Slackware :: How To Boot Faster

May 23, 2011

Is there a way to make the 'loading linux...' Bios Data check faster or disabled? It is taking 3 times longer then the actual boot.

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Hardware :: How To Disable Udev For Faster Boot?

Jan 6, 2010

I am trying to make gentoo boot faster and in my searching I came across this article One of the things they did was revert to a "persistent, old-school /dev directory so that boot doesn't depend on udev". I would like to know how to do this, but when I searched for disabling udev all the forums say that its a bad idea. All I want to know is how to make a static /dev directory.

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Ubuntu :: Boot Faster With Swap As Primary Partition?

May 10, 2010

I was unsatisfied with the 40second boot time of lucid and was searching for a solution for a while but didn't find anything yet. But today I found a way to boot 10seconds quicker.Lucid is installed here as suggested by the installer:

Primary rootpartition (/dev/sda1)
Logical partition (/dev/sda4)
swap (/dev/sda5)


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Ubuntu :: Cache Hardware Configuration For Faster Boot?

Nov 10, 2010

I am using Ubuntu Maverick on my Eeepc 701, and everything is working quite nicely. Since I only have 4GB SSD drive, my setup is that the LiveCD is booted from the SSD, while my 'casper-rw' partition is on a 4GB SD card. I have 2GB of ram and do not use swap. I am wondering if there is a way to somehow cache the results of the hardware probe and configuration, and insert the cache into LiveCD by remastering it. The idea is that less time will be needed to boot, since everything that was found from the first boot was saved.

Of course this would mean that particular modified LiveCD wouldn't reliably boot on anything other than my system (or one like it), but seeing as how my hardware won't change in the future, it isn't a problem.

Is something like this possible? I'm not afraid of recompiling a kernel or rebuilding an initramfs if needed. A possible alternative idea to accomplish this would be to boot up the vanilla LiveCD as normal, configure a swapfile, hibernate, then inject this swapfile into the LiveCD image.

This way, every boot would automatically just be resuming from hibernation. This could potientally mess with the casper-rw partition, but that is something I would worry about later (and I am not opposed to just eliminating the casper-rw partition altogether and running off ram each boot).

The other problem might be that the swapfile would probably need to be the size of my ram (2GB). Chances are, after a fresh boot my ram will be mostly empty, therefore would it be possible to compress the swapfile (like swapfile.gz)? I will be looking into either alternative, but I was hoping to get some opinions / ideas on how to accomplish this (or whether it has already been done!)


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Ubuntu :: Pared Down Command Line For Faster Boot

Jul 8, 2011

Would be possible to have a dual boot with Ubuntu only loading the things necessary for command line use of emacs?

I thought it might be good to be able to take notes for class on a quickly booting command line. (It has the added benefit of being less distracting)

Does it work like that? Could a pared down command-line only install be sufficiently faster on boot-up? Might another flavour of Linux be more suited to the task?

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Hardware :: Ssd Drive Vs Conventional One - Netbook To Boot Faster

Aug 28, 2009

see [URL] I am still somewhat happy with my netbook, although I have a Lenovo X61 from work (with XP) that I just love and since the netbook was purchase for travel, I don't use it as much as I use the x61. But I am preparing for a trip soon and have been trying to get the netbook to boot faster. Default Ubuntu 9.04 was taking about 1m 40s from off to a usable web site. Many tweaks later using the default hardware still, I get boots on average of 1m 10s or so.

I have tried fluxbox and xfce4, but shave maybe 10s off on a good boot, but am then in a much more limited DE, so I don't see the 10s being a good reason to limit myself. Using bootchart, it reports a boot time of ~30 so I really do believe it is gnome/X that is taking the longest time. Anyway...I finally broke down and got an ssd drive from Newegg [URL].

I dd'd the old hdd to the new ssd and guess what? Absolutely no change what so ever to the boot times. The ssd drive (although silent) has not gained me any speed at boot up. My average boot times are still 1m+. Also, I ran a battery test last night (wrote time out to a file every minute and ran totem none stop until the battery died) and I got 2 hours of life out of the 3 cell battery. This is about the same battery life I was getting with the traditional hdd.

In conclusion: As it stands now, the ssd drive has gained me nothing but silence, but at the cost of 100gigs (hdd = 160gig vs ssd = 60g)... no improvement to battery life no improvement to boot times The system does *seem* a little more responsive when the OS is finally up, but again, at what cost?

