Software :: Securing Sendmail Aliases - Mailing Lists ?
Jul 28, 2010
I'm using sendmail on a small server and in addition to several users I have a few small email lists implemented in the aliases file. Is there any way to secure these aliases so that they can only be used by users with accounts on the machine already?
I'm getting a lot of external spam sent to the lists and I figure this is the easiest way to deal with it. 100% security isn't even necessary if I can stop most of the spam (i.e. causing sendmail to discard any mail sent to the lists that don't originate with the same domain name as the server would kill 99% of the spam since most of it doesn't have a spoofed email matching our server's domain name). I'm using Debian Lenny.
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Mar 3, 2011
does any linux admins out there have any mailing lists that they subscribe to? I go to lots of sites for knowledge but i was trying to put together the double whammy and pull together a solid mailing list for linux admins as well.
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Jan 30, 2011
how to create a mailing list using the 'newlist' command in /var/local/mailman/. I sucessfully create the list and i receive a confirmation message but after adding members to the list, none of them receives mail sent to list.
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Jan 25, 2011
Im creating a perl script that will be sending out mail to mailing-lists, but im not getting it to work. Its no problem getting the script to send mail to regular mail addresses, but it doesnt seem to handle to send mail to mailing lists. Im using the Net::SMTP perl to send mail from a perl script to a mailing list (and not just regular mail addresses) ?
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Aug 29, 2010
I am searching for an open source list serve software to manage mailing lists. Does anyone know of something fairly easy to manage and reliable?
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Sep 8, 2010
Fetchmail +sendmail played nice together, until I installed hylafax, and added an alias it requires. I just ran the usual makemap command on aliases to make aliases.db, and that's there the trouble began. Fetchmail appeared to hang, at any email account that had email in it, at the RCPT stage. I finally read the warning at the top of /etc/mail/aliases that says to run newaliases.
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Jul 27, 2011
For a project that I have been assigned to, I need to send emails to a business partner( from one production server. However, my emails neither reach their destination nor bounce back to me.
Working with our business partner's IT support, the following error was discovered in their maillogs:
Further analysis by my IT support shows that emails are successfully sent out ("Message accepted for delivery"):
The app I coded is not using a public internet email address (e.g. to send these notifications.
Instead, it uses an intranet email address (the server's where my code resides:
We created an alias but it made no change. Would adding my public internet email address to "trusted-users" file (we use sendmail)
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Feb 3, 2011
Have tried to setup email aliases in sendmail so I can have multiple address pointing to one linux login. However none of the aliases seem to be accepting mail.
I get the following error message when trying to send to them.
I have tried restarting sendmail, have mapped the /etc/mail/virtusertable across to virtusertable.db with the following command.
Output of sendmail -bv is as follows and looks correct.
Have also added new domain into local-host-names file. I am stuck on what is left to check and why the messages are getting bounced back.
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Feb 26, 2011
I'm setting up a full server configuration on Fedora, moving it from Mandriva which sadly faces a rather uncertain future. Things are going well and I will be ready (and more familiar with Fedora) in time to upgrade to Fedora 15.
What I have done so far in regard to networking setup:
I first removed Network Manager and replaced it with the network service (chkconfig --level 25 network on). That put an end to the overwriting of /etc/hosts, which now reads simply:
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Apr 1, 2009
I am able to send a mail message to myself from a server without any problem...
But after I have updated /etc/aliases and added the line for all of root's mail to be routed to me....
and ran newaliases to implement it....
If I send a mail message to root, it does not get routed to my email...
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Nov 1, 2010
I am using webmin for my daily tasks. I have fedora 13, whenever I click on ''Sendmail M4 Configuration'' or Outgoing Addresses (generics)'' I get the following error message
The Sendmail M4 configuration base directory /usr/share/sendmail-cf was not found on your system, or is not the correct directory. Maybe it has not been installed (common for packaged installs of Sendmail), or the module config is incorrect. I read documentation at, it seems that structure of directories for send mail has been changed in version sendmail-8.1.4 shipped with FC13. In webmin config module we have
Sendmail M4 base directory = /usr/share/sendmail-cf
which is not there. I did a locate / sendmail-cf on the command line, it finds nothing
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Jul 13, 2010
I have been trying to set up ssmtp so I can send email using Gmail's ssmtp servers. However, when I try to send mail (using mailx), I get the following message:
Can't send mail: sendmail process failed
Here's the last line from dmesg (the only one applicable, according to the timestamps and message content):
[484114.608378] sendmail[17975]: segfault at 0 ip b7dbbbf3 sp bfb0dc4c error 4 in[b7d44000+14e000]
Here's my ssmtp.conf:
