Software :: Running MagicJack In Kubuntu?

Jan 12, 2011

This must be a worn out subject by now but has anyone figured out how to run MagicJack in Kubuntu 10.04? I tried to load it in Virtual box and it just loads the keypad and dials from the keypad GUI because it doesn't know there is phone hooked to it. It seems as many people want to use it there must be an answer besides double booting.

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Fedora :: Root User And Got Magicjack Working Under A Winxp Running On A Vbox

May 22, 2011

I finally got magicjack working under a winxp running on a vbox. But somehow I have to login as root and run the vbox as root. otherwise if I run the vbox as a normal user, I cannot mount the magicjack usb device, it appears as a grey disabled box. I am sure this is some kind of permission issue, but not sure how to grant the permission.

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Ubuntu :: Get Magicjack To Work With 10.04?

Jun 11, 2010

is there a way to get magicjack to work with ubuntu 10.04?

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Ubuntu :: Get Magicjack To Work On 10.04?

Jul 20, 2010

how to get magicjack to work on ubuntu 10.04?

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General :: Attempting To Install Magicjack?

Sep 17, 2010

is the magicjack phone system compatable with ubuntu o s system ?

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Ubuntu :: Running Gfortran 4.5 In Kubuntu?

Dec 1, 2010

I recently installed gfortran 4.5 and it's documentation on Kubuntu 10.10; however I can't seem to run the application. The application is located in root/usr/bin/gfortran 4.5. I was using the desk manager. The application menu in Kubuntu doesn't show gfortran as an application. how do I run gfortran 4.5, from the command window? Can I run gfortran using any of the Kubuntru desktop menus? Are there any procedures (commands etc), that I can use to run gfortran? Is there any documentation (Kubuntu, GNU etc),

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Ubuntu :: Computer Running Slow With All Versions Of Kubuntu

Feb 24, 2010

My friends computer is extremely slow with all versions of kubuntu. Its very slow to boot, very slow to load applicatons, very slow to switch between windows, very slow to do anything. I can't think of what would be causing the slowness, its not new, doesn't have any fancy hardware AFAIK, but it runs XP perfectly well, its probably a 2.0+ghz pentium 4 processor. Do you think it could be a kernel chipset issue? Or perhaps a graphics driver/window manager issue? I don't know what the hardware is, is there a command I can run to list all the hardware?

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Ubuntu :: Pulse Audio Failures Running Kubuntu 9.10

Feb 23, 2010

I'm running Kubuntu 9.10, and I like it (yay!) But I've been having issues with sound. Especially under system load I've been having an error where it says that the device analog 9xxx has failed falling back to digital, then it says almost immediately device digital 9xxx has failed falling back to analog. At this point any programs playing sound seem to retain that ability as long as I don't close them, but any programs I open have no sound. This applies to webpages and flash, as well as internal programs. I have also been having issues with video, no errors, but the video skips and freezes. Flash video occasionally crashes and any flash games that submit data (e.g. high scores) to a remote system crash my browser.

I end up having to pause the video and move it back several frames, then wait as if it had to load from ..... for a while, and it will run again for some time. My hardware is a dell inspiron e1505 on which the only things I have done are to replace a broken monitor and upgrade the ram (that is, after I broke windows too many times and converted to Linux. I don't have more error data for you, I simply haven't had the foresight to stick it into a text file yet. The error is displayed in the Notifications and Jobs button in the system tray, which is not well suited to copying and pasting, and I'm admittedly unsure as to how to find the error. I learned BASH on Sun unix at my local college and I still haven't quite learned all of how to speak ubuntu's terminal.

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General :: Mount A Removable Storage In Kubuntu 9.10 That Is Running On A Dual-boot Machine With Microsoft Windows XP?

Jan 22, 2010

How to you mount a removable storage in Kubuntu 9.10 that is running on a dual-boot machine with Microsoft Windows XP.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04.1 Kubuntu Desktop To Toshiba T110 Laptop Running Win 7 - Cannot Mount "/dev/lop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem. Squashfs"

Feb 7, 2011

Trying to install 10.04.1 Kubuntu desktop to Toshiba T110 laptop running Win 7, 4 Gig Ram, 32 bit o/s. Downloaded iso from Ubuntu web site and burnt DVD. No matter what I do I get the error message "cannot mount /dev/lop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem. squashfs" etc. Searched by Google and this forum, tried various remedies Unebootin; USB drive boot up etc etc; still get same message. Is there a workaround for what seems to be a fairly common install problem?

