Software :: Thunderbird Data. Switch Profiles To A Backup?

Nov 27, 2010

I accidentally deleted the Thunderbird 3.0 profile in both Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows Xp (home) along with their backups. So i really have 2 questions.1. How to identify which files to Undelete, perhaps using NtfsUndelete?2. How To get Thunderbird to switch to using an old backed up profiles folder.So far the problem with my 2 is that Thunderbird just claims that a version of Thunderbird is already open (it isn't) and then closes down.

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Ubuntu :: Thunderbird And Firefox Not Working When Using Profiles On A NFS Share

Oct 25, 2010

Instead of upgrading to 10.10, I decided to install everything from scratch. Since the installation I can't make Firefox and Thunderbird work with the profiles I have always used on an NFS share. Locally Everything seems to work fine, but when I use the profiles on my NFS server I get in trouble. With Thunderbird I can read the email that is already there, but I can't get new one. It seems to hang during the connection. I can also write Drafts, and save them. RSS seems to work too. With Firefox I get the error "the bookmark and history system will not be functional because one of Firefox's files is in use by another application". When I try to open a url it doesn't work. Both applications start very slowly, but only when I open the profiles on the NFS share. I can happily read and write files on that share, so it can't be an access problem. I have a 64 bit machine, and I am using the Firefox 3.6.11 32 bit that I downloaded separately. Thunderbird is the one coming with the distribution.

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Ubuntu :: Migrating Firefox / Thunderbird Profiles From Windows

Apr 28, 2011

I am trying to do as the title states, I am however having problems. I have tried deleting the profile and profile.ini in kubuntu and copying over the windows profile to home/user/.mozilla/firefox for example with firefox, this didn't work. I tried copying it there with the existing profile and changing the path of the ini file, to the windows profile name, this didn't work either. The only thing that I can think is that I am using 64 bit windows and 32 bit kubuntu.I have tried using firefox sync, this didn't work either.

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Debian :: Backed Up Firefox/Thunderbird Profiles In Iceweasel/dove?

Mar 2, 2011

I've been distro-hopping for a year or so, been through the downstream versions, Ubuntu and Mint, and ended up here. Other than some serious headaches getting wireless up and running, its been great so far. My trouble is that I have lots of use invested in Firefox and Thunderbird. As I've been hopping around through distros I've just been copying my profile folders and just placing them in the .mozilla and .thunderbird folders in my user folder. Then the software just pops up with all of my old settings, addons and messages, etc.

But this hasn't worked in iceweasel and icedove. I have been hunting around online today and haven't found any clues, and don't yet know enough about linux to hack this out and troubleshoot it. Any thoughts? Is it something to do with user agent settings? Or profile.ini files? I'd like to avoid manually installing the tarballs for Firefox and Thunderbird, but it is starting to seem like maybe it is easier. As I also have read that certain addons don't work with iceweasel?

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Debian :: How To Backup Wicd Profiles

Mar 28, 2010

I would like to backup my wicd profiles. I thought it would be sufficent to copy /opt/wicd/data and /opt/wicd/encryption - however, those path do not exist in lenny (which I am running). So which path / folders / files do I need to backup in order to back up the wicd profiles and configuration?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Mozilla And .mozilla-thunderbird Profiles When Upgrading To 10.04?

May 24, 2010

I have been doing periodic net-based dist upgrade since 7.10. Currently I use 9.10. Now that 10.04 is out, I want to upgrade to the latest LTS version by doing a clean install, instead of using net-based dist-upgrade.

Since I use Firefox, and Thunderbird, I want to keep the passwords/bookmarks I have stored in firefox, and mail/account settings (for multiple email accounts) that are in Thunderbird.

While I know I can copy the hidden profile directories for each, and back them up for recovery after the upgrade by copying them into the new 10.04 after install is complete, I don't know if this is recommended, prudent, or if pitfalls await me. Since I want to do a clean install, and, since 10.04 uses different versions of both Thunderbird and Firefox,

1. Would it be prudent to back up/use the existing profiles I have in 9.10, or should I bite the bullet and just start fresh with new profile setups when I finish installing 10.04? 2. Are there any pitfalls I need to be aware of if I will be restoring a profile of each from 9.10?

