Software :: Open Jpg File Attached To Email?

Sep 15, 2010

My Slackware 13.0 system says it does not know what to use to open a .jpg file. I checked a couple of other threads which say one is supposed to use gimp but that it does not work. What does work?

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Ubuntu :: Open An Email Attachment -trf File?

Aug 22, 2010

how do i open an email attachment -trf file

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General :: Cron Job Email - Log Report Attached Instead Of Being Sent Inline

Sep 20, 2010

I am running a Cron job which mails the content of a log report every day. The problem is that the contents are sent as an attachment instead of as the body of the email. The strange thing is that if I run the instructions from the command line everything works fine, but if I do so from the Cron job the log report is attached instead of being sent inline.

The instruction I use is:
mail -s "logfile for cron" </var/log/cron-log
Following some advice I read on a blog I also tried this instruction in my Cron file, but the result is the same: it works fine from the command line, but attaches the report when run from Cron:
echo "Content-Type: text/plain;" | mail -s "logfile for cron" </var/log/cron-log
How to ensure the content of the log file is inline?

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Software :: FF3 Won't Give The Option To "open" A PDF File From Email?

Jun 22, 2009 only gives the option to Save the file. I don't want to save it. I get a PDF file nightly, which contains the next day's work orders for my job.I'd like to just open the file. It's always attached to an email and opened using Yahoo mail.As it stands right now, I must always save it to the Desktop, then delete the previous day's file. Any idea how to change this? I've set the option to "Always Ask" in Edit --> Preferences --> Applications --> PDF Document.What else can I do? I seem to recall a fix where you'd delete a file containing all the preferences. I'd prefer not to do that, as I have them all set the way I want.Plus...and this is'll occasionally ask me to choose between opening the file or saving it

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Software :: Whenever Open GNOME MPlayer / Attached Error Dialog Appears

Apr 17, 2010

Whenever I open GNOME MPlayer the attached error dialog appears. What can I do about it?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Uncompress A File In A Network Attached Storage?

Jul 5, 2011

I have a fairly simple setup for my Network attached storage. I have a 1TB external hard drive connected to my Asus RT-N16 router through USB. I have enabled file sharing in the router, and thus the hard drive shows up on the network as a shared folder. No hassles, I can read and write to it.

Because I want to use this hard drive for networked backups, I tried to get it to mount on boot with fstab. Here is the line in my fstab file :

// /media/SharedFolder smbfs guest,_netdev 0 0

It mounts fine, no problems, and once again I'm able to read and write files to it. The problem occurs when I try to access the mounted drive and uncompress an archive file for the duplicity backup program. It gives me a list of messages showing that all the files inside the archive failed to uncompress because of error messages like these :


If I try to extract the same archive by manually going to Network > RT-N16 (Router) > Shared Folder, it extracts fine. But I need this folder to be mounted on boot because I use it very frequently. I tried changing smbfs to cifs and it still didn't work. Please not that my knowledge of samba, network storage and file systems is very basic. I tried searching the internet for more information about this but wasn't able to find much information that pertains to this particular problem. Hoping the linux pros here could give me some pointers ..

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Will Not Open Email Attachments: Jpg's Or Pdf's?

Sep 21, 2010

I'm at a complete loss on this one.MY version of Firefox 3.6.10 (Ubuntu 10.04 LTS) opens all email attachments with no problem. However, my sister's machine--same 3.6.10 and 10.04 LTS--does not. Instead, she gets the following message: "(PDF or JPEG) could not be opened because the associated helper application does not exist. Change the association in your preferences."I've checked all her preference settings against mine, and they match...but mine works and hers does not. (Also verified that "Document Viewer" and "Image Viewer" are installed properly...)

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Ubuntu :: Could Not Open Link (in Evolution Email)

May 13, 2011

I installed Evolution email. Mostly it seems to work fine. But when I click on a URL link in an email I get the error message: Could not open link - no application is registered as handling this file"

Is there a fix for this? Also since I'm new to these forum is there a guide for how best to use them? Is there a way to mark posts as solved or unresolved, etc? For example I searched to see if this error message came up before in the forums and I didn't see anything. So maybe I didn't do it correctly? How do I edit a post after I've already submitted it?

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Software :: Email Attachments;microsoft Cant Open Ooo?

Dec 10, 2008

I admit to being a starter having recently switched from XP. How do I deliver emails to the remaining XP users that that have attachments thay can read if they are using microsoft packages of various ages especially when they have less computer skills than even me. Should I load word through WINE and send an Word emulating document?

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General :: Convert An HTML Email Saved As A Text File To A PDF File From The Command Line?

