call up python 2.6.2 idle with the command 'idle' from command line. what command will call up python3 (3.1.2 to be exact) idle?

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