Slackware :: POSTFIX And SMTP Relay Denied

Mar 23, 2010

I just finish install & setup postfix & spamassasin. I can send & received email from my local area network. i already install webmail client & I can send received. When using my pda from outside my network I can received but I just can send email to my domain only. For other domain it's error relay access denied. Here my postfix configuration.

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Fedora Servers :: Relay Access Denied 554 5.7.1 (postfix And Smtp)

Jul 2, 2010

My postfix is ok with receiving emails but i can send mail to my domain only [URL] When I want to send to other domains i receive this error (in the maillog):


postfix/smtpd[14172]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from[]: 554 5.7.1 <>: Relay access denied; from=<> to=<> proto=ESMTP helo=<[]>

it is the same via thunderbird or via telnet. This is my configuration


alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes
command_directory = /usr/sbin


I used 'sampledomain' instead of my real domain

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Server :: Postfix As SMTP Relay To Exchange Help

Jul 27, 2009

I have a linux box on my DMZ with postfix on it. I have exchange on our internal LAN on

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Ubuntu Servers :: SMTP 554 5.7.1 : Relay Access Denied

Aug 18, 2010

I have setup my own home server . All the applications are working perfectly except one I can't send Emails. I check weda my smtp has any errors not welll I got this


220 ESMTP Postfix (Ubuntu)


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Ubuntu Servers :: SMTP Relay - How To Configure Postfix

Jan 26, 2010

I've search high and low.. does anyone know how to configure Postfix/Dovecot to use another SMTP server (i.e. as my ISP blocks port 25?

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Server :: Postfix Not Relay Mail Via Gmail Account SMTP

Feb 11, 2011

I'm trying to set up my postfix server to relay mail (via a php cms) using Gmail's smtp on my account, but for some reason, Gmail returns an error code that StartTLS must be sent first, my postfix main.cnf file can be found at pastebin, because of this forum's text length I cannot paste my postfix main.cnf file as can be seen I have everything set and configured for Gmail, but postfix (for some unseen reason) can not send StartTLS. [URL].

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OpenSUSE :: Postfix Relay Denied On 11.4

Jun 4, 2011

I was never confident with postfix, but used it for several years now on my own server. I even noted the exact config used. But my old server crashed and I have to build fast a news one and I don't receive mails anymore. Here is the log message when trying to send to me from gmail:

Jun 4 08:06:34 ks3095514 postfix/smtpd[4008]: connect from[]
Jun 4 08:06:34 ks3095514 postfix/smtpd[4008]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from[]: 554 5.7.1 <>: Relay access denied; from=<> to=<> proto=ESMTP helo=<>
Jun 4 08:06:35 ks3095514 postfix/smtpd[4008]: disconnect from[]

The file is the openSUSE default one (see below). Part of my problems seems to come from the reverse. I *could once* receive one test messsage to "" (the default reverse/domain name) (below, commented out), but not for my own domain ( Most of the time the only necessary lines are mydomain, myhostname, myorigin and mydestination, but this don't work anymore. New defaults??. local (from and to the server) mail works, root can send to jdd and I read it from home.

mydomain =
inet_protocols = all
biff = no
mail_spool_directory = /var/mail
canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/canonical
virtual_alias_domains = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
relocated_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/relocated
transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport
sender_canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sender_canonical
masquerade_exceptions = root .....

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Ubuntu :: Postfix Relay Access Denied?

Jun 3, 2010

When attempting to check my postfix install by using telnet to send an email to an address outside my local network, I get a relay access denied error.

This is how I attempted to send an email

telnet my_server 25
helo my_server
mail from: me@my_server
rcpt to:


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Server :: Postfix SASL - Relay Access Denied?

Mar 21, 2011

distro = debian 5

when i tried to send to other domain, i will get "Relay access denied"

below are my configs

# postconf -n
alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
append_dot_mydomain = no


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Server :: Use Postfix Send Mail Return 'relay Access Denied' ?

