Server :: Possible To Create An USB Drive With A Server

Apr 17, 2010

I'm currently working on creating websites, I was wondering if it is possible to create an USB drive with a Linux server on it (so I could use it as an SVN server)? And in case this is possible, how I could achieve that...

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Server :: Create A Webhost On An Running Fedora Server Which Runs Multiple Webpages + A Coldfusion Server?

Sep 29, 2010

have to create a webhost on an running fedora server which runs multiple webpages + a coldfusion serveri have to add an coldfusion virtual host to these.what i would do:*crate a new user & group*enter vhosts.conf and copy an existing host and modify it for the new one.*create an new folder and copy the main files (phpstarter and webroot) *chown the files for the right useri think an apache graceful would be needet

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Debian Installation :: Install For A Target System / Create The Image On A USB Drive For The 586 Soekris Server On 686 HP Laptop?

Feb 16, 2010

I wish to use my laptop to create a system for my Soekris 4801. I don't want to take the server down for the lengthy install ( took 6 hours last time, Fedora 5 ). I want to create the image on a USB drive for the 586 Soekris server on my 686 HP laptop. Then scp the image to the Soekris and reboot and configure the server.

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General ::Create Custom Name Server \ Create Own Name Server?

Nov 4, 2009

I bought a web hosting account(cPanel) and I want to create my own name server(ns1 and So when I want to host addon domain, I can point them to my name server instead of hosting company name server.

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Server :: Create SSH Server In Home With Dynamic Public Ip?

Jun 15, 2011

i need to create a SSH server in my home and i should able to log in my SSH server over the internet from out site. what are the setup i have to do?

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Server :: Create A Boot Disk For Red Hat AS Enterprise Server?

Jan 15, 2010

I am in need of the instructions of how to create a boot disk for my RED HAT Linux Enterprise Server. I have a floppy drive also it this helps.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Cannot Create Groups In Directory Server?

Feb 25, 2010

I have a centos 5.4 64-bit machine. I installed the directory server following those steps.
I then added some users using the Centos Management Consolecentos-idm-console -a http://localhost:3890 &

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OpenSUSE :: Create Server To Be The DCHP Server

Sep 11, 2011

I am new to Opensuse, I am trying to create my Opensuse server to be the DCHP server but as I check there is no dhcp on the Yast>Network services.

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Server :: Not Able To Create A New User In Directory Server / Fix It?

Jul 15, 2010

I have just configured a Directory Server and I have been able to login using the credentials as a Directory Manager on the server.

I am working on the server through VMWare.

After logging into the server, when I am trying to add a user, say "user1" I am unable to do so, in the name of the user name field, all I can see is a "u" and not the complete user name, the same thing happens in case I try to setup a password, so i really don't know whether the password that I am setting up is being accepted or not.

Also while trying to add a user, i can see the logs running in the background on the terminal, that a java program is running as I typing or clicking on any button.

Can someone suggest me what to do to proceed ahead, I know its a strange issue, but I have to do it.

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Server :: Virtualmin Create Server From Web Form

May 28, 2010

in a PHP web page i need to run this following command to create a new domain:Code: virtualmin create-domain --domain DOMAIN --pass PASS --plan 'Standard Package' --limits-from-plan --features-from-plan.This is usually executed in a shell but i don't know how to do it from a web page and also i need to take the domain string and pass string from a web form. Can anyone help with the PHP code as my skills are basic and i have already tried a few things that just don't work.

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Networking :: Pug Server File Server No Longer Shares Drive To Windows?

Nov 19, 2009

My Pug Server has worked faithfully for many years just sitting in a closet. It is designed wo that you never need to add a monitor or keyboard as it is administered through a web interface. Recently it had a problem with the motherboard and I had to replace it, but the machine is now working. However, it no longer is visible as a network drive on my Windows machine.Unfortunately I have no idea where to start looking to see what the problem is. I did attach a keyboard and monitor and logged on, but everything looks okay (I can see my files, etc.).

This is an old machine (c. 2003), so has an old version of Linux (I have no idea what version, or even how to find out). Since it is never meant to be used directly it doesn't have any GUI installed, so I have to do everything using command line.Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can even start to determine what the problem is or how I can go about trying to fix it? At this point I would be happy just to get the files out and replace it with a newer NAS.

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Server :: File Created By Application Server On Mounted Drive Is Not Writeable?

