Slackware :: How To Run Dolphin / Konqueror As Root
Feb 25, 2010
I have been using KDE4 for some time now as a test and have noticed what at first seems to be a major omission. There is no way to run dolphin or konqueror as root. Old style KDE3 in SLackware 12 had the "root konqueror" option, (or whatever it was named in the KDE menus), but KDE4 doesn't have this. I tried adding a new menu itme in KDE4 to run dolphin as root but it had odd errors about "could not start process" and "could not to talk to klauncher" - it would not display any files from my directory. Konqueror had similar odd problems - something about klauncher and Dbus server. This is a pain as there are sometimes files I wish to move/delete which I need to be root to do and it would be nice to have a gui to do this.
Anyone got any quick ways (from KDE) of achieving this or setting up a KDE menu item to run a file manager (dolphin/konqueror) as root ? I don't always want to have to run "su -c mc" in a terminal to do admin stuff in the filesystem and I don't want to run KDE as root.
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Feb 26, 2011
How can I add a new button to konqueror and dolphin than run a script? I want to press the button and then a script is run with the current URL of Konqueror/Dolphin
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Sep 11, 2010
In order to avoid switching user, is it possible to open dolphin in root mode. If yes, what is the command, and the keyboard shortcut to enter it.
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Dec 10, 2010
In Konqueror, when browsing files the display would open in the "Advanced Embedded Text Editor" which was really handy. In Dolphin it
opens in Kate (KWrite by default but I changed it.) Is there a way to make Dolphin behave like Konqueror?
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Aug 19, 2011
I'm using opensuse 11.4 64 bits on an amd 3 kernel. One day it's working fine and the following i't works all fine except konqueror and dolphin. When i try to open them it seem to be frozen (the application, not the system), but in the end they open after 3-4 minutes. Then they work well, but if i close them and open again, or if i open another window I have the same problem. Othe applications (for example firefox) launch quickly.
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Nov 1, 2010
How do I switch from Dolphin to Konqueror in Linux Mint 9 KDE? I'd like to make Konqueror the default File Manager.
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Jul 31, 2011
I really prefer Konqueror to Dolphin, but as it is I have six external harddrives that are connected to my computer, and Dolphin has that sidebar that shows all connected storage devices and you can go straight into them by choosing one. This is the sole feature that keeps me using Dolphin, because I use it constantly. Does Konqueror have a similar feature? If it has something thats even remotely close to that sidebar, I'd switch over in a heartbeat. I looked through all the options I could find but didn't see it anywhere.
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Jul 28, 2010
Since I upgraded to 11.3 I don't see that the View > Preview mode is broken. Image icons are created, but they all look like the icons in the picture below. When I move the zoom slider the largest sized icons come out fine. Anyone an idea how to solve this problem? Is there any repository that I can use to get more recent versions that should have fixed these bugs? I just noticed that PNG images come out right, so it could be something related to JPG files.
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May 30, 2011
1. I can't find the Konqueror file manager in Kde menu. I can of course add it, but I'm wondering if it's by design or if it's a problem specific to my installation.
2. When I set my plasma desktop to folder view, activity, (whatever, I still don't understand how do folder views and activities relate, it's the most f****d up design ever) to get a full screen desktop (like in Kde 3), and my taskbar panel is at the top of the screen,then I get an "impression" of the default desktop widget behind my background (tried both wallpaper and a solid color). It seems to go away when I move panel to bottom of screen (then can move back to top and it's ok).See attached image.
3. Can't find a way to change color of Title bars. I'm right now using Oxygen widget style with Oxygen theme. I can't live with these gray bars which are even the same color for both active and inactive Tile bars (design idiocy of highest caliber IMO). Changing the color seemed to work when using Plastik just fine.
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May 3, 2010
I just installed slackware64 13.0 and I cant get flash working in konqueror.
First I tried downloading the .tar.gz from the adobe website and moving into ~/.mozilla/plugins (I had to make the directory first since firefox isnt installed). That didn't work, I even rebooted but still nothing I also went into konqueror's settings>configure konqueror>plugins and choose scan for plugins, but nothing happens. It doesn't even seem to respond when i click the button.
Next I removed the .mozilla directory that I made earlier and tried installing multimedia/flash-player-pl from slackbuilds with sbopkg, but same issues as before. Tried rebooting, tried scanning for plugins, nothing.
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Feb 13, 2010
Since installing upgrades including KDE4.4 and having to reinstall plasma-desktop, when I launch Dolphin file manager via alt-f2 it always crashes. In the status at the bottom is reads...
" The process for the file protocol died unexpectedly. "
When I run Dolphin as my current logged in user there are no issues.
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Jun 13, 2010
I've been playing around with browsers today and just for kicks I'm trying to figure out how I get webkit enabled in konqueor. Has anyone got this to work? I've done a lot of googling, but haven't gotten anything to work yet.
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Apr 2, 2010
Typing about:config from konqueror,get nothing.How can i change general.useragent.extra like firefox?
