Slackware - Can't Install Jdk 6u26 / I586 Rpm.bin On Slackware?

Jul 2, 2011

As you know, there is no JDK in Slackware 13.37, there's just JRE. So I wanna install the latest JDK in Slackware. But when I was installing, I failed. The output is as fellow:


It looks like a little wired. The commands it cannot find such as cp, basename and so forth are system standard ones. How cannot the installation app find?

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Slackware :: Enable Windows Wireless Drivers In Slackware 13.1 And How To Install XFCE

Aug 22, 2010

I recently installed Slackware Linux 13.1 , and my Wireless is down. I've only installed 3 Linux disto's on my main laptop (Ubuntu 9.10 , 10.04 , and Crunchbang Linux 9.04 , just had Crunchbang), and they all had the same problem. In all three , I was able to enable Windows Wireless drivers and every thing worked. Now , I'm assuming I have to the same ting in Slackware? Sorry , but I have no idea what my wireless card is. But I know that my laptop is a Dell Insprion E1705. One last thing , I did ifconfig and that wlan0 is my Wi-Fi interface. I typed ifconfig wlan0 up to see if that was the problem. After I did that , I got and error message. Then I typed ifconfig wlan0 down to see if it was down and it made wlan0 down. I tried bringing it up again , but I got an error saying it couldn't find the device specified. Also , how do I install XFCE? I really don't like KDE for some reason and would like to install XFCE. I chose XFCE over GNOME (my favorite) because I want to try something new.

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Slackware :: Install Binary Blender 2.49b On Slackware 13.1 86_x64 Multilib?

Dec 12, 2010

I created this small how to install the binary Blender 2.49b on Slackware 13.1 86_x64 Multilib.

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Slackware :: Install Puppy 525 On Slackware 13.37 PC As A Dual-boot Using LILO?

Jul 18, 2011

I'm trying to install Puppy 525 on my Slackware 13.37 PC as a dual-boot using LILO. Puppy is living, all on it's own, in sda6, a 6 GiB partition. It got there by using the Puppy Universal Installer and selecting a 'Full' install, not a 'Frugal' install. I cannot find 'LILO' type instructions, only 'GRUB' type instructions.

Has anyone succeeded in doing a hard drive install of Puppy with the LILO boot loader?

Edit: I'll probably regret it, but I used Puppy's GRUB installer.

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Slackware :: Best Way To Up-to-date Slackware And Install Third Party Software?

Feb 2, 2010

want to know what is the best way to update system, install soft like an openoffice and so?
another one?

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Slackware :: Fonts For Gnome Apps In Std Slackware Install

Jan 4, 2011

I'm interested in seeing what others are doing w.r.t. fonts in a standard Slack install. The 2 main apps I use are Firefox and Thunderbird and both look fairly poor out of the box. Previously I've used a combination of gtk-qt-engine and gnome-appearance-properties ( with a gsb install ) but this doesn't always do the 'right thing'.

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Slackware :: Install ESET NOD32 Antivirus 4 For Slackware Box?

Jun 16, 2011

The system requirements for ESET NOD32 Antivirus 4 for Linux are: Red Hat, Ubuntu, Debian, SUSE, Fedora, Mandriva, and most RPM and DEB Linux desktop distributions. Can this be installed on Slackware? I tried the download and install. Its says that after the install you need to reboot and an 'activate' application will start - it didn't. I used ESET in my prior Windows life and it was great so I thought, why not in my linux life!

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Slackware :: Install Nouveau On Slackware-13.1 For NVidia GPU Owners

May 19, 2010

As Pat stated in the Changelog, Slackware-13.1 don't ship the nouveau X driver (yet).But it's not hard to get it either.

1. Upgrade your kernel to 2.6.34

2. Get and install the driver:


git clone git://
cd xf86-video-nouveau


PS. There is no source tarball yet for this driver.If you want to upgrade:


cd xf86-video-nouveau
git fetch
git rebase origin


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Slackware :: Best Way To Install Perl Cpan Modules In Slackware?

Feb 23, 2010

What is the best way to install perl cpan modules in slackware?

i know that you can use 'cpan' and say 'install date::calc' but there is a perl-date-calc slackbuild on sbo. so which is the better way and why?

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Slackware :: Can't Install Wicd-1.7.0 In Slackware 13.0 / What Got Lost?

Jan 17, 2011

(Background: my wireless worked fine for a long time using wicd- and then all networks became hidden. The wicd website said there was a bug in and to upgrade.) I obtained wicd-1.7.0.tar.bz2 from Slackware man pages recommend "installpkg <name>". I did "removepkg wicd..." and then install. Installpkg said it could not install it because it did not end in .tgz,.tbz,.tlz, or .txz. I changed the name to wicd-1.7.0.tbz(assuming that was equivalent) and did installpkg again. That gave "Verifying..., Installing..., Warning: package has not been created with 'makepkg'. Package wicd-1.7.0.tbz installed."
There is no entry for it in the Kickoff Application Launcher. There is an entry for it in /var/log/packages. There is in /etc/rc.d./rc.wicd a script marked executable. Can anyone see what got lost?