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Ubuntu :: Priority To Hard Disk Containing Kubuntu Login To Kubuntu But Can't Get In To Windows7?

Sep 15, 2010

I have two OS in my system. Windows& and Kubuntu. Both are in separate hard disks. I was using both. In between i have upgraded my system. now when i am giving priority to hard disk containing kubuntu, i can login to kubuntu, but cant get in to windows7. i have upgraded grub but not working. when i am giving priority to hard disk containig windows7 it enters and work properly. but not working in the previous.

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Ubuntu :: XP / Kubuntu - If Delete Kubuntu What's Happen To My Boot Cycle

Mar 31, 2010

XP Pro SP3
Ubuntu 9.10
Kubuntu 9.10

Tri-booting. They were installed in the order I listed above. I ran into a few bugs with Kubuntu, so I no longer want to use it. I want to use GParted on a LiveCD to format Kubuntu and expand my Ubuntu home partition to sit on top of Kubuntu's space right now. If I nuke Kubuntu, will Grub still exist with my Ubuntu/XP entries to boot?

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Ubuntu :: Point To Kubuntu CD Instead Of Kubuntu Repository?

Mar 7, 2011

I would like to apply KDE on my Kubuntu because the current one blew up. But each time I to sudo get-apt it seems to be fetching from the cloud. Is there a way I can make it to read from my local Kubuntu CD? I have both Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and Kubuntu Live CDs.

I believe the local disk read should be faster to translate than to bite the bytes across thousands of miles over the wire right?

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Running Emacs 22.3 Under An X86_64 Running FC10 - Stops Responding ?

Jul 19, 2009

After "yum install emacs" & "yum install emacs-ess", I was able to install emacs on my X86_64 running Fedora 10.

If I run one session of emacs everything works fine.

Once I start a second session and try to resize or move the emacs window, the system stops responding.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot See Network Icon - Nm-applet Running - Notification Area Running

Dec 25, 2010

Hi. I have Ubuntu 10.04, nm-applet is running in the background, my battery icon and sound icon are showing but my network icon has been missing for the past 2 days. It was working fine before but now it's not. How can I fix this issue if I don't have an ethernet cord? Is there a way to roll back the recent updates or do I need to reinstall my network manager?

I've tried restarting the system and I've tried killing nm-applet and reloading it using Alt F2. I get some Debug error.

When I try to run nm-applet --sm-disable

It says an instance is already running and then gives me a warning.

I tried removing "iface eth0 inet dhcp" from /etc/network/interfaces and then tried restarting by "sudo /etc/initi.d/networking restart"

It says:

What can I do to connect to the internet? I have a flash stick if its possible to download a .deb package on this mac and transfer it over to my other laptop to fix the problem. If its possible.

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General :: Why Does Running A Program In Bash Work, When Running It In The Menu Doesn't?

Jul 26, 2010

I presume there is something in the JWM window manager - or Puppy Linux Lupu 5.01 itself that is conflicting with the normal loading of GMPLAYER....

I would like to know how to troubleshoot, and fix this problem if possible (even a workaround would be great).

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Debian :: Running Same Process Multiple Times(from Another Account) / An Instance Of Newsbeuter Is Already Running Error?

Aug 6, 2010

Sometimes I connect to my Debian box from another computer (using SSH on Cygwin or Linux), and once ina while I want to run some console apps. And sometimes some of these apps might complain about "another intance, Error: an instance of newsbeuter is already running (PID: 2496)". Is there a work around for this issue at all(without killing the original instance") ? The reason I do not want to kill the app because there might be 2 users connected to the same machine that might be using the same app.

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Programming :: Suid Disabled From Running All Scripts Or Just From Running Them As Root ?

Sep 4, 2009

Is suid disabled from running all home made bash scripts or just from running them as root or:

Who would know for sure.

I googled several combinations of Mandriva Linux how-to suid disabled setUID etc... so far all I found was "many distributions are disabling suid for security reasons" nothing specific.

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Red Hat :: Running IPmonitor To Monitor The Disk Usage On Our Servers - Running Df -h

Mar 19, 2010

We are running IPmonitor to monitor the disk usage on our Linux servers. It does not seem to coincide with what is reported when running df -h. For example on a Red Hat 5.3 server - our IPmonitor shows that 85% is used on the /usr partition, however when I do a df -h on the server it shows that 91% is used. Why there would be a discrepancy? IPmonitor uses SNMP.

