Software :: Alternatives To The On-screen OSD_CAT?

Dec 28, 2010

Quote:osd_cat displays the contents of File, or standard input, in a unmanaged shaped window. The effect is similar to the on-screen display of many televisionsthat would be in the packages provided by most distros? OSD_Cat is nice but bit buggy, and slow sometimes...

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Ubuntu :: Any Alternatives To Pan?

Nov 14, 2010

I am having with Pan and can't seem to get any love. I'm ready to just scrap Pan but I can't find an alternative.Does anyone know of anything similar that, you know, actually works?

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Software :: Getting The Alternatives To OO.o?

Sep 8, 2010

Oracle has left a bad taste in my mouth as of late, and I'm looking to remove any software affiliated with them from my machine. I haven't had any problems in terms of finding replacements until I came to OpenOffice, of which I have been a user for years.

I am aware of the existence of Gnome Office and KOffice and have been tinkering with both, but I am curious as to whether or not anyone here on LQ has found a more suitable replacement.Here's hoping someone forks OO.o before Oracle pulls another stunt.

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Fedora :: F15 Gnome3 Alternatives?

Jun 24, 2011

F15 running on my Dell Latitude 505 laptop. During installation (last week) I got "Gnome3 not fully supported - using fallback mode". I found out later that my Intel 855 video doesn't support 3D, which Gnome3 requires.

System seems to run fine and boots into fallback video. But I'd sure like to have access to my "desktop" so I can drag and drop folders, etc. there. Currently I now have to open the Desktop folder, and then drag and drop, etc. And without an "active" desktop screen, added devices (external drives, cameras, etc.) don't show up unless I open the Desktop folder. Is there an alternative to Gnome3 I can install? I assume without the need for 3D which my Intel video 855 doesn't support.

If there's an alternative or two, could someone point me to exactly how to install them? If there's a more appropriate forum here for this request,

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General :: What Alternatives To SSH Do GNU Users Use

Aug 23, 2010

I have heard that SSH was originally for BSD. Is this correct? And what alternatives to SSH do GNU users use? Or do people just not use GNU for SSH or an SSH type application?

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Ubuntu :: Alternatives To X11 For System?

Aug 31, 2010

So, are there any alternatives to X for Linux? I often hear about other DEs that run on X11 or X, but I have read here and there that there are some alternatives that have picked up a little steam lately, but I know absolutely nothing about them.

What are these alternatives and how would you go about trying them? Are there any live distros that use anything but X?

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Slackware :: Any Alternatives For KDE Applications?

Jun 7, 2011

If Slackware didn't include KDE:
1) Which KDE apps would you miss?
2) Which alternatives for these apps would you suggest?
Proposing GNOME apps instead is considered bad practice, as there is no sign of GNOME being re-included in Slackware in a foreseeable future.

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General :: Alternatives To Citrix GoToAssist?

Jun 3, 2010

What's the best Remote Desktop Application? Citrix GoToAssist is a really nifty little web application for customer support that allows you to take control of someones OSX, or Windows machine. Essentially, it works likes this:

You log in to your management console You get a code You give them a code, and a website ( They go there and enter in the code They accept the browser applet which installs a program on their computer You have control of their desktop

You can see their desktop, configure applications, etc. They can also see when you disconnect. It is really rather nifty, but it doesn't support Linux and it is rather expensive (660$ a year). Does anyone know of any alternatives to this? I'm looking for a solution as simple on the user as this one, that doesn't require firewall configuration or setting up ssh/vnc/rdesktop etc.

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Ubuntu :: Finding The Alternatives To Nautilus?

Feb 10, 2010

if there were any (better?) alternatives to Nautilus.

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Ubuntu :: ConvertXtoDvd & VirtualDub Alternatives?

Aug 19, 2010

I'm completely new to Ubuntu and recently installed Ubuntu 10.4 and looking for linux equivelants of the programmes in the title?

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Ubuntu :: Are There Other Alternatives For Panel / Dock

Mar 6, 2011

Are there other alternatives for panel/dock in ubuntu.? I'm bored with docks providing Mac feel or ubuntu panels. Is there a way i can replace my panels with something like shown in this video: URL...