# /etc/ssmtp.conf -- a config file for sSMTP sendmail.
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Oct 27, 2010
I have been having some fun with the shell but have become a little lost. I want to be able to email (myself and others) outputs from various commands etc. Sometimes people wish to know the contents of my music library etc and it's nice to be able to ssh in and email an ls (or similar) output.
Here is what I have been doing:
ls -R /home/simon/mount/sata0/audio > /tmp/musiclist
mail -s $(date +%Y%m%d) < /tmp/musiclist
The date part works perfectly and I receive an email with a subject suiting my preferential YYYYMMDD format.
But what I'd like to figure out is how to get this into a single line of code, my first attempt was:
mail -s $(date +%Y%m%d) < $(ls -R /home/simon/mount/sata0/audio)
This generates an error:
-bash: $(ls -R /home/simon/mount/sata0/audio): ambiguous redirect
But if I simply run the code "ls -R /home/simon/mount/sata0/audio" - the output is exactly what I want.
Is what I'm trying to do even possible? I do realise that I could use something like this
ls -R /directory > /tmp/file && mail -s $(date +%Y%m%d) < /tmp/file
But this is still running two commands and I'd like to figure out how to be 'cleverer'.
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May 17, 2009
Myself and a friend have our own small IT business; we mainly design and build web sites for other small businesses. One of the things we would like to offer to clients is the ability to relay email addressed to their company's domain to their own personal email address (either web-based, or hosted by their ISP).
Now, clearly there is a risk of our mail relay being marked as "open", and therefore becoming black listed as a source of spam. Not something that we want to happen!setting up such a system? I understand how I would go about configuring an MTA like Postfix or Sendmail to perform such a task, but I'm unsure how I would ensure that relayed mail is delivered and we're not labeled as spammers.
I did wonder if perhaps the "mail forwarding" options in a mail server like Zimbra would get around the issue by forwarding on messages inline or as attachments within new emails (so the messages would appear to be from the account hosted on our server).
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Dec 21, 2010
How to send an ordinary file as well as an Excel file as an attachment while sending mail in redhat.
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Oct 9, 2010
I've got a general question : I am using F13 for servers... I planned to use a mailing list now.
1) Which one would you recommend ? Mailman or Majordomo ?
2) I am looking for the possibility to get feedback of the mailing list.. ( Who opened, how many times..etc... )
Does Mailman provide this kind of info? (I didn't find anything on this during my first research). If not, which additional software can do it?
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Jan 16, 2010
writing a bash script that looks in a particular directory and emails the contents of the newest file.
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May 3, 2011
I have this code that is 'bashed' regularly with crontab and basically it will send me an E-Mail of most of the output but it misses out some of it!
Here is the crontab code to automatically run the script:
So that sends me an E-mail with most of the output of the following code:
It sends me everything up to echo "*******" "Begin compressing and transferring files" "*******" but it wont output the tar bit.. so it should give me a list of files that have been tarred.
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Jan 4, 2009
I have imported a csv address book into Evolution, which seemed to work, and I have composed a couple of emails to different people. Their email addresses seems to be entered, but when I send them, they are immediately kicked back telling me that the recipient is invalid. It provides their email and IP address, but tells me that they are invalid. I am receiving mail, so that is not a problem. I would reply to the mails I got to see what happens, but they are more or less spam. I'm pretty sure that I have the account configured correctly, but am at a loss.
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Apr 1, 2010
I recently modified to use a third party SMTP server to send emails. It works great. But when I run sendmail from the command line, I have to specify the -C flag and force feed it the location of my, or else it doesn't work.
So in other words, the following works great:
However, if I don't specify the -C flag, sendmail doesn't consider what's in the and barfs:
I don't run sendmail as a daemon. I'm only using it to send emails. I know my modifications of are correct because it works perfectly when I use the -C flag. I searched my disk to see if I could find another on the machine and only the one in /etc/mail came up.
