Slackware :: Possible For Some Hardware To Effect RAM Usage?

Mar 8, 2011

after my friend dismantled my laptop, to clean out the fans, heat sinks, etc, I've noticed a few odd things, most of which have been fixed.But now, upon booting up, I'm using way more RAM than I should be using. Before, I'd boot up, start Openbox-session (which autostarted two instances of conky, tint2, gnome-panel, cario-compmgr, volumeicon, jackd, and wicd-client, and set my wallpaper), and I'd be using about 150MB of RAM, but now I'm using about that much before I even start my xserver, and when I boot up OpenBox (no session), and start conky, I'm using about 300-350MB. I start up Chromium, and it goes up to about 600MB immediately, then creeps up to around 900MB (which is ridiculous. Before the dismantle, the only time I'd ever been using that much is when running a game, or 464574568 tabs in Chromium.) And when I close Chromium, RAM only goes down to about 600MB.

While compiling my kernel, and with four tabs open in Chromium, my RAM usage went up to 1.80GB (which is also ridiculous, again I've never had that much used).what the hell is going on here!? :| is it even possible for some hardware issue to effect RAM usage?

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Ubuntu :: Appearance Effect Change Automatically From Extra Effect To No Effect?

May 7, 2010

I have upgraded to 10.4 and and after try to install mac look in ubuntu.My screen start flickering, I found it this due to in system => preference => appearance => effect become no effect automatically (as each and every time I select extra effect)After some time.for changing this setting i need to turn off the computer and restart then after i can do it i.e. change effect to extra effect. Its done after following installation


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Fedora :: Enable Wooby Effect - Compiz Desktop Effect - In 15

Jun 23, 2011

How to enable wooby effect (compiz desktop effect like ubuntu) in fedora 15.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: ATI 5650 But No Desktop Effect No 3D Effect?

Oct 16, 2010

i got driver and when i install driver and reboot computer I got just terminal and when I type startx I get error FLGRX and sam log file or something like that.

instruction i found here but some comands didn't worked openSUSE Lizards

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Slackware :: The Computer Booted Up, But Displayed A Message That Said Something To The Effect Of, "Error Occurred During Root File System Check?

Mar 3, 2010

Started slackpkg upgrade-up and went to bed. Woke up to find the power had gone out during the night. The computer booted up, but displayed a message that said something to the effect of, "Error occurred during root file system check. You will be given the option of doing maintenance......"I can get to a command prompt, but regardless of what I do a message pops saying it can't find

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General :: No Swap Usage - Slackware 13

Nov 29, 2010

I'm using slackware about a month now and two days ago I checked to see the usage of my RAM and I saw that there was no swap, no used, no total, nothing! (how can this be?) swap -s returned nothing, I checked fstab and there was swap there so I entered the line about swap:

"UUID=6ea9269a-6bf7-4486-b481-a54dd3bde314 none swap sw 0 0"

I believe it' s correct. I checked after restart with "free" and the total was ok but used is 0. I copied about 5 GB to see what would happen and still nothing. RAM was nearly full but still no swap used!

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Slackware :: Firefox Bin Keeps Running With High CPU Usage

Dec 24, 2010

For some reason after I close firefox , firefox-bin keeps running and it eats more cpu than when firefox was open, a lot more. Same thing with seamonkey, seamonkey-bin keeps running after it is closed.
Attached are two pictures ,
1) While firefox is running: notice the low CPU usage
2) Firefox closed, CPU is almost 50%

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Slackware :: Monitor And Log Internet Bandwidth Usage

Jan 2, 2010

I'm looking for a simple way to monitor and log my internet bandwidth usage. Not total network device usage, just internet usage.Something that provides a simple chart of daily, monthly, and yearly usage, but ignoring all bandwidth on my internal LAN.I notice several possible tools, such as vnstat, ntop, iftop. Yet all of them seem focused on tracking the entire network interface. I want to ignore LAN usage. I do not really care about LAN bandwidth.iftop seems intended only for on-the-fly usage and not cumulative logging. I can't tell whether vnstat or ntop can be configured to log only internet usage rather than all traffic through the network device.