3. Or, should I continue to do net-based dist-upgrades to 10.04 so appropriate profile changes can be made by the new versions of Thunderbird/Firefox software?

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Debian :: Used Backup-manager - Restore The Backup Data?

Feb 4, 2011

I am now preparing myself to upgrade lenny to squeeze and decided to do a backup on my system. I used backup-manager to do the job and it worked fine. how do you restore said backup data?

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Software :: Is It Worth To Switch From Thunderbird To Claws

Aug 23, 2010

I've been using Thunderbird for a lot, but I would like a lighter mail client. I was checking Sylpheed but it lacks of HTML rendering for incoming messages, and that is a "must" for me. Then I realized that Claws started as a parallel branch of Sylpheed but included those features Sylpheed doesn't have (one of them is the HTML rendering).

I would like to know if Claws is as light as Sylpheed to see if it's worth it to switch to Claws, because the reason to switch is to get a lighter mail client.

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Software :: Take The Backup Of Any Particular Account Of Thunderbird?

Apr 30, 2011

I am using OpenSUSE 11.2 and have installed Thnderbird 3.1.8.

Now the problems are :


In my office , where Ubuntu is being used, I've also installed Thunderbird, and my Yahoo ! account works smoothly there, but not in my OpenSUSE 11.2 machine.


How can I take the backup of my any particular account of Thunderbird?

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Ubuntu :: Backup Passwords In Firefox And Email Address Book In Thunderbird?

Aug 4, 2011

i want to backup my passwords in Firefox and my email address book in Thunderbird ,both runing on ubunto 10.04 point me in right direction please ,its just i have lost them before and its a pain in the you know where to redo them all also bookmarks in FF

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Ubuntu :: Lightning Extension On Thunderbird: Where Is The Data Saved

Mar 5, 2011

in my home folder i have the /.thunderbird folder, and in this folder i have the profile. ini, i have changed some things in this ini folder so that i can put my data on another partition. now i have installed lightning, i wonder where that data is installed ?

are all extesions of thunderbird installed and safed under the directory specified in the profile.ini ? or does lightning safe the appointments somewhere else.

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Ubuntu :: Revert To Previous Versions Without Losing Data And Install Thunderbird 3.0 ?

Jan 1, 2010

I updated to Thunderbird 3 by following instructions from http:[url]....Everything updated nicely, but in menu I don't have Thunderbird anymore - there is Shredder instead.Also Firefox was automatically updated - with change of name to Shiretoko with different icon. Wanted to make sure I added safe repositories, and why these changes?

ps. i checked some websites and seems like it is installing alpha/beta versions. so since it is not working now - how do i revert to previous versions without losing data, and how do i install thunderbird 3.0 then.

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General :: How To Backup Data To CD / DVD?

Feb 24, 2010

What are the options to backup data to CD/DVD from command line interface. Don't want to use K3B and Nero Linux. Want to backup using "tar" like utility. Please suggest good articles or options.If we can use tar itself to backup data to CD. Then how?For example I want to backup my /home directory to a DVD. I don't want to use GUI tools for this.

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CentOS 5 :: Backup Data On Server To HDD Box?

Aug 19, 2010

Now, i thinking solution: Backup Data on Server CentOS to HDD Box. When server error, i can restore Server from HDD Box.

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General :: Difference Between Archiving And Backup Of Data?

Feb 24, 2010

I am a little confused in distinguishing Backup, compressing and Archiving data. Help me to figure out how these can be useful.

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General :: How To Backup Server For Preserving Data

Nov 10, 2010

How to backup my Linux server for preserving data in case if hard disk crashes?

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Software :: Off Site Data Backup Recommendations?

Feb 16, 2011

I am trying to backup data files from a Debian Lenny server (in my office) to a second Debian Lenny box at my home. I was going to try rsnapshot configured for daily & weekly backups.My question has to do with access to the backup files. I can get into my hmoe server via ssh (specifically putty & winscp). If I need a specific file, is it easy to log into my home machine and simply find the file(s) I need in the directory tree? Is there some other (simple) method you would recommend instead?