Sep 16, 2010

I have a web application(java 5, mysql server) installed on Tomcat on Red Hat 5.Part of the functionality is to allow the upload of files to a windows share. I have mounted the share using theAny file I create here from the terminal gets sions."-rwxrwxrwx"The problem is that when the application server creates the file it gets created with the following."-rw-r--r--"How can I get files created from the server to be "-rwxrwxrwx"

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Server :: Convert Single Drive Ubuntu Server To RAID 0

May 28, 2010

I am running single drive Ubuntu server 9.10 with a lot of software. Now I want to add one more disk (same size and type) and to convert this to RAID 0 without need of reinsallation. Is it possible and if yes how? I didn't find nothing for RAID 0. It sounds simple, but probably is not.

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Server :: How To Mirroring Two Hard Disk Drive In Rhel9 Server?

Jul 3, 2010

pls suggest me how to mirroring two hard disk drive in rhel9 server.i can do raid on those hard drive but user requer pls help how could i do this, mirror two hard drive.

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Server :: Way To Backup A Web Server With One Hard Drive Running Live?

Mar 13, 2011

I currently have a centos 4.4 I believe running with a 250GB hard drive. I want to make an image of that hard drive. I have tried removing the drive and connecting it to my windows pc using an adapter that would allow my windows machine run the hard drive as it was a regular external hard drive. Of course windows doesn't reconize that drive since it is linux partitioned. I am thinking that I need to have the hard drive inthe box I am wanting to copy and put in a blank drive in the box that I want to copy to. And boot from a live CD and use cat or dd to copy it. I have seen the commands before bust I am thinking this is the only way. Basically I am wanting to have a duplicate of the drive and build a whole new server that is already all setup.I will just change the host name and assign it another Public facing UP. Is this correct? Oh, and the new server will have different hardware. Might even be AMD or intel different from source or destination.

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Server :: 2 Hard Drive Server Partition Layout?

Jul 23, 2010

I have two identical 160GB hard drives and I'm planning on setting up a server, probably ubuntu, for Glassfish, mysql and subversion. ince I'm using those applications I'm assuming I should have a large var partition for mysql, and /opt for glassfish and I'm not sure about subversion. Is there a good partition layout you can suggest for me for my 2 drives?

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Server :: How To Create Erfect Web Server

Oct 7, 2010

I am designing a new production web server for our company. Probably will handles around a thousand unique visitors a day.I decided to use CentOS(Apache,PHP,MySQL)with DELL PowerEdge R710.Questions:

-What particular countermeasure should i implement with this server?
-What configuration should i make for the highest up time?
-Any suggestions regarding back up?

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Server :: Control Which Drive Letter USB Thumb Drive Gets Assigned During Install Process?

Mar 30, 2010

The software: Ubuntu Server Edition 9.10.The wetware: A programmer doing his best (read: ignorant, shitty) as an ad-h.When I plug the USB thumb drive in, the install OS gives it a drive letter -- /dev/sdb -- and it pushes the original /dev/sdb down to /dev/sdc. The installation works without a hitch, and GRUB2 installs, dutifully pointing the root at /dev/sdc1 instead of /dev/sdb1.I let GRUB2 start normally ("drive not found"), holding the <shift> key to get to the "rescue>" prompt.From there, I issue "ls" to discover that GRUB can NOT see /dev/sdb, and I can tell that because what is showing up as (hd1) does NOT have three partitions as it should.GRUB2 sees a total of 16 drives, not 26, and one of the drives it sees is "fd0" (there is no floppy drive).Issuing commands like "set prefix=(hdx,y)" and "root=(hdx,y)" have no effect as, I think it's just pointing to the (reiserfs)content drives and this GRUB2 tells me "unknown filesystem".I did try them all in vain, hoping that maybe I'd find a kernel somewhere.I used the "rescue" mode of the Ubuntu installer (the USB thumb drive) to get to a root prompt.From there, I mounted /dev/sdc2 (the "shifted" /dev/sdb2) onto /mnt, I mounted /dev/sdc1 (the "shifted" /dev/sdb1) onto /mnt/boot,and then I chroot'ed to /mnt.I edited /boot/grub/grub.cfg, editing every instance of "root=(hd2,1)" to the appropriate UUID for the "real" /dev/sdb1. Then I issued update-grub2.It refused to work giving me an banal "no such partition" error or something like that.

We originally had this server functioning by putting / and /boot on the SS SanDisk, which caused no problems during installation because /dev/sda doesn't get shifted.We then figured it was a good idea to put our OS files on something with failover capability. And that started us down this crappy "shifting drive letter" path.Can I control which drive letter the USB thumb drive gets assigned during the install process?If I could make it be /dev/sdc then I wouldn't be facing this problem.An alternate solution would be to know the cryptic GRUB2 commands that I can issue from the command prompt post-install, pre-reboot.But I'm wondering if that will ultimately work at all considering that GRUB2 couldn't see /dev/sdb at all.