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Server :: Very Slow Boot In Ubuntu / Make It Faster?

Dec 3, 2010

I have an Ubuntu Server 10.10 install on a VIA C7 chip. It seems to pause for about 5 min on a USB component.

It is a fresh install, here is a snip from my messages log code...

My KB is USB, so I would rather not disable it if at all possible. The next time I can take it down, I will test disabling it though...

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Ubuntu :: How To Make System Boot Faster By Removing Idle Time

Jun 14, 2011

How to make the system boot faster by removing the idle time between 5s to 10s? bootchart attached. It is Ubuntu10.04LTS by the way. One more hint, the screen black out for ~4s after "Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom... Done." I don't know what is going on during that 4s, but my best guess is there is a way we can get rid of it.
Bootchart can be found here:

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Slackware :: Slackware Won't Boot In Dual Boot With Windows 7?

Jan 21, 2010

So I got slackware 13 from the website and created 4 partitions (primary) and left some (100GB) space as I planned to install windows 7 in that. After installing slack, when I booted from windows DVD (rtm) in partition section it said I already have 4 primary partition so windows cannot used the rest of space despite the fact that it was free (windows even grayed all options like new partition and format etc. for that space). So I thought I'd create 2-3 primary partition for linux (slackware) so that windows can use the free space and make it a primary partition.

So, Next I formatted with slack (3 partition, 2 Primary, 1 extended, total space for slack 50GB) and after its installation I worked my way with windows, but it just created one partition of 100Gb, won't let me create any saying all primary partitions are created. Anyway, I created that partition and installed windows 7. But it messed up my lilo (slack won't show in boot menu) neither can I create any new partition.

After all I reformatted again created 2 partitions for windows (that actually became 3 as windows 7 create 100Mb separate partition for system). Installed windows correctly. Then I booted with slack , which allowed only creating 1 partition as 3 were already there. So I created 1 extended partition, in which I created 4 partition 1 to mount for /boot (100M), 1 for /swap (3G), 1 for home (10G), 1 for / (35G) everything worked fine till I reached last point to install lilo. At that point it said cannot install Lilo (I tried all options simple, expert, install to MBR etc.) but it just won't install. Anyway, after that it said you can install it manually so I clicked OK. Then it said setup complete, remove disk and press alt+ctrl+del to reboot, which I did. But there is just windows 7, no slack ?

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General :: Installing Slackware On IDE Hard Rive Boot From Slackware DVD?

Jan 23, 2010

I try to install Slackware to my IDE hard drive and boot first from Slackware DVD. After I loaded huge.s kernel, and tried to partition the hard drive using fdisk by entering "fdisk /dev/hda", I found out that the partition size is max to 3 Gigs instead of 80 Gigs.

I think the kernel is looking at my boot disk, which is around 3 Gigs. How can I make so that it looks at my IDE drive instead at my boot drive? Is there any manual that shows me how to install Linux from scratch this means I want to wipe out all my hard disk and install Slackware Linux there?

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Slackware :: Install Puppy 525 On Slackware 13.37 PC As A Dual-boot Using LILO?

Jul 18, 2011

I'm trying to install Puppy 525 on my Slackware 13.37 PC as a dual-boot using LILO. Puppy is living, all on it's own, in sda6, a 6 GiB partition. It got there by using the Puppy Universal Installer and selecting a 'Full' install, not a 'Frugal' install. I cannot find 'LILO' type instructions, only 'GRUB' type instructions.

Has anyone succeeded in doing a hard drive install of Puppy with the LILO boot loader?

Edit: I'll probably regret it, but I used Puppy's GRUB installer.

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Slackware :: Dual Boot Of Slackware 13.1 And Windows Server 2008?

Oct 27, 2010

I installed Slackware 13.1 and Windows server 2008, I also installed LILO in MBR, I Found I can boot into slackware, but can't boot into Server 2008. then I use command bootsect/fixmbr. now I can boot into server 2008, but the problem is I can't boot into slackware. I try to install lilo to supper sector. it's not works. I only can boot my slackware by a USB stick.who can help me to solve this problem? I really need these two systems.

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Slackware :: Can't Boot Updated Kernel Slackware Current

Jan 5, 2010

I updated my kernel in slackware current but can't install lilo, when i was with my old kernel it gave an error about not finding the sda drives (they were named hda before the upgrade).I booted into the slackware 13.0 dvd and modified fstab and lilo.conf replacing hda with sda but lilo still gives an error of not finding sda drives.How can i install lilo so i can boot into my sistem??