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Ubuntu :: Any Secure Alternatives To Skype?

Mar 20, 2011

The first need is to have easy cross system compatibility. Meaning Windows included. Audio/Video would be a plus, but it is not a must. I need something that goes through SSL or something like that and not in plain view.

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Ubuntu :: Finding The Alternatives For Brasero?

May 29, 2011

I'm planning to begin using K3B to burn backup data DVDs. Brasero kinda disappoints as burning software. It can't verify the data after a burn. It only offers the maximum burn speed. It doesn't off options like Disk At Once and Track At Once. K3B is oriented towards KDE. Are there any other GNOME burning choices than Brasero?

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General :: Alternatives For The Ulimit Command?

May 26, 2010

I want to call/run an .exe file from a perl file as so:


my $cmd=`runner.exe`;

I want to limit the time I want it to run (say 20 seconds).

ulimit should do it as so:


my $cmd=`ulimit -t 20; runner.exe`;

but I get this:


sh: line 0: ulimit: cpu time: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted

any alternatives that can do the same thing as ulimit? even if it's just for this one process (runner.exe)

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General :: How Does The Etc/alternatives System Work

Jan 17, 2010

I've been a Java developer for some time now and I always wind up removing a bunch of stuff from /etc/alternatives in favor of one of several freshly downloaded official Sun JDKs I've installed myself. I don't like circumventing things unnecessarily, though and I also don't like "re-inventing the wheel", either. If I had a better idea of how that system worked, perhaps it would not be required. I mean I usually write a script to switch between jdk's for different projects but perhaps I would not need a script if I knew how this worked

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General :: What Are The Alternatives To Knotify For Slackware64 13.1

Dec 16, 2010

if there were any alternatives to knotify. in running xfce and i was hoping to get gnotify(thats what ubuntu uses right??) or any other alternative works.

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Software :: Alternatives To GRUB And LILO?

Sep 22, 2010

I'm looking for an alternative boot loader (for hard drive) to get away from GRUB and LILO. I want something that is not bloated like GRUB and does not require rebuilding a table of block numbers like LILO. Something simple and basic ... like a boot loader should be.

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Software :: Getting Recommendations For Application Alternatives?

Mar 14, 2011

I am searching for recommendations for some applications I am currently using and would like to know what the members of this community are thinking:

1-Gwenview: prior to version that came with KDE4.5.1, Gwenview used to be very fast and easy on the system resources. I am not quite sure if it is because I am using XFCE or just because Gwenview got bloated like KDE, but it is very frustrating to have to restart Gwenview after 10 minutes of work or so because it became too slow to respond and constantly lag behind... After a few file operations, it gets so slow that copying a picture of 1MB solewhere else on my HDD takes more than 5 sec. It just becomes sluggish. Anybody know an alternative to Gwenview that would have the same look and feel and the same basic features ?

2-Okular: Really dont know what happened and I tried to reinstall it several times, but it simply no longer runs.. If I launch Okular it will open, but if I open a PDF file by double clicking on it, it will launch Okular and it will immediately crash. In konsole I see:


okular: relocation error: /usr/lib/kde4/ symbol gzopen64, version ZLIB_1.2.3.3 not defined in file with link time reference

I really tried to google this and to reinstall the poppler libraries, no success. For now I am stuck with XPDF and feel I am back in 1974 with pre-commodore technology.

3-Not a big deal, but I am using Thunar as my file browser and really miss Dolphin's features such as shortcuts (places) and general look and feel. I do however prefer thunar's speed. Anybody knows of a good file browser and if not, how to add shortcuts to thunar like in Dolphin?

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Fedora :: F11 - Use Alternatives To Switch Between OpenJDK And Sun Java

Nov 12, 2009

Much as I enjoy having openjdk available, some things just don't work with it. So for those things, I need to use the sun version of java. I currently have openjdk installed from F11 yum. I'd like to install the sun java rpm and be able to tell the alternatives(8) system to switch between the two as I need to. How to configure alternatives(8) to do that?

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General :: Lightweight PDF Alternatives That Support Tabs?