Aug 23, 2011

I need to be able to convert HTML email messages saved as text files (.eml or .msg) to PDF documents, one PDF per email, retaining formatting and images.

Are there any Linux tools that will allow me to do this from the command line (so it can be scripted)?

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Fedora :: Evolution Email Links Will Not Open Firefox In12 - KDE

Feb 13, 2010

Have been trying to resolve this problem for hours using;

However on-click email link I get;

I am at a loss to get this working. I used thunderbird before with no issues, but needed a microsoft-exchange email server for my work account, supported by evolution.

Kernel Info;

KDE: 3.5.10-21.fc12 Fedora

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Debian Multimedia :: HTTP Links In Email On Icedove Don't Open In Icewease Using LXD

Nov 24, 2010

http links in email on Icedove don't open in Icewease using LXDE: & are both set to the default x-www-browser, which is pointed to icedove but nothing happens, any suggestions?

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Ubuntu :: Set Thunderbird As Default Email Client And Get It To Open With The Mail Icon?

Jul 28, 2010

How do I set Thunderbird to be my default email client, and make the little mail icon in the top menu bar?

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Ubuntu :: Publish A Newsletter So Anyone Can Open His / Her Email And Find (not In Form Of Attachment)

Feb 26, 2011

i need to publish a newsletter so anyone can open his/her email and find my newsletter (not in form of attachment) one more thing i wish to inform u that i dont have any website

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Applications :: Open A MS Access File In Open Office?

Mar 17, 2009

I have a MS Access database I would love to able to use in OOo. How do I do it

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Ubuntu :: CheckGmail To Play A Wav File Whenever Get A New Email ?

Jan 23, 2010

I'm trying to get CheckGmail to play a wav file whenever I get a new email but am having some difficulty.

In CheckGmail's preferences there is an option to execute a command upon the receipt of a new email. I want it to


The problem is that data.wav is located in a folder entitled "WAV_Files". Entering the above command from the home directory obviously returns:


When I enter:


The whole thing works beautifully. The problem, I can only enter one command into CheckGmail. I tried to pipe the commands together thusly:


To no avail. I got the exact same "no such file or directory" line as above.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Insert A Wav File In An Email?

May 9, 2010

is there a way that I can insert a wav file in an email and play when the receiver opens the mail? I don't mean when he clicks on an attachment but when he opens the message file. Using Latest Thunderbird version.

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Software :: Pipe Email Using Aliases File Or Script?

Jul 26, 2010

have some problems in doing my project, my project title is ' in investigate into implementation of certification authority with small network ' ( with using Postfix, openSSL ) and i have builded up two different networks using debian and after that i need to make a mail server, so i configured Postfix and made a mail server, i can send and receive emails on both networks. now i need a shell script on received emails using Postfix, like mail is coming from outside then will go to pipe and there should a script in bash, that will run and check the email and deliver to others, or throw it away some thing like that... here are some links where i was looking


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Ubuntu :: Finding Software That Can Recognize Email Address Out Of A Doc-file

Jan 28, 2011

creating a mailing list I need a software that can do that. Other formats like txt or rtf would be great too, as I can easily convert.

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General :: Write A Script To Ftp A File And Get An Email Confirmation Or Failure Sent Out?

Jul 30, 2010

write a script to ftp a file and get an email confirmation or failure sent out.

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General :: Mutt Didn't Send Email Via .sh File After Reboot?

May 14, 2010

I restarted a server yesterday for the first time in 2 years, but a shell script that send out an email every night via a mutt command line didn't work last night.

I don't know anything about mutt. do i have to start something in order for it to be able to work? is there a log i can look at to see what did or didn't happen making it not work?

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Server :: Sendmail Works But Opens 43 File Handles Per Email

Dec 16, 2010

I'm using Sendmail 8.13.8 on a CentOS 5.5 vServer (Virtuozzo). I'm using a loop in PHP to send a lot of HTML-mails via sendmail. Each mail is a mail with individual statistics for our users, so its not mass mailing, bcc is not an option. It all works fine, but when I take a closer look there is a problem heading our way with a high number of mails: For each mail sendmail opens up 43 files. Sometimes these open files get closed again very fast, sometimes not.

Here is an example using the PHP-script below, it sends 20 mails in a loop:
[root]# php test-mail.php
START: number of open files: 2113
END: number of open files: 2973

This is the worst case. The number of open files (lsof | wc -l) used to send the 20 mails is 860 => 43 open files per mail. Sometimes the files are closed very fast, so I get results like this, too:
[root]# php test-mail.php
START: number of open files: 2113
END: number of open files: 2242

This shows 129 (3 * 43) open files, so the open files for 17 send mails are already closed, for 3 mails the 129 files are still open. In the worst case and with lots of mails our server crashes, the numfile limit of 8192 in user_beancounters is reached (our ISP won't give us more than 8192). Sendmail DeliveryMode is background. Could it be that sendmail tries to send lots ob mails asynchronously and uses 43 open files for each?

