Slackware :: No Sound In Any Web Browser?

Dec 7, 2010

This problem applies to Konqueror, Firefox, and Seamonkey. It applies equally to all forms of online sound content, from flash to yahoo media player. Yes, the sliders are up in my sound mixer! I have sound from all other apps, just not web browsers. It also applies to alluser accounts.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Sound With New Sound Card - Web Browser Is Unable To Play Any Sound

Mar 24, 2010

After installing an external sound card, Im having some weird issues. The cards chipset is fully supported by suse, (CM8738) so I dont think thats the problem. Besides, I'm getting sound, but not in some applications. The system's sounds work just fine (login, logout themes) amarok plays without any problems, kaffeine, mplayer they all work flawlessly, in fact I can see the difference in quality between the onboard sound and my new card. However, no web browser is able to play any sound at all, firefox, opera or chrome, nothing,zip. Plus, vlc cant reproduce sound either, nor can smplayer.

I've tried switching channels on and off(muting)in kmixer and in alsamixer, on the console, with no results. I disabled the onboard audio on the bios before installing the new card, however my ati video card has integrated sound, which I cant disable.... I used to get this exact same problem randomly with the onboard sound, but I just had to go to kmixer and turn up the "pcm" channel volume, which was set to 0, and I had sound again on my browser. However this card's pcm channel is at max and turning it up or down affects the whole systems volume, not just the browser's. Is it better to just reinstall the sound system, if so how could I do that.

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General :: Can't Get Any Sound From Browser?

Mar 13, 2011

a week ago, i updated my computer from ubuntu 8.04 to 10.04, and since then, no sound plays from any browsers (i've tried firefox, which has been my main browser for years, and epiphany web browser, which seems to be the linux equivalent to internet explorer). i'm still able to play videos videos, but i get no sound from them. however, mp3's, skype, and audacity all work just fine; i just can't get any sound from my browser.

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Software :: Sound Fails In Web Browser

Jun 13, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 on a dell desktop box. In Firefox, find that after it has run for a while, a couple of hours or so, the audio dies watching ..... or videos, etc. If I exit ff and start it up again, the sound is fine again for a while. To restore it, I only need to exit and restart the browser, not the whole machine. I have tried using google chrome instead but it does the same thing. Any suggestions?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: No Sound In Movies And Browser

Sep 22, 2010

Can anybody give me a clue why there is no sound when I watch videos via any player or browser?, I've installed "restricted formats codecs", (well I did it many times for GNOME desktop of 11.3 SUSE and it was ok), now when I've installed KDE and downloaded these codecs, there is no sound in any video media I play. Audio card seems to be working and configured just fine, then it should be codecs, but what else can I install instead?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Sound Seems To Come Out Of Any Internet Browser

Aug 5, 2010

I'm having a really weird sound problem with my computer, an ASUS running both Windows VII and Kubuntu 10.4

For some reason, no sound seems to come out of any Internet Browser. Other than that, it works fine. So far, I've tried Google Chrome and Konqueror.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Sound In Flash Any Browser

May 25, 2011

Sound from other applications is fine. I have tried removing and reinstalling the flash packages but it did not help. Any ideas on how to trouble shoot this further? I am running 11.04 64bit. It was working fine earlier but something seems to have screwed it up.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Sound In Flash On Any Web Browser

May 27, 2011

I cannot figure out how to get sound working from Adobe Flash on Ubuntu 11.04 Desktop! No matter what browser I use, I still get no sound in flash on any browser!

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Software :: No Sound In Flash On Firefox Browser

Aug 13, 2010

Since the last firefox update I got no sound in flash on both my Acer Aspire 3614WLMi (Ubuntu 10.04) and my Asus Eee 900 (were I'm currently testing Jolicloud 1.0). I have tried to uninstall everything flash on both of them and then downloading flash from Adobe and reinstalling. This helps after a reboot, but then after closing Firefox I got the same problem when I restart it. I have also tried the fixes on this site with no result: [URL]

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OpenSUSE Install :: Sound On 11.3 Is Choppy During Playback With CD And In A Web Browser

Aug 28, 2010

The sound on 11.3 is choppy during playback with CD and in a web browser how can I fix it

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Slackware :: Browser Only Rebuild Of SeaMonkey?