Jul 20, 2010

Adobe Reader is the best, but it's so resource heavy. It takes almost 10% of my 8GB ram. Evince has trouble with highlighting text and does not support tabs. Foxit Reader for Linux does not support tabs. Any assistance in choosing an appropriate PDF viewer that supports these features on Linux and isn't too resource intensive?

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Ubuntu :: Alternatives To Open Office Impress

Jan 24, 2010

What are my options for viewing power point presentations? a few searches in synaptic yielded nothing useful (other than the kde version). I'm looking for something as lightweight as possible. Don't need editing capabilities at the moment. Also I'd rather not wine.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Viable Alternatives To Mythtv?

May 8, 2010

Are there any viable alternatives to mythtv? I find the setup to be very cumbersome and the keyboard interface is a poor second to Windows Media Player for a basic PVR system on a desktop computer.

Mythtv seems an overkill for what I require, just to simply watch TV using my DVB-T input and record shows when I'm away from home.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Some Good Skype Alternatives For 10.04?

Dec 14, 2010

anyone of you know some good skype alternatives for ubuntu 10.04 ?by alternatives i don't mean something like gtalk where i can only use google account.some alternative where i can log in with my skype account like amsn, emesene, pidgin can log in using my msn account..

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Alternatives To Two-finger Right-clicking?

Dec 22, 2010

I'm finding it really annoying having to right click by holding two fingers on the touchpad and then clicking. Usually when I set my two fingers down when I'm on the target, it scrolls the screen a bit and I end up having to scroll back to the target. This annoyance is really not going away.Does anyone know of another alternative for right-clicking besides using two fingers on the touchpad? I'd really like to set the "fn" key to do it (as I don't use it for anything anymore) - is this possible?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Simple Alternatives To ./configure?

Jan 29, 2011

What happens when a tar.gz/tar.bz2 has no configure file after extracting? Is there other alt. to creating a makefile? If somebody could walk me through this it would really pay off after all the google'in i"ve done.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Nuendo Alternatives For Voice Over

Jun 4, 2011

I want to do some amateur voice over works. I need an audio editor that can also play the video simultaneously to sync with the character's lip movements.The problem is my video sources are in h264 mkv, I guess it is not very friendly with many softwares.

Here's what I've searched (tried some of them too) and the results:LiVES -> can't compile with kernel 2.6.38, the offered patch (in sf) rejected (maybe different source file from the one specified in the patch)Cinerella, can't accept mkv or mp4. (after that I tried to get the source video loaded to Cinerella)x264, transcoding to lower the resolution -> no avi container output, sync problem with raw h264 stream outputavidemux_qt, trying to mux the transcoded video to avi -> crashed with h264 input video, either in elementary stream or matroska format (I doubt Cinerella will accept avi videos with h264 codec, if I could ever make one)ffmpeg, transcode from h264 to xvid -> shared library error: not found xvidenc shell script -> no mencoder (I'm using mplayer2)

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General :: Finding Alternatives In Fedora For Deskshell?

Feb 18, 2010

Is any alternative for (deskshell(XC) -- syntax and control constructs of the Deskshell command language) in fedora.It was using in sco unix.

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General :: Java Jre-6u22 Not Listed In Alternatives?

Nov 26, 2010

I have the following in /usr/java :

[root@jonas java]# ls -l
total 40668
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 16 2010-11-26 15:45 default -> /usr/java/latest
drwxr-xr-x. 7 root root 4096 2010-11-26 15:44 jre1.6.0_22
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 20946625 2010-09-15 12:42 jre-6u22-linux-i586.rpm


Enter to keep the current selection[+], or type selection number:

How can I run java jre-6u22 ?

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Programming :: MATLAB - Any Valid Free Alternatives?

Mar 2, 2010

I need MatLab for a course at the university, but it's not an open source software as all of you know, so I wanted to know if there are valid freeware alternatives. I was told to use Octave or Scilab if I didn't want to buy the license and so I would like to know what's better in terms of MatLab compatibility and ease of use, if there are any other (and maybe better) alternatives and also if there are free Simulink-like programs.

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Slackware :: Finding The Flash Player Alternatives?

May 17, 2011

Adobe Flash Player remains the security problems black hole. Are there open source alternatives, which are good in replacement for it?

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