Jan 24, 2010

my server is Redhat as 5 + postfix +Dovecot .when i use smtp to send mail,it can't to send,the system return "relay access denied" ? This is my

# Global Postfix configuration file. This file lists only a subset
# of all parameters. For the syntax, and for a complete parameter
# list, see the postconf(5) manual page (command: "man 5 postconf").
# For common configuration examples, see BASIC_CONFIGURATION_README


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Ubuntu Servers :: Virtual SMTP With A Postfix Relay - Configure The "Relayer MTA"?

Feb 19, 2011

I'm trying to use different MTA servers (one for each domain) on the same public IP and port (25). Here I attach a graphic of my idea, to have a Postfix server that receives all incoming mail from internet, and relays to different local servers. esquema_mta-dns.jpg How can be configured the "Relayer MTA" ?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Postfix "Relay Access Denied" Error?

Jul 3, 2010

i have been working on setting up an email server over a ddns. All seems to be working (i can email to except that when i try and send to another email address ( i get the error "5.7.1 Relay access denied". The way i tested this is as follows:
me@my_ddns_domain:~/$ netcat 25
220 ESMTP Postfix (Ubuntu)
ehlo localhost

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Ubuntu :: Gmail Relay And Post Fix / Send Emails With Postfix And Gmail As The Mail Relay?

Apr 29, 2011

My issue is that i'm trying to send emails with postfix and gmail as the mail relay,i'm trying to send emails to my self by sendmail -bv

In the logs, i can understand that it been delivered to the destination,
taken from: /var/log/mail.log:
Apr 30 00:05:23 moni postfix/pickup[10490]: 9C7552170C: uid=0 from=<root>
Apr 30 00:05:23 moni postfix/cleanup[10495]: 9C7552170C: message-id=<20110429210523.9C7552170C@moni.localdomain>
Apr 30 00:05:23 moni postfix/qmgr[10491]: 9C7552170C: from=<root@moni.localdomain>, size=283, nrcpt=1 (queue active)

When login in my gmail account i can't see nothing under the sent / inbox / spam folder.

it's seems like the mail are been sent.. but nothing is happening.

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CentOS 5 :: Postfix Mail Server Will Not Start Tried To Change Postfix Smtp Port?

Oct 4, 2010

so i set out to change the default smtp port the server uses because my ISP blocks port 25 and i need the email to work in outlook. this morning i could receive email, but not send it. so i did some research and thought that i needed to edit the file in /etc/postfix/ by commenting out this line: smtp inet n - n - - smtpd -oand replace it with587 inet n - n - - smtpd (587 being the port i want to use)somewhere along the lines postfix server stopped running and now i cannot get it to start.if i try using SSH it crashes immediately and if i restart it in simple control panel nothing happens

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Fedora Servers :: Set Up An External SMTP Relay Box?

Jun 29, 2011

I've tried googling this, and am having trouble finding something that doesn't end up being dizzying or confusing.

I was wondering if anybody could provide me with a concise, conclusive answer/guide.

I have a set of servers which require redundant SMTP relay. The first two of their SMTP relays are their own SMTP servers, and as such, are not dependable in the event that their network/servers go down. Their monitoring software runs on their machines as well, and uses the SMTP servers they themselves host.

I need to set up an external SMTP relay box that they can use to relay their monitoring alerts/admin notices in the case that their mailservers go down.

I have a company exchange server with pop/imap support @ my disposal but, unfortunately, that box runs Windows and does not permit any changes to services or additional software to add for the purposes of relaying clients.

So now, I need to create a dedicated linux box that can act as a relay to send email coming from the monitoring/admin/alert software in case their first two smtp servers have gone down.

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Security :: Secure Webmail - SMTP Relay In DMZ?

Apr 11, 2010

When you set up a webmail solution these days, either on your home LAN or at a small business. What steps do you take to make the solution as secure as possible? A couple of years ago it was sufficient to port forward both port 25 and 80/443 to you server located on the internal LAN. Today you're more likely to have a SMTP relay in a DMZ of some kind. But the webmail, how do you solve this? Do you place a dedicated webmail frontend in the DMZ and open ports towards the internal LAN, or do you just place the entire server in the DMZ? I'm looking for input for a small network/home LAN so it shouldn't be to complex.

