General :: Attempting To Install Magicjack?

Sep 17, 2010

is the magicjack phone system compatable with ubuntu o s system ?

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General :: Attempting A Java.bin Silent Install Using Two Files?

Jul 12, 2011

I am attempting a java.bin silent install using two files.

The bash script is this:
sh jdk-6u20-linux-x64.bin -i silent -f /<location>/ 1>console.txt 2>&1
sleep 5 #this may be unnecessary, just testing it


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Ubuntu :: Get Magicjack To Work With 10.04?

Jun 11, 2010

is there a way to get magicjack to work with ubuntu 10.04?

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Ubuntu :: Get Magicjack To Work On 10.04?

Jul 20, 2010

how to get magicjack to work on ubuntu 10.04?

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Software :: Running MagicJack In Kubuntu?

Jan 12, 2011

This must be a worn out subject by now but has anyone figured out how to run MagicJack in Kubuntu 10.04? I tried to load it in Virtual box and it just loads the keypad and dials from the keypad GUI because it doesn't know there is phone hooked to it. It seems as many people want to use it there must be an answer besides double booting.

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Ubuntu Installation :: UNR Hangs When Attempting To Install?

Dec 21, 2010

I'm trying to upgrade an EeePC from 9.10 (I think it is) to 10.10. I've tried two different thumb drives and a CD, redownloading the UNR image each time. What happens is it will get the the screen where it says 'Preparing to install Ubuntu-Netbook'. I hit forward, and then the little dial just spins indefinitely. I've also tried plugging the thumb drives into different USB ports, and playing around the with the hard disk compatibility mode on in the BIOS (currently set to 'compatible', but AHCI, IDE Enhanced etc made no difference).

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Applications :: Error Message While Attempting RPM Install

Dec 15, 2010

I was trying to install a newer version of Firefox and thought I would just try to install the newer RPM for Fedora without doing anything else and this dialog message appeared.
Could not do simulate: Can't install /home/kbs/Downloads/firefox-3.6.4-0.4.build6.fc13.remi.i586.rpm as no transaction

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OpenSUSE :: Zypper Error While Attempting To Install Apps

Jan 5, 2011

OpenSUSE 11.3
Zypper 1.4.8-0.2.4 (i586)

When attempting to run commands of zypper:

$ sudo zypper install <XXX>
$ sudo zypper help
$ sudo zypper services


I looked through my command history to verify I hadn't done anything stupid. The only thing I had done since my last zypper command was to install ngspice....WITH zypper.

Looks to me like is corrupt.

Is there a way I can "update" or reinstall with an uncorrupted version without bricking my OS? I looked into uninstalling from Yast Software Manager (GUI) but it throws all kinds of warnings about how it can't complete operations and it will break links and I'd like to avoid it unless a guru says otherwise.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid: Attempting Install Of Ruby Gem 'mysql'?

Sep 2, 2010

==========NOTE: subsequent to posting, I attempted to use the gem 'mysql' and it worked. This is odd considering all the errors that were emitted below. Anyway, I can proceed with my study.==========

Running 10.04
MySQL version: mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.41, for debian-linux-gnu (i486) using readline 6.1


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Fedora :: Root User And Got Magicjack Working Under A Winxp Running On A Vbox

May 22, 2011

I finally got magicjack working under a winxp running on a vbox. But somehow I have to login as root and run the vbox as root. otherwise if I run the vbox as a normal user, I cannot mount the magicjack usb device, it appears as a grey disabled box. I am sure this is some kind of permission issue, but not sure how to grant the permission.

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Fedora :: No Display After Attempting Nvidia Driver Install And Doing Telinit 3

Sep 24, 2010

I have no display after attempting nvidia driver install and doing telinit 3

On hitting F2 I get these errors -


Is there anyway to boot in safe mode. I boot Fedora with GRUB2 and there isnt any failsafe entry for it. I have blacklisted nv driver already.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub - Setup: Warning: Attempting To Install GRUB To A Partition Instead Of The MBR - Install - Lvm - Luks - Raid - Karmic Server

Mar 27, 2010

I'm running Karmic Server with GRUB2 on a Dell XPS 420. Everything was running fine until I changed 2 BIOS settings in an attempt to make my Virtual Box guests run faster. I turned on SpeedStep and Virtualization, rebooted, and I was slapped in the face with a grub error 15. I can't, in my wildest dreams, imagine how these two settings could cause a problem for GRUB, but they have. To make matters worse, I've set my server up to use Luks encrypted LVMs on soft-RAID. From what I can gather, it seems my only hope is to reinstall GRUB. So, I've tried to follow the Live CD instructions outlined in the following article (adding the necessary steps to mount my RAID volumes and LVMs). [URL]

If I try mounting the root lvm as 'dev/vg-root' on /mnt and the boot partition as 'dev/md0' on /mnt/boot, when I try to run the command $sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/md0, I get an errors: grub-setup: warn: Attempting to install GRUB to a partition instead of the MBR. This is a BAD idea. grub-setup: error: Embedding is not possible, but this is required when the root device is on a RAID array or LVM volume.

