Software :: Pipe Email Using Aliases File Or Script?

Jul 26, 2010

have some problems in doing my project, my project title is ' in investigate into implementation of certification authority with small network ' ( with using Postfix, openSSL ) and i have builded up two different networks using debian and after that i need to make a mail server, so i configured Postfix and made a mail server, i can send and receive emails on both networks. now i need a shell script on received emails using Postfix, like mail is coming from outside then will go to pipe and there should a script in bash, that will run and check the email and deliver to others, or throw it away some thing like that... here are some links where i was looking


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Software :: Aliases - Using /etc/aliases - Does Not Get Routed To My Email

Apr 1, 2009

I am able to send a mail message to myself from a server without any problem...

But after I have updated /etc/aliases and added the line for all of root's mail to be routed to me....


and ran newaliases to implement it....

If I send a mail message to root, it does not get routed to my email...

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Debian Configuration :: Why Does /etc/aliases Choke On Email Addresses

Dec 21, 2010

Related to my last post in that it is another email issue, but something else I am having a problem with.

Debian Lenny on virtual KVM (32-bit, v5.0.7)

With Postfix it is necessary to have an alias for root, eg: root: someuser

In theory, and as far as I am aware, this can also be something like: root: someone@someaddress.tld

When I use the latter, though, the following happens whenever my system tries to redirect root email messages, but not when I use the root: someuser method in the aliases file (and, yes, I do know to use newaliases after amending the file).

The firewall is not an issue (tested with and without the firewall), nor are the resolvers, and the DNS for accounts on the box is all okay and fully propagated. Also, changing the email address to something like does not work, either, - same error message.

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General :: Email Aliases - How To Capture Some Items From Message

Jul 5, 2010

I have an email alias and I want to capture some items in the email body and put it in a database.

I'm using Linux and Bash.
In /etc/aliases I have:
bexpense: "|/usr/bin/bexpense"In /usr/bin/bexpense, I have:
echo $1 $2 >> bexpense.out

If I just run /usr/bin/bexpense with as "bexpense test test" I get "test test" in bexpense.out. If I send email to, I get a blank line in bexpense.out. How do I get the subject and body of the email?

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Software :: Sendmail Email Aliases Not Accepting Mail

Feb 3, 2011

Have tried to setup email aliases in sendmail so I can have multiple address pointing to one linux login. However none of the aliases seem to be accepting mail.

I get the following error message when trying to send to them.

I have tried restarting sendmail, have mapped the /etc/mail/virtusertable across to virtusertable.db with the following command.


Output of sendmail -bv is as follows and looks correct.


Have also added new domain into local-host-names file. I am stuck on what is left to check and why the messages are getting bounced back.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Configuring Email Aliases Per Domain?

May 13, 2009

I've got a server with several different virtual hosts on them, e.g.,,

Is there a way I can set up an email alias just for an individual domain?

e.g. I want to set up, but not to have or

I can't see how to do this in the /etc/aliases file...

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General :: Simple Pipe Email To Curl?

Apr 1, 2010

I would like to pipe a raw email from cPanel to curl, using curl to send the raw email via a post variable.wever, I am unsure of the command line syntax that would receive the piped email and post using curl.Ideally, the email would pipe to the curl command "curl -d 'emailvar=RAWEMAILHERE'

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Ubuntu Servers :: Use The Mail Command Line Program To Occasionally Send Log Output To Email Aliases?

Jan 27, 2011

Can anyone tell me what the pros and cons are between heirloom-mailx vs mailutils? This is for ubuntu 10.04 LTS. AT this point my only purpose is to use the mail command line program to occasionally send log output to email aliases.

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Programming :: Handle A Broken Pipe Exception (SIGPIPE) In FIFO Pipe?

Mar 2, 2011

I've written a simple server in linux used fork to create a FIFO pipe.The server create two FIFO pipe.One for server read data from client and write data to client.Then another pipe for client read data from server and write data to server.When the server read data from a client used server-pipe and then write data to client.But ,if the client no read open the pipe,the server side write will be crashed because of a broken-pipe SIGPIPE. How to check whether the read side is opened?Or,how to catch the SIGPIPE,and then my server will still execute on,not crashed!!

