Slackware :: Unable To Install The Virtualbox

Apr 16, 2010

Just grabbed Slackware64-current and installed on my laptop. Also put Alien Bob's multilib on.need it for my Absoft fortran compiler.The problem I'm having is that VirtualBox-3.1.6 doesn't install. I've looked at other problems on the list related to this and I don't think that any of the ones that I've seen applies to my situation. My feeling is that there is an incompatibility problem with gcc. The stock kernel was compiled with gcc-4.4.3 which comes with Slackware64-current. However, Bob's multilib backdates this to gcc-4.3.3. So, when the Virtualbox installation procedure runs it sees a kernel compiled with a version of gcc that is different from the one that is currently installed and chokes. recompile the kernel with the current gcc. Haven't done a kernel compile in a long time though and I'd like to get it right. So, my question is "Is the stock .config file in the linux source folder the one used to configure the default kernel?". I like the stock kernel and would like to recompile with all the bells 'n whistles in the stock kernel.

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Slackware :: Permanent Fix For Unable To Use USB Devices In VirtualBox As Regular User?

Oct 20, 2010

Does anyone have a permanent fix for not being able to use USB devices in VirtualBox as a regular user?

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Slackware :: Install 32-bit 13.1 In VirtualBox - Where To Write The Boot

Mar 23, 2011

I need to evaluate PostBooks, an accounting packages that's 32-bit only,needs PostgreSQL and I only have Slackware 64-bit boxes available, I don't really want to install multilib, so I'm thinking VirtualBox for a quick and dirty (got the DVD, got 32-bit, got PostgreSQL, what the heck). Then I got to wondering -- before I screw something up, do you write to the virtual drive MBR or is there a better way?

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Slackware :: Plan To Install SlackBuilds VirtualBox

Mar 9, 2011

I plan to install SlackBuild: virtualbox-ose (3.2.10) on my stand alone laptop.The following are excerpts from the SlackBuild Readme file and I was hoping that someone might have the time to clarify a few things:
"By default VirtualBox will be compiled with hardening enabled. That means all binaries will be run suid root, which is the default behaviour of upstream packages. However, you are still able to disable this by passing HARDENING=no to the script."Why would I want to do this? If I did want to do this, how do I pass 'HARDENING=no' to the script? What script?

Edit: I found something on this and see that I'll just include my user in the proper group and I should be ok.'To compile virtualbox without the Qt4 GUI pass QT4=no to the script'I have a package called: qt-4.6.2_2d3d3e5-i486-1 installed - does this mean that I have Qt4 installed?'To enable the webservice pass WEBSERVICE=yes to the script. This adds gsoap to the list of required dependencies.'Why would I want to do this? If I did want to do this, how do I pass 'WEBSERVICE=yes' to the script? Also, to do this I would have to install gsoap first, right?'If you want to attach VirtualBox to a VDE network you will need vde2.I don't need this for my stand alone world, right?This requires acpica, and the virtualbox-kernel package is needed at runtime.'Does this mean that VDE network requires acpica or that this SlackBuild require acpica?

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OpenSUSE :: Unable To Install New Version Of VirtualBox?

Aug 2, 2010

I tried to install VirtualBox by using the "Help->Check For Updates" in VirtualBox and then downloading the rpm. When it finished, it popped up a huge error window that was too tall for the screen (and I couldn't copy the text). It wouldn't install. It said something about how the files in virtualBox 3.2.6 conflicted with those in 3.0.12.

How do I upgrade to the new version?

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OpenSUSE :: Unable To Install Oracle Virtualbox

Mar 16, 2011

Added the repo and installed Virtualbox.

Added user as vboxusers group

Added the following packages according to the error log

- make gcc kernel-source dkms

Finally /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup reports an error

Stopping VirtualBox kernel modules done
Uninstalling old VirtualBox DKMS kernel


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Fedora :: Unable To Install Virtualbox Guest Addons?

Apr 10, 2010

I just installed Fedora 12 VM using Virtualbox. The next thing I want to do is install the guest addons.So I mount the drive and go the the folder and I use the command:

su (my username) After that I give my password. The message I get is that This program must be run with administrator privileges. Aborting What Have I done wrong? I used su and gave my password, but it still is refusing to install.I am sure I am missing something very simple.

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Slackware :: Install 64-bit Virtualbox Guest Additions Or Change Resolution In XFCE4?