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Slackware :: Dual Boot With Lilo On Btrfs - Slackware 13.1?

May 29, 2010

I just did a fresh install of slack 13.1 on a separate drive to the one I was previously using. I've been having trouble getting lilo to work, so that I can choose between either drive. Lilo is currently installed to /dev/sda, with the old system on /dev/sda1 and the new installation on /dev/sdb1. I keep getting errors like these:

Code: Fatal: Trying to map files from unnamed device 0x0011 (NFS/RAID mirror down ?)
I managed to install lilo from the old system by copying the kernel image from the new system into the /boot/ directory and running lilo. I am now on the new system and trying the same thing in reverse but it isn't working. I have searched around a bit and there's a lot of talk of chroot-ing into the other partition to run lilo. I don't understand why the process isn't working both ways though. I can't run lilo on my new installation even with the two kernel images in the local /boot/ folder. Is this something to do with btrfs or am I missing something to do with lilo? This is my lilo.conf file. I am trying to run lilo using this file from my new installation on /dev/sdb1 and getting the error given above.


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Slackware :: Unable To Boot Slackware Off SUSE GrUB?

Nov 1, 2010

I've a multiboot machine and I recently installed Slackware64-13.1 on sda33. I added menu entry in SUSE boot loader and configured menu list as per [URL].. it returns GrUB error 15. Here is my menu list entry for Slackware -


###Don't change this comment - YaST2 identifier: Original name: other###
title Slackware64-13.1
root (hd0,32)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda33 ro hdd=scsi


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Slackware :: Windows 7/Slackware Dual Boot, Different Discs?

Sep 19, 2010

My new job requires I use Windows and as such I put a second HDD in my laptop for the purposes of Window/Work The issue is that Windows will not install on this second disc (Windows cannot create partition or install to disc). I got around this by installing Windows to the first disc, then the second then putting Slackware back on the first but then I suffer the "Bootmgr cannot be found, press ctrl + alt + delete to restart".

I am using Lilo and I have never really had an issue dual booting them on the same disc (Admittedly over a year ago) but it is of the utmost important I have them on separate Discs. Has anyone encountered this and/or know a way around?

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Slackware :: Boot In Clean Copy Of Slackware 13?

Oct 9, 2010

A friend of mine threw me an OLPC (original model with 1GB of storage) that he was trying to put slackware in. He managed to install a minimal installation, but now it asks for the e2fstools (the stuff to run fsck on ext(2/3/4) partitions) which he didn't install (he formatted the "disk" as a single jfs partition). Is there any reason why it would want to have those tools given that there are no ext(2/3/4) type filesystems in that machine? And is there any specific init script (or udev rule) that can be edited to make it not try and check ext(2/3/4) partitions?

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Slackware :: Slackware + Other Distros Networks Boot With PXE?

Oct 3, 2010

I successfully managed to install slackware on a laptop with a broken optical drive, no floppy drive and no option to boot from USB stick, with the invaluable help of AlienBOB's guide: some of the packages could not be installed during the installation. The fatal errors seems to occur randomly and the packages that I later had to install by hand were the following:-git-java (can't recall exactly what it was about)-linux-howtos-kdebase-workspace

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Slackware :: Using GRUB2 And Want To Boot Slackware In Different Resolution

Sep 10, 2010

I have, for awhile, had Ubuntu 10.04 as my main OS. I decided to go back to SW13.1, and added it in as dual-boot, with grub2 as my bootloader.

grub sees/boots SW fine.

But SW boots in 640x480, and is fugly, to say the least.

How do I change this? Grub currently runs at 1024x768. And in lilo, it's easy as pie to change the kernel boot resolution.

How do I do this in grub2? (Notice I said grub2, because it's MUCH different than grub, as far as config files and the like)

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Ubuntu :: Will WinXP 64 Bit Run Faster On 64 Bit?

Apr 26, 2010

I currently have the Ubuntu 32 bit 9.10 installed on my laptop. I wanted to install WinXP 64 bit using VirtualBox. My question is: will WinXP 64 bit run faster on Ubuntu 64 bit than it will run on Ubuntu 32 bit (my current OS)? Is the upgrade from Ubuntu 32 bit to Ubuntu 64 bit worth it for running a virtual Windows XP 64 bit?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 64-bit Definitely Faster Than 32-bit?

