Slackware :: Texlive With Xindy In 13.1?

Jun 8, 2010

compiling texlive2009 from with xindy on 13.1. I need xindy for my documents so I had no option but to solve the issue. I turned out that I had to remove clisp, install libsigsegv with the option "--enable-shared", then build clisp without libsigsegv (the stock clisp ships with libsigsegv built in), and then texlive2009 compiles ok.Maybe it would be better if Slackware shipped with libsigsegv compiled with shared libraries? xindy is really important for non latin alphabets.

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Slackware :: Update Texlive (tlmgr): No Texlive.tlpdb

Mar 27, 2011

I am running texlive-20100722. To build it I have used a modified version ot Robby's SlackBuild. Now I need to update the pgf package. The package manager for texlive is tlmgr. However, when I issue:


tlmgr update pgf

I get:

[QUOTE]/usr/share/texmf/bin/tlmgr: open(/usr/share/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb) failed: No such file or directory at /usr/lib/perl5/5.10.1/TeXLive/ line 282.[QUOTE]

Some googling revealed that texlive.tlpdb is the installation�s TEX Live Package Database. However, in my installation is is not present.

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Slackware :: How To Install The Texlive

Dec 9, 2010

I'm trying to install texlive from [URL], do I need to download all the files for the build script to work or just the main file?

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Slackware :: TexLive: Not Found After Upgrade

Feb 28, 2011

Think the Feb 10th upgrade of Current messed up the shared libraries to TexLive Code: bash-4.1$ latex file.tex latex: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory bash-4.1$ ldd /usr/share/texmf/bin/pdflatex | grep libpoppler* => not found

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Slackware :: Texlive's Kpathsea And Cannot Find The Shared Library File - LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Oct 14, 2010

I recently installed a Slackware-13.1 32 bit system and I encountered an odd problem. I had a texlive-2010 package from, previously compiled on another 32 bit Slack-13.1 system. I just installed the precompiled package on the new system. However, whenever I tried to issue a latex command, kpathsea complained that it cannot find the shared library file I googled a bit and I found that this could be circumvented by setting the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to "/usr/share/texmf/lib", where the library in question actually is.

This solved the problem. The weird thing is that on other machines I have installed, kpathsea had no issues whatsoever and I did not have to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. The only difference is that on those systems I had compiled and installed texlive, not just installing a precompiled package. Could that be causing the issue?

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Fedora :: Texlive Package Exits In F12?

Nov 30, 2009

is texlive package exits in fedora 12 ?i haven't found previous release of fedora i was just installing kile and latex was working but in fedora 12 i think that tex doesn't exist.i wanna to know if it exist or not

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Ubuntu :: Installing LyX In 9.10, But With TeXLive 2008 DVD?

Jan 23, 2010

I'm new on these forums (and to Linux generally); I'm not sure if this is the right place for this question. If not, I'd appreciate it if one of the mods could move it to where it belongs. OK, so I've already install my TeX system on Ubuntu 9.10 by means of the TeXLive 2008 DVD. Now, I want to install LyX with

sudo apt-get install lyx It then asks me to install the following packages:


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Ubuntu :: Cannot Install Thunderbird Or TeXLive?

Mar 23, 2010

I just recently upgraded Karmic 32 bit to 64 bit (as I wish to have the full functionality of my 64 bit system). Unfortunately, I now cannot seem to install Thunderbird or TeXlive.When I go to the terminal and try to install this is what I get:

sudo apt-get install texlive-full
Reading package lists... Done


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Ubuntu :: Install TexLive - Dependency ?

Dec 19, 2010

This is what i get:


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Fedora :: TeXLive Not Updating Due To Missing Dependency

Nov 27, 2009

I (or rather, the Yum auto-update) try to update the TeXLive on my FC11 machine but the update fails due to 'missing dependency', spitting out

Missing Dependency: is needed by package texlive-2007-46.fc11.x86_64 (updates)

And strangely now (perhaps for a combination of reasons) I cannot use my auctex. I would like to finish this update anyway, and tried to find separately, which I haven't yet been able to locate. Poppler itself is installed and updated, and I do see in my system. So where would I find on its own? Or should I perhaps downgrade poppler?

