Slackware :: Backup .tgz Files ?

Jan 4, 2010

I've been installing a fair amount of packages from Is it a good idea to backup the tgz files i get from building the .SlackBuild files?. I think this would save me time in case if i reinstall slack, then i can install these packages by doing just


Instead going through the whole:
1)Download source,SlackBuild script
2)Run SlackBuild script
3)finally installpkg if successful.

Will there be any problems with configurations if i don't do it from the beginning?. I thought of this because some packages took helluva time to download and compile.

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Slackware :: How To Disable Backup Files

Apr 25, 2010

how to disable backup files? It is kinda annoying when editing lot of files and I personally see no point having them.

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Slackware :: Complete Backup Solution Ike 'Acronis True Image Backup And Recovery

Jun 12, 2010

I have been looking for a complete backup solution like "Acronis True Image Backup and Recovery" on Windows for Slackware a while.

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Ubuntu :: Restore Backup Server - Where Is The Location Backup Snapshots Or Files Are Saving

May 10, 2011

I install and tested Restore EE Backup server on a test PC with basic configuration and its working fine.


The issue i have is where is the location these backup snapshots or files are saving? I want to add a separate Storage to save the backup?

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General :: Mount Point For Backup Drive - Partition To Backup The Important Files On My Main HDD

May 21, 2011

I'm just setting up a partition on a seperate HDD in my system. I plan to use the partition to backup the important files on my main HDD (to guard against HD crash).

The question I have is about where would be the typical location to auto mount this partition? Which would it be normal to go for:

1. /backup/
2. /media/backup/
3. /mnt/backup/
4. /home/chris/backup/

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Slackware :: Backup Of Kalarm Settings

May 26, 2010

I'd like to be able to backup the settings for kalarm but can't seem to find them. Same for Dolphin. Anyone know where they might be located?

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Slackware :: DVD Backup Software Suggestions

Jun 30, 2010

This isn't truly Slackware specific but I thought who would know better than the Slackware community. My issue is I am tired of being tech-support for my in-laws trying to keep their XP and Vista desktops functioning and would like to convert there setups to Linux. Their needs in terms of applications etc are very basic, primarily internet surfing and photos. The one application they use very frequently is a DVD backup software that runs on XP called DVD X Copy, and basically it is a one click rip and burn process for them to make backups of their DVD collection. I personally do not own and have not used such applications before so I am not familiar with some alternatives. I know of lots of programs that Rip or Burn DVD's very well but what I am looking for is a dead-simple way on Linux for them to maintain that functionality. Anything involving more than a couple steps would be challenging to them as they are very inexperienced PC users and slightly technophobic. I looked on Wine to see if the program would run under Wine but did not see it listed in the database.

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Slackware :: Filesystem Errors After Backup With Dd?

Jun 11, 2010

in preparation for the update to Slackware64 13.1 I did a complete backup of my system with dd.

I used the Slackware 13.0 (not 64 bit) DVD to boot and executed the command:
# dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb

The command finished without any errors as expected. First I tried to boot the destination hard disk to check if the backup was successful and I can start with updating the source disk to 13.1. But at boot time I got the message that the last file system check is 197 day ago, the file system check started automatically and found errors which it could not correct. At this point I thought it was maybe a copy or a hard disk error and tried to boot the source disk. But the behaviour was exactly the same on the source disk. With the source disk I followed then the recommendation, logged in with root password and executed the recommended command which was something like e2fsck -v -h /dev/sda1. Then the system did a file system check and scrolled a lot of numbers over the screen. After a while it reported that it's ready and the system needs a restart.
I switched off and on again. Then the system bootet as usual, and seems to run okay at the moment. But now I'm unsure if really everything is okay.

What I'm confused of is, why the system reported that the last file system check was 197 days ago and why this was just after the dd backup. Shouldn't the automatic file system check at boot time run more often as every 197 days or mounts? I didn't change any default settings (as far as I know). The file system of the root partition is ext4 and my computer normally is switched on and off once every day.

My question now is, if this behaviour can have something to do with the dd backup.
Is my system after the file system check okay again, or should I expect further problems?

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Slackware :: Search Harddrive For MBR Backup?

Nov 2, 2010

I screwed up and managed to overwrite my MBR with one that had a different partition table, thereby losing access to all of my partitions and data. Now, I was semi-smart and backed up the MBR before I did this, but the "semi-" part is that I backed it up onto the hard drive in question because I was thinking only in terms of losing my ability to boot from the MBR, not the whole partition table. I see it my only means to recover my data is to find and recover that 512 byte block on the disk media. Having read a little bit, this seems possible given that I know to look for a) the MBR signature at offset 510, b) the partition status byte at offset 446, and c) the partition type byte at offset 450.

