Slackware :: Missing Java - Package Browser Down ?
Dec 17, 2010
I thought I knew what I was doing, just a minimal install of slackware 13.1 for a game server (minecraft), but it seems I missed java or something - I get the "command not found" error. gcc-java is installed. What package did I miss/what series is it in? Does it have any dependencies?
Code: ~ $ /usr/java/jre1.6.0_25/bin/java -showversion Error occurred during initialization of VMjava/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Object
That's the error I get. When trying to run a java app with the firefox plugin, the browser simply crashes if it's the 64bit java or tells me it's not installed if it's the 32bit version.
I'm at a loss as to what to do. I think it has something to do with leftover gunk from a previous version I misinstalled(Is that even a word?) Anyway, the only thing that google could come up with was a solution for windows which laid blame on Bill Gates for having a bunch of pf (java prefetch) files stuffed into c:windows for no apparent reason. The solution was to delete them, but I can't seem to find the java prefetch folder in linux. The method I used is downloading the rpm from the rpm2tgz then installpkg then cp to firefox plugins folder.
I'm having a very strange error after upgrading to (K)Ubuntu 10.04.. basically Java Applets don't work in any browser (tried with Firefox, Chrome and Opera). The applet loads (plugin and JVM detected by all browsers) but it is grayed out. After trying all possible solutions I could think of (including installing alternatives jvm) I tried to run the browser as superuser: the applet is then working correctly. So somehow it seems to be a user right problem, but I'm not sure where this is coming from, both java (sun-6) and the browsers were installed and working ok in 9.10. Here is the directory list of /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/lib/i386
i wanted to know whether the gcc,g++ libraries are pre-installed i slackware 12.1 or not. if not then from where can i download them .how do i install them? how do i install the java jdk package also?
I upgraded to the latest -current just like always. I do the kernel packages last. This time, the machine failed to boot, telling me that it could not find the kernel modules. Well, rats.
I booted with a slackware dvd, passed the huge.s kernel, and booted into /dev/sda7, which is my main partition. I mounted /dev/sda7, and installed the kernel-modules- pkg. Rebooted, and got the same error?
I booted again with the dvd, mounted the partition, and navigated to /lib/modules - no in there!
How to properly integrate these RPMs into our system?
Option 1: we could take those missing OS RPMs and install them? Option 2: can we package the missing files from missing OS RPMs into the existing Linux-xxx.rpm?
In my box Sun java and Open JDK co-exists. My problem is, despite been able to run java softs I can't run java applet in my browser (Opera mobile emulator, Facebook photo uploader etc).
Opera is my primary browser (Version 10.60 beta) and have FireFox 3.6.4 as the second choice. Both the browsers are malfunctioning when it comes to Java.
How do u get jre to work with fc 10 64bit? I've tried installing both x86.64 and i586 version from sun's website but firefox still shows plugin missing.
I want a internet browser to open a site that needs java engine,firefox has not this and also galeon :
The certificate is not trusted because it is self-signed.
(Error code: sec_error_ca_cert_invalid)
* This could be a problem with the server's configuration, or it could be someone trying to impersonate the server.
* If you have connected to this server successfully in the past, the error may be temporary, and you can try again later.
Or you can add an exception
You should not add an exception if you are using an internet connection that you do not trust completely or if you are not used to seeing a warning for this server.
If you still wish to add an exception for this site, you can do so in your advanced encryption settings.
How i can add exception or it is better to say me that :is there any browser instead of internet explorer for linux??
I want to install Java...? Where can i download and can anybody tell me how can i install it? I have one more doubt. I am using two browser with Ubuntu. I want to install software ( informenter in chrome). Is this possible to install it I already download informenter.xpi from web...But still facing problem to install it.
I'm looking for a browser than can handle heavy java usage. Firefox doesn't seem to be able to handle heavy usage anymore . Chromium does a decent job, but its just so different from Firefox I just can't get used to it. I have been trying to get used to chromium for over 2 weeks but can't because of the huge difference. So what other browsers can handle heavy java usage? On windows kmeleon was my go to browser to give you an idea of the browsers that I like.
I'm using SeaMonkey instead of FireFox, and this won't change. SeaMonkey is set to be the default browser in Preferred Applications I use a java chat client every day (.jar), which has a button that opens an appropriate web address.
The problem is, it opens that site with FireFox instead of my desired SeaMonkey.
The client runs fine with openjdk and sunjava too ( I have both installed ), but they both open sites with FireFox. In Sun Java 6 Plugin Control Panel I set the SeaMonkey launcher as "Command to launch default browser", but the client still opens sites with FireFox. As for OpenJDK, I haven't found any way to modify settings.
I am using F13 and new to Linux, whenever I am browsing internet that contains java script, the browser crashes, showing error signal as: Package: firefox-3.6.3-4.fc13 Latest Crash: Wed 04 Aug 2010 12:00:09 PM Command: /usr/lib/firefox-3.6/firefox Reason: Process /usr/lib/firefox-3.6/firefox was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV) Comment: None Bug Reports: I also used google-chrome browser, same problem is arising there too.