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Slackware :: How To Do A 'fresh Install' Using Slackware -current

Mar 25, 2011

I wish to do a fresh install of Slackware without KDE. I could use my Slackware 13.1 DVD but I thought, why not give -current at try? Is there a -current ISO or must I install 13.1, without KDE, and then upgrade to -current? Or, is it possible to remove 'all things KDE' and then upgrade to -current?

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Slackware :: Get Slackware To Install With Usb Flash Drive?

May 15, 2011

i downloaded slackware iso (4.3 gigs, i thought it would be smaller) and then when i tried to burn to dvd it give me read sector error when i tried to verify. i tried this with 5 dvd and none worked so something is probably wrong with the iso itself. is there another way to get slackware to install with a usb flash drive or should i just redownload my iso (10 hour download =( ).

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Slackware :: Install A Different Window Manager On Slackware?

Oct 4, 2010

I have been trying to install a different window manager on Slackware. I have downloaded from here [URL].. And I have followed this guide to install wmii [URL].. Now when I follow the same patter, I get this error:

root@sslf:/home/sslf/Essential# ./wmii
bash: ./wmii: is a directory
root@sslf:/home/sslf/Essential# ./wmii/wmii.SlackBuild
tar: /home/sslf/Essential/wmii-3.6.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

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OpenSUSE :: Failed To Download ./i586/libcodeblocks0-r6185-1.1.i586.rpm From Index Of /repositories/devel:/tools:/ide/_11.2?

Mar 2, 2010

when i try to install any program i always have this type of erreur messagehow to solve that ?

chec du tchargement :
Failed to download ./i586/libcodeblocks0-r6185-1.1.i586.rpm from Index of /repositories/devel:/tools:/ide/openSUSE_11.2


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Slackware :: How To Install Idesk On Slackware 13?

Dec 28, 2009

Did not find idesk in slackbuilds.

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Slackware :: Possible To Install Adobe Air On Slackware?

Mar 3, 2010

Is it possible to install Adobe Air on Slackware? It keeps telling me the following

I was trying to install it so I could install TweetPocket.

Adobe AIR could not be installed because this is not a supported Linux distribution. Only RPM- and Debian-based Linux distributions are supported.

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Slackware :: Install Oracle 10g On Slackware 13?

Apr 7, 2010

i have been using mysql for quite a some time now..It works great and i can use it comfortably for my study purpose..But now i have to learn oracle 10g for some of my can i install oracle 10g on my slackware.

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Slackware :: Install Zoneminder In Slackware 12.0?

May 21, 2010

Can i install zoneminder in slackware 12.0......if possible which version of zoneminder and please help me the link which helps me the steps to install.

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Slackware :: Installing 13.1 Over Windows XP - Run Slackware And Slackware Only

Dec 19, 2010

I have been given the task to install slackware 13.1 over windows. I have downloaded and copied slackware 13.1 on to a disk, and rebooted the computer, but i am not getting what all the tutorials have shown. I have been looking for tutorials that specifically instruct me as to how to install slackware 13.1 on to a windows xp. I am not trying to dual run I just simply want to run slackware and slackware only.

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Slackware :: Forwad X11 From A 32 Bit Slackware To A 64bit Slackware?

May 7, 2011

I have a couple questions about Xfoward.

1: How much does it affect securty, over a lan network?
2: Will it cause any other security issues?
3: The most important is can I forwad X11 from a 32 bit slackware to a 64bit slackware

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Slackware :: Windows Raid-O Install Virtualbox, Will Slackware Install Raid-o Without Raid Driver?

Feb 28, 2011

If I have a windows installed in raid-0, then install virtualbox and install all my linux os,s to virtualbox will they be a raid-0 install without needing to install raid drivers?

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Slackware :: Accessing Slackware Install From Install DVD

Dec 19, 2009

I find im unable to boot any linux distro after installing a nvidia geforce fx 5500 pci card. After a Google search I found what may be a solution but it requires me to edit etc/modprobe.d/blacklist. Can anyone tell me if there is a way to access the slackware install from the install dvd?

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Slackware :: 3G Slackware 13 Install

Oct 10, 2009

I have an old AMD K-6 350 MHz laptop with 96 MB of RAM and a 4 GB internal hard drive. I've used it for years with Slackware-I did have Slackware 11 on it with a 2.4.33 kernel before I did a fresh install of Slackware 13 and wiped the drive. I don't have the CPU power for KDE but it works nicely with the Fluxbox desktop. The problem that I'm finding now is that I don't have enough disk space even by not installing KDE-it takes 3.7 GB which is all I have and then I don't have any space left for a user.