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Run DMZ Postifx Smtp - Relay Each Domain To Different Server?

Jan 19, 2010

I want to run a DMZ postifx smtp relay that will collect and relay several domains, this I can do. But is it possible to then relay each domain to a different server?If so how ? and what set up is needed.

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Software :: How To Setup Sendmail As SMTP Relay?

May 15, 2011

I want to setup sendmail using my username and password on my ISP to be able to send out messages.This is actually true as the mylocaldomain is not a public Internet domain. Just a localdomain for our local network. However, I was expecting that to change to the username in my authinfo "myusername@myispdomain" since this account is authorized to send out email with my ISP.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up Authenticated SMTP Relay?

Jun 15, 2010

I am new to the Ubuntu Community and just starting to build my Ubuntu 10.04 Server. I am a novice in Ubuntu, though maybe not a full n00b any more

I travel around a lot with my laptop, (also Ubuntu 10.04). However, my ISP does not allow me to send email via their SMTP when I am not in their IP range.

Since I have this little server I am building, I thought it would be nice if I could have my own SMTP relay. The objectives would be simple:

- I do not need a mailbox or POP server (yet).
- I wish to send email from any place in the world. I can not use a filter on IP ranges or local networks only.
- If my server could do this, I just configure Evolution on my laptop to send mail to my home IP address, using some sort of authentication and/or security/encryption (whichever is easy to implement).
- My server then just forwards my mail to my ISP. Since the server is inside the IP range, it can be handled as usual.

I have been digging through several howto's and the ubuntu server guide, searching some forums etc. Even while I don't fully grasp the things explained, I can't get the idea that one of those is "Just what I need".

Even still, if there is some other service outside my own that can do this (a public SMTP relay maybe?) I would also be happy to consider as long as it is safe and does not "eavesdrop" on my messages.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Setup Smtp Relay For Mdadm And Smarted?

Mar 4, 2011

My O/S is CentOS. What is used when mailing out? sendmail, posix, mailX???

And How do I configure it?

Need to use my ISP mail server other wise my ip gets flagged for spam.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Specifying Smtp Relay On Commandline Of Mail Command?

Aug 9, 2011

On my opensuse 11.4 box (although I assume the version is irrelevant), I'm trying to figure out how to do something with the mail command. We have multiple smtp relay servers and sometimes I have to test to verify that mail is bouncing off of them successfully. On my laptop, in my file for postfix, I've got the relay server listed. But to test multiple servers, I have to change the, restart postfix, send message, and then repeat for each test.

I'm trying to figure out a way to specify the smtp relay on the command line. I've been playing with the -S option which is supposed to allow variables and one of the variables in the man page is 'smtp'. I've tried several different syntaxes but nothing seems to work.

The closest I've come is:
mail -S smtp -s "test" <

That syntax doesn't give me an error but it still routes the message off the smtp server listed in which is not

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mail SMTP Relay / Copy All Traffic To Another Port For Monitoring?

Sep 2, 2010

I'm running ASSP on Ubuntu 10.04.1 it's mostly working fine. I have one problem which has been bugging me for some time. I don't want to filter outbound mail, but if I can relay (proxy) my outbound mail through ASSP, then it can automatically add to the whitelist.

As ASSP is a proxy, I need a server to send it to once ASSP receives it. I've tried my ISP, but this failed and they weren't willing to confirm if a connection attempt was received at their end.

Current setup


mx -> router -> ASSP -> Exchange 2003


Exchange 2003 -> mx

I'd like to setup outbound as either

Exchange 2003 -> ASSP -> <ISP> SMTP relay
Exchange 2003 -> ASSP -> <relay running on Ubuntu eg postfix>

Can anyone help me with troubleshooting steps or a better suggestion for how I can set this up. I'd love to know why my ISP setup didn't work, but I don't know a tool for monitoring IP traffic in Ubuntu SE, in windows I use Wireshark is there any equivalent I can setup for Ubuntu or a tool I can use in windows which will show all traffic, Ubuntu and windows server are on the same netgear switch, not sure it's smart enough to copy all traffic to another port for monitoring.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Noob Setup Simple SMTP Relay Contradiction In Terms?