When I tried to log in this morning I couldn't until I enabled Java scripts in my Opera browser. This must be something "new and improved". Could someone confirm this? I would prefer "old and lousy" rather than open up my computer to the world at large.
What I have is Xubuntu running as a VM with VirtualBox on my Windows 7 Media Center that is always on. I am trying to be able to remotely access an X display on that box to do network auditing/ various linux stuff from the various places I go. I would like it to be as simple as possible and leave no trace on the remote computer, so what I would like is to use a java-enabled browser to connect to an xvfb on xubuntu with SSL encryption. I almost got it working using cherokee/x11vnc/desktop.cgi but it only works once or twice and I get network errors even on localhost. I would rather just not have X running all the time on the VM and just have an xvfb display waiting/created when I log in remotely from a browser.
When I try and run a Java applet on Firefox, is says additional plugins are required, then it says Java already installed. I upgraded to 3.6 by extracting the firefox-3.6.tar.bz2 to it's own directory.
Is there any Linux software that allows accessing a pre-configured serial console via Browser using a java applet? I would like to access the serial management consoles of various hardware devices via browser.
I just updated Java and when I checked in my plugins for SeaMonkey, Java is not listed, not even IcedTea. When I looked at FireFox's plugins, the only Java listed was IcedTea.
How can I get SeaMonkey to know that Java is installed? I looked for the 32 bit Java from within YaST but saw none, just the 64 bit.
Anyway, these are the java's installed:
I'm running SuSE 11.4 and my browser of choice is SeaMonkey 2.0.14.
Recently I installed DEBIAN 6.0 amd64. Since then I have been unable to do netbanking (at least with linux) due to the missing 64bit java applet plugin, which does the authentication. I cannot get the 32bit plugin working with my browsers (epiphany, iceweasel). remmonds using a 32bit browser.
I then installed FIREFOX (32bit), however, it refuses to run : "unable to locate libgtk-x11..." to make it short: the library actually exists on my system (I located it), something else must be wrong.
My questions: will I be better off reinstalling the 32bit version of DEBIAN ? (or what about the possibility of a 64bit java applet plugin being released in near future- will this be wishful thinking or a realistic hope?) as a matter of fact, I have used the java applet since REDHAT version 5 or 6, a lot of years ago, so this plugin-trouble really takes me by surprise.
I've installed chromium browser package from Index of /repositories/openSUSE:/11.4:/Contrib/standard I notice that the taskbar icon has been missing (for quite some time) - I can confirm it on 3 different openSUSE 11.4 installations - on my laptop, my home HTPC/gaming rig and the worstation at work. The icon in the gnome main menu->internet->chromium looks fine but the icon I get in Compiz Ring Switcher seems to be the same white box icon with the blue bar. I'm sure it started happening since an update of Chromium in Feb/Mar timeframe. Does anyone else face similar problem and may be found a solution to get the icon fixed in the taskbar? I've attached a screenshot showing the problem.
i saw a thread on here regarding this same topic a few months back but i can't seem to find it now. my problem is that in firefox, the bar at the top of the window with the minimize/maximize and close buttons is gone... i don't know how this changed, must have hit something by mistake..
I recently upgraded from fedora 10 to fedora 11, everything seemed to go fine until I started eclipse and noticed that the java perspective was now missing. It was there before the upgrade, but something seems to be broken now. However, I can't find any error files, so I have no clue as to what may be broken. I looked around online to see if anyone else had a similar issue, but could not find anything that seemed to help. One site suggested that it was caused by not having the eclipse-jdt package installed, so I double checked that but already had it installed.
Another site said that something in my .eclipse directory might have been corrupted and suggested moving it and letting eclipse create a new one, but this all did not . I was unable to find any other information about what could be causing this or how to fix it.
I installed Fedora Core 13 x86-64 from the installation DVD and picked the "Software Development" installation. I notice that the Applications->System Tools menu doesn't have "File Browser" on it.
Nautilus is installed, so I can create a launcher for it. I'm merely curious whether this is a change or bug in FC 13? Or should I suspect that I myself deleted the file browser launcher accidentally? The machine is a laptop and I find the mousepad awkward to use.
I'm looking for a package that will allow me to keep all my bookmarks in a library that I can access from any browser that I use such as FireFox, Chrome etc.
In the left pane of Nautilus File Browser, I can only display directory and file names. I don't have the button at the top of the pane which allows me to select an alternate view such as Tree view.
I am running into a small bit of difficulty with images I want to use in a Java program, keeping them bundled with the program in a JAR file and accessing them within the package.For those who are thinking it, this is definitely not homework.In my program, I have several images I would like to use on buttons on a toolbar.I have Googled, and I found something that comes close, but it deals with fetching images from a URL - nothing that deals with local files, more specifically, local images kept inside of a JARchive.