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Fedora :: Texlive Source In Hong Kong?

Sep 21, 2010

Is there anyone whose residence is in Hong Kong? I am trying to installing TeXLive 2010 through web-installation, and the source is in [URL] but the download speed is too low, sometime it even quit installation. Can I use some command to force the installing program to use another source?

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Fedora :: Get TexLive 2010 For 13/14 Using A Special Yum Repository?

Apr 26, 2011

can get TexLive 2010 for Fedora using a special yum repository at [URL] What yum commands should one use to install it? Does it automatically replace the default Fedora TexLive 2007 installation?

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OpenSUSE :: Documentclass Have Disappeared After Texlive Update

Nov 16, 2010

I have the "publishing" repo enabled. Today I received an update to texlive (to version 2010-37.1) and almost all the documentclasses disappeared! Not even the article documentclass is available!

EDIT: I forgot to mention I'm using openSUSE 11.2 64 bits.

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OpenSUSE :: Downloaded Texlive-latex-doc By YaST

Aug 6, 2011

I downloaded texlive-latex-doc by YaST. I would have a question:

1. I can't find it on my OpenSuse 11.4. Where was downloaded?

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Ubuntu :: Local Directory Update: Texlive

Mar 9, 2010

I've recently had to update my own package blah.cls in the texlive distro on Ubuntu. I duly put it in /usr/local/share/texmf and ran texhash and mktexlsr (the latter just in case). The database has updated: checked with kpsewhich.

Now the problem: I'm able to compile my Latex file using that package blah.cls only when I run latex (or Kile, or gedit) in sudo mode. When I run it with no sudo, the error is "can't find the package blah.cls" Obviously other files compile nicely, sudo or no sudo.

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Ubuntu :: Get A Template Working With Texlive In Karmic?

Jun 2, 2010

I'm trying to get a template working with texlive in Karmic. When I try to compile normally, I get errors that it can't find certain .sty files, which are part of the standard packages that get installed. (amsmath.sty, etc... graphics.sty, xspace.sty). If I run latex with sudo, the problem disappears. I guess this has something to do with file read permissions. So I found where all of these files are located and did:

sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/share/texmf-texlive/

This did not solve the problem. Does anybody happen to know what the issue is here? I have done some searching around and haven't found anything useful that doesn't involve copying all the files somewhere else.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Find TexLive Files For Setting Up Texmaker

May 7, 2010

I have installed both TexLive and Texmaker (using the package manager). Now I am trying to set up Texmaker to use TexLive for compiling. Everything I can find online suggests that the files should be located in a location such as this:


However, for me the "texlive" folder does not exist within "/usr/local". Where else might the necessary files be located?

Also, running
tex -version

suggests that TexLive 2009 is installed correctly.

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Ubuntu :: Error Installing Texlive-base Package?

Jan 2, 2011

Today I tried to install the Tex system on my notebook butI encountered an error during installing texlive-base package

The following NEW packages will be installed:


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Fedora :: No LaTeX Installation Manager (tlmgr) After Installing TeXLive?

Mar 21, 2011

I installed TeXLive on Linux (Fedora 14) but I don't know how to add additional LaTeX packages that are available from CTAN (Comprehensive TeX Archive Network) easily. It seems TeXLive has its own package manager called "tlmgr" but I could not activate it or find it through "yum search". Is there an easy way to install additional Latex packages besides the manual method stated in [URL]..

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OpenSUSE :: Sanskrit Words In Texlive-latex (document In English)

Jun 29, 2010

I am creating a latex document (in English) where I want to write some Sanskrit words in Devanagari script. In my debian-5.0.4 OS where I have texlive-latex3 I did it by installing a package called latex-sanskrit. Is there any such package for opensuse-11.2 and which repository contains it? It will be preferable if it can be installed by yast2.