Jun 18, 2011

I'm currently trying to rebuild the Seamonkey package so as to have only the browser, and not all the remaining cruft like Mail, News, Composer and Dishwasher. I remember having done this for a few years - Netscape also allowed to do that - and it went well. Basically, all you had to do was to replace the --enable-application=suite option by something like --enable-application=browser, and then disable the other apps explicitly with some option like --disable-calendar, --disable-mailnews, --disable-composer, if I remember correctly.

I've tried to rebuild the Seamonkey source with a modified SlackBuild, but to no avail. ./configure --help shows me some options in that direction, but I have yet to find out some magic combination to get it to work. --enable-application=APP doesn't seem to know the browser-only option anymore, and defining various --disable-mailnews and --disable-calendar options results in compilation errors.

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Slackware :: Encrypting Messages Sent Via A Web Browser?

Nov 25, 2010

Kernel, Slackware 12.0

When sending an LQ post, my browser says "You're about to send information that's not encrypted". OK. I tell him not to show the warning again. But what if I want to encrypt? How do I do it?

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Slackware :: Set Chromium As The Default Browser?

May 25, 2011

How do I set chromium as the default browser?

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Fedora :: Can't Hear Sound In Browser Firefox When Playing Videos

Oct 10, 2009

I can't ear any sound in '.....' when i watch videos is there anyone. i have the adobe flashplayer installed and i'm using firefox 3.5.3

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Sound OK With KsCD But Not Kaffeine / Amarok Or Browser?

Sep 15, 2010

I've installed openSuse 11.3 recently and the sound card is ok because I can play audio with KsCD but there's no sound at all with any of the other players or browsers. Video now is ok after installing Packman Repository etc, but still no sound.

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Slackware :: No Sound In 13.1 Intel On Board Sound Card

Aug 30, 2010

I was just given a computer from a coworker and installed the latest Slackware version on it. I then installed Gnome Slackbuild and installed the Nvidia driver.I've run alsaconf and it seems to run fine without any errors and unmuted all the channels in alsamixer.

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Slackware :: How To Customize Konqueror Browser For About:config

Apr 2, 2010

Typing about:config from konqueror,get nothing.How can i change general.useragent.extra like firefox?

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Slackware :: Make Konqueror A Viable Web Browser?

Nov 12, 2010

I've finally got Konqueror working well enough to uninstall Firefox. The problem has been KHTML, which has big problems rendering modern web content with heavy scripting. a team of developers has been working on creating a webkit rendering engine as a modular Kpart for Konqueror. Kwebkit will probably be included with KDE 4.6, but for the moment it's something you have to install yourself. Here's what I did. First of all, these steps were all performed on a -current64 box with Alien Bob's KDE 4.5.3 package [URL] installed. I started out by installing kwebkitpart using the package available here: [URL]

At this point you can use kwebkit by launching Konqueror, going into View > View Mode and selecting Kwebkit. Trouble is, it's not going to be stable... Konqueror will crash constantly. In order to achieve stability you have to install QT4.7 or higher.

You can get the latest QT (4.7.1) here: [URL] You don't need the complete development environment; just get the framework. I'm assuming here that you have the Slackware source tree somewhere on your hard drive (mine is in /opt). You'll find QT in the /l directory. Save the existing source code somewhere else and put the code you just downloaded in it's place. Because the new source code has a different name you'll have to modify the script accordingly. I modified this line:


if [ -r $CWD/qt-$VERSION.tar.gz ]; then
tar xvf $CWD/qt-$VERSION.tar.gz || exit 1


if [ -r $CWD/qt-$VERSION-opensource-src-4.7.1.tar.gz ]; then
tar xvf $CWD/qt-$VERSION-opensource-src-4.7.1.tar.gz || exit 1


cd qt-$VERSION || exit 1


cd qt-$VERSION-opensource-src-4.7.1 || exit 1

By the way, I dropped into init 1 before performing the build:


init 1

I'm not sure that's really necessary, but I like to do that before doing anything that directly affects the GUI. Anyway, I then just ran the Slackbuild:



It took a long time. After it builds you can go into pkgtool and uninstall the previous version of qt. Then reboot your box. I rebooted into init 3 so I'd have a working terminal if something went wrong with the new version of qt. But no prob; I booted into the terminal, logged in, startx and no sweat.


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Slackware :: Flash Plugin Do Not Work For Browser X64

Sep 11, 2010

I am Leonardo and I like very much slack 13.1 is very robust and fast for my laptop toshiba, I have a questions about that:

1. The flash plugin do not work in browser x64
2. How know that the fan is setting for ACPI or my CPU is good cooling
3. What is the KDE package manager for this release

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Slackware :: Missing Java - Package Browser Down ?