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Networking :: PING - Pipe 2 Versus Pipe 3

Apr 10, 2009

I'm doing ping between 2 RH servers through a VPN site2site tunnel and in some times I got in the result pipe 2 and another pipe 3 as I mark it in blue color below.


64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=128 time=0.229 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=0.287 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=128 time=0.278 ms


What's the difference between pipe 2 and pipe 3 and what's the meaning of it?

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Fedora :: Defined Aliases In File Not Working - No Command Found

Apr 15, 2011

Defining tcsh aliases through a .aliases file has worked perfectly for me for years and years using cygwin and older versions of mandriva. I am encountering very annoying and mysterious problems when attempting to do the same thing with a .aliases file in a fedora 64-bit VM. Strangely, if I define aliases in the file, they won't work, but if I do so on the command line, then they will.

Here's a simple example: Suppose I define an alias for "ls" in the file:
alias ls '/bin/ls'
Then source the file. This happens:
me: ls : Command not found.
me: alias ls
me: /bin/ls
file1 file2 file3 etc.
me: unalias ls
me: ls
file1 file2 file3 etc.
me: alias ls '/bin/ls'
me: ls
file1 file2 file3 etc.

A second example: if I place either of these lines in my .aliases file:
alias d '/bin/ls -alF !:1'
alias d '/bin/ls -alF !*'and source the alias file, this happens:/ me: d
Bad ! arg selector. However, if I define the alias on the command line:
/ me: alias d '/bin/ls -alF !*'then the alias behaves correctly:/ me: dtotal 376
drwxr-xr-x. 10 r r 4096 Apr 14 16:05 ./
drwxrwxr-x. 6 r r 4096 Feb 21 16:15 ../
drwxr-xr-x. 3 r r 4096 Apr 14 16:05 bin.v2/
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 r r 193872 Apr 14 15:35 bjam*
-rw-r--r--. 1 r r 52804 Apr 14 17:20
drwxr-xr-x. 77 r r 4096 Nov 17 09:49 boost/
-rw-r--r--. 1 r r 989 Nov 17 04:51 boost.css

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Ubuntu :: Can't I Pipe Into The 'file' Command?

May 9, 2010

I'm looking for an mp3 file in the firefox cache folder.I was thinking I could run the command 'find -size +2M' and pipe that output into the 'file' command to tell me which is an mp3, something like thisfind -size +2M | fileBut this doesn't work, what am I doing wrong?This is output Usage: file [-bcikLhnNrsvz0] [-e test] [-f namefile] [-F separator] [-m magicfiles] file...file -C -m magicfilesTry `file --help' for more information.

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Programming :: Pipe Output Of Ls To File?

May 3, 2011

I want to pipe the output of ls in a folder to a file (lets call it test.txt) but when i do so, but when i do ls > test.txt in test.txt there is also test.txt (logical

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Fedora :: How To Pipe Output Of Wine Into File

Aug 19, 2009

I have a bug where WoW under wine is crashing my computer, and I want to get the data from the console, so I want to put it in a file, but I don't know how! None of the piping tutorials online helped at all.

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General :: Read File And Pipe To Grep

May 26, 2011

I'm storing a list of strings in a file and would like to read the file and pipe each line returned to grep which in turn searches a directory for files containing the string.However this is not returning any output.

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General :: Nawk - Input From A Pipe And A File At The Same Time

Sep 16, 2010

I am tying to read a file in with nawk whilst trying to take input from a pipe. I've come across the getline option and no matter how hard I try, I can't figure out the correct syntax. What I want to do is to take some input from the pipe and make a comparison with all of the values in a file and print a match.


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General :: What Is Meaning That File Is Named Pipe (FIFO)?

Jul 12, 2011

What is a pipe? and why a file is a named pipe? I am just learning linux.