Somewhere in my troubleshooting, I also tried mounting the root lvm as 'dev/mapper/vg-root'. This results in the grub-install error: $sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/md0 Invalid device 'dev/md0'

Obviously, neither case fixes the problem. I've been searching and troubleshooting for several hours this evening, and I must have my system operational by Monday morning. That means if I don't have a solution by pretty early tomorrow morning...I'm screwed. A full rebuild will by my only option.

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General :: Attempting DUAL BOOT Win7 With Kub 10.04?

Jul 27, 2010

Current rig:

Toshiba Satellite L455 laptop
Celeron 2.20 GHz
Windows 7, 64bit

I downloaded the DVD release of Kubuntu 10.04, from The file is: Kubuntu-10.04-dvd-amd64.rar . I burned it to a DVD, as image, with ImgBurn application. See any problems so far? I want to dual-boot, leaving my Win7 in tact. I am confident that I can handle this with some patient instruction.

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General :: Attempting Triple Boot - Need DD Command

May 2, 2010

I'm a newb and have ambitions for a triple boot with MAC/W2K/#! 9.04. I first installed Ubuntu on C600 laptop and then switched to Crunchbang 9.04 since the Dell is lacking any ooomph. Now I'm trying to triple boot an HP Pavilion a330n (AMD Athlon, non-SATA board which has created problems getting Leopard to play nice, but that's another story). I removed the HD from the C600 (W2K) and replaced it with another running only #!. I installed the W2K laptop drive as master on the HP desktop with a 120GB IDE drive as slave. The 120GB drive has been partitioned for 4: MAC (35GB, ext3), W2K (35GB, NTFS), #! (40GB, ext3) and Linux-Swap (remainder, ext3).

Now to the question: I was planning on using the DD command to "xcopy" the W2K drive to the W2K partition. Sounds simple. I am trying to use the following:
dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/dev/sdb3 bs=4096 conv=notrunc,noerror

To back up a step, I saw somewhere else suggesting to boot live and run off the CD to facilitate this since I'm manipulating both hard drives. Since I'm working live, I've had some trouble sorting out password issues with root. I managed to change the root password (I know - dangerous, but only for this session anyway). Each time I try to execute the dd command, I get nada. No activity. The cursor drops below the root@crunchband:~$ prompt and just blinks. There is no important information to be lost on either drive per se, but have lost the W2K install CD long ago which is why I need to use DD anyway.

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General :: Failed To Execute /busybox Attempting Defaults

Apr 28, 2011

I am building a floppy linux distro and have compiled a custom kernel, toolchain, uClibc and busybox. It all fits and boots but says "Failed to execute /busybox attempting defaults" /busybox is executable and should have the shared libraries available. I created both a dynamic and static hello world program and nether will boot as init. The root fs mounts without issues. What is the problem? (Sorry, Do not have the log since this is a different box) (May try to get it over serial console)

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General :: Effect Of Attempting Change Of /FS Ownership Or Rwx Permissions

Aug 9, 2009

My system (CentOs5.3) became erratic after i tried to change wholesale the ownership of the /FS. is it possible to change ownership or rwx permissions of files in linux? what is the safeguard available to preserve the consistency of the program files in linux against such an attempt by su?

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General :: Attempting To Get BackTrack 5 Running With A VMware Virtual Machine On Windows 7

Aug 23, 2011

I'm running a 64bit Version of Windows 7. I'm also dual-booting 64bit Ubuntu 10.04 (if it matters). However, for this I'm trying to get this working on the Windows 7 side of things. I downloaded the BackTrack 5 32bit GNOME .iso file (BT5-GNOME-32.iso) to my USB stick fine and made a VM on VMware Player. I set the OS as "Other Linux 2.6.x kernel" (if it matters). However, when I go to play my VM I get the following screen. I know I'm supposed to type Startx to launch the GUI. However, nothing happens; it's completely unresponsive (and yes keyboard focus is routed to the VM). There is no response, the cursor doesn't even blink.

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General :: Freecom FSG3 - SU Permission Denied When Attempting Chmod Or Chown?

Apr 27, 2010

I am desperately trying to recover two folders from a Freecom FSG 3 NAS. As far as I am aware it is running Linux 2.6 based on Snapgear. After working through the hardwares' recovery procedure a number of times, the state of the device appears to get worse and worse. So I have attempted to rescue the files by using a program called Putty to access the device over SSH.When I access the device using Putty I login as admin. The folders I need to recover are located in the home folder. Listing the contents of the directory I get...

/home $ ls -la
ls: ./.twonkymedia: Permission denied
ls: ./Sarah: Permission denied


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General :: RedHat ES5 Attempting To Read Tape Contents On Quantum Superloader3

Sep 24, 2010

I have a Dell PE2900 SCSI'd out to a Quantum SL3. I'm attempting to read/display the contents of the tapes or maybe dump the displayed contents or table of contents to a file.

I can see and access the library:
]# mtx status
Storage Changer /dev/changer:1 Drives, 16 Slots ( 0 Import/Export )
Data Transfer Element 0:Full (Storage Element 1 Loaded):VolumeTag = NGL930L3
Storage Element 1:Empty
Storage Element 2:Full :VolumeTag=NGL985L3


But when I try running tar -tzf /dev/changer or tar -tvf /dev/changer I just get a flashing cursor and the drive sits at IDLE.