What I need is help figuring out the most efficient way to do this. I've experimented with a shell script using dd, hexdump, and grep, but searching 1000 blocks takes ~20seconds, so to search the whole drive (100GB) will take something like 800hrs. This is limited, I believe, by the fact that my live disk of Knoppix won't recognize a drive on the SATA bus, so I had the target drive mounted through a USB adapter. But even if it were being accessed via SATA, I have a feeling it would be pretty slow.

I need someone who is an expert to help me figure out a script, program, etc. that can search for and identify the sector where my MBR backup resides more efficiently.

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Slackware :: How To Run Rsnapshot To Backup Home Directory?

Apr 24, 2010

I have installed rsnapshot from slackbuilds.How to run it to backup home directory?I'm also reading the official docs.

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Slackware :: Automated Remote Backup Of Laptop Using RSnapshot?

May 25, 2010

I have a machine on my network and that machine is a mass storage server that I will eventually use as a media server (to stream movies, videoclips and music on my home theater system). I use slackware 13 on ALL of my machines.

I am trying to automate the backup of the "/home" folder of my laptop onto the mass storage server. I currently use rsnapshot and it works great, but I would like to automate the whole process, even if I am not home or in front of my machines...

Here's what I imagined (in pseudo code):

1) Poll if server is active (up);
1.1) If not:
1.1.1) Wake up the server (WOL);
1.1.2) Wait for the server to boot;
1.1.3) Confirm the server has made it to the login prompt (normal boot); If not, send an alarm via email;


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Slackware :: Trying To Install 'Gmail Backup' But It Requires Python2.5

May 9, 2011

When I run the install of 'Gmail Backup' (from URL...) an error msg appears stating that I must have python2.5 - I presently have python2.8Is there any way to solve this without destroying my Slackware 13.37 installation?

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Server :: Take A Backup Of Files?

Jul 5, 2011

We have linux base server in US. We have to take a backup of that server we access this server through SSH secure shell client we have to take a backup of that server in our pc.can anybody tell us How we should take backup of all files in our pc.

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Slackware :: What Is Quickest And Safest Way To Backup Root & Home Partitions?

Jul 28, 2011

I would like to attempt creating a cron job to backup my root (/dev/sda1) & home (/dev/sda3) partitions to an external USB drive.I have been using Clonezilla to make image backups but, I have to physically do it, when I remember or have the time. I have never created a cron job, and worse, I have never created a .sh file which, I think, is what I need to do.

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Fedora Servers :: Backup Up My Files ?

Mar 21, 2009

I'm going to be launching my website soon, and I found a company to host it on one of their dedicated servers. I think I'm going to go with fedora as to OS, and well my problem is I'm having trouble finding a company to backup up my files, that both supports fedora and well is reasonably priced.

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Ubuntu :: Backup Files In Network?

Dec 20, 2010

i installed ubuntu 10.10 and i need to make backup for files in my network (small company) who use windows system.there is any solution or any open sofwatre on ubtunu .and i like to to choose the type of file to backup

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General :: Finding Files To Backup?

Mar 12, 2011

I have a situation where a directory has about 1.5 million files in it. On an hourly basis, I want to be able to find any files that have changed in the last hour, compress them, encrypt them and then copy them to both a local backup machine and an off site backup.

Is there any kind of utility or kernel module that creates some type of log of modified files? I know I can use find, but the search for -mtime in this directory takes quite a while and will not suffice for an hourly backup.

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General :: Backup Only The Files Which Have Changed?

May 18, 2011

if there an application which does the following:

1. I have a laptop with an internal 200GB HD.

2. I run the application & it creates a list of all files (size & time-stamp) without actually storing them. Let's call this the "snapshot list".

3. I update some of the files on the laptop.

4. Now I run the application & it only copies the files which have changed on the laptop, that have different size/time-stamp from the snapshot list, onto some external media, such as a memory card. Of course, the files should be copied onto their proper location in the directory tree & not just pile up in one place.

Why is this useful? although the laptop has a 200GB HD I typically only update a small number of files, whose total size is maybe 10MB or so. If I could only backup those which have changed, I could do this with a tiny SD card instead of lugging around an external usb HD.

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Software :: Get Files From Clonzilla Backup?

Mar 11, 2011

I have a clonezilla backup,.. and I'd like to grab some files from it without restoring the whole thing.

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Fedora :: Can Store And Backup Files Online

Mar 12, 2010

How is it possible to store and backup our files online? I don�t know that how this concept actually works. is there any kind of device needed while storing data at another location

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OpenSUSE :: Backup With Yast Does Not Name The Files As Expected

Mar 8, 2011

When i create a backup with yast using the option to manually create it, i select the file name /mnt/Backup/system-full-$(date +%F).tar which results later on in two files, the xml file and the tar file with different names:

for example
/mnt/Backup/system-full-2011-03-08.tar, /mnt/Backup/system-full-$(date +%F).xml

this is not acceptable. both files should have the same suffix. Is this the expected behavior or should i report a bug?