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Ubuntu :: Processor Running At 100 Percent - Fan Is Running At Max Speed

Apr 5, 2011

I can't figure out why but my processor is running at 100% on all four cores, and the fan is running at max speed. All I did was double click an a.out file created by g++, and it is running at full speed now.


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Programming :: Cron And Fsarchiver Reportedly Running Not Actually Running?

Jun 1, 2010

My root Vixie cron crontab is set to perform a system snapshot via fsarchiver: 0 0 * * * fsarchiver savefs -o -A /backups/p30_root.fsa /dev/sda2 /dev/sda3 The command itself works fine, generating about a 7G snapshot of my Suse server. I then wish to rsync this to a NAS I have located in another building: 0 3 * * * rsync -av -e ssh --delete /backups/ root{at address}:/DataVolume/os_backups/

(yes, I'm rsyncing as root. I absolutely loathe it, but I got thrown into an quasi-SA position with a ridiculous to-do list and no time to do it. I'm having to make things just work and then go back and try to improve them/learn how. I couldn't make it work in a non-root way quick enough, so for now I'm having to cron rsync jobs as root because of all the differing file permissions on this samba/MySql server. I set the NAS to only accepts ssh from the server IP, and we're behind a campus firewall... It's serious trial by fire.) The crontab also has rsync commands for the samba areas, our specialized chemistry software and affiliated MySQL databases............

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Software :: Prevent Rsync From Running If Another Instance Is Running?

Mar 29, 2011

On my crontab there is an entry to run a script I wrote that backs up my local files to my remote server. It was working great, running once a day. However, I now want to make the script run every hour.The problem is that if there are too manyfiles to transfer (Example:I ripped a DVD in the last hour) the actual backup may take longer than 60 minutes.So I want to modify the script to check if my backup script, based on rsync, is running. If rsync is still running then do nothing and exit the script. If it is not running, execute the script as normal.

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Hardware :: Pc Generate Less Heat Running Than It Would If It Were Running XP?

Dec 15, 2010

My wife's portable's fan is not working well and the manufacturer (LG, or more aptly, LNSG - Life's not so good!) will not or cannot supply a replacement. So, I was wondering if linux is cooler than XP.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Remote Access A PC (running Winxp) From Laptop (running Ubuntu 10.10) Over Internet

Jan 12, 2011

I need to remote access a PC(running winxp) from my laptop(running ubuntu 10.10) over internet.

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General :: Error:backend-not-running Backend Not Running As Expected (yumex Will Close)

Mar 9, 2010

i installed yumex:yum -y install yumex, when i start yumex it came with this error:fatal error:backend-not-running backend not running as expected (yumex will close) how can i solve it?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Log In To Kubuntu 9.10?

Jan 16, 2010

I type my username and password and then press enter in the log in screen, kubuntu will always bring me back to the log in screen.I google my problem but the result is the same

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Ubuntu :: Kubuntu Can't Log In

Oct 17, 2010

I have put on kubuntu over my Ubuntu installation and from what i had read it just changes the look but now all my users are gone and i cant make a new one and if i put the correct information in the user and password filed it says im wrong when i changed over i couldn't see an options at Ubuntu log in screen so i changed to kubuntu with the terminal is there any way to make a new user, retrieve the old user or change back to Gnome (vanilla Ubuntu)

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Ubuntu :: Get Rid Of Kubuntu

Jul 6, 2011

i have kubuntu and ubuntu on my laptop but i am giving that one away and want to get rid of kubuntu and just have ubuntu on the laptop. i got kubuntu by using the terminal. how can i get rid of kubuntu. i have ubbuntu on a memory stick if i have to start all over i do not mind.

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General :: 'at' Not Working On Kubuntu?

Aug 10, 2011

I'm new to Linux. And I tried using the at command to echo "Hello" after 2 minutes and I saw the following.-$ at now + 2 minutes-at> echo "Hello"-at> <EOT> job 7 at Tue Aug 9 23:59:00 2011So far it hasn't worked. I'm trying to get used to the syntax. Am I missing something?

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Ubuntu :: Set Kubuntu To A 16:9 Screen?

Jan 10, 2010

I gave my son, as a Christmas gift, a 16:9 monitor. The problem is that he sees the image as a 4:3 image, extended laterally and totally unreadable.

I have no possibility of adjusting the screen to a 4:3 size. Is there any way to adjust the system settings to a 16:9 screen?

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