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General :: No Prompt For Root Password After Attempting To Enter Single User Mode?

Jul 13, 2011

I followed instructions to enter single user mode by adding single at the end of kernel line but after that it doesn't ask for root password but brings up the sh# prompt. Isn't that supposed to be insecure? I understand for this the grub password can be applied but even after adding "single" it should ask for root password..or it should not..??

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: "All Mute" Sound On Lucid After Attempting To Install Alsa-linux-all.deb

May 31, 2010

My Compaq Presario F700 laptop has Conexant HD-Audio SmartAudio 221 (checking from my Windows partition). I had everything working just fine until yesterday when I attempted to manually install an alsa-linux package that I downloaded sometime ago. Although the .deb package failed to install, it seems it messed things up and now there's no sound. The speaker icon shows "All mute" and I have no clue how to fix this. How do I 'unmute' it?

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General :: When Click On Add/remove Software Get The 'you Are Attempting To Run "pirut"?

Dec 3, 2010

I have an acer aspire one netbook running linpus linux light,I managed to get the sub menu working, however, when I click on add/remove software I get the 'you are attempting to run "pirut"' query..I type in my password and then get a box coming up which says 'an unhandled exception occurred, this is most likely a bug'.

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General :: Invalid Mount Option When Attempting To Mount The Volume

Jun 30, 2010

I have two internal hard drives.I just installed Debian Lenny in the smaller 80GB. But when I try to access the other hard drive it shows:

"Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume"


-The 80GB is on dual boot with Windows 7 and Debian Lenny.

-The 500GB secondary hard drive is NTFS filesystem.

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Ubuntu :: Upgrade Grub With Dm-crypt - Warning: "Attempting To Install GRUB To A Partition Instead Of The MBR"

Nov 23, 2010

I am still using Lucid with a Luks/dm-crypt setup. I picked up an upgrade today that included grub. It gave me a box that had me choose my location to install the upgrade. I chose /boot. When apt did its upgrade thing, I got the following message: Setting up grub-pc (1.98-1ubuntu ... /usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Attempting to install GRUB to a partition instead of the MBR. This is a BAD idea.. /usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Embedding is not possible. GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists. However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and its use is discouraged.. Installation finished. No error reported. I looked in /boot/grub and found no menu.lst file.

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General :: "getAbsPath"? Attempting To Run Birdsuite?

Sep 22, 2010

This forum was very helpful in answering my previous question about scripting, so I'm going to try again with another problem that I have been having for a couple weeks now (the software support have not replied to my questions, unfortunately). In brief: I am trying to run Birdsuite (64-bit version: [URL]... I followed the installation instructions exactly and attempted to run the test code at the bottom of the installation web page. The commands I used are the following:


What exactly is this "getAbsPath" file or directory from the above code? Is it a necessary component? How would I tweak the shell script to get this working?

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General :: "Invalid Mount Option When Attempting To Mount The Volume" On Plugging USB

Jan 18, 2010

I plugged in USB(single fat32 partiton of 2GB) and got message window Cannot mount volume. Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume.


Also did check in gparted , dosfsck and fsck.vfat but no errors reported.

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General :: GRUB Boot - Error: Attempting Boot From Hard Drive (c GRUB)

May 16, 2011

we have an oracle application server on red hat 4.6 upon booting it comes up with error: attempting boot from hard drive (c GRUB)

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Debian :: GDM Constantly Attempting To Login?

Oct 19, 2010

I setup Debian a few days ago and everything was working fine. On a routine reboot to test a start-up script I turned the monitor on and realized that I could not logon to the machine locally. None of my keyboard input was making it to the username field but random things were happening. Every now and then it would say stuff like incorrect username or spontaneously jump to the password input field and then say incorrect password. I've rebooted a couple times, even without a keyboard attatched and still am seeing this. In /var/log/auth.log I show gdm going nuts trying to validate usernames.

Oct 18 12:15:16 Eva gdm[3287]: pam_nologin(gdm:auth): cannot determine username
Oct 18 12:15:16 Eva gdm[3287]: pam_nologin(gdm:auth): cannot determine username
Oct 18 12:15:16 Eva gdm[3287]: pam_nologin(gdm:auth): cannot determine username     


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Ubuntu :: Attempting To Move /usr To Another Partition?

Aug 1, 2010

I recently bought a SSD and decided to give the majority of the space to windows for production purposes I gave 3.5GB for ubuntu but that filled up rather fast so i decided to move the folder taking up the most space to another partition which is /usr.

I tried moving the /usr to another partition and using a symbolic link but that didn't work so i'm trying (and would prefere this method anyway) to use fstab to do it

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier
# for a device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name
# devices that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).


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Ubuntu :: Attempting To Burn 10.04 64bit ISO But Failing?

Jul 14, 2010

The Windows Disc Image Burner, after attempting to burn the ISO file, will prompt me that the burn was unsuccessful. It then gives me the error code of 0x80004005. I've re-downloaded the file twice and attempted to burn it twice, but to the same results. A

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