Server :: Gphoto2 Cannot Run Correctly From A Php Script?

Nov 16, 2010

I recently discovered gphoto2 as an alternative to commercial PTP/Camera Control software. I'm tasked with designing a photo-booth kiosk for several museums. My intention is to front-end the thing with an adobe air gui. The gui will call scripts to operate the camera through gphoto2, and since the endpoint of the photos is an emailed message, I thought mysql/php would be appropriate.

The problem is this: gphoto2 cannot run correctly from a php script. I immediately realized the need to allow the www-data user access to the usb camera, and so I added www-user to the plugdev group.

As it stands, I can run gphoto2 like so:

sudo su www-data -c 'gphoto2 --capture-image'
$sudo su www-data
$php -r 'echo exec("gphoto2 --capture-image");'


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Software :: Gphoto2 Commandline Client

Feb 27, 2011

I'm making a script for making tethered shooting easier in linux. With that I'm using gphoto2.

But i want to display the battery status:

in commandline it is:

As a result I get:

Label: Battery Level
Type: TEXT
Current: 100%

Now I only want to display the percentage, is this possible?

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Ubuntu :: Gphoto2 2.4.5/2.4.8 With Canon Eos 500d - Lucid

Apr 24, 2010

I'm having problems using my Canon EOS 500D with gphoto2 - the app appears to work fine when launched using:

paul@thermal:~/Documents$ gphoto2 --capture-tethered --hook-script INIT START


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Debian Multimedia :: Changing The Gphoto2 Download Directory?

Apr 16, 2010

This is probably a stupid question, but is there any way to change the location where gphoto2 dumps the photos it downloads from the camera? Right now it just dumps the them in the current directory.

I've looked through the man page and nothing jumps out at me. The only thing I can think of doing is moving the downloaded photos to a new directory via a hook script, but before I go down that route, is there some kind of option I missed?

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Fedora Hardware :: F13 - GPhoto2 Can No Longer Access Digital Camera

Nov 4, 2010

I have a Nikon Cool Pix 990 camera which I could access under Fedora 11 (and previous) using digikam and/or gphoto2. However under F12 and F13 it no longer works. When plugged in I get a Nikon Camera icon that the system thinks is a usbfs. However the camera is too old for that interface. If I unmount the device then it shows under usb-devices as having Driver=(none). How can I get it to be recognised as a non-usbfs device ?

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Server :: How To Check If CPU Working Correctly ?

Jul 27, 2011

does any one knows how can I test CPU in Red Hat ? Is there any tools to check if CPU working correctly ?

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Server :: Dhcpd Not Updating DNS Correctly?

Apr 13, 2010

it appears i haven't quite grasped the meaning of dhcpd.conf despite the numerous tutorials i went through in the internet and the detailed read of dhcpd.conf that i did. what i basically want to put you in perspective, is to have all the pc's in my home network (desktops and laptops) regardless of any other settings, to send their computer name (hstname basically) to the dhcpd (during the handshake)... then the dhcpd will use that name as the hostname and append the known domain name, thus creating an entry (an A record and a PTR record) in BIND....

so say a laptop comes into wifi range of the domain ""... i take it that during handshake, the laptop will send its hostname (i don't know what that will be for winXP and win7 dhcp clients, but i presume it will send the output of command 'hostname' for linux clients - or at least thats what i would like it to send....).say "nass-notebook" Then the server will append "" and it will update the DNS with an entry looking like[URL].. corresponding to some ip address.


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Server :: Hplip Fails To Install Correctly

Apr 9, 2011

Installing support for Phototsmart 7150 on Ubuntu 10.10 server (no desktop).Installed 3.10.6 and 3.11.3a.
Installation hangs at the point where the printer is supposed to be detected (after the prompt to restart).At that point I break out with Ctrl-C.I then run hp-setup and select usb. That process complains about missing dbus file but prompts for the printing of a test page. The job begins but only a few lines are printed before the page is ejected, some more lines print, the page is ejected and so on.Have tried to uninstall with make uninstall but since there's no desktop I suppose the hp files are in the home folder?Please inform of proper uninstall for my case.I have also installed hplip via the webmin config. That install proceeds smoothly with no errors but print result is same.

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Software :: Apache Server Not Running Correctly?

Feb 25, 2010

I just did a fresh install of ubuntu 9.10 and install apache2 webserver with php5 and mysql, but for some reason I have no idea why but when upload files to the computer running apache2 webserver is the link to the ubuntu system It's not displaying the website correctly and it's not working on any pc on my network either, but it looks fine in dreamweaver when I was designing it on my laptop. list of all the files and folders in the /var/www path

root@requiem:/var/www# ls -lh
total 92K
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 446 2010-02-25 18:27 bg.gif
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2.3K 2010-02-25 18:27 contact.php
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 143 2010-02-25 18:27 content_bg.gif


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Ubuntu :: Server Gui - Why The Title Bars Are Not Showing Up Correctly

Feb 13, 2011

why the title bars are not showing up correctly like this:

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Server :: MySQL Backup Cron Job Not Executing Correctly?

