Slackware :: Conky Can't Find Libmowgli After Upgrade To Current
Sep 3, 2010
I thought I would try out Eric's KDE 4.5.1 and Robby's new Xorg pacakges. The upgrade went off with out a hitch, but now when I try to launch conky I get
conky: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
So I rebuilt conky and reinstalled libmowgli ran ldconfig but I still get the error.
after update to slackware current 4 days ago i cant get sound working in wine in starcraf 2 i mean i got sound in instalation but not in game and i get error when i wanna configure sound in winecfg
err:alsa:ALSA_CheckSetVolume Could not find '{PCM,Line} Playback Volume' element err:alsa:ALSA_CheckSetVolume Could not find '{PCM,Line} Playback Volume' element err:alsa:wine_snd_pcm_recover underrun occurred err:alsa:wine_snd_pcm_recover underrun occurred
in game i dont got that error but sound dont work btw my sound card is asus xonar essence stx
I recently upgraded to slackware-current from Slackware 13 via slackroll, and have only encountered one problem. My file manager no longer thumbnails images, and icons (mostly PNG) aren't appearing no matter what GTK theme is set. Running from the command line produces no errors, and when brought up in something else (say feh /path/to/icon.png) it works perfectly. This is the only hitch I have encountered so far. The same thing happens with emoticons in Pidgin. Does anyone know of a fix?
Is there any chance we'll see the newer version of Audacious (2.4.2) in -current, or is it too late in the day? If I get time, I may try building it on my -current install.
i can start X with the nvidia module, the log here:
_XSERVTransSocketOpenCOTSServer: Unable to open socket for inet6 _XSERVTransOpen: transport open failed for inet6/slacker:0 _XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: failed to open listener for inet6 X.Org X Server 1.7.5 Release Date: 2010-02-16
I'd have said SNAFU, but the truth is that I really don't recall this mess being "normal" in Slackware since v7. This kind of mess is what I expect from Ubuntu, not Slack. Here's what happened. I was running Slackware-Current 12/10/10 and wanted to move up to Current 1/10/11. I read and followed the UPGRADE.txt including running "telinit 1". The system had 2 working kernels menued in Lilo, a custom symlinked to "/boot/vmlinuz", and a custom 2.6.36 fully declared in lilo.conf and labelled Current.
The "upgradepkg --install-new" installed a "new" kernel which would only have required a simple deletion, but somehow and for some silly reason my lilo.conf was overwritten and lilo run so that when I selected "Current" instead of my nice 2.6.36, long story short, I got a badly working kernel where my keyboard didn't work.
Why would "upgradepckg --install-new" install an older kernel, and more importantly, instead of merely as an added option, override and ruin my existing, working lilo? Slax is overhauling to add pacman and I see some people even here leaning toward more automated package management in Slackware. What gives? Is Slackware headed down this path? Please, Joe, just tell me it ain't so.
I have a new install of Slack 13 and upgrading to current will break a lot of things for my 4 year old son (he's a gnome guy, what can I say). I will be using this machine too, and I NEED KDE, but of course the stock KDE packages are unstable to say the least. I know I've seen people talking of downloading upgraded kde packages for slackware 13, but when I google, I find a lot of things complaining about the stock KDE and of course Eric's packages for current.
I've (almost successfully) upgraded my 64-current.
1. It used to be or is? 64-current multilib, however, before the upgrade I commented out any blacklisted packages in slackpkg's blacklist file (including aaa_eflibs)
slackpkg update, install-new, upgrade-all, clean system (removed all the packages that were specified in changelogs.txt as removed)
When started X two things were wrong.
1. XFCE icons disappeared
2. The mouse pointer was going crazy
2. I fixed it by following Eric's advice and created a file in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-mouse.conf where I put the Input section from my xorg.conf
I'm still at loss when it comes to the icons.
btw, I've reinstalled my nvidia binary blob, somehow it doesn't seem to see it. Does the new Xorg use xorg.conf anymore?
I'm using Slackware current. I've updated my current after about two months from the last update, and since there was a huge number of changes I'm having some problems. In particular, I've forgot (my fault!) to give a "slackpkg install-new" before rebooting, so now I'm getting stuck...