I'm only depending on sendmail to deliver the mails, normally I wouldn't dare to touch the sendmail config (like 'if you don't know what you're doing, don't!'). It is not a problem of PHP. I verified this by sending mails via SMTP localhost to sendmail (opened 43 files per mail) and sending mails via SMTP to an ISP-relay (did not open any files per mail). This is the code for test-mail.php:

PHP Code:
$output = shell_exec('lsof | wc -l');
echo "START: number of open files: $output";
// HTML message
$msg = '<html><head><title>Test mail</title></head><body><p>Mailbody</p></body></html>';
// Set 'Content-type'-header
$header = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . " ";
$header .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . " ";
for($i=0; $i<20; $i++) {
// send mail, this opens up 43 files for each
mail('', 'Testmail '.$i, $msg, $header, '-f
[email][/email]'); }
$output = shell_exec('lsof | wc -l');
echo "END: number of open files: $output"; ?>

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CentOS 5 Server :: Configure (which File) To Be Able To Send Email Out - From 5.3 Distro?

Jun 3, 2009

I'm not trying to setup a email server. ;) Firewall is set to disabled. SELinux is set to disabled.. How can i configure (which file?) the server to be able to send email out? When I try "mail -s testmail myemail@[URL]" and enter some text and then CTRL+D.. and return, I get command prompt again..


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General :: Cannot Open File In RW Mode - Filling Root File System With Log Files

Nov 3, 2010

I work for a company that makes portable devices running Linux and I was recently asked to make the underlying file system read-only for "security" purposes. Since the distribution is based on LinuxFromScratch, I know that very little writing happens at run time. So, even if the device runs on a usb flash device, I doubt that putting the root file system RO will be that beneficial. I am actually more concerned about a process actually breaking because it cannot open a file in RW mode than a process going rogue and filling the root file system with log files, etc. I'd really like to ear what kind of advantages disadvantages there really is with read-only file-systems.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Open Shared Object File: No Such File Or Directory

Feb 15, 2010

there are number of threads floating on installation of ns2..however i am unable to get it on my 64 bit system ns: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

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Ubuntu :: Downloaded The Demo Of Penumbra Overture, It Is A .sh File (113Mb) Can't Open The File?

Jun 2, 2010

I downloaded the demo of Penumbra Overture, it is a .sh file (113Mb). I can't open the file. In a terminal I ran chmod +x and then sudo ./ and I get an error "./ 2: Syntax error: "(" unexpected" . The quotation marks are my own. Is the file corrupted? One of my lugmates thinks it might be a shar file, but Karmic says that it is a shell script. Another friend says that it is too large to be a shell script. Here is the code:

john@john-laptop:~$ cd /home/john/00
john@john-laptop:~/00$ chmod +x
john@john-laptop:~/00$ sudo ./


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: - Cannot Open Share And Object File: No Such File Or Directory

Jul 27, 2010

When running the beta of blender 2.5, I get the following error. blender: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory In previous versions of ubuntu you could 'apt-get install python2.5' to resolve the issue, but it doesn't appear in any/all of the repositories. where I can get python2.5 for lucid-lynx?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Open Shared Object File: No Such File Or Directory

Aug 8, 2010

I was looking to download "America's Army" and was doing alright until I hit a slight snag, It had an error while loading libgtk1.2, so I scoured the Internet for a way to fix this and the find command I found just told me it couldn't find the package, this is the first error I got when I tried to uncompress the "America's Army" version I downloaded:

/home/zac/.setup3597: error while loading shared libraries: can not open shared object file: No such file or directory.

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Ubuntu :: When Open Any .pps File With (impress), It Starts A Slideshow And It Doesn't Let Edit The File?

Aug 24, 2010

When i open any .pps file with (impress), it starts a slideshow and it doesn't let me edit the file. If i click on "end slideshow", the program exits.i ran it in a terminal and there's no error messages.[EDITED]Well, i found the answer, just renaming it to ".ppt".

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Ubuntu :: ImportError: Cannot Open Shared Object File: No Such File Or Directory

Dec 22, 2010

I followed [URL] that thread for installing BitPim on 10.04, but am getting this error:


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/cx_Freeze-3.0.3/initscripts/", line 35, in <module>
File "src/", line 20, in <module>
File "src/", line 21, in <module>


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