Mar 2, 2011

I own a CentOS 5 VPS. I typed crontab -e, and then I added the following line to automatically have my server backup mysql

0 * * * * mysqldump -u root -p password --all-databases | gzip > /home/dbbackup/database_`date '+%m-%d-%Y_%H'`.sql.gz

When I go in and look, it doesn't place any files in /home/dbbackup. When I run

mysqldump -u root -p password --all-databases | gzip > /home/dbbackup/database_`date '+%m-%d-%Y_%H'`.sql.gz

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Server :: Mysqldump: Special Chars Are Not Correctly Saved?

Feb 18, 2011

I have some tables that contain special characters from different languages like German, Italian, Russian, Spanish etc. They are stored and displayed correctly.

When want to backup my DB like "mysqldump -h localhost-u root -p dbname > dbname.sql" the special characters are lost, they are not correctly stored nor displayed in the sql file. This means there is no possible restoration.

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CentOS 5 Server :: PHP 5.3 And MySQL - Webpages Not Loading Correctly

Oct 8, 2010

I am running CentOS 5.2 with php5.3 and Mysql. I am running a CRM program called Sugar on the server and I am having a problem where the webpages don't always load correctly. I am not sure if this is something on the program itself or if there is a problem some or other setting on the webserver. I am accessing the server over a local network so I don't think it is connection issues. The server has a static IP.

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Ubuntu Servers :: LDAP - Cannot Get The Replication Server Operating Correctly

Jun 7, 2010

I have successfully installed Openldap and am able to authenticate to it, but I can not get the replication server operating correctly. I have followed all of the steps in doing so from this guide, [URL], but there are a few things i don't understand. when creating the consumer_sync.ldif file on the consumer server it says to replace to your server's hostname.

would this be the provider or consumer? My porvider is ldap@tech.local and my consumer is ldap-backup@tech.local.... so what one are they refurring to with the ldap01? And is there a way to push, or sync the two server manually? How do I know if they are backing up properly? How do I test?

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Ubuntu Servers :: 9.10 - Using Bind9 As DNS Server On LAN - Does Not Seem To Translate Its Own Hostname Correctly

Sep 8, 2010

Im using bind9 as DNS server on my LAN, but it does not seem to translate its own hostname correctly for some reason. Other hosts is translated correctly, the problem only seems to apply to the DNS host itself. if i "ping <server_hostname>" from the server, it translates correctly. But if i "ping <server_hostname>" from the client it only says "unknown host" The client has the correct DNS-server assigned. How can i start troubleshooting this?


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Server :: LDAP Configuration / Admin Username And Password Are Set Correctly?

May 13, 2010

I have set it up, but I'm not sure whether the admin username and password are set correctly. How do I confirm? Also, if someone has any links explaining the format of an LDIF file.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting SAMBA Server Correctly - Can Only Access Files From The Win 7 Machine

May 31, 2010

Im having trouble setting my SAMBA server correctly. I have two Win machines, one with WIN7 and one with XP. I have one Ubuntu machine and Ubuntu Server 10.04. My problem is that I can only acess files from the Win 7 Machine. When I try to map out the shared dirs on my serverI get asked for user and password, when I enter my creditensials it dosent help.. What to do? I used the sample smb.conf file and open for no restrictions..


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CentOS 5 Server :: Dovecot/apache Not Working Properly - How To Make It Work Correctly

Mar 20, 2010

I am running a quad core centos 5.4 box that is having a strange problem with dovecot. The administration panel is able to send emails through dovecot but not any of the user accounts (ie with webmail). I've done a bit of research with what could be wrong but haven't had any luck so far I am also having a weird problem with apache: on a c++/php bittorrent application I was going to be running on a subdomain of my main site I get a 500 error every time I try to log in. The only way to get rid of the 500 error is to clear the chache (so its horribly broken somehow). The error generated in the log whenever I try to log in is that "ffmpeg is already loaded" (which I am running on the main site and is critical). Is there a way of either repairing my apache install or excluding ffmpeg on the subdomain in the conf or something?

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Ubuntu :: Teamspeak 3 Server Connectivity - Unable To Get Network Setup Correctly To Allow People To Connect Externally From My LAN?

Jan 21, 2011

I have Ubuntu 10.04 x86 installed, trying to get teamspeak 3 beta30.I have followed this guide:

And can not get my network setup correctly to allow people to connect externally from my LAN. I have forwarded every relevant port I could find to the computer hosting TS, I forwarded them first as their respective protocols, and then as the combined UDP/TCP. I tried Forwarding single port numbers, and then port ranges.I have also tried uninstalling selinux.I have tried connecting directly to my cable modem with the server.I had this working perfectly three months ago with all the same software, using the same guide I listed above.The only thing I can imagine has changed is my operating system itself with system updates.

