Software :: DCOP - Running KDE3 Applications In KDE4?

Nov 8, 2009

I am trying to run the KDE3 version of Basket in KDE4. The KDE4 version is very buggy. I am running Arch Linux with KDEmod. The problem it seems is that Basket tries to connect to the DCOP server but fails, and then crashes. Of course DCOP is only in KDE3 and not in KDE4. So how do I go about running Basket?

Here is the output from the terminal:


DCOP is installed with the KDE3 dependencies. How do I properly run an app that requires DCOP? Or is there another workaround?

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CentOS 5 :: Possible To Upgrade KDE3 To KDE4?

Oct 8, 2010

How to upgrade kde3 to kde4 on CentOS 5?

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OpenSUSE :: Colour Scheme In KDE3 On KDE4 11.2?

Mar 8, 2010

I have a few kde3 apps installed on my kde4 11.2 system. I was wondering if there is a way to get the colour scheme that I use in kde4 to work with the kde3 apps (in particular amarok 1.4.10).

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Software :: Kde4 Panel Autohide As In Kde3?

Apr 15, 2010

I've just started to test kde4 that comes with slackware64-current. I've always used kde3 just because I can let the autohided panel to appear when the mouse hits the opposite side of the desktop (I think it is a sane behaviour to avoid to accidentaly unhide it while I operate on toolbars and buttons near the location of the panel), so I looked for the same feature inside the new uselessly eye catching d.e. and I couldn't figure out how to get this basic, but powerful, feature.

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Software :: KDE3 KPager Be Downloaded And Compiled In KDE4?

Feb 4, 2010

I have been using openSUSE 11.0 for some time now and love the feel of KDE3. Especially KPager, which shows me at a glance what is open on each desktop. This is really important when I am doing cad design with my Win-XP CAD, running in vmware in one desktop, interacting with my linux CAD in another desktop, gathering data from the www with Firefox in another dektop, while my emails and Skype are on the 5th desktop. So, on a 'spare' pc I decided to try openSUSE 11.2, KDE4 version.

To keep it short, I am extremely uncomfortable with KDE4. It may be fine for wizzie, pretty applications but I find it extremely cumbersome - dare I say it - like Windows 7 and worse still, there is no KPager functionality. Can the KDE3 KPager be downloaded from source and be compiled in KDE4? If not, how long will KDE3 be around before it is superseded by KDE4?

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General :: KDE4 - Mount Flash Disks Etc. On The Desktop Like In KDE3?

Jun 28, 2011

my grandfather uses a linux machine for web browsing, emails etc. So he mostly uses Firefox, Thunderbird and sometimes also Skype and now he has also Jabber account. Currently there is Pclinuxos 2009 installed (the newest one with KDE 3.5). I used a frozen community repository, but this also brings the problem I cannot update the used programs as I am afraid it would attempt to replace the old KDE as well.

I know I can update Mozilla apps by downloading a static rpm and install with KPackage or Konsole and similar with LibreOffice. Not much friendly... I also discussed switching to other WM - but GNOME surely not, maybe Xfce (other ones have other issues).

Is it possible to somehow make KDE4 to behave like KDE3.5 in some ways? At least auto-mounting of flash drives etc.

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General :: KDE3.5 Versus KDE4 - Difference In Memory Requirements?

Feb 7, 2010

Does kde3.5 differ much in memory requirements from kde4? I'm running kde4 on an old thinkpad with 256mb ram and everything is a little slow...

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Software :: Set Up KDE4 Konqueror So That Middle Click Opens A File Like In KDE3?

Jun 4, 2010

Is there a way to set up KDE4 Konqueror so that middle click opens a file like in KDE3? In KDE3 Konqueror, middle clicking on a particular file would have the same effect as double clicking on it.

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Debian :: Unable To Get KDE4 Running Properly After Updating Sources

Mar 20, 2010

I am unable to get KDE4 running properly, after updating my sources list to this


I figured it was a problem with my nvidia drivers not being installed. This is what I did to install my nvidia drivers.