Jul 1, 2011

When I try to change the resolution, it only shows 800X600 and 640X480 or something similar, nothing regarding a custom resolution. When I use the "Install Guest Additions" it won't mount because of some error, and so I can't open it, and even if I could mount and open it *I've tried it in other distros that don't automatically install it for you* I have no idea what to use. I've tried all of the .sh, even the and giving it executable permissions, and it STILL doesn't work. Perhaps I'm missing something, or there's a documentation out there that I can't find, but I can never get them to work. How can I fix this problem? I know in sbopkg, there's 32-bit Virtualbox Guest Additions but that doesn't work. The reason why I installed the 64-bit one is because I don't have 6 CDs to spare and I'm almost out of bandwidth and it has to last me a week. *I think around 200GBs out of 250GBs taken up so far, or more*

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Slackware :: Windows Raid-O Install Virtualbox, Will Slackware Install Raid-o Without Raid Driver?

Feb 28, 2011

If I have a windows installed in raid-0, then install virtualbox and install all my linux os,s to virtualbox will they be a raid-0 install without needing to install raid drivers?

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Debian :: VirtualBox Error - 'install Virtualbox-ose-modules Package For Kernel And Execute 'modprobe Vboxdrv'

Apr 27, 2010

my error when trying to run a VB (Virtualbox). Error as copied from error box. install the virtualbox-ose-modules package for your kernel and execute 'modprobe vboxdrv' as root. VBox status code: -1908 (VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED).


I get this when trying to launch a VB after making one with wizzard.

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Slackware :: Slackware 13/VirtualBox 3.1: No Sound When Normal User?

Feb 15, 2010

I installed Slackware 13 in VirtualBox 3.1 (seehere)When I'm logged in as a normal user, I get a mesage that Intel *** (sound device) doesn't work anymore and I hear no sound.But it works very fine when I'm logged in as root.

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Slackware :: Install "VirtualBox-3.2.12-68 302" In Slackware64-current - Kernel

Jun 21, 2011

Is there any way to install "VirtualBox-3.2.12-68302" in the "slackware64-current" (Kernel ?

I have problems with the 4.0.x version of VB!

The version "VirtualBox-3.2.12-68302" works fine with my hardware!

I tested using "VB 3.2.12" and Slackware64-13.37 (kernel

I get the warning when I try to install a guest OS in "VB 3.2.12" running slackware64-current ...


There is a permission problem with /dev/vboxdrv. Please reinstall the kernel module by executing

As root. Users of Ubuntu, Fedora or Mandriva should install the DKMS package first.

This package keeps track of Linux kernel changes and recompiles the vboxdrv kernel module if necessary"

And still


Failed to open a session for the virtual machine Slackware12.0.

The virtual machine 'Slackware12.0' has terminated unexpectedly during startup with exit code 1.

Result Code:

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Unable To Start VirtualBox Kernel Modules - Error Stopping VirtualBox Kernel Modules

Mar 23, 2011

I was trying to install VirtualBox through the YaST > Software Management but it is not working, someone in the forum told me that I have to download the OSE version and do it manual way. Finally I am able to start up VB but not able to use the network connection. Thus I am trying to do this:

/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup. I get this error:


When I type dmesg, it shows me a bunch of info which I don't know what should look for. When I type modprobe vboxnetflt, I get the error: FATAL: Error inserting vboxnetflt (/lib/modules/ Invalid module format. what should I do in order to get my VB to be able to connect to the internet?

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Slackware :: Unable To Install The Lilo

Jul 4, 2010

I have been given a new old computer, Asus K8N-E with a 2GHz AMD Athlon 64.OpenBSD and Debian works like a charm. But with Slackware 13.1, LILO won't be installed properly. There are two disks: a 10GB ATA-drive with the system and a 250GB SATA-drive as a data repository.

Apparently the computer insists that the SATA is the first disk. Subsequently the bootable partition is not on the first disk and disables LILO to be installed. This is when I try to install LILO to a partition. When it is installed to MBR, it says something about overlapping and can't boot.

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General :: Unable To Install Slackware On Macbook Pro

Apr 12, 2011

I have macbook pro,coare 2 duo 64 bit processor so i downloaded slackware13.1 64 bit but before installing it,i wanted to try it on virtual machine but it is giving me error "this kernel requires an x86-64 cpu,but only detected an i686 cpu. unable to boot-please use a kernel appropriate for your cpu". I checked my machine is 64bit.what should i do now to get slack up and running.