Installpkg now claims a "rev" command, but I cannot figure how to find it, since the Slackware package browser on the website is still broken (when will it be available?!?!). Now, each time I try to install or upgrade a new package, I get this error:
/sbin/upgradepkg: line 41: rev: command not found /sbin/installpkg: line 59: rev: command not found
First: I upgraded my slackware 13.0 last night (Philippine time) to -current. I just download the while current tree (except for source) and copied to my home dir, then do the slackpkg commands.
#1 Added a mirror to my home directory pointing the slackware-current tree. #2 slackpkg update #3 slackpkg install-new #4 slackpkg upgrade-all #5 slackpkg clean-system #6 lilo was configured #7 reboot
It successfully upgraded. Although I'm aware that I have installed openchrome driver and drm kernel module when it was slackware 13.0.
After a reboot, it crashes in between the boot time, if I was not mistaken, I read ACPI something on the bottom of the console, then the screen flickers and goes blank. It locks up there.
By the way, it is a laptop with VIA chipset on it.
(Using the Slackware 13.0 DVD, I booted using hugesmp.s root=/dev/sda3 rdinit= ro for the rescue.)
Trying to fix it by myself (no internet at home) I tried to look at /var/log/messages and cannot find what is the cause (newbie mode). I also tried to disable some services such as hald, httpd, mysqld, bluetooth, wicd, wireless, the old kernel and some others at /etc/rc.d/ by removing the execute bit.
After a restart, still the problem exists.
Now, I finally backup the whole home dir, moved to home-bak and decided to install the fresh slackware-current instead.
Second: I used the 13.0 installer, then setup slackware using the pre-mounted directory containing the slackware-current tree. I only deleted the files except for home-bak and not reformat the drive.
It actually installs, but after the reboot (using the new kernel), still the problem persists.
I recently upgraded my -current box, and now when I try to run sbopkg I get the exact error described in the following thread:[URL].. The error fwiw is as follows:
root@catbutt:~# sbopkg ERROR sbopkg: Invalid repository descriptor Line SBo 13.0 "SBo repository for Slackware 13.0" _SBo rsync GPG of /etc/sbopkg/repos.d/40-sbo.repo specifies an unknown fetching tool (rsync).
seems likely given the discussion in that previous thread that the bash upgrade (to 4.1.002) in the recent -current onslaught is responsible?
I'm about to attempt to upgrade gtk+2 from the current 2.14 to 2.16 to fulfill a requirement for devede, I'm planning on using the slackbuild from slackware/l/gtk+2 and just editing the version. I think this approach will work but I was hoping to get some feedback (and any warnings or advice) before I dive in - obviously I will back up before hand.
After upgrading to -current (using slackpkg), my touchpad scrolling won't work.I remember that this had solved my problem previous time and in fact, after upgrade I have changed nothing (since this file already existed there). When I check the /usr/share/hal/fdi/ policy/ 10osvendor/ directory, I see that no "11-x11-synaptics.fdi" file was present. I just copied the file from /etc/hal/fdi/policy into this directory, but this did not help. Can somebody guide me through this?
After the updates galore of yesterday in -current, I began to update my system using slackpkg. However, after upgrading the kernel packages, I had a power problem and the system went down. (I had run lilo first, before the blackout happened) Upon powering it on again, my system won't boot. The kernel loads, and then init takes control, but when it comes to the regular fsck, the boot halts with a big, scary warning message that the filesystem might have an error and is missing.
Be advised that the packages in the big update of yesterday were installed on alphabetical order. An inspection on the Jan 25-updated version of Slackware-current on my laptop reveals that the library in question is part of e2fsprogs. That's odd; if there was an update for it, it should already have been installed, but the system complains that a file from that package is missing, anyway. All this boils down to: my system is now unusable, unable to boot, and I really don't have a clue on what to do.
I am running -current on an ASUS eeePC 1000HE. Wireless was working fine up until the time I applied the latest changes from the Slack -current tree, which upgraded wpa_supplicant. Now, no networks are detected.
I looked at some related threads here and did some basic checking: neither the eth1 nor wlan0 interfaces show up in iwconfig or ifconfig output. Am afraid I am still a wireless dunderhead and don't know where to start troubleshooting this issue.