I do not want to log every connection like squid. The utility should only log stats on a daily basis, but also be able to display cumulative totals from those daily entries.I don't need DNS resolution, port monitoring, etc.I prefer something that runs in the background as a service or daemon, but can provide statistics quickly with a terminal window. All I want is to view total daily, monthly, and yearly internet usage. Perhaps even pipe the output to a local email each day too.

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Slackware :: "iw Wlan0 Set Channel X" Not Making Any Effect

May 18, 2011

Slackware 13.37

Trying to manually set a frequency/channel for my wlan0 device, but it seems not to be working.

"iw wlan0 set channel 1" doesn't take any effect on wlan0 frequency, no matter if it's after a reboot (no frequency defined) or after a successful connection with an AP (with a given frequency already defined)

root@ECRNT-10:~# iwconfig
lo no wireless extensions.
eth0 no wireless extensions.
wlan0 IEEE 802.11abgn Mode:Monitor Frequency:2.437 GHz Tx-Power=15 dBm


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Slackware :: Crash On KDE 4.6.3 When Using Alt+Tab With "Box Selection" Effect ON

May 13, 2011

I have just updated to KDE 4.6.3 (Slack 13.37) using Alien's packaging. First thing I noted while using it was that it would crash and exit when pressing Alt+Tab, specially when only one window was opened.

After some testing, I verified that with all effects OFF, it would not happen. Then I tried setting the effects ON again, and finding some effect that might be ON by default that was related with Alt+Tab. Lo and behold, there is an effect that makes Alt+Tab produce a miniature of the opened windows. Disabling this effect has solved the issue. I tried finding the exact log message for that, unsuccessfully.

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Slackware :: Unable To Kill Java Process With Average 90% Cpu Usage?

May 11, 2010

I have a java process running in background. I have no java dependent program opened and even if I had, this program should be killed if I kill the Java process. top shows that Java causes almost 90% cpu usage.


The only way I can imagine is to restart, but this might happen again.

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General :: Status Of Memory Usage And Disk Usage Using Sigar In Windows And Ubuntu

Mar 15, 2010

I was trying to get the status of memory usage and disk usage using sigar in windows and ubuntu. done this in windows by just copying the sigar library into jdk library. But i was unable to do so in ubuntu. I've copied the library to java-6-sun library but still can't run the program.

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Fedora :: Hidden Disk Space Usage \ Can't Figure Out Where The Runaway Usage Is?

Dec 10, 2010

I'm running into a problem where my system is running out of disk space on the root partition, but I can't figure out where the runaway usage is. I've had a stable system for a couple of years now, and it just ran out of space. I cleaned some files up to get the system workable again, but can't find the big usage area, and I'm getting conflicting results.For example, when I do a df it says I'm using 44GB out of 58 GB:

[root@Zion ~]# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on


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General :: Unix - Monitor Average CPU Usage And RAM Usage On One Process System?

Nov 15, 2010

Is there any way to monitor one process' CPU usage and RAM usage over time on Linux? I am trying to change to a cheaper VPS and need to work out what level of CPU and RAM I need!

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Get The Value Of CPU Usage - Memory Usage ?

Jan 13, 2009

I am sure that all of us know the result of top command in linux. i want to get the value that the top command return as CPU usage, memory usage. so how do i do(programming relation)?

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Server :: "free" Shows Far More Memory Usage Than Summing Up Application Usage?

Aug 6, 2010

I've come across a really strange issue with one of my RHEL servers. The "free" command shows that 7019 MB of memory are actually in use by my system, but when summing up the actual usage (or even virtual usage like the example below) it doesn't add up - the sum is far less than what is reported by "free":


[root@server1 ~]# free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 12011 7946 4065 0 4 23
-/+ buffers/cache: 7919 4092


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OpenSUSE Network :: Find Out Network Usage / Keep Track Of Total Network Usage?

May 24, 2010

How do I find out the network usage ie the total amount of data is transferred in or out of my computer (openSUSE 11.2 and gnome) and keep a track of the total network usage?

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Fedora :: Set The Fire Effect On 14?