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General :: Backup Data From Hdd's Where Volume Groups Are Duplicated?

Jul 30, 2009

I have couple hard drives from different linux distro's. on the hdd's are logical volumes created. what i want to do is to backup the data from those hdd's. but when I connect some of them and boot up the system it
gives me an error that there are volume group duplicated and it list the UUID. My host system is centos 5. What is the best solution to rename those volume groups or to mount the drives from other systems, so the data will not get lost?

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Fedora Servers :: Data Backup - Will Be Backed Up In Every 1 Hour ?

Jan 8, 2009

How to backup in such way that, data will be backed up in every 1 hour...but every time not full data;; only the data/file which have been modified within last 1 hour. Its on locally. And how to back up local data to remote system. Because I have tried with ssh-keygen also , but everytime its requiring password.

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Fedora :: Brasero Or K3b Do A Data Check After Burning A Backup Cd?

Dec 30, 2009

I want to have brasero or k3b do a data check after burning a backup cd. I know that in Nero for Windows you just click on the box that says "verify after burning". For brasero I see that you need an md5 file but it will be to tedious to use an md5 utility to make a checksum for every file and then put in in a txt.

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Ubuntu :: Vista Folders Bad To Reach (data Backup)

Apr 14, 2010

I have installed also Vista on my PC, but "Documents and Settings" f.e. is void if I mount the Vista partition. In this case its not very important. But a week ago i'd run a XP-Laptop with 9.04 live-CD for backup. That worked fine (The XP was very damaged). I put the 40GB data on my PC through the WLAN during one night without any aid else. All the XP files are well accessible. And I put it back later on a fresh XP.But what would have happen with a Vista-Laptop? Anyone an idea how to reach all Vista or 7 files with a live CD? Or at least from my installed 8.04 to installed Vista.

I think it works alternatively from Win7 running using a USB hard drive adapter if you change the rights on Vista or 7 on the connected hard drive. Not tested.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Backup Data + System To Windows Share?

Sep 2, 2009

how to backup both the system and the data from my Red Hat Server to a share on a windows SBS server where the regular network backup will take it off-site every night. The Red Hat Server is basically a web server on the LAN using RAID 1 to ensure some redundancy in the discs and is used as an internal web server for an administration system.

The Windows SBS server is the domain controller and rest of the network is totally windows based. The SBS server has large discs which host all of the general data to be backed up and is controlled by a 3rd party IT company. We have a share created on the SBS Server which is to backup all of the information from the Red Hat box to ensure we can potentially restore the system quickly in case of a major problem.

The thorn here is that I am working on a different site to the Red Hat Box and have to do everything over SSH. the Red Hat server has Samba running but I have not used it to mount an external windows share? Is there an 'out of the box' backup software on the Red Hat server that I can control over ssh to do the job? The biggest worry for me is the backing up the system to a state where it can be popped on a disc and the system restored from the backup - or most of it anyway - enough to get the server back on its legs.

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Debian :: Adding Backup Data Crashed The System?

May 12, 2011

I installed a fresh version of squeeze, with kde, and it worked fine. After I untarred my backup /home and /etc, things came to a standstill. I got a final ERROR code after /home. After a restart I got a 'fix your system' warning requiring a Control-D, which I couldn't type. I had used tar -xzvpPf ...... If I had included a -w, which asks for confirmation before overwriting data, could I have prevented this problem.

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General :: Compress And Backup Data In Hard Disk

Apr 30, 2011

My hard disk is failing and I amnot able to boot into the system! Currently I have logged into the system uing Live CD! Any way to compress and back up the data in my hard disk in an efficient way!