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Nov 12, 2010
I've finally got Konqueror working well enough to uninstall Firefox. The problem has been KHTML, which has big problems rendering modern web content with heavy scripting. a team of developers has been working on creating a webkit rendering engine as a modular Kpart for Konqueror. Kwebkit will probably be included with KDE 4.6, but for the moment it's something you have to install yourself. Here's what I did. First of all, these steps were all performed on a -current64 box with Alien Bob's KDE 4.5.3 package [URL] installed. I started out by installing kwebkitpart using the package available here: [URL]
At this point you can use kwebkit by launching Konqueror, going into View > View Mode and selecting Kwebkit. Trouble is, it's not going to be stable... Konqueror will crash constantly. In order to achieve stability you have to install QT4.7 or higher.
You can get the latest QT (4.7.1) here: [URL] You don't need the complete development environment; just get the framework. I'm assuming here that you have the Slackware source tree somewhere on your hard drive (mine is in /opt). You'll find QT in the /l directory. Save the existing source code somewhere else and put the code you just downloaded in it's place. Because the new source code has a different name you'll have to modify the script accordingly. I modified this line:
if [ -r $CWD/qt-$VERSION.tar.gz ]; then
tar xvf $CWD/qt-$VERSION.tar.gz || exit 1
if [ -r $CWD/qt-$VERSION-opensource-src-4.7.1.tar.gz ]; then
tar xvf $CWD/qt-$VERSION-opensource-src-4.7.1.tar.gz || exit 1
cd qt-$VERSION || exit 1
cd qt-$VERSION-opensource-src-4.7.1 || exit 1
By the way, I dropped into init 1 before performing the build:
init 1
I'm not sure that's really necessary, but I like to do that before doing anything that directly affects the GUI. Anyway, I then just ran the Slackbuild:
It took a long time. After it builds you can go into pkgtool and uninstall the previous version of qt. Then reboot your box. I rebooted into init 3 so I'd have a working terminal if something went wrong with the new version of qt. But no prob; I booted into the terminal, logged in, startx and no sweat.
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Sep 1, 2010
I installed 13.1 on my machine, and now find that Konqueror won't pick up the flash plugin, no matter where I put it. It finds the and plugins, but not the flash one. Am I missing something, or is it a KDE4 quirk?
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Feb 10, 2011
It would appear that the search (find) function has been removed from Konqueror in KDE 4.6. Is that the case? By "search" I mean the ability to search your hard drive, not a web page or document.
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May 27, 2010
I installed 13.1 last night and started playing with KDE4.4.3. I'm talking about Konqueror as a file manager only here. My default view is to have the folder tree in the left pane, with a detailed view pane on the right. In KDE3, I use the "Tree List View".In KDE3, I had my mouse set to "double-click to open files and folders". However, in KDE3's konqueror, you could still navigate the folder tree with a single click. One click on a folder in the left pane would show the folder's contents in the right pane, or a double click in the left pane would expand the tree to show subdirectories. I could still single-click on files in the right pane to highlight them without opening them.
In KDE4's konqueror, it requires a double-click to do anything with the folders, either to display in the right pane or expand the tree. It's a lot more effort just to get around in the folder tree. I found the Mouse setting in the System Settings that changes overall single-click/double-click behavior. If it's on single-click, it's easier to navigate the folder tree but then I end up opening files I don't want to just by trying to highlight them with a click.I dug through Konqueror's settings in both KDE3 and KDE4 but couldn't find what gave me behavior I liked in KDE3 or how to duplicate it in KDE4. In KDE3, the system setting is on double-click, but there doesn't seem to be a konqueror-specific mouse setting to customize it. Anyone else notice this? Is this hard-coded into konqueror, and it changed from 3 to 4?
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Apr 19, 2010
Which file contains this line:
Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/4.2; Linux; X11; i686) KHTML/4.2.4 (like Gecko)
I want to edit this line.
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Jun 8, 2010
I have Mepis 8.5 and I can access root Dolphin etc. but I cannot get past the ID and pwd panel when I try to use Firefox to see my localhost sites. When I installed, I knew I should not have made using the browser to be password needed, but it was too late so I am stuck with it. As I haven't used it for a while I have fotgotten the user and pwd for this area. How can I find it or negate it so I have access once I put the localhost url in the broswer?
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Apr 20, 2009
Ever since I started using KDE as in 4.2, I have been doing this regularly. When I startup KDE, I open Dolphin and click and mount each partition with root pass. I thought it might be some KDE issue as is the ever developing code and will be fine in future updates. But now I'm in 4.2.1 and it still exists. Upon inquiring fellow users on other distros, I have come to believe this is a *Fedora only* issue now. [URL].
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Jan 31, 2011
I have a brand new install of 11.3, with all the updates, on a cleaned system, following some hdd and cable problems.
So far three problems have surfaced:-
1. Dolphin doesn't see and hard disks other than the root hdd.They appear on the left side in the list, but cannot be accessed as suse seems to have chosen not to mount them.I need them because they have my backup data on them.
2. At each bootup, I have manually to reset the required screen resolution. I need to prevent it defaulting to the wrong resolution every time.