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General :: Display Backup Files In Gnome?

Feb 2, 2010

I'm using gnome. I created some text files. After I change something in myfile.txt there's myfile.txt~ automatically created as a backup. Ok... now, on KDE I see these ~ files and I can delete them if I want but they're hidden in gnome... Gnome seems to treat them as special hidden files (just like .mydir directories) How do I make ~ files visible in gnome so I could edit or delete them?

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General :: Script To Backup And FTP Files To Another Server

Sep 13, 2010

I am using MySQL as the database system for my application on a Linux system. Every week I update the system and take backups (mysqldump) of the databases changed (2 databases). I then .tar.gz them and ftp the resulting file to a remote server, after which I remove the original backups and tar.gz files from the Linux server. Being a complete novice when it comes to Unix systems, I would like to know if it is possible to write a script which would do all this automatically, i.e. perform the following steps.

1) Backup database A to A.sql (mysqldump)
2) Backup database B to B.sql (mysqldump)
3) tar -cvzf dest.tar.gz A.sql B.sql
4) ftp dest.tar.gz to
5) Delete A.sql, B.sql, dest.tar from local server

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Ubuntu :: Find A Way To Backup Files To Cdr/dvdr?

Jan 17, 2010

I'm trying to find a way to backup my files to cdr/dvdr. I'd like to put a blank disk in when I finish using the machine, have it backup anything new, up to the size of the media and stop. I can put in new media the next day and I'd like it to continue from where it left off. It would be best if the backups are readable by any machine and I could extract specific files if a problem should arise. Any suggestions? Tar won't let me specify a final archive size and wants to do all the volumes in the backup at the same time.

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Ubuntu :: Backup Files To Ntfs With Rsync?

May 31, 2010

well, i know ther are issues when using rsync to copy files to ntfs partition like file permission blah blah. the thing is, i need to backup my music files periodically onto a ntfs partition from ext4. i really dont care about file permissions or any other stuff. when i use rsync, it should update the mp3 files on my ntfs (external) disc with the new ones.can i give a go with this operation? i have lot more important files on the external disc and i dont want this rsync corrupt or delete those files coz they are highly important files.

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Ubuntu :: Backup Files From Home Automatically?

Aug 20, 2010

I am pretty new to using Ubuntu and want to find a way that I can backup files remotely to my Ubuntu box. My Ubuntu box is running at work and I want to backup files from home automatically every night.Also which solution encrypts the data en route? For example a server with multiple clients with different directory paths.

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Ubuntu :: External Backup HD Sharing With Win 7 And OS Files

Nov 18, 2010

I am a beginner to Ubuntu / linux. I plan to partition my laptop (HP pavilion) for Windows 7 and Linux (Ubuntu). Can I backup both Linux and Windows 7 files to a single external USB hard drive? (Obviously, they will be in separate directories). If yes, how do I do that? If not, what are my alternatives?

I assume Ubuntu will recognize a USB hard drive as an external flash drive, right? I also notice external SATA hard drive docking stations with USB interface are available, and I have not use them before. The devices takes internal SATA hard drive. If you have use them before, let me know how did you format it using Ubuntu or Windows7 while the drive is attached to the station.

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Ubuntu :: How To Read Backup Files In Windows

Jun 15, 2011

I had some problems with my hdd, I fixed most of the problems with "testdrive" or "testdisk" (cant remember) but I have some bad sections on my disk right where my important data is. I made a backup with "dd" from a live cd. I have the backup with a reading error or 5 so I guess most data is safe? I have the backup of the whole drive on an other hdd and now I need to get just a few folders out of it. I tried in windows but I can't read it. Poweriso can but not the privet folders like /var/ and that folder I need. I had a password on the account so I guess that is part of the problem? How to read the backup file in windows?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Simple Backup HD Including All Files?

Feb 20, 2010

I am somewhat new to Linux and I am looking for a way to back up my HD with all my Linux files. I have a Toshiba laptop running Windows 7. The HD has been partitioned so that the computer can run Red Hat Scientific Linux. Using Grub I can dual boot to either Windows 7 or Linux on start up. I want a simple way of backing up the entire contents of my HD (both partitions - everything) - so that in the event of my laptop being damaged I can reconstruct my set up and data as before with all my files and settings in both Windows 7 and Linux intact. Is there a simple program that will enable me to copy everything to an external HD for back up. Can anyone recommend a package that will do this?

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Ubuntu :: Backup - Files With Cyrilic Filenames

Jan 22, 2010

I'm writing a small script to automate the backup: Problem: within the folder structure there're files and folders with Cyrillic characters: Example (this is not for bucking up the mp3s; it's only an example):

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