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Ubuntu :: Get Postfix To Receive Mail From One Address And Pipe It To A PHP File?

Oct 7, 2010

Im running Ubuntu server 10.04 lts

Im trying to get postfix to receive mail from one address and pipe it to a PHP file for a help desk software called Trellis Desk.

They recommended that I use Cpanel but its not free and my boss is not willing to pay for it. I need a free solution.

I know my way around Linux but Im no professional

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General :: Feed Text To File Editor From Named Pipe

Apr 24, 2011

Does any one know how can i input text by reading from a named pipe to any popular GUI based text editor?

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Programming :: Orrect Command To Create A Named Pipe File?

Apr 22, 2010

My question deals with me creating a name pipe (file) in the my /group directory called chat.I then have to write a script to read from the named pipe and save data into a file called chat.log until the words End of File are passed to the program.

-When I created the named pipe file (chat) I used the mknod chat p command..Is this the correct command to create a named pipe file? -Then I'm having trouble with my script and how to make it run until the words End of File are entered in. This is what I have so far.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Pipe A Video Feed From Virtual Box To Vlc And Save It As A File?

Aug 9, 2011

is there a way to pipe a video feed from virtual box to vlc and save it as a file? cause if i could then i could save streaming videos from places like hulu and netflix or save bluray movies to a avi file for latter use.

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Programming :: Move Line Of Pipe Delimited Flat File If Field 27 = Sold?

Sep 26, 2010

I have a pipe delimited flat file, field 27 is price. I would like to move items marked sold to a new file every couple months.

awk -F"|" '$27 == "SOLD" {print $0}' >>

Allows me to write line to new file but I need to delete the original line, I also want to make sold case insensitive tried [Ss][Oo] with no luck

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General :: Convert An HTML Email Saved As A Text File To A PDF File From The Command Line?

Aug 23, 2011

I need to be able to convert HTML email messages saved as text files (.eml or .msg) to PDF documents, one PDF per email, retaining formatting and images.

Are there any Linux tools that will allow me to do this from the command line (so it can be scripted)?

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Ubuntu :: CheckGmail To Play A Wav File Whenever Get A New Email ?

Jan 23, 2010

I'm trying to get CheckGmail to play a wav file whenever I get a new email but am having some difficulty.

In CheckGmail's preferences there is an option to execute a command upon the receipt of a new email. I want it to


The problem is that data.wav is located in a folder entitled "WAV_Files". Entering the above command from the home directory obviously returns:


When I enter:


The whole thing works beautifully. The problem, I can only enter one command into CheckGmail. I tried to pipe the commands together thusly:


To no avail. I got the exact same "no such file or directory" line as above.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Insert A Wav File In An Email?

May 9, 2010

is there a way that I can insert a wav file in an email and play when the receiver opens the mail? I don't mean when he clicks on an attachment but when he opens the message file. Using Latest Thunderbird version.

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Ubuntu :: Open An Email Attachment -trf File?

Aug 22, 2010

how do i open an email attachment -trf file

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Software :: Open Jpg File Attached To Email?

Sep 15, 2010

My Slackware 13.0 system says it does not know what to use to open a .jpg file. I checked a couple of other threads which say one is supposed to use gimp but that it does not work. What does work?

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Ubuntu :: Finding Software That Can Recognize Email Address Out Of A Doc-file

Jan 28, 2011

creating a mailing list I need a software that can do that. Other formats like txt or rtf would be great too, as I can easily convert.

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General :: Write A Script To Ftp A File And Get An Email Confirmation Or Failure Sent Out?

Jul 30, 2010

write a script to ftp a file and get an email confirmation or failure sent out.

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General :: Mutt Didn't Send Email Via .sh File After Reboot?

May 14, 2010

I restarted a server yesterday for the first time in 2 years, but a shell script that send out an email every night via a mutt command line didn't work last night.

I don't know anything about mutt. do i have to start something in order for it to be able to work? is there a log i can look at to see what did or didn't happen making it not work?

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