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Software :: Error In File "/usr/share/applications/kde4/kfontview.desktop": "fonts/package" Is An Invalid MIME Type

Oct 5, 2010

attempting to install VLC I get the following errors;

Error in file "/usr/share/applications/kde4/kfontview.desktop": "fonts/package" is an invalid MIME type ("fonts" is an unregistered media type)
Warning in file "/usr/share/applications/gnome-nautilus-folder-handler.desktop": usage of MIME type "x-directory/gnome-default-handler" is discouraged ("x-directory" is an old media type that should be replaced with a modern equivalent)
Warning in file "/usr/share/applications/gnome-nautilus-folder-handler.desktop": usage of MIME type "x-directory/normal" is discouraged ("x-directory" is an old media type that should be replaced with a modern equivalent)

Thoughts or suggestions on how to fix this. I running Fedora 13 and I used 'yum install vlc' to install the app.

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Fedora :: Using KDE Applications While Running KDE?

Mar 24, 2010

Is there a benefit to using KDE applications while running KDE?I've switched from Gnome recently.

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Ubuntu :: Running Applications In 10.10?

Mar 4, 2011

I'm a 3D animator and use Blender for all my work. I've been happily using Ubuntu 10.04 without any problems.I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 10.10, and now whenever I click the Blender application file I get an error saying that theres no program set to run this application. I get a similar error when I try to run Voodoo (the open-source camera tracker). Mind you, both these programs ran just fine on Ubuntu 10.04. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Running 32 Bit Applications On 13?

Jun 13, 2010

how to install 32 bit libraries on Fedora 64 bit.

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Fedora :: 13 Becomes Unresponsive When Too Many Applications Running?

Jan 17, 2011

I am using Fedora 13 64bit on Dell Vostro full 4GB RAM system with default Gnome GUI.

This is very annoying problem that I don't how to fix except by rebooting the whole PC.

When I have too many applications running ( like browser windows), the system start acting sluggish. The fist symptoms appear in Eclipse IDE which becomes so terrible it just becomes frozen for sometime one whole minute after I try to edit something in the editor. Then Firefox seems like it has crashed. Google Chrome becomes very unresponsive as well. All GUI applications including File manager becomes unresponsive.
When I check System Monitor, the CPU is still around 20% and memory is at 80% but the system seems getting fried up. This progressively becomes worse until I soft reboot it or if I dont do it evetually the whole system is fried, no response to any keyboard key or mouse and I have to hit the hardware turn off button.

I regularly yum update the system but this makes no difference.

Please don't tell not to run too many applications because I need those for my work. I thought Linux is well designed Operating System but I am very disappointed so far.

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OpenSUSE :: All Applications Are Running At A Nice Value Of 19?

Feb 26, 2011

All my applications seem to be running at nice of 19 except bash and daemons which are running at 0. My understanding is that the default nice value is either 0 or 10 (forget which) but not 19.Ran search in /etc/sysconfig/ editor and no results for "nice" and looked at the bashrc files and again no lines contain "nice".

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Ubuntu :: Remember Currently Running Applications?

Nov 1, 2010

I have saved my current session in System=>Preferences=>Startup Aps=>Remember Currently Running Application.Now I want to edit it. That is its database of rememberd aps.

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Software :: Command For Applications Currently Running?

Apr 16, 2010

I am doing a audit on some Linux servers about 40. One off the recuirments is a list of Applications currently running on each server. Does anyone have a command that I can use to show the required info?

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Software :: Java Applications Are Not Running?

Sep 2, 2009

i have ubuntu 6.06, my internet connection is going fine but when i click on any image link,image is not displayed on my screen

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Software :: Running The Applications From Terminal?

Jan 6, 2009

I have written a couple of small practice programs with PyQt, which end with either .py or pyw, anyway I want to see what the end result looks like but I don't know how to run the program, when I double click the icon for the file it opens up a text editer (g++), what is the cammand to make the application run from terminal.

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Slackware :: Running Applications In A Chroot?

Jan 15, 2011

Is it possible to run a web browser in a highly restricted chroot environment? If so, what is the best way to do it?

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Slackware :: Running OpenMPI Applications On Lam/MPI?

Jan 13, 2011

I am taking a parallel computing course at school and will be required to write programs using MPI soon. All of the school servers have Lam/MPI installed on them but I can only find OpenMPI slackbuild scripts. If I install OpenMPI on my computer and do my development on my own machine, will I have much trouble when it's compiled/run on the school servers?

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Ubuntu :: Startup Applications Not Running Anymore?

Apr 13, 2011

Im not sure why they aren't working - but my startup applications are not running at boot. They run fine from terminal.

I have a startup application for Xchat and the command is just xchat (which works fine from terminal) but it isn't loading at? - I have checked and im not running in safe mode or anything like that - just the standard ubuntu desktop).