Dec 17, 2010

I thought I knew what I was doing, just a minimal install of slackware 13.1 for a game server (minecraft), but it seems I missed java or something - I get the "command not found" error. gcc-java is installed. What package did I miss/what series is it in? Does it have any dependencies?

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Slackware :: Update Firefox From Browser Interface?

Mar 7, 2011

Yesterday I try to download the latest version of Firefox from the Web Browser Cliente. But something happen...

I receive a message saying there I don't have persmission for this.

Can anyone explain what type os permission I need to grant to my user?

OBS: I know there I can download the installer from the site, but i want to understand this!!

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Slackware :: Best Text / Terminal Based Browser?

Mar 26, 2010

Just wondering if anyone knew of a really good text based terminal browser to use when I am not running X. I can use Links and do not have too much trouble navigating, but I have not been able to set the screen to view the entire page (I have to move off screen to read the whole page.) So, if anyone knows an easier text browser that is a little easier to set the screen options with code...

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Slackware :: Which File Contains Konqueror Browser Identification?

Apr 19, 2010

Which file contains this line:

Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/4.2; Linux; X11; i686) KHTML/4.2.4 (like Gecko)
I want to edit this line.

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Slackware :: Display Chinese Characters In File Browser ?

Jan 27, 2011

Using Fluxbox, have tried this in XFCE and KDE. Chinese characters display properly in whatever browser I use online. I do need to see some in the file manager and this is not working.

I have installed the following chinese display files from Slack -

No results so far.

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Slackware :: Make A Browser Distinguish Between Files And Folders?

Oct 22, 2010

I'm playing with apache (and to be quite honest have no idea what I'm doing at this stage!) and currently have a large number of files and folders on the sad little site. One thing that is really bothering me is that files and folders both appear the same. I'm not looking for anything fancy. Something like this is more than adequate. Right now there is simply a dot next to each item.

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Slackware :: Flash Plugin Did Not Work Well - Browser Crashes

Mar 11, 2010

I have installed Slackware x86_64 in my computer and everything was fine until I realized that the flash plugin didn't work well. When I want to play a video on ..... the browser crashes. I installed the flash plugin from Slackbuilds. In the Slacbuild file I just check the version and set ARCH to x86_64, What can I do?

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Slackware :: Slackware Current 64 Bit Wine Sound - Error: Alsa:ALSA_CheckSetVolume Could Not Find '{PCM,Line} Playback Volume' Element

Mar 22, 2011

after update to slackware current 4 days ago i cant get sound working in wine in starcraf 2 i mean i got sound in instalation but not in game and i get error when i wanna configure sound in winecfg

err:alsa:ALSA_CheckSetVolume Could not find '{PCM,Line} Playback Volume' element
err:alsa:ALSA_CheckSetVolume Could not find '{PCM,Line} Playback Volume' element
err:alsa:wine_snd_pcm_recover underrun occurred
err:alsa:wine_snd_pcm_recover underrun occurred

in game i dont got that error but sound dont work btw my sound card is asus xonar essence stx

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Slackware :: HDMI Sound After Building A New Kernel ( Slackware 13.1 )?

Aug 21, 2010

I'm currently trying to install unRaid on Slackware following this tutorial :[URL].. I'm new to Linux and after many hours, i finally managed to build the new kernel for unRAID ( But audio on HDMI port doesn't work I tried alsaconf without success. HDMI sound works when i boot into the old kernel.

My codecs are :

root@unraid:~# cat /proc/asound/Intel/code* | grep Codec
Codec: Realtek ALC888
Codec: Intel G45 DEVIBX
lspci -v:


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Slackware :: Slackware 13/VirtualBox 3.1: No Sound When Normal User?

Feb 15, 2010

I installed Slackware 13 in VirtualBox 3.1 (seehere)When I'm logged in as a normal user, I get a mesage that Intel *** (sound device) doesn't work anymore and I hear no sound.But it works very fine when I'm logged in as root.

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Slackware :: High HD Activity Bringing System To Crawl When Browser Is Open

Apr 24, 2010

I'm running Slackware 13 with a custom kernel based off of I tend to leave my system on 24/7, as well as my web browser. Originally it was Firefox and now it is Google's Chrome. Usually about a day of leaving the web browser open my HD activity spikes so high that I can barely do anything on the system until I kill the web browser. This has been happening with both Firefox AND Chrome! As soon as the browser processes are killed, the system returns back to normal.

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