3. I cannot now see my Windows workgroup at all. This is in stark contrast to another distro I've tried which found it and set everything up automatically. The workgroup has one WinXP machine on cable via a router, plus one Win7 machine via router and wifi link. I guessit failed to sort out smb.conf or something?
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Jan 10, 2010
I've been ignoring this problem for about a week but its getting on my last nerve. Dolphin keeps freezing for about 20 seconds when ever I try to move or open files sometimes, It will just sit there and then once it returns it will very quickly execute my command. It seems im not the only one having this issue [url]
I still can't seem to find a fix. I'm running the most recent current BTW
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Oct 6, 2010
I am running 64-bit current. I have not identified which update started the Dolphin crashes, but it recently has been happening very often, usually within a few seconds of starting it, but not always.
Googling suggested that it might be a dbus issue, so I rolled my own package using dbus-1.4.0 and the slackbuild from the 64 bit current source.
Dolphin has been rock solid since. I noticed that there was an 'allow root globally' patch which I commented out. I am guessing that this may affect applications that I have not used yet or the issue has been fixed in version 1.4.
I have not seen any evidence that other current users have had this problem, but maybe Robby would consider an upgrade?
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May 13, 2011
My slackware 13.37 64 with 4 gig ram , has a strange thing in dolphin. My machine runs very well with kDE4.6.1 from alien and no other problems. When I copy files to a folder it does not show , I have to close dolphin and reopen to see those files. If I click on a compressed file and select extract folder here it does the same.
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Feb 7, 2011
I have set System Settings --> Advanced --> Removable Devices to 'Enable automatic mounting of removable media' --> 'Mount all removable media at login' and 'Automatically mount all removable media when attached'.
But, the SlackDVD does not appear in ls /media until after I double-click the 'SlackDVD' in Dolphin.
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Aug 1, 2010
I have some problems accessing NTFS USB devices from Dolphin. If I mount by hand the device, mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdc1 /media/disk I can access to the disk from Dolphin. mount command reports: /dev/sdc1 on /media/disk type fuseblk (rw,allow_other,blksize=512)When the same disk is mounted through Dolphin (by clickin on the disk icon), I cannot see any content. mount command reports: /dev/sdc1 on /media/FLS-U2-300 type fuseblk suid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=512,default_permissions)root@obelix:~# As you can see, mount command reports different configurations. I suspect the extra parameters used by Dolphine causing problems but I don't know how to configure KDE to change the mount options. This problem is new to Slackware 13.1. My previous 13.0 configuration had not that problem
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Oct 3, 2010
Hi everybody! I am completely stumped with KDE's Dolphin's preview policy. It started with me realizing that when as much as I mouse over an encrypted file (say, an ODS file created and encrypted with OpenOffice), KDE pops up a password prompt. The culprit identifies itself as kio_thumbnail. This is a feature so apparently useless, I would like to disable it no matter what. I know a work-around: hiding the Information panel seems to work. But I like the information panel. On top of that, the same kio_thumbnail does on occasion decide that my computer is underutilized (it feels like it happens during the idle times). It allocates my entire RAM, all 4 GiB of it, and does something fancy. It doesn't crash, however, and goes away a few minutes after I poke the computer.
I don't want a daemonized thumbnailer, is there a way to disable kio_thumbnail or make it be quiet and do nothing? I tried fooling around with Dolphin. I went into Settings / Configure Dolphin... and
1. Disabled all services,
2. Unchecked everything in General / Previews.
I did the same to Konqueror.
As far as I can tell, this had no effect whatsoever. Dolphin still previews all the files it previewed before, and still tries to preview encrypted files when Information panel is open. I am running unmodified Dolphin 1.4 on KDE 4.4.3, the same ones that came with Slackware 13.1 x64.
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Nov 1, 2010
I've installed slackware64 up to date and have a annoying problem:
Dolphin crashes many times.
Here is some debug info:
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Sep 15, 2010
Is there any Slackware-current or Slackware64-current users in the LQ Slackware forum experiencing lags or slowdown on Dolphin file manager on KDE 4.5.1? I experienced this first on KDE 4.5.0, after the current update KDE to 4.5.1 I still have this problem.
Hovering mouse on a file can take a while, opening a text file with kwrite took several seconds and dolphin window will appear blank (like hang). Sometimes Dolphin crashed when opening file, changing directory or hovering mouse on a file.
Quick googling points to this discussion at which suggest a bug in libdbus.
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Nov 25, 2010
I've just did a fresh Slackware 13.1 install on a 32-bit box for friends of mine. It's an older machine with an AMD Athlon XP 2500. Generally everything works just fine, with one exception, however.Connecting a LUKS encrypted USB harddisk is notified by KDE. Clicking on the device icon in Dolphin opens the dialog asking for the LUKS passphrase. No error message appears, but the file system is not opened and mounted, anyway.However, before another attempt I have to "remove" the device in Dolphin.Output of dmesg:
# Nov 25 23:58:24 mycomputer kernel: device-mapper: ioctl: unable to remove open device temporary-cryptsetup-3023
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