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Server :: Server Configuration For Small Office Server, Which Smtp, Pop Imap Server And Backup?

Apr 2, 2010

I have installed a linux server in my office to run 16 machines. Its main use will be a internal mail server but will be also running websites.

I have installed Ubuntu 9.10 server x64 and have got apache running.

I am looking for the simplest more robust solution for smtp, pop3 and imap. I have only ever used qmail before and found it a pain to configure and its getting old so I though I should probably try something new. I have not much experience with running pop3 or imap on linux so would love a suggestion on that.

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Server :: Could Not Create Directory Ssh

Apr 29, 2010

I try to run in php script..
shell_exec("ssh admin@ reboot");
in php....I have put the key on server...

i can ssh server without a password.. i got "Could not create directory ssh... " error message from that php script... if i did "ssh admin@192.168.15 reboot" from shell it works ok....

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Server :: How To Create A Sub-domain

Oct 5, 2010

On my RHEL Box I have my web site running:


How can I create a sub-domain such as the URL looks like:


I am trying to figure out if it can be done in the configuration file:



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Server :: Create New Database From PHP / SQL

Nov 4, 2010

I am now able to create the database using PHP and SQL. But it seems I can only do it as MySQL root user.. $dbuser = 'root'; but is there a way to do that as a regular MySQL user?

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Server :: How To Set Openswan / But Will Not Create Key

Jan 5, 2010

I'm trying to setup openswan but it will not create a key.Any ideas how to?

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Ubuntu :: How To Create A Telnet Server

Mar 15, 2010

How to create a telnet server in ubuntu..?My students have unix Lab by next sem and so i would like to create telnet server so that they can access it from windows..

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Create Report For The Server?

Feb 8, 2010

Is is possible to create a report which contains every Disk usage status, Exim mail q , and etc and generate it into the excel files monthly.

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SUSE :: Create A Proxy Server Using O.S

Sep 7, 2010

I working with open suse 11, and i have to create a proxy server using this O.S, so i bought a encore ENL832-TX-EN (an ethernet card), but suse didn't find the drivers, i read many documents and visit forums, but i can't do it.

I try this:

apt-get dist-upgrade
#make all
#insmod ./sundance.ko (or sundance.o)
#ifconfig eth0 netmask yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy
eth0 is your network adapter,use dmesg to check it, ex: eth0, eth1...
xxx is your ip address, ex:
yyy is your netmask address, ex:

that is from the notes in the cd that comes in te box with the card, but when i typed "make all", a error appers, something like doesn't exist, so I typed : " apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)" (because I found it in some forum), then this: " apt-get install build-essential linux-he", and that didn't work, I did many this like:

"sudo apt-get update" and went to yast and look up for c/c++ demeloment (installing everything about it) and all about apt updates...

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General :: How To Create PTR Record On DNS Server

Mar 8, 2010

I want to create a Ptr record on the Dns server. Dns server is Fedora Core release 1 (Yarrow). And We have been using zone files. How can I create a Ptr record for an ip address on the Dns server?

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General :: Create An NFS Server That Boots From CD??

Apr 7, 2011

I would like to boot any PC and make it work as an NFS Server. I like the concepts of liveCDs as they usually have drivers to recognize current and prior hardware to some extent. However, I do not need any GUI or any other services/applications; only what is required to run the NFS server and possibly copy/move files between exported folders from the command line. Can a liveCD be modified with a script to boot up as an NFS Server based on the following list? How do go about creating a bootable NFS Server based on the following list?

The NFS Server should do this upon boot:

- Check for NIC - eth0(?)
- if not present, stop booting with error message.
- if present, assign a specific IP address, mask, gateway.


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Server :: Cannot Create Database In PostgreSQL

Dec 26, 2010

i installed Fedora 14 on my machine,then i installed postgresql in it i started it and configured it after seeing link [URL] i am able to do su - postgres but when i am trying to create database in it am getting error,It is asking for password then i am giving my root password

createdb company
createdb: could not connect to database postgres: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres"

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Server :: Can't Create Partition Using Fdisk

May 6, 2011

I recently expanded the RAID on an iSCSI device which is shared out to a linux server. Fdisk correctly sees the new size but it won't let me add a third partition. It complains about overlapping partitions whenever I try to add it.If I 'remove' the partition, the overlapping error goes away. The interesting thing here is that when attempting to use the default sizes to setup the partition the printed screen shows completely different results (which I can understand is why its complaining about overlapping)

I'm not sure why its not accepting the cylinder sizes I want. Anyone have any ideas as to what's wrong here?

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