Jun 7, 2011

Is the term a 'simple SMTP relay' a contradiction in terms?!I have an elderly Dell server on which I have just made a fresh install of 10.04 LTS server. I had 8.04 running on it for a long time, but I haven't tried an SMTP server before. It is a headless server with CLI (no GUI) and the latest version of Webmin installed.I have a basic LAMP server installed for a few websites using PHPbb and Joomla, and also I run a Mediatomb server for our household. When I installed I also chose to install mail services, but these remain masked behind NAT at the moment

I now want to set up an SMTP relay server so when I am working away and using different wifi points or my notoriously unreliable 3G dongle I can always send emails through the home server (from my iPhone and my laptop) rather than having to look up the SMTP server for each ISP of the place where I am working.

What I want is an authenticated server which takes my email and redirects it to my home ISP's SMTP server. I need only 3 authenticated users to have access (myself, my wife and my son). I don't need (or want) any incoming mail services at all.

Useful modules installed are: Dovecot, Postfix, Procmail mail filter, PAM - but how do I set them up?

Is there any simple setup that I could do, preferably through Webmin, but I can handle CLI if necessary?

I have looked at the Ubuntu help pages, but it looks so complicated to set up something that seems like it should be so simple to me.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Relay Access Denied 5.7.1

Jul 9, 2010

Setup an Ubuntu LAMP server to house a Wordpress site. Everything is gravy but I am having some troubles getting emails to route outside my local network. I have setup Internet and also added my ISP SMTP as a smarthost - either way I get the dreaded Relay Access Denied 5.7.1.

I am using DynDns as I do not have a static IP - not sure if this makes a difference?

telnet 25
ehlo localhost
250-SIZE 10240000


I have also tried the above with my ISP smtp IP in relayhost - same error.

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General :: POST-FIX Relay Denied In Other Domain Name

Jun 8, 2011

I want to implement POSTFIX as our MAILSERVER.I have a couple questions some I already posted here now theres another error regarding on sending recipient in other domain like postfix server detected that i have an error on relay which is denied in other domain name...can anyone guide me how to fix it I think i have to update my

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Server :: Relay Access Denied Error

Dec 17, 2010

I have not done the SMTP debug yet but just from basic troubleshooting, I think I know what the problem is. My mail server is rejecting my web server from sending mail due to 'relay access denied':

root@www:# telnet mail.domain.tld 25
Connected to mail.domain.tld.
Escape character is '^]'.


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Ubuntu Servers :: Nullmailer Relay Through The Postfix?

Feb 21, 2011

I currently have a postfix / dovecot server running on one ubuntu server with nullmailer relaying webmail on a different server. This is currently working except the mail server is rejecting incorrect addresses which results in the messages being stuck in the nullmailer queue on the webmail server. Is it possible to force postfix to accept and manage all relayed messages from webmail, or is it possible for the nullmailer to manage the bounced messages correctly?

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Server :: Postfix To Deliver Local Relay

May 25, 2010

Some mail coming to my postfix server will need to be delivered local and the rest to an internal mail server.
The internal mail server is where there is no but there is a
Is it possible to configure postfix to do this?

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Ubuntu :: Get Postfix Working Using Virgin Media As A Relay?

Jun 12, 2011

Has anyone managed to get postfix working using virgin media as a relay?

is there any alternative if thats my ISP? they wont give out static IP

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OpenSUSE Network :: Setting Up Default Postfix Sender / Using Relay For MTA

Dec 17, 2010

I have setup up an Opensuse as a simple we/application server.It handles requests for various things and will need to send out email on occasion for things like password reset requests, information / warnings etc. etc.This is a standard OPenSuse 11.x install with defaults so it comes with Postfix as the mta.I do not want a mail server I just want to send out via my clients mail server which is hosted exchange rackspace, which simply requires SMTP auth to do so.What would be the proper way to do this so ALL e-mail send from this machine, regardless of account like WWWRun or when logged in and sending from the command line has the same sender all the time.

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