So, I figure I'll start over and re-install Slackware 13. Which package directories don't I need just for Fluxbox, PCMCIA wireless networking, USB support and CLI mp3 support (I like mplayer which is now included)? After the install I want to install wicd from the extra directory.

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Slackware :: Wicd Won't Install Correctly / Run Correctly (64-bit Slackware 13)?

Mar 31, 2010

When I installed Wicd, and ran it for the first time, I got an error something like: "Could not connect to Wicd's dbus session- check the Wicd log file for more info". However, later when I restarted my computer, Wicd started, but I can't connect to my network, it shows up as <hidden>, I can connect to linksys, so I know that wireless is working on that computer. I know that there's nothing wrong with my wireless router, because I can connect to my network in this computer.

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Slackware :: Compile 2.6.37 Kernel Patched With The Autogroup Patch On A Slackware 13.1 System?

Jan 13, 2011

it's possible to compile the 2.6.37 kernel patched with the autogroup patch on a Slackware 13.1 system running with headers? I just compiled and installed the 2.6.37-autogroup kernel from AUR on my ARCH setup and I like it especially when using firefox with lots of tabs open and other background apps also running. I did notice a speed and smothness difference in my ARCH testing setup with this kernel patch and I can get same results in 13.1??

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Slackware :: Failed To Initialize NVIDIA Graphics Device On Startx With Slackware 13.1

Aug 24, 2010

I installed slackware 13.1 x86_64 bit with multilib, and its been about a month already, I'm really enjoying slackware but I am being troubled with my nvidia card, and I need to get my 3D acceleration working. And I've been looking around the net for information and kept on trying to make my nvidia card to work but to no avail. I cant get X to start, once I put in a xorg.conf stating to use the nvidia card. After troubleshooting for almost 2 weeks and now at my wits end, I now come humbly looking for help in linuxquestions slackware community forum.I've installed nvidia 64 bit kernel, drivers from slackbuilds (version 256.44). The laptop model I'm trying to get it working is an -ASUS K52J Intel Core i3 2.40Ghz with 2GB RAM and with an Nvidia Geforce 310M with 1GB dedicated VRAM.

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Slackware :: Linvo 2009.1rc6 - Slackware-based LiveCD With GNOME

Jan 6, 2010

I'm happy to announce Linvo 2009.1 rc6. It's a full-featured Linux distribution with a lot of applications by default, including an office suite ( extended with plugins), a good internet browser (Firefox extended with plugins), a music player that supports music collection and a lot more - Exaile, a video player, and all the available codecs. It can open all types of file formats. It's a LiveCD, which means that you can test it without installing and after this optionally install it - it has a nice easy graphical installer.

It's the first Slackware-based LiveCD distribution with GNOME by default. It includes NetworkManager and initng in place of sysvinit. It also features accessibility tools. It is also the first release with the innovative portable applications system. This allows you to download application from the site (modules section), place it where you like, and use it. It's just a single file, no directories. You can also use this application without installing it, directly from the internet. However, after this, the speed of the application is limited by the speed of your connection, of course. Check out the "Applications" section on the website.

Besides this, you can install software with the apt-get-like system "slapt-get" and it's graphical front-end: GSlapt. It also contains src2pkg and sbopkg in case you want to compile something from source or existing SlackBuild Depfinder is included to find dependencies of packages. Click here for a guide on how to use those. I also managed to put development tools in there, like GCC, G++, svn, cvs, so on... This is a release candidate, and despite that it's OK for using. It has a bit more things to do until the release (like language selection on the boot menu), but I decided that it's important to put it here for testing.

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Slackware :: Lost Wireless Keybord And Mouse Upgrading Slackware Current

Oct 24, 2010

Lost my wireless keyboard and mouse upgrading slackware current.Boot seems to be normal.I just can't login, cause have no keyboard.

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Slackware :: Pkgbuild - Modern, Multi-architecture, Package Builder For Slackware?

May 25, 2010

We are pleased to present one of our new creations: pkgbuild, a tool written in standard C++, using libCURL, ZLib, BZip2 and libLZMA (part of XZ). It is a modern Slackware packages builder, network-transparent, multi-architecture, designed to greatly simplify the creation of a package, automatically executing the required post processing.

What does it do? Recognize and build packages for the following architectures: i386, i486, i586, i686, x86_64, IA64, IA32e, s390, s390x, sparc and sparc64.


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Slackware :: Enable Ling Separate X Sessions With Dual Monitors In Slackware?

Jun 29, 2011

how to on enable ling separate X sessions with dual monitors in slackware? In rhel all I have to do is enable it under the nvidia-settings... In slackware it does not work that well... to what I understand you have to configure a separate x session...

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