Jun 2, 2010

according to this article i read, its definitely faster. this is what i read: Since 64-bit systems can process twice as many instructions per second as a comparable 32-bit system, 64-bit systems are definitely faster than their 32-bit counterparts. it was from this article link: [URL]... Is this true? I always thought it wouldnt make a difference, besides more memory addressing?

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Ubuntu :: Which Is Better - More Or Faster Memory

Jul 16, 2010

I put together a p4 that has 3 slots for ddr memory and the specs say maximum memory is 2 G at 400 Mhz or 3 G at 333 Mhz. Now, I assume this means that if you install a third memory stick, it will run at 333 Mhz. Is this right? Which would be better out of curiosity?

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Ubuntu :: Ripping CDs Faster?

Mar 26, 2011

I am using Ubuntu 10.10 64-Bit Desktop Edition, and I am looking for a faster way to rip CDs, without having to resort to Windows. I try to rip a CD, but it takes 20+ minutes just to get the files copied, then another 5 or so minutes to burn the cd!I have a new SATA interface CD/DVD burner, so I know it is not the hardware.

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Ubuntu :: How To Make Faster

May 22, 2011

I installed preload, I unchecked all startup applications, I uninstalled programs I wouldn't use. Any other tips for a faster Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Which Distro Is Faster

May 14, 2010

I am considering installing Linux on my workstation to develop and run fortran codes much faster than windows. I wonder if there is significant speed difference between Linux distros. Especially between Redhat and Ubuntu or Debian. I havent used any Linux distro longer enough to have an idea about its speed while running long codes.

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Ubuntu :: How To Make It Faster

Aug 14, 2010

I have windows xp professional installed and I have 256 MB RAM and 80 GB hard disk.I installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Desktop Edition alongside on windows on a formatted 12 GB C drive(windows on E drive).When I used linux it was very slow but my windows is running smoothly.How can I get normal and smooth speed on linux as I have it on windows.Will removing the windows speed up linux?

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Software :: Applications That Are Faster In 64-bit?

Apr 18, 2011

It is rumoured that video processing is somewhat faster in 64-bit but the one application I have for video encoding (avidemux) is not. Tested against a stopwatch the 64-bit version is just as fast as the 32-bit one.

What applications take advantage of 64-bit cpu instructions so the 64-bit version runs faster?

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Slackware :: Take Current Windows7 (x64) Setup And Make It Into A Dual-boot Setup With Slackware 13.0?

Jan 24, 2010

I'm trying to take my current windows7 (x64) setup and make it into a dual-boot setup with slackware 13.0 (x32) and am hitting a brickwall. I guess I would like to know if I can salvage the situation without formating my windows drive. I fully intend to, but I had hoped to not do it this month. I'd like to get dual boot going so I can master it and acquire all the files/drivers I'll want and then format and do it 100% right next time.

Currently I have windows setup on a 3x 500gb Raid0 onboard array which itself has been flawless. After I shrunk my current partition size to give me about 25gb of free space I proceeded to setup Linux, and I was unable to perform the cfdisk portion for partitioning the array for Linux.

I tried using cfdisk:
/dev/hdx (a1-a3,b1-b3)
/dev/sdx (a1-a3,b1-b3)

I even attempted to locate with: cat proc/partition and tried using cfdisk on every device it located. It always said it was either an unknown partition table and should I start at zero, or bad partition. I was of course too concerned over my windows setup (which has almost 1tb of stuff I have not backed up) to go any further into the unknown.

PS: I have used Slackware before, back at 8.1, 10, and even a very brief interlude at 12.0, this is my first attempt on this computer however with 13.0, it is currently running fine on my laptop and my PS3 (Laptop is even dual booting 7/Slack13. Albeit without raid)

Phenom 9850
M2N-SLI Deluxe (Nvidia AM2)
4x1gb of 1066 kingston hyperX
3x500gb WD Caviar Black Sata2 3.0

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Fedora :: Make Yum Update Faster?

Feb 6, 2009

Just installed fedora10 the first time, and the system wants to update, but the yum download process is too slow, it seems dead over 2 hours can't download one package! Is there anyway to make it faster?

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Fedora :: Faster Torrent Client For F12?

Jan 21, 2010

I have both windows and fedora 12 and have noticed I get much faster downloads with windows. Is there a bit torrent client that works extremely well with fedora? I have transmission and it is very slow. I have tested with the same exact files and windows is so much faster.

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