Slackware :: Get Qtwebkit (kdewebkit) Enabled In Konqueror?

Jun 13, 2010

I've been playing around with browsers today and just for kicks I'm trying to figure out how I get webkit enabled in konqueor. Has anyone got this to work? I've done a lot of googling, but haven't gotten anything to work yet.

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Slackware :: How To Run Dolphin / Konqueror As Root

Feb 25, 2010

I have been using KDE4 for some time now as a test and have noticed what at first seems to be a major omission. There is no way to run dolphin or konqueror as root. Old style KDE3 in SLackware 12 had the "root konqueror" option, (or whatever it was named in the KDE menus), but KDE4 doesn't have this. I tried adding a new menu itme in KDE4 to run dolphin as root but it had odd errors about "could not start process" and "could not to talk to klauncher" - it would not display any files from my directory. Konqueror had similar odd problems - something about klauncher and Dbus server. This is a pain as there are sometimes files I wish to move/delete which I need to be root to do and it would be nice to have a gui to do this.

Anyone got any quick ways (from KDE) of achieving this or setting up a KDE menu item to run a file manager (dolphin/konqueror) as root ? I don't always want to have to run "su -c mc" in a terminal to do admin stuff in the filesystem and I don't want to run KDE as root.

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Slackware :: Konqueror Missing In KDE 4 Menu?

May 30, 2011

1. I can't find the Konqueror file manager in Kde menu. I can of course add it, but I'm wondering if it's by design or if it's a problem specific to my installation.

2. When I set my plasma desktop to folder view, activity, (whatever, I still don't understand how do folder views and activities relate, it's the most f****d up design ever) to get a full screen desktop (like in Kde 3), and my taskbar panel is at the top of the screen,then I get an "impression" of the default desktop widget behind my background (tried both wallpaper and a solid color). It seems to go away when I move panel to bottom of screen (then can move back to top and it's ok).See attached image.

3. Can't find a way to change color of Title bars. I'm right now using Oxygen widget style with Oxygen theme. I can't live with these gray bars which are even the same color for both active and inactive Tile bars (design idiocy of highest caliber IMO). Changing the color seemed to work when using Plastik just fine.

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Slackware :: 64 13.0 Flash In Konqueror Without Mozilla

May 3, 2010

I just installed slackware64 13.0 and I cant get flash working in konqueror.

First I tried downloading the .tar.gz from the adobe website and moving into ~/.mozilla/plugins (I had to make the directory first since firefox isnt installed). That didn't work, I even rebooted but still nothing I also went into konqueror's settings>configure konqueror>plugins and choose scan for plugins, but nothing happens. It doesn't even seem to respond when i click the button.

Next I removed the .mozilla directory that I made earlier and tried installing multimedia/flash-player-pl from slackbuilds with sbopkg, but same issues as before. Tried rebooting, tried scanning for plugins, nothing.

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Slackware :: How To Customize Konqueror Browser For About:config

Apr 2, 2010

Typing about:config from konqueror,get nothing.How can i change general.useragent.extra like firefox?

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Slackware :: Make Konqueror A Viable Web Browser?

Nov 12, 2010

I've finally got Konqueror working well enough to uninstall Firefox. The problem has been KHTML, which has big problems rendering modern web content with heavy scripting. a team of developers has been working on creating a webkit rendering engine as a modular Kpart for Konqueror. Kwebkit will probably be included with KDE 4.6, but for the moment it's something you have to install yourself. Here's what I did. First of all, these steps were all performed on a -current64 box with Alien Bob's KDE 4.5.3 package [URL] installed. I started out by installing kwebkitpart using the package available here: [URL]

At this point you can use kwebkit by launching Konqueror, going into View > View Mode and selecting Kwebkit. Trouble is, it's not going to be stable... Konqueror will crash constantly. In order to achieve stability you have to install QT4.7 or higher.