Why sendmail is not reading my
I'm running Sendmail version 8.14.2 on Fedora Core 8.
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Apr 20, 2010
Can anyone recommend a good mailing list software package?
I was using group mail under windows but before I set up a windows machine for this task, I thought I would try to find a linux solution.
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May 26, 2010
I am new to Linux and we want to broadcast an email to every member of our institution. Currently we have more than 150 email addresses and 2 email lists. The mail server is running on Redhat version 5, x86_64/i386
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Jan 3, 2010
I've a problem on--how to administer a mailing list on qmail by list owner himself?
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Sep 15, 2010
We have a public server and it can be accessed from any where through ssh.
My question is my server should not allow anyone directly to login as root user. First he should login as normal user then he should switch to root user.
I also have another questions is there any specific linux command is there to end other users ssh session without rebooting the server.
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Jan 26, 2010
I installed OpenSSH via tasksel and am using Webmin for administration. I'd like to be able to SSH externally and want to setup the necessary public/private keys to use in FileZilla.
In Webmin, under Servers > SSH Server I can click 'Host Keys' and see an RSA key. Is this the public or private key for my server? Do I need to copy this into a text file to import it into FileZilla on my remote PC (that I want to connect from)? Is that all that needs to be done (aside from opening the port on my router/firewall)?
Is there an automated way to set this up via Webmin?
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Feb 27, 2011
Recently I have installed Debian Squeeze amd64 on my home desktop. I have used the standard installation method using DVD. I use my desktop primarily for web surfing, playing games and web application development. I do run apache2 and mysql servers on my system as need arise. I have been told that apache2 server execution without mandatory access controls such as apparmor or selinux makes the system vulnerable.
I could not find apparmor in synaptics, so I choose selinux for this task. To start with I installed identical environment in virtual box and tried installing selinux as given in url [url]. After the last step i.e. after running command selinux-config-enforcing and reboot I get login screen, I choose username and enter password. Thats it. The screen becomes blank and no further progress. I am not sure where did I went wrong. I am also curious whether selinux is really required in such cases or there is any better way to handle such situations. I also thought of running apache2 service from virtualbox. But I did not find it suitable for my requirement though.
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Mar 19, 2009
I am having trouble trying to setup an FTP server, so i made a video lesson to show how it is done PROPERLY. I actually had this before, but it was poor quality, and i went through it a little fast; so this time it is better quality and i explain more details. You can find it here:
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Nov 19, 2009
I'm still new to PHP and SQL, but all the tutorials I've found connect to the database like this:
PHP Code:
Right now I'm just doing local network tests before exposing everything to the Internet.
Wouldn't leaving the password in there as plain text be a huge security issue? I tried downloading the php file off the server, and it just comes down blank. So does PHP already have a security feature that doesn't allow anyone to just nab PHP files off the server?
And for Postgre, I have pg_hba.conf set up to "trust" it's own IP address:
Would I need to use something like Kerberos, PAM, or ident authentication? Right now the only plan is to use it as login system for a website. The clients themselves won't be accessing the DB itself, because all the DB access will be through PHP.
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Mar 11, 2010
I am creating an FTP server using VSFTP. It will be in the wild, initially at least only functioning as an FTP server. I have the iptables config from the previous box I set up 3-4 years ago. I have also got private/public key authentication running with SSH to eliminate brute force attacks.
Here is where is my specific question. On the old server I set up something that allowed my clients to log in using accounts that were not system accounts but would translate to a single system account that was limited to FTP. I remember setting up a passwd account that had username / password pairs that FTP used for authentication.
What app is this? Is it just part of VSFTP or maybe SELInux? I really want to utilize this.
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Aug 1, 2010
In our small company, we have a policy on our current Windows computers to install and use TrueCrypt to encrypt the complete harddrives, together with Heidi Eraser to make scheduled overwrites of "not-used" data on a schedule to prevent the eventual reconstruction of deleted files.
We believe that this make quite a good foundation to prevent our data from getting in the wrong hands in the event of someone loosing a laptop on the way to the office or even a burglar stealing computers over night.
So to the question:
Since we have nearly switched all of our computers to Ubuntu during the last few weeks and we wonder what we could and should do to our Ubuntu computers to ensure a good, solid foundation to keep our data secure?
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