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Slackware :: Unable To Boot After Install Of NetSecL?

Mar 2, 2010

I downloaded NetSecL today to try it out and see what it contains. At first I tried installing it to USB, which after reboot gave me a kernel panic. So I tried installing to my spare laptop, dedicated for testing. Installation went flawless, no errors whatsoever, but when I rebooted the strangest thing happened.

Half of my screen was filled with 07 07 07 and nothing else. No errors on screen, nothing. Not even the LILO boot screen, which I got when booting from USB (just before the kernel panic).

I've used this particular laptop (HP Compaq NX7010) lots of times with a variety of OS and LiveCD, just to try and test, and never have I seen this before.

what this strange behaviour is? I tried installing another OS but got the same behaviour, so I booted from GParted LiveCD, formatted the disk and created a new partition table. After that I was able to install whatever OS I wanted (except the NetSecL).

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Slackware :: Unable To Identify Tty Name Error On New Install

Oct 4, 2010

Just installed slackware 13.0 32bits using the usb-based netinstall. Did a minimal cli install and unchecked bash (since I wanted to use tcsh on this particular OS). But now on first boot it tells me that it shows an error message indicating "unable to identify tty name" and won't let me login (I'm using the root account since I haven't yet set up additional users). My question is, is the error happening because I unselected bash during installation? If so, is there any config file that I can modify to get it to recognize tcsh and let me log in? or if that isn't the problem, where do I set then the tty name?

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Slackware :: Unable To Upgrade Existing Packages Or Install New Ones?

Mar 23, 2011

I have a brand new Slackware 13.1 x64 installation, and I'm having problems with slapt-get.

I'm unable to upgrade existing packages or install new ones. The output in terminal is:

bash-4.1# slapt-get -i tar
Reading Package Lists... Done
The following NEW packages will be installed:


Worth mentioning also, I managed to install Gnome from [URL] without any problems immediately prior to this error message starting to appear.

I've been using Debian and Ubuntu derivatives for the last couple of years, so I'm comfortable using the terminal and possibly doing some more advanced stuff.

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Slackware :: Can't Start 13.37 On VirtualBox 4.0.6

May 7, 2011

Actually, Slack64 runs just fine under VirtualBox on my old HP under WinXP, But the installer for Slack86 won't boot under VirtualBox on my Toshiba Netbook under Win7 starter. I tried updating the 13.1 install I have on there, but I get the same kernel panic when I try to reboot that. It always bails just as it is switching over to the new kernel. The dump fills my screen so I can't see the actual error. How can I capture that initial startup log? Slack86 runs just fine on my old Compac Armada 1700 (266PII 92M/12G), but that's a very different environment.

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Slackware :: Installing 13.37 On VirtualBox From An ISO

May 2, 2011

I have an ISO of 13.37, I have selected the ISO as the booting medium in the Virtual Box and I do get uptil the screen where one is supposed to select the source media. Because I am installing from an ISO what option I am supposed to select out of the 6 present there?

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Slackware :: VirtualBox 3.1.6 Works Better With KDE?

Apr 3, 2010

The latest release of VirtualBox (3.1.6) corrects most of the problems that I had with Slackware and KDE. If you have been avoiding VirtualBox or KDE because of those issues you might want to take another look.The only problem that I'm having now is that I have to click somewhere on the desktop to get a proper display when switching VirtualBox into "seamless" mode. The rest of the window display issues appear to be fixed and full screen mode also works correctly.

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Slackware :: Virtualbox Usb On 13.1 - No USB Support

Dec 29, 2010

I downgraded a computer a couple of weeks ago from -current to 13.1. At that point in time the USB support in my Virtualbox stopped working. Since then I have installed Virtualbox on my wife's laptop, which also runs 13.1, and the USB support doesn't work there either. So I tried it on yet another 13.1 box that I have lying around no USB support. Then I upgraded the latter box to -current and USB works! Given that sequence of events, I'm pretty sure this is a Slackware 13.1 problem rather than a Virtualbox problem. what might be causing this?

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Slackware :: In VirtualBox No Mouse Or Keyboard?

Nov 11, 2010

Installed 13.1 as a guest in VirtualBox with Debian Lenny 5 64bit as host. The mouse, gpm, and the keyboard work alright at the black screen but in the graphical thing, forget its name.....Xsomething, not KDE, there is no mouse or keyboard; for example the screensaver just goes on and on and nothing will stop it.