Unrelated Question:

Is there a 'global' i.p address I can use to represent all devices on my LAN - so I can mass whitelist in firestarter?

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Ubuntu :: Make Remember Currently Running Applications?

May 2, 2011

i have installed Ubuntu 11.04 i.e Natty Narhwal(m i spelling it right?) i want my Ubuntu system to remember currently running applications even when i shut it down. It was possible in ubuntu was in startup applications(i guess). I cant hibernate. It fails to hibernate. Let me know if anyone knows anything.

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Ubuntu :: Some Applications Shut Down Instantly On Running

May 27, 2011

It's really weird, some applications simply don't start up. Skype for one, just shuts down before logging in, and Calibre shuts down instantly, when I try to run it. I've tried to remove and re-install it, but that doesn't do any good.

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General :: Installing And Running Downloaded Applications?

Oct 23, 2009

As a long time Windows user, I am stuck on the basics of installing and running downloaded Linux applications. I've tried to read a few tutorials but am still baffled. I am using a Puppy based boot CD and, of course, the applications that come with the Puppy all work fine. It is when I try to add something new that I become lost. Example: I just downloaded a Linux version of the Firefox browser.

I click on the downloaded file in the Download Manager and kinda expect the thing to give me a executable set-up file, but just get a whole bunch of files. One available option is to "extract" them. I create a folder to extract them to and "extract". With Firefox I see nothing in that folder. With a few other applications, I see an extracted list of files but and try to find one file that will magically start and install or boot an application, but nothing ever happens. So, how does one download , extract, install, and then run a basic application? The references I have found on the Internet tend to be rather old or more complex that my brain can handle.

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Slackware :: No 3D Applications Running After Removal Of Fglrx?

May 26, 2010

I installed the proprietary fglrx drivers, and they didn't really do anything other than break half my software or make it slower. Now the first time I installed the .run binary by just doing 'sh ati-driver-installer-10-3-x86.x86_64'. Then, after Google'ing on how to remove it, I just did 'rmmod fglrx' outside of X and deleted all the kernel modules manually. And that seemed to fix a few things, but not all.

Then I found another thread saying just turn the .run into a pkg, do installpkg, and removepkg, and I did that as well. It fixed most of the problems and seems to have deleted all traces of the fglrx ATI driver.Now, though, anytime I try to run anything 3D, like glxgears, instead of just giving me a segmentation fault, it says:


glxgears: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory I've Google'd but nothing related came up, Also I can post my xorg.conf file but I don't think that is the cause of this, because I ran 'xorgsetup' and messed around with it some, and it was doing this even before I ran 'xorgsetup' and after I ran it / modified it.

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Ubuntu :: Retrive Applications Running In Background To Panel

May 30, 2010

When we start some applications like skype though we close it , it will minimize into the panel, another one is amarock that will not quit the application . But now I am not able to see the icons. ( As the applications are already running in background I cannot relaunch it )I can take the minimized applications, but when we close , how can I retrieve it ?

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Ubuntu :: Netbook Plasma Desktop And Running Applications

Mar 20, 2011

When i run the KDE 4.6.1 netbook plasma desktop, there's a icon in the right upper corner telling how many applications i've running. When I click it, the desktop zooms out and shows me the applications in a graphical way, wich is pretty nice....but...then i can not select an application to switch to and have to wait a certain time out to go back to the running program i had in the foreground allready.

When i change the settings of this icon to show it always in a menu, it does work allright (but is less nice)..

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Ubuntu :: Swap Partition - Never Uses More Than About 20-25% Of The Total RAM Even If Have Several Applications Running

Jul 7, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 11.04 on a computer with 2GB RAM. It seems that it never uses more than about 20-25% of the total RAM even if I have several applications running.

The question is - do I really need to have a swap partition if it is not being used?

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Programming :: Sending Keystrokes From C Program To Certain Running Applications?

Jan 13, 2010

My requirement is to save files before shutting the Linux machine down, unattended ie: when the user is not near the machine. This is done whenever the UPS battery is about to die, so that the files get saved. open-Office/text-editor applications that can be saved using keystrokes will have to be found from the running processes and keystrokes should be sent to them from a C program that was started in non-graphics stage. ie: from a C program that forks into memory as a daemon before xwindows part starts. How to I send keystrokes to a running application? (like cotrol + F and then wait and then send next set of keystrokes till the file is saved as a new file or as the same file itself), either from C program or a script?

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