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Software :: Bacula And Overwriting The Data On The Next Backup On The Tape

Feb 22, 2010

Currently I have bacula backing up the contents of my server on a daily basis (Mon-Fri) on to a tape. There are in total 9 backup tapes so far. One for each day of the week (Mon-Thurs) and one for every Friday in the month (so there are 5 friday tapes). The tapes are all from the same pool and once the tapes are full they should then get recycled. As I understand and from what I have seen, the data from my server backups up to the tape and is then marked with the append status. Every time that tape is used, data is then appended onto the tape until the tape is full. At this point it is marked as full but wont be recycled until all the tapes from the pool are marked as full (so until all 9 tapes are full).

My question is, is there a way of overwriting the data on the next backup on the tape, rather than appending or requiring that all tapes in a pool are full before a tape can be recycled. As the mon-thurs tapes currently cant be recycled until all the Friday tapes have been used. The reason why I dont have seperate pools for the Friday backups and the other days of the week or even seperate pools for each day of the week, is that if a tape is accidently not changed or someone puts in the incorrect tape by accident a backup will still occur. Which is better than no backup!

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Software :: Taking Data Backup In Rescue Mode?

May 6, 2010

I am not able to detect my USB hard drive in Linux rescue mode after passing "fdisk -l" as i want to take the data backup in my USB hard disk.

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OpenSUSE :: How To Save (backup) User Application Settings And Data?

Feb 10, 2010

I managed to damage my 11.2 installation so it starts in the GUI mode only in failsafe mode. Actually I tried before to repair the installation, using the install DVD, but the automatic repair procedure failed. More than that, since then boot loader also seams to be "repaired" so that the Windows installation doesn't appear in the boot menu, but this is another thing.For me, now, the fastest way to get a stable system is to make a new installation. The biggest problem is that I cannot save/backup the emails and accounts settings in an elegant way. I'm using Thunderbird. Of course I would also like to save other apps settings.So is there a way to save user application settings so that I can used them after a new install? I had a look to the yast backup tool but these seams to be a way to archive files, or am I wrong?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partition Second Hard Disk For Use As Backup Data

Sep 29, 2010

My primary drive is 250GB and has the root, home and var (I'd read it's good to put var on a separate partition for MythTV which I'm planning on doing) on separate partitions. I have a second 1TB drive that I'll be using to backup the 250GB drive and also host less critical data. I've created two partitions on this drive, one 250GB and the other covering the rest of the drive. I'd like to move the Videos directory out of Home on the 250GB onto the 1TB drive but can't find a definitive way of doing this. Should I just follow this guide for moving the home folder to a new partition? Next question is when performing a backup of the 250GB drive how do I make sure it's going to the 250GB partition on the 1TB drive? Can the different partitions be mounted separately?

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Ubuntu :: Backup Software That Backs Up Applications And User Data?

Oct 12, 2010

I have searched and searched for answers to this question, but I can't find what I'm searching for anywhere. At least with the search terms I'm using.So, my question is, is there a backup software for Linux that backs up not only a user's home folder, etc, but also the user's applications, and its associated data.

I am about to upgrade my mother's computer to Lucid, but I don't want to do that until I can find a backup solution that will ensure she doesn't lose any of her application data. She has a lot of apps on her netbook, so just finding out where each individual app stores its data and backing it up is kind of out of the question. Unless every app that the end-user uses (that isn't run as root, obviously) stores its data in the home folder, then it would be easier.Honestly, I use a Mac and I guess I'm just used to the simplicity of Time Machine, which certainly backs up applications, application data, user data, and even extra executables in all the /bin folders (which Macs don't typically use to store most applications). I've heard TimeVault is like Time Machine, but when I tried to use it on her computer, it wouldn't work because it wasn't compatible with the version of Ubuntu that was (and still is) on her computer.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Remote Backup Ftp Server With Confidential Data?

Feb 15, 2011

I already have an ubuntu backup server in my location and need this one server to be backed up remotely in another state. this other location is a helpdesk so there's a danger that they can gain access to confidential data. I'll be setting up this new server as an ftp server but need to set the ftp folder to only allow access to the backup server and me. Because its remote on the helpdesk side, they'll need some access to the file system but need to be completely blocked off from the ftp folder where all the data is at. How can I make sure I can keep them away from my data and still be able to retrieve or copy files over without permission issues between both servers?

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