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Slackware :: VirtualBox 4.0.4 + Crashing Guest HDD?

May 29, 2011

Since my upgrade to 13.37 + VirtualBox 4.0.4 (from SBo) I'm having trouble with one of my VMs containing a PostgreSQL installation (also from SBo) which has been running fine before on 13.1 + VBox 3.2.10.

This is what happens: I'm starting an I/O heavy job on the DB that should take about an hour but never finishes because the virtual disk stops working after 10 to 40 minutes.

ata1.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x7fffffff SErr 0x0 action 0x6 frozen
ata1.00: failed command: READ FPDMA QUEUED
ata1.00: cmd 60/00:00:e8:11:44/01:00:02:00:00/40 tag 0 ncq 131072 in
res 40/00:00:00:00:00/00:00:00:00:00/00 Emask 0x4 (timeout)
lots of these


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Slackware :: Anti-Virus In VirtualBox Running XP - Necessary?

Aug 22, 2010

I am running Windows XP in VirtualBox. I generally only use it for iTunes and some light browsing occassionally. Downloads only occur on iTunes, but it does have internet access. And my wife will still only use Windows, so if she uses this particular machine it is available to her, and she occassionally goes to facebook on this machine.

Should I install an anti-virus? Is it really necessary? I am pretty certain my Linux install would be unaffected even if a virus or other malware did occur in VirtualBox.

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Slackware :: Black Screen At KDE Logout With 13.37 64-bit And VirtualBox

May 3, 2011

I'm trying to run Slackware 13.37 64-bit in a VirtualBox virtual machine. My VirtualBox version is 3.2.12. I had to disable compositing to keep the X-Server from reporting a segfault.Now the problem is that on logout from KDE I get a completely black screen. I can switch to a console session and type commands to get the login screen again.

telinit 3
telinit 4

I tried editing "kdmrc" to add the line "TerminateServer=true" but it had no effect on the problem.I had this working with Slackware 13.1 at one time, but I can't seem to get it working properly now even without desktop effects.I'm trying to avoid changing my VirtualBox software since each version seems to just introduce new and different bugs. The 4.X versions are not yet very stable.

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Slackware :: Can't Build VirtualBox Kernel Module In 13.1

Apr 26, 2011

I am using the 13.1 build scripts from I modified the scripts to build 3.2.12 rather than 3.2.10.

In 13.1 the main VirtualBox 3.2.12 OSE package built and installed without errors. The VirtualBox GUI starts without errors.

Running the script built a kernel source package without errors.

Yet the VirtualBox kernel module won't build. I receive the following error:

]*** Building 'vboxdrv' module ***
make[1]: Entering directory `/dev/shm/virtualbox-kernel-3.2.12/vboxdrv'
make KBUILD_VERBOSE= -C /lib/modules/ SUBDIRS=/dev/shm/virtualbox-kernel-3.2.12/vboxdrv SRCROOT=/dev/shm/virtualbox-kernel-3.2.12/vboxdrv modules


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Slackware :: Error Compiling Virtualbox 3.2.10 On Current?

Dec 7, 2010

I'm trying to compile virtualbox 3.2.10 con slackware current 32bit through sbopkg

I get this error (I'll copy only the end part)

CXX VMMR3 - {C}/src/VBox/VMM/VMMAll/TMAllCpu.cpp
cc1plus: warnings being treated as errors
In file included from /tmp/SBo/VirtualBox-3.2.10_OSE/src/VBox/VMM/VMMAll/PGMAll.cpp:236:0:


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Slackware :: Latest Update Wont Allow KDE To Run - In VirtualBox

Nov 16, 2010

Have similar issues with Slackware, since the latest Xorg updates I cant run KDE anymore. I am using VBox 3.2.10, so thats not the issue, i suppose.

Here is the error from kdm.log:



Fatal server error:

Also when the system is booting I get a warning like this:


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Slackware :: Libcap Errors When Installing VirtualBox On 13?

Mar 21, 2010

I'm trying to install virtualbox on slackware 13 and I'm running into header issues I says it can't find libcap..any ideas? I downloaded libcap from slackbuild and tried to run make but I get errors (the second code block)

patching file
Checking for environment: Determined build machine: linux.x86, target machine: linux.x86, OK.

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