My network looks like:

Comcast cable modem--->Netgear WNR3500L Router----->Ubuntu 10.04 x86 desktop edition

what else I could possibly check? I can connect to and manage the TS server fine using localhost:9987 or 192.168.1.x:9987, it just wont allow any connections from outside the network.

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Slackware :: Wicd Won't Install Correctly / Run Correctly (64-bit Slackware 13)?

Mar 31, 2010

When I installed Wicd, and ran it for the first time, I got an error something like: "Could not connect to Wicd's dbus session- check the Wicd log file for more info". However, later when I restarted my computer, Wicd started, but I can't connect to my network, it shows up as <hidden>, I can connect to linksys, so I know that wireless is working on that computer. I know that there's nothing wrong with my wireless router, because I can connect to my network in this computer.

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CentOS 5 :: How To Set Up FTP Correctly

Dec 3, 2010

I've got Centos and Windows running on two PC's both behind my cable modem/fire wall. As such, I do not have the firewall operating on Centos. I wish to FTP using Filezilla on the Windows PC to the Centos server. I believe I have FTP operating correctly. Evidently, I can't (and shouldn't I am sure) use the root username. So, I made a new user called "Me". When I logon using Filezilla, I go to /home/Me. I can't make a file or anything, and once I leave the Me directory, it disappears. If I go to /var, it is empty. I then telenet to the server using PuTTY, and can do whatever I want in Me as well as go to /var. I expect it is some sort of permission issue, and have tried adding Me to the root group, but no luck.

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Fedora :: F14 Does Not Interpret Correctly

Jan 21, 2011

Ah, this time you've really screwed it up without covering you traces: F14 does not interpret correctly my (possibly botched up) ACPI tables and HANGS!!! With acpi=off I have to press the power button to switch my desktop off and that is really ANNOYING. Surely the Fedora engineers could have done a better job with this one.

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Ubuntu :: X Isn't Loading Correctly

Jan 20, 2010

For 6 months I have used this computer as a ediacenter/seedbox on a decent TV. It crapped out and we got a new one. Hooked it up, had super messed up resolution. Ran some command (really don't remember) that ran you through the setup configuration asking for keyboard layout etc.

Didn't work. Deleted xorg.cong, didn't work. Blank xorg.conf, didn't work. What happens is it shows the Ubuntu name and loading bar, loads, then at 100% it shows 2 of them in purple around the screen. Obviously X isn't loading correctly.


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Ubuntu :: Resolution Can't Be Set Correctly

Mar 17, 2010

I just installed ubuntu 9.10 (latest version + updates) on my computer. I am new to the linux OS.I have a 1366x768 resolution monitor with a maximum vertical frequency of 60 hz. This worked well on windows. As I've already read in the internet, this can rise problems on Ubuntu. The monitor is connected through a switchbox, so it doesn't get recognised. Even if it's hooked up directly (Ubuntu recognises it) I can't choose the correct resolution.

Currently I can't use another graphics driver than the generic one. The screen stays black ("wrong vertical frequency" displayed on LCD Monitor) if I use another driver. I'd like to use the proprietary ATI/AMD fglrx driver. I edited the xorg.conf file, but I was unable to get the right resolution. It seems to be outdated on Ubuntu 9.10. After that fail, I searched for alternatives and ended up with a file called


in the "Xsession.d" folder. I'm using the following contents:


xrandr --newmode "1366x768_60.00" 85.86 1368 1440 1584 1800 768 769 772 795 -HSync +Vsync
xrandr --addmode VGA-0 "1366x768_60.00"
xrandr --output VGA-0 --mode 1366x768_60.00

But the monitor still complains that it's the wrong vertical frequency when I use the fglrx driver. The generic driver uses another resolution than the specified one (as always) and gives me a blurry picture on the screen. I have also tried other modelines, Ubuntu just doesn't seem to be able to display 1366x768@60hz.

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Ubuntu :: PAE Not Working Correctly, Still Only 3.3 GiB RAM?

Sep 28, 2010

I cannot get PAE to work on lucid. I have 4 GiB of RAM installed, but System Monitor says "Memory: 3.3 GiB".

$ uname -a
Linux hal 2.6.32-25-generic-pae #44-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 17 21:57:48 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux


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Ubuntu :: USB Not Working Correctly 10.04 LTS?

Mar 10, 2011

I am having this strange issue in 10.04. Some USB items work fine while others are not being seen or loading at all. I am using a 24 port powered usb hub. Items that work are:

2nd gen iPod Shuffle
Sony MP3 player
Amazon Kindle 3
do not work:
iPod Classic
B&N Nook

I do not get it, what is going on?

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Not Installing Correctly?

Apr 5, 2011

I wanted to get 10.10. I download it and install it and it tells me to restart like normal. But, when i restart, and select the ubuntu option, it gives me a countdown that says "Completing Ubuntu installation". Then, nothing happens... