Slackware :: Kde 4.3 Won't Store / Save Ssl Certificates?

Jan 25, 2010

After the Sun Jan 24 20:22:46 UTC 2010 update in slackware-current (x86), I am unable to store SSL certificates until "Forever" when asked if greeted with an unknown certificate under KDE. No application can save the certificates eg.: konqueror, kmail etc... I am aware that the above mentioned update didn't bring any updated KDE applications/libs, but still, this has stopped working right after this upgrade. The certificates can be accepted, and after doing so everything works as expected. The only annoying thing, is that although I have selected to trust the certificate "Forever", it asks again after an application restart (eg. konqueror, kmail) if I want to trust this cert forever or for the current sessions only. So it seems, that I can not store/save/trust the SSL certificates forever with KDE.

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Programming :: Unable To Pull And Store Certificates?

Dec 21, 2009

I have to pull certificate from multiple computers which are on network and store it in a single fie or each file belong to a particular computer.I am using certutil -store to import the certificate.

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Ubuntu :: Where Is Minecraft Store Save Files In 10.10

Dec 21, 2010

I downloaded an old save that i used when I used to use windows, i switched over to ubuntu and i want to use it again, but i have no clue where Minecraft stores its saves, i know in windows it was the "appdata" folder.

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Programming :: Store Data In Text File And Be Able To Modify It And Save As Well Using C++?

Jan 25, 2010

I wanna learn how to store data in text file and be able to modify it and save as well using C++.

Note: im using Turbo C++ 3.0

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Server :: Alternative To SSL Certificates / Make Self-signed Certificates Work On Most Popular Browsers Without Being Flagged?

Aug 24, 2010

I run a web server on Fedora 12, principally using Apache, MySQL, and PHP. I host a variety of sites, one of which is a family website that contains semi-sensitive personal data for several hundred extended family members, who all have access to the database-driven site.

Until now, I have been using a self-signed SSL certificate to encrypt the data as it is read and written back and forth from my database. Family members have simply had to put up with clicking past certificate warnings as they enter the site, as most browsers flag self-signed certificates as bad. It hasn't really been that much of a bother, but I'd love to do it more professionally. I have looked into buying SSL certificates, but it's a site I host for free and would rather find a cheap or free alternative if possible.

So I'm just fishing for ideas to work with. What are some alternatives to using SSL certificates for moderately strong website encryption? So far, I run only one host on the domain, but may eventually need encryption that would support multiple hosts. Or does anybody know a way to make self-signed certificates work on most popular browsers without being flagged as suspicious?

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Networking :: Genrating X.509 Certificates / Create X.509 Certificates For Ipsec Vpn?

Jan 17, 2009

i am using red hat5 n i want to create X.509 certificates for ipsec vpn help me in creating certificates, not able 2 create certificates guide me ehere is the location for certificates.

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Slackware :: Updating To Latest Root CA Certificates In 13.37

Jul 17, 2011

After installing Slackware 13.37 I've noticed that while when in the Xwindows environment inside the mozilla firefox I can surf freely I cannot use wget with the same freedom.

I get the following error with wget:
wget [URL]
--2011-07-17 10:54:58--[URL]
Resolving (,
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
ERROR: cannot verify's certificate, issued by "/C=US/ST=Arizona/L=Scottsdale/, Inc./OU=[URL]": Unable to locally verify the issuer's authority. To connect to insecurely, use '--no-check-certificate'.

How do I update the machine to use the latest root ca's I have downloaded and manually installed ca-certificates_20110502.tar.gz but it still refuse to work with wget. How can I install the root ca so it will accept ssl when using wget?

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Slackware :: Where Does Slack Store DNS Server Address

Jan 15, 2011

I recently upgraded my motherboard which has a different onboard NIC chip than the old one. I donwloaded the NIC driver from the vendor's website and installed it. I tried setting up the new NIC with netconfig. The tool seems to run correctly, but the settings don't seem to do anything. I then tried setting up the interface by editing the info into /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.confg. That works fine, but there is no place to specify the DNS server address. Where is the DNS address stored?

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General :: Where Does ITunes Store Its Stuff - Copy Its Data Store To An External Drive

Dec 8, 2009

I have two students whose windows laptops are riddled with malware and not working properly. They want me to help them install Linux (which we use in school), but they are concerned about their iTunes.

Having avoided iPods as "defective by design", I know nothing about iTunes whatsoever. However I remember reading about DRM locking and such problems that have me concerned that I won't be able to do it.

Where does iTunes store its stuff?

Can I copy its data store to an external drive, and then into a linux home?

Then will it work on wine, or can another manager (rhythmbox etc) access the itunes data?

Alternatively, if I partition the drive and install linux, can rythmbox/wine/something access itunes data on the win partition?

Supposing they are buying music through iTunes, what will happen to that account?

Finally, one of them has an iphone. Does that work with linux?

Ironic that an apple application is blocking migration away from windows.

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Slackware :: Klipper Doesn't Always Store The Latest Clipboard Contents In Its History In Kde 4.3.5

Apr 10, 2010

klipper doesn't always store the latest clipboard contents in its history in kde 4.3.5. I have "ignore selection" and "separate clipboard and selection" set in Klippers settings. When i open a new program, for example - kwrite, type some text in it, select some of it and hit ctrl+c - copied text doesn't show up in klippers history list. It seems that klipper misses the first copy operation done in newly launched applications, only by copying the same (or some other) text again klippers menu entry shows up. This seems to happen with only newly launched application, when i had kwrite window already open, opening a second window and performing copy worked fine with klipper.

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Slackware :: How To Save Files In Desktop

Mar 1, 2011

There is a folder named Desktop in my home. What is it for? And how to save files in desktop?

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Slackware :: Change Default Firefox (Save As) Window Location?

May 20, 2010

Since school ended, I decided to finally wipe and due a clean upgrade to Slackware 13.0. Everything is great except one thing. When I want to save something in firefox, the "save as" window that popups up, that allows you to browse to right directory, popups too low. In my window manager(wmii), the bottom is cutoff. I want to have the window popup higher. Is this possible? In my previous install, I think the window would usually remember where it last was, but now it seems to always popup in the same location. I'm not sure if this is slackware, firefox or wmii issue. Also I tried another wm, Awesomewm, and it showed up in the same spot.

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Slackware :: Unable To Gain Authorization For (KDE 4.6.3)

May 19, 2011

Im running KDE 4.6.3 build from source. Everything works, but when going to system-settings, trying to change some stuff at Login Manager, for example AutoLogin to enabled, I get the following error:


polkitd(authority=local): Operator of unix-session:/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session1 FAILED to authenticate to gain authorization for action for unix-process:21517:43051441 [/usr/bin/systemsettings -caption System Settings --icon preferences-system] (owned by unix-user:robert)

I get the prompt to authenticate with a user, and of course I get user root and user robert, but when I select user root, it automatically closes with error: Unable to authenticate/execute the action: (code 4) and then of course I get the above error in /var/log/messages. I know this issue is somehow related to polit setup and/or KDE, but can't figure out what. Please if someone has some ideas, let me know

NOTE: The system is slackware-current, 32bits.

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Slackware :: Save Skype And Instant Message Logs To A Usb Memory Stick?

Apr 30, 2011

2 sets of skype logs on work PC (Windows) - and I forgot to take a copy when I finished the assignment - and on my own Slackware PC. Would be very useful to be able to have only one set (and same for instant message logs) on my usb memory stick. Is this possible?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: One Music Store / Message "Connecting You To One Music Store"?

Jun 24, 2010

I added a song to my basket and when I click just stays on this message "Connecting you to the Ubuntu One Music Store..." and does nothing.

How can I fix this so I can buy music?

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Ubuntu :: Firefox - Unable To Save Files By Right Clicking And Save As

Jan 13, 2010

I have Ubuntu 9.10 dual booting with Windows7.My ext3 /home is mounted as F: in windows.I share a firefox profile between them so that when i am in Windows my firefox uses the same profile as it does when in Ubuntu.It all worked great until recently. I am unable to save files by right clicking and save as. In the config i am unable to set a directory to save to. It neer asks me where to save to. Just nothing happens. some off my book marks are all messed up as well, my rss feeds have the same post on some random website every time i log on and i have to manually refresh to get the correct feeds back. I am unable to delete the random bookmark.

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Ubuntu :: Xrandr Doesn't Save Changes - How To Make It To Save Changes

Jun 16, 2010

my mediacenter is attached to an beamer with the optimal resolution of 1280*720 ubuntu 10.04 doesnt offer me this revolution (on my intel 915 graphis controller). this means i have to add this resolution to the possible resolutions. first i used cvt


cvt 1280 720 60

and got this result:


# 1280x720 59.86 Hz (CVT 0.92M9) hsync: 44.77 kHz; pclk: 74.50 MHz
Modeline "1280x720_60.00" 74.50 1280 1344 1472 1664 720 723 728 748 -hsync +vsync

then i added this to xrandr


xrandr --verbose --newmode "1280x720" 74.50 1280 1344 1472 1664 720 723 728 748 -hsync +vsync



xrandr --verbose --addmode VGA1 1280x720

now i can select and use the new resolution - until next reboot. after an reboot 1280x720 is again not available. even if i work with sudo - the resolution isnt there....

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Slackware :: How To Save Needed Modules Config To Create .config?

Apr 9, 2011

I am running a server with a GRSecurity patched Kernel I've tried to optimize the kernel as much as I can and know it (removing options, not needed drivers and so on) and compiled the modules into the kernel (no loadable modules anymore). I've started with Slackware 13.0 and the default config for Still I am not sure what to remove/optimize further now.

My question: Is there a way to boot with a kernel with loadable modules, check which modules are really needed for this hardware, (do something like lsmod) and save the running configuration modules for a next kernel compile to be the default .config instead of writing them down by hand and search for the appropriate names in .config or during menuconfig? (Note: zcat /proc/config.gz > .config is NOT the way I want, as it gives me just the current kernel config)

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Software :: Iptables-save Can't Save Settings?

Jan 29, 2009

Config a CentOS iptables.I issued some iptables rules.the rules were effective at once.Then, I came with a "iptables-save", but the "/etc/sysconfig/iptables" file hasn't been updated, it still loads the defaults rules with CentOS after reboot.

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Security :: How To Generate Own SSL Certificates

Mar 27, 2009

I am real tired of getting those SSL errors when I go to my intranet. So I am now trying to generate my own SSL certs (go me). I have easy-rsa installed for my openvpn can I use that so sign the csr?

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Server :: Database Can't Use SSL Certificates?

Apr 19, 2011

I've installed PostgreSQL on Arch Linux & also self generated self signed certificates in /etc/ssl/ directory. My PostgreSQL 'data' directory is /var/lib/postgres/data & I've edited my postgresql.conf file to use SSL however I'm having permission / access problems starting my database using SSL. It can't access the certificates and errors out when I try and start the database engine:

LOG: autovacuum launcher shutting down
LOG: shutting down
LOG: database system is shut down
FATAL: could not load server certificate file "server.crt": No such file or directory

I don't know what I need to chown or chmod in order to get PostgreSQL to access my self signed certificates.

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Debian :: Import Certificates To Whole System

Dec 18, 2010

I have enrolled some certificates from my own ca, to use to a couple of different services, like FTP, WEB, Mail etc. All these certificates comes from the same CA (my own), and I have created a root CA. But is it possible to import this root CA to the whole system, so I do not have to import the certificate or root CA to the different applications like iceweasel/firefox, chrome, icedove, filezilla etc.

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OpenSUSE :: Konqueror, Localhost And The Certificates

May 17, 2011

I have the following problem with konqueror. Eveytime when I am trying to enter https://localhost:10000 (this is webmin) or https://localhost:631, konqueror asks me in a popup the following (translated from german):

"The authentification of the server has failed.The certificate does not suite to the server. The certificate has not been signed by a trustable authentification authority"

Then I press "continue". Then the next popup appears asking me: "Do you want to always accept this certificate without any request" And the possible buttons are "always" or "only this session". The problem is that I always press on "always" but obviously konqueror is not remembering this certificate since I have to press all the buttons a hundred times in the ongoing session and every new session. In firefox, I was only asked once and the certificate was stored in list. Does anyone know how to fix this problem in konqueror??

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General :: Add Self-signed Certificates To Different Browsers?

May 16, 2011

How can I add self-signed certificates to e.g: Google Chrome under Linux (from the command line)?

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Ubuntu :: Citrix Certificates - SSL Error 61

May 28, 2010

I just installed Citrix to my computer but when I try to use it I get an error message saying:
"You have not chosen to trust "Equifax Secure Global eBusiness CA-1", the issuer of the server's security certificate (SSL error 61)."

So I downloaded the certificates to allow me to use it but I am unable to copy them to the /usr/lib/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts/ directory, I cant download them straight to that folder either. I have administrative privileges but still I cant do anything with the files in those folders other than look at them. How to put files in those folders?

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Networking :: Run OpenVPN Without Keys Or Certificates?

Jul 31, 2009

Is it possible to set up an OpenVPN without having to issue keys or certificates.All tutorials I found seem to use them.

I want just a basic username/password approach - I don't care that much about security obviously but is it at all possible?

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Networking :: How To Configure SSL Certificates (CSR Files)

Jul 13, 2010

Does anyone know how to configure an SSL cert with GoDaddy? On the following squid page it seems to use x509 and PEM format for everything. GoDaddy seems want CSR files to issue the cert. The x509 & PEM combo don't seem to generate these CSR files in the correct format. Does anyone know the openssl commands to generate the files and the config line(s) to put in squid.conf?

I started from this wiki: [URL]
I also tried following this godaddy wiki, but it was for apache and not squid [URL]

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Security :: Looking For Documentation For Generating Certificates

May 10, 2011

Is there a guide somewhere that covers all the security module topics for Linux, somewhat from top to bottom. Such as LDAP TLS RSA secure auth... generating certs etc etc. All of it and how it all ties together. Sure I can find you should use this etc., or guides that don't explain much or how they work together to complete the sweet. TLD seems to suffer from the same thing that I just stated...

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Server :: Multiple SSL Certificates On Apache

Apr 4, 2010

I'm trying to set up a 2nd SSL cert on a different domain on a server, each domain has its own IP address, the problem is the Web developer that configured the first domain specified ssl keys for the primary domain in both the vhost config in httpd.conf AND in the ssl.conf config files. If I attempt to remove the keys form ssl.conf the server will not start up. and with them there It will not start up if I specify keys for the secondary domain.

LoadModule ssl_module modules/
SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/primary_gd_bundle.crt

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Slackware :: Openoffice Will Not Save To Nfs Share - Openoffice 3.2.0

Jun 5, 2010

I have an nfs share that mounts automatically when kde starts.


wendy@DellNB:~$ cat .kde/Autostart/
mount ~/TestShare
#echo "NAS Mounted"


Gimp works fine editing and saving photos from/to the nfs share. kWrite can do its thing and read/create files on the NAS. Files I create with vim are visible and editable under windows. OpenOffice however, when I try an open a file I get "file is locked by unknown user." I open as copy and try saving to the share with a different name... No Dice, error saving to share the file is created on the share but it is empty. I did some reading and found a post that said to comment a line from a file called soffice, which I cannot find.

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