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General :: Why Upgrade / Install Of TeXLive On Fedora12 Does Not Create Directory

Mar 19, 2010

Does anybody know why the upgrade/install of TeXLive on Fedora12 does not create the directory /usr/local/ texlive/2009.I have seen this directory mentioned for other 2009s, but when I installed 2009 it did not create this. (Or, maybe there was some problem... ?) It is only slightly relevant because (sudo) texhash does not include any /usr/local directories in 2009, only /usr/share.

In my 2007 version I had the usual /usr/local/share/texmf/tex structure in which I place /latex and a /bibtex. I had read/write access and so I placed all my .sty and .bib files, as well as image files and other stuff I shared between projects. Now, I have a ~/texmf with /tex and /bibtex and have gotten rid of /latex subdirectory. Now I don't have to texhash when I add new stuff.Other than this, is there any reason why Fedora TeXLive-2009 would not create /usr/local/texlive ? (Unless this is because, as the wiki page notes , "it is in testing state so bugs could occur."

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Ubuntu :: Graphic Editing Capabilities Broken With Texlive-2009 Upgrade?

May 9, 2010

When I upgraded from Karmic to Lucid, I guess one of those upgrades was the tex engine, it was upgraded to texlive 2009.Though It can render everything I could render beforehand, I am having trouble about one thing. I cannot use the additional preferences that can be used to edit an image when using includegraphics function.

For example:

egin{figure} [H]
includegraphics[width=0.7linewidth,angle=-90,trim = 5mm 8mm 10mm 0mm, clip]{}

Used to rotate my ps file, trim it, then scale it as specified. Now, I get an error:

./Rapor.tex:59:Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted) ...e=-90,trim = 5mm 8mm 10mm 0mm, clip]{}

If there is only [width=linewidth] tex doesn't recognize linewidth and prints:

./Rapor.tex:59:Missing number, treated as zero...includegraphics[width=linewidth]{}

and the output file has the text within the square brackets, rather than the image.

Somehow there is a problem or a change in how this usage is interpreted. I am using:


packages that are related to graphics. I'm using Kile 2.0.85, but the problem is editor independent, I get the same results with Texmaker. I am using the exact same .tex sources that I used with Karmic.

What I've tried:

I installed texlive packages from scratch, with Kile.I changed the graphicx.sty file with a version that I found on the net.

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Fedora :: Texlive Installation - Warning: Kpathsea: Configuration File Texmf.cnf Not Found

Jul 21, 2010

I installed TeXlive 2010 and when i compile this command pdflatex it shows the following error:

warning: kpathsea: configuration file texmf.cnf not found in these directories: /usr/bin:/usr:/usr/share/texlive:/usr/bin/share/texmf-local/web2c:/usr/share/texmf-local/web2c:/usr/share/texlive/share/texmf-local/web2c:/usr/bin/texmf-local/web2c:/usr/texmf-local/web2c:/usr/share/texlive/texmf-local/web2c:/usr/bin/share/texmf/web2c:/usr/share/texmf/web2c:/usr/share/texlive/share/texmf/web2c:/usr/bin/texmf/web2c:/usr/texmf/web2c:/usr/share/texlive/texmf/web2c.

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Slackware :: Installing 13.1 Over Windows XP - Run Slackware And Slackware Only

Dec 19, 2010

I have been given the task to install slackware 13.1 over windows. I have downloaded and copied slackware 13.1 on to a disk, and rebooted the computer, but i am not getting what all the tutorials have shown. I have been looking for tutorials that specifically instruct me as to how to install slackware 13.1 on to a windows xp. I am not trying to dual run I just simply want to run slackware and slackware only.

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Slackware :: Forwad X11 From A 32 Bit Slackware To A 64bit Slackware?

May 7, 2011

I have a couple questions about Xfoward.

1: How much does it affect securty, over a lan network?
2: Will it cause any other security issues?
3: The most important is can I forwad X11 from a 32 bit slackware to a 64bit slackware

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Slackware :: Compile 2.6.37 Kernel Patched With The Autogroup Patch On A Slackware 13.1 System?