Jun 26, 2011

You should still find it under 'Add/Remove Software' (or its equivalent) in Fedora 14 But I didnt understand what would I do under 'Add/Remove Software. procedure to set the fire effect on fedora 14.

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Ubuntu :: Theme Changes Don't Take Immediate Effect

May 27, 2010

At some point in the past my installation of Ubuntu suddenly stopped applying the changes automatically when I made changes in the Appearance Preferences.
I used to find when changing my theme, icons, wallpaper etc. it would change immediately, now it doesn't change at all until I've logged out and back in.

It started happening at some point when I was using Karmic, now after upgrading to Lucid the problem is still there.

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Ubuntu :: /etc/sudoers Has No Effect

Jun 12, 2010

In a nutshell: sudoers is not designed to use

Old, broken sudoers:


New, fixed sudoers:


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Ubuntu :: Compiz Has No Effect?

May 6, 2011

I recently did a clean install of 11.04 over 10.10. I tried Unity, and wasn't a great fan. When trying to use Ubuntu Classic at login, I get straaaaange visual effects, such as no window title bars. I went into Synaptic and removed Unity and installed GNOME, thinking that GNOME would then run when I chose Ubuntu Classic at login, and after some tweaking, like adding gnome-panel and metacity --replace to the startup applications, it did.

Now here is the problem. When I try to add any effects through CCSM, they don't do anything. Zero. Zilch. Nout. I did get some effects when I first installed Natty, but this was part of the reason why my title bars disappeared - after every effect was applied, I had to restart.

getting my Compiz functioning again?

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Programming :: Which Effect Does $ Before String Have?

Dec 8, 2010

Which effect does the $ before the string have? This $ before a double-quoted string is used in many initscripts on Fedora 13, but not on Ubuntu 8.04.

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Programming :: How To Do A Mouseover Effect

Mar 30, 2010

I have a set of buttons on my webpage, which I'd like to sort of, brighten, if the mouse moves over them. How would I do this in Javascript?

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Debian Configuration :: Achieve The Same Effect With CLI?

Jun 6, 2010

What GNOME does with pendrives does surprise me. It not only umounts the partitions, but also shuts the device down and turns off the power light. How do I achieve the same effect with CLI? I've tried eject but it does not cut power.

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General :: Effect On Inode While Resizing The LV?

May 22, 2010

In Linux when we resize the partition with the logical volume(LV), how is the inode adjusted?

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Ubuntu :: Water Effect Not Working?

Mar 21, 2010

i installed compiz-fusion and activated the water effect. when i use the keystrokes to initiate it or toggle the rain, nothing happens. i've tried to find information on how to fix it to no avail

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Ubuntu :: Power Management Has No Effect?

May 15, 2010

I have a laptop with 10.04 installed. When it is plugged in with AC Power, the screen fades black after a few minutes and locks up after about 10 minutes (shows a dialog for passwd when back).This gets really annoying when listening a movie or just reading text.System->Preferences->Power Management is set to "never" for everything.gconf-editor->apps->gnome-power-management is set to "0" for everything finishing with *_ac.

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Ubuntu :: CCSM No Burn Effect?

Jun 13, 2010

in CCSM i don't have the burn effect, i have animations checked marked, i was reading somewhere where i had to enable or check mark extra plugins i cant see that anywhere?

Did they do away with that effect/plugin? i'm using Ubuntu 10.04 is that makes a difference?

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Ubuntu :: Compiz Effect Won't Stay On?

Aug 31, 2010

ive had ubuntu 10.4 on my system before but decided to see what else is out there on now im back here but ive compiz effects on when i first had ubuntu 10.4 and now the extra effects wont stay on and when i enable compiz effects they have the check next to it as if i enable them but when i exit they do not stay enable i have reinstalled ubuntu

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Ubuntu :: Enable Extra Effect In 10.10?

Feb 13, 2011

I'm running 10.10 and whenever i click on extra under visual effects in Appearance I'll get the keep settings dialogue box, but then the effects don't enable and if i go back to the page the effects is back on none. I am very lost and would be happy for answers. My grpahics card is a ATI Radeon HD 3200 graphics card.

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