After upgrade to ghostscript 9.02 from current all print jobs fail with: 'There is a missing print filter for printer HP_F2480'
The printer is an All-inone deskjet F2480 and the cups printer queue has been setup with the hplip tools. Before the upgrade it was 'working' with quite a few image not printed correct, multipage printing garbage. (page for page printing was the workaround)
Do I need to remove the printer and define it again?
My office has a box which is, by necessity, dual-boot WinXP/Slack. The Slackware I'm running there is -current, all great and fine. Until now... It turned out that my mobo, an ASUS P5KPL-CM, died after a power surge. Since the XP needs software activation, we replaced it for an exact copy of the mobo. After the change the box worked fine in XP, and I was able to connect to the network via the Ethernet interface. BTW, the Slackware version is Slackware-current, updated as of the Jan 9 update (after that I was no longer able to connect to the Net with Slack). However, in Slackware there was a problem: eth0 was no longer recognized. Using /sbin/ifconfig only listed the lo (loopback) interface. The lspci output is:
I have a Samsung SCX-4200. It was working pretty good with sane 1.0.21. I'm using slackware current, keeping updated (almost) every day. On the Mon Feb 28 update sane was updated to sane-1.0.22-i486-1. After that update xsane (as user) cannot find my scanner. I was able to find it running sane-find-scanner as root, but scanimage -L (as root) wasn't able to find the scanner. Now I have updated to the last sane package, named sane-1.0.22-i486-2 . In the changelog I can see that this rebuild should add libusb support.
In fact, now there's no way to find the scanner. And now also sane-find-scanner (as root) is no more able to detect the scanner, also running the command as root. I've tried running sane-find-scanner -v -v and scanimage -v -v -L but I can't get no useful hints. I have checked the sane configuration files but always seems good (the row with USB IDs is not commented in the backend file, which is xerox_mfp, and the backend is listed in dll.conf).
Installpkg will no longer work, complaining that the rev command is not found. The problem hit with the removal of util-linux-ng. I cp'd util-linux to ~/. Extracted with tar and executed the doinstall. Fixed.
I have installed libmowgli by source code, and when try to install audacious-2.3 it doesn't detects, installed in a path "/usr/local/lib/". same problem exists for other softwares needing lib files and installed by source code in the above given path.
I updated my kernel in slackware current but can't install lilo, when i was with my old kernel it gave an error about not finding the sda drives (they were named hda before the upgrade).I booted into the slackware 13.0 dvd and modified fstab and lilo.conf replacing hda with sda but lilo still gives an error of not finding sda drives.How can i install lilo so i can boot into my sistem??
I've upgraded Slackware-13.1 I had installed to Slackware-Current using a local tree I had download with script, but when I rebooted I could not get the graphics to load. I think it's because I've also modified /etc/groups and add an username after audio: and video: group, but I forgot that and had to remove slackware from the machine.
I've tried a few different ways to install the ATI graphics driver "fglrx" to get 3D acceleration.If I try to install using the standard file "" from the ATI web site it appears to work but then I discover it actually got an error.I saw a reference to ATI requiring 32-bit libraries to install their 64-bit driver. Is there a link or post that explains how to add the 32-bit libraries. Will that solve the problem, or will I just waste more time trying that?
I use Alien Bob's with an excludes.txt to only download the parts of current that I want. Unfortunately it is not working for part of the exclude.txt file and I am at a loss to know why.
This ignores e/ f/ y/ testing/ pasture/ source/ and usb-and-pxe-installers/ It also ignores most of kdei/ and /extra It is meant to ignore most of extra/source and just download the source for flash-player-plugin, but it is ignoring all of extra/source/, however the same syntax is working for kdei/ and extra/.
I have been using slackware since version 10.1 and really like it. I have never had a problem until lately, version 13.1 has been stable as a rock for me. The first 2 or 3 updates to current ran well but then the problem started. After installation Slackware would get to the splash screen and bring up the first picture of a disk drive then just hang and never go any further. I do have a good burn on the dvd, have checked the md5 and burned at 4x. then slack 13.37 does the same thing. this is on 4 different computers with several different video boards.