Jan 13, 2011

it's possible to compile the 2.6.37 kernel patched with the autogroup patch on a Slackware 13.1 system running with headers? I just compiled and installed the 2.6.37-autogroup kernel from AUR on my ARCH setup and I like it especially when using firefox with lots of tabs open and other background apps also running. I did notice a speed and smothness difference in my ARCH testing setup with this kernel patch and I can get same results in 13.1??

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Slackware :: Failed To Initialize NVIDIA Graphics Device On Startx With Slackware 13.1

Aug 24, 2010

I installed slackware 13.1 x86_64 bit with multilib, and its been about a month already, I'm really enjoying slackware but I am being troubled with my nvidia card, and I need to get my 3D acceleration working. And I've been looking around the net for information and kept on trying to make my nvidia card to work but to no avail. I cant get X to start, once I put in a xorg.conf stating to use the nvidia card. After troubleshooting for almost 2 weeks and now at my wits end, I now come humbly looking for help in linuxquestions slackware community forum.I've installed nvidia 64 bit kernel, drivers from slackbuilds (version 256.44). The laptop model I'm trying to get it working is an -ASUS K52J Intel Core i3 2.40Ghz with 2GB RAM and with an Nvidia Geforce 310M with 1GB dedicated VRAM.

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Slackware :: Enable Windows Wireless Drivers In Slackware 13.1 And How To Install XFCE

Aug 22, 2010

I recently installed Slackware Linux 13.1 , and my Wireless is down. I've only installed 3 Linux disto's on my main laptop (Ubuntu 9.10 , 10.04 , and Crunchbang Linux 9.04 , just had Crunchbang), and they all had the same problem. In all three , I was able to enable Windows Wireless drivers and every thing worked. Now , I'm assuming I have to the same ting in Slackware? Sorry , but I have no idea what my wireless card is. But I know that my laptop is a Dell Insprion E1705. One last thing , I did ifconfig and that wlan0 is my Wi-Fi interface. I typed ifconfig wlan0 up to see if that was the problem. After I did that , I got and error message. Then I typed ifconfig wlan0 down to see if it was down and it made wlan0 down. I tried bringing it up again , but I got an error saying it couldn't find the device specified. Also , how do I install XFCE? I really don't like KDE for some reason and would like to install XFCE. I chose XFCE over GNOME (my favorite) because I want to try something new.

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Slackware :: Linvo 2009.1rc6 - Slackware-based LiveCD With GNOME

Jan 6, 2010

I'm happy to announce Linvo 2009.1 rc6. It's a full-featured Linux distribution with a lot of applications by default, including an office suite ( extended with plugins), a good internet browser (Firefox extended with plugins), a music player that supports music collection and a lot more - Exaile, a video player, and all the available codecs. It can open all types of file formats. It's a LiveCD, which means that you can test it without installing and after this optionally install it - it has a nice easy graphical installer.

It's the first Slackware-based LiveCD distribution with GNOME by default. It includes NetworkManager and initng in place of sysvinit. It also features accessibility tools. It is also the first release with the innovative portable applications system. This allows you to download application from the site (modules section), place it where you like, and use it. It's just a single file, no directories. You can also use this application without installing it, directly from the internet. However, after this, the speed of the application is limited by the speed of your connection, of course. Check out the "Applications" section on the website.

Besides this, you can install software with the apt-get-like system "slapt-get" and it's graphical front-end: GSlapt. It also contains src2pkg and sbopkg in case you want to compile something from source or existing SlackBuild Depfinder is included to find dependencies of packages. Click here for a guide on how to use those. I also managed to put development tools in there, like GCC, G++, svn, cvs, so on... This is a release candidate, and despite that it's OK for using. It has a bit more things to do until the release (like language selection on the boot menu), but I decided that it's important to put it here for testing.

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Slackware :: Lost Wireless Keybord And Mouse Upgrading Slackware Current

Oct 24, 2010

Lost my wireless keyboard and mouse upgrading slackware current.Boot seems to be normal.I just can't login, cause have no keyboard.

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