You can get the latest QT (4.7.1) here: [URL] You don't need the complete development environment; just get the framework. I'm assuming here that you have the Slackware source tree somewhere on your hard drive (mine is in /opt). You'll find QT in the /l directory. Save the existing source code somewhere else and put the code you just downloaded in it's place. Because the new source code has a different name you'll have to modify the script accordingly. I modified this line:


if [ -r $CWD/qt-$VERSION.tar.gz ]; then
tar xvf $CWD/qt-$VERSION.tar.gz || exit 1


if [ -r $CWD/qt-$VERSION-opensource-src-4.7.1.tar.gz ]; then
tar xvf $CWD/qt-$VERSION-opensource-src-4.7.1.tar.gz || exit 1


cd qt-$VERSION || exit 1


cd qt-$VERSION-opensource-src-4.7.1 || exit 1

By the way, I dropped into init 1 before performing the build:


init 1

I'm not sure that's really necessary, but I like to do that before doing anything that directly affects the GUI. Anyway, I then just ran the Slackbuild:



It took a long time. After it builds you can go into pkgtool and uninstall the previous version of qt. Then reboot your box. I rebooted into init 3 so I'd have a working terminal if something went wrong with the new version of qt. But no prob; I booted into the terminal, logged in, startx and no sweat.


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Slackware :: Konqueror Not Picking Up Flash Plugin?

Sep 1, 2010

I installed 13.1 on my machine, and now find that Konqueror won't pick up the flash plugin, no matter where I put it. It finds the and plugins, but not the flash one. Am I missing something, or is it a KDE4 quirk?

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Slackware :: Konqueror: Search Function Missing?

Feb 10, 2011

It would appear that the search (find) function has been removed from Konqueror in KDE 4.6. Is that the case? By "search" I mean the ability to search your hard drive, not a web page or document.

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Slackware :: Mouse Behavior In KDE4 Konqueror

May 27, 2010

I installed 13.1 last night and started playing with KDE4.4.3. I'm talking about Konqueror as a file manager only here. My default view is to have the folder tree in the left pane, with a detailed view pane on the right. In KDE3, I use the "Tree List View".In KDE3, I had my mouse set to "double-click to open files and folders". However, in KDE3's konqueror, you could still navigate the folder tree with a single click. One click on a folder in the left pane would show the folder's contents in the right pane, or a double click in the left pane would expand the tree to show subdirectories. I could still single-click on files in the right pane to highlight them without opening them.

In KDE4's konqueror, it requires a double-click to do anything with the folders, either to display in the right pane or expand the tree. It's a lot more effort just to get around in the folder tree. I found the Mouse setting in the System Settings that changes overall single-click/double-click behavior. If it's on single-click, it's easier to navigate the folder tree but then I end up opening files I don't want to just by trying to highlight them with a click.I dug through Konqueror's settings in both KDE3 and KDE4 but couldn't find what gave me behavior I liked in KDE3 or how to duplicate it in KDE4. In KDE3, the system setting is on double-click, but there doesn't seem to be a konqueror-specific mouse setting to customize it. Anyone else notice this? Is this hard-coded into konqueror, and it changed from 3 to 4?

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Slackware :: Which File Contains Konqueror Browser Identification?

Apr 19, 2010

Which file contains this line:

Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/4.2; Linux; X11; i686) KHTML/4.2.4 (like Gecko)
I want to edit this line.

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OpenSUSE :: ImportError - No Module Named QtWebKit When Run Eric5?

Dec 25, 2010

I want to learn to program by python 3 so I install eric5. I can't find it on opensuse repo so i must install it and it's dependence package from tarball. Everything seem to be normal till I try to run it. Nothing happen so I run it from terminal and get error

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.1/site-packages/eric5/", line 56, in <module>
from E5Gui.E5SingleApplication import E5SingleApplicationClient
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.1/site-packages/eric5/E5Gui/", line 14, in <module>
from Utilities.SingleApplication import SingleApplicationClient, SingleApplicationServer


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Slackware :: Can't Install From DVD With AHCI Enabled?

May 12, 2011

I'm doing a clean install on a new machine, and when I tried to boot the install DVD, ISOLinux gave me the following error:

Could not find kernel image: linux After some experimentation, I found that switching the SATA mode in the BIOS from AHCI to Native IDE solved the problem and installation is proceeding normally.

However, I want AHCI enabled. (I think, unless someone has a compelling reason why I shouldn't.) My web-searching suggests that if the system is installed in IDE mode, it won't boot if I switch to AHCI afterwards. Is this a common problem? Is there a workaround? Is it a motherboard issue?

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Slackware :: CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ Enabled By Default?

Mar 1, 2011

Today I stumbled upon Magic_SysRq_key. Basically, it's allows the user to perform various low level commands regardless of the system's statee.g.Alt+SysRq+b will reboot the system without syncing or unmounting.(SysRq is Print on most systems.)I see the point the use for kernel hackers and such, which compile their own kernels anyway, but why is this enabled by default?

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Slackware :: Is The Next 32B - 14 - Going To Have Large Memory Capability Enabled?

Jan 4, 2011

Just wondering now I see computers everywhere with 6G of ram or more if the new 32b kernels are going to be setup for large amounts of ram or will they still need to be recompiled? Also will there be better ssd support for things like "trim"? I know you edit the fstab to get the Linux version of trim but I am just wondering if stuff like that will just be automatic or if I will continue to need to tweak. I like to tweak but sometimes its the lack of need for tweaking that makes me like slack.

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Slackware :: Current Can't Log Into KDE 4.5.4 With Desktop Effects Enabled

Dec 21, 2010

I updated to latest -current last night and since then have not been able to login to my KDE desktop. After typing in the password, I get the starter icons come up, and just as the last one comes up, the desktop logs out to the login screen again. I worked out that it was because desktop effects were enabled - disabling these in kwinrc allows me to login, although without desktop effects.Using NVidia 256.53 binary drivers b.t.w.

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Slackware :: Webcam : It Starts Working When Plugged In, But Stops When It's Enabled

Aug 26, 2010

My system: Slackware 13.0, 512MB RAM, x86 This is the webcam I'm trying to get working:


Originally Posted by lsusb
2460 Pixart Imaging, Inc. Q-TEC WEBCAM 100

When I plug the webcam in (usb), the led starts to shine, indicating that it is filming. When I use a program (XSane for example) and click the 'scan' button, the led turns off! It seems that the cam works when it shouldn't, and vice versa.

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Slackware :: Will A Program Written For X86 Function On Slackware64 If It Is Multilib Enabled

Feb 22, 2011

Been thinking about changing over to 64 bit, but I was just curious about whether or not I'll have to worry about incompatibility with a few 32bit-only applications I use, once I've set up multilib. I'll test it out in vbox when I get home but I wanted to check here to see if I could maybe get a solid yes/no/maybe answer.

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Fedora :: Remove Konqueror From KDE?

Jul 27, 2009

if it is physically possible to remove Konqueror from KDE in Fedora 11 without damaging the system.

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Debian :: Where Is Apply In Configure Konqueror?

Feb 14, 2011

I am using KDE, 3.5.10 Linux 2.6/26-2-686 on an Eee-PC note book. When I try to configure Konqueror web behavior, the window is bigger that the screen and no scroll bar. It won't let me reduce the height of the screen. I can make my changes, but the apply button is off the screen. How do I do the apply?

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Debian Multimedia :: PDF Preview In Konqueror

Dec 16, 2010

What is the name of the package needed to obtain thumbnail previews in Konqueror?I'm still running Lenny, so I need the name of the relevant KDE 3.5 package. Google searches return too many useless results, so I'm hoping someone will remember the name of the package.

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OpenSUSE :: KDE 4.3.5 Upgrade - Cannot Open Konqueror

Feb 10, 2010

Just updated to 4.3.5 from the stable repository, now I cant open Konqueror, I get Dolphinpart and fsviewpart errors.
"An error occurred when loading View module of Dolphin. Complement dolphinpart uses a library from KDE which is incompatible"
Rough translation of the error message, same from fsview.

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OpenSUSE :: Video Thumbnails Possible With Konqueror In 11.3?

Aug 16, 2010

Is there a way to enable thumbnails in Konqueror in 11.3? mplayer-thumbs is missing from the repository I noticed.

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OpenSUSE :: Konqueror Crash Using Webkit?

Sep 13, 2010

I sometimes use webkit in Konqueror to view certain sites, but lately I haven't been able to since Konqueror crash everytime I activate webkit. I searched for this issue on the web and found among others this:[URL].. I downgraded Flash to 10.0.45xxx and it seems like Konqueror runs fine with webkit now. However I now got this message browsing

icedteanp plugin error: Failed to run /etc/alternatives/../../bin/java. For more detail rerun "firefox -g" in a terminal window. This error only occur when using webkit, not with KHTML.

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OpenSUSE :: Konqueror, Localhost And The Certificates

May 17, 2011

I have the following problem with konqueror. Eveytime when I am trying to enter https://localhost:10000 (this is webmin) or https://localhost:631, konqueror asks me in a popup the following (translated from german):

"The authentification of the server has failed.The certificate does not suite to the server. The certificate has not been signed by a trustable authentification authority"

Then I press "continue". Then the next popup appears asking me: "Do you want to always accept this certificate without any request" And the possible buttons are "always" or "only this session". The problem is that I always press on "always" but obviously konqueror is not remembering this certificate since I have to press all the buttons a hundred times in the ongoing session and every new session. In firefox, I was only asked once and the certificate was stored in list. Does anyone know how to fix this problem in konqueror??

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OpenSUSE :: Konqueror Using Webkit And 64 Bit Flash?

Aug 5, 2011

Has anyone had any joy with the above combination? I had the current beta and the square flash versions working fine but when I changed the konqueror engine to webkit I can't get ..... to work.

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OpenSUSE :: Konqueror Crashing On Internet?

Sep 11, 2011

I can use Konqueror to browse my filesystem but not the web. One of two things happens: 1) Either it just crashes, or 2) it displays an "Operation could not be completed" error page. The former occurs if I type something into the address bar that may require some guesswork, like, and in this case I may get a chance to restart the session. The latter occurs if I type a complete url like [URL]... or if I type a term in the google search box. It suggests disabling the firewall; I have, to no avail. Same thing happens with rekonq but not with epiphany or firefox or chrome. I use openSUSE 11.4 with KDE 4.7. This problem occurred after upgrading to 4.7 - not sure if it was immediate upon upgrade - but before recent issues with the R47 repo. Of course, hoping to fix Konqueror, I updated all of my R47 packages and got caught up in the black screen problem, but now that's resolved and Konqueror still crashes.

I like Chrome but want Konqueror as a backup, no need to install other browsers as long as it works, but I suppose that's the alternative. Downgrading Konqueror would downgrade its library and dolphin as well; I'd rather avoid that, as I had a weird issue with my mouse getting "trapped" in an app in 4.6 - I could still work inside that app, but clicks did not register in other apps or plasma generally, such as the start menu or the "x" button to close the app in question on its own window decoration. This issue has not recurred in 4.7, so I'd rather keep the version than keep Konqueror if it comes to that.

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Ubuntu :: Selling On Ebay Using Konqueror?

Apr 12, 2010

I am trying to stick to using only one browser (Konqueror) instead of having to switch to firefox for listing items on ebay. The problem I am having is that Konqeror does not display the wysiwyg editor for listing my item. I usually just copy and paste my template in, but the html tab is not showing up either. If I start my listing in firefox and then open it up in konqueror it displays the wysiwyg just fine, so I am not sure why it couldn't just work from the get go. I have tried changing browser identification but had no success.

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Ubuntu :: Konqueror Font Changes When Opening New Tab?

Jun 22, 2011

So I just decided to use Konqueror because with Webkit it was actually usable and I like some of its features more than those of FireFox. My problem is that after setting the font size I want everything is fine, but once I open a new tab the font size gets better and it's pretty annoying. I'm running Konqueror and KDE 4.6.4.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Running Konqueror In Background?

Jun 18, 2010

In a script that I run manually after I have logged in, I have the following:alias kq='konqueror &' The intention is to run konqueror in the background. What happens is as follows. A. I run kq; it starts konqueror but does not return to the command prompt. I quit konqueror. B. I run kq again ; it starts konqueror and this time I get a the command prompt. If I quit konqueror and run kq for a 3rd time it behaves as in A. Quit and run it behaves as in B, and so on..

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General :: Run Nautilus Or Konqueror Manager?

May 29, 2010

I'm having Fedora 12 distro. I read there is convenient program to manage file system called Nautilus or Konqueror. But I don't understand how to run at least one of them. It is written I must click "Run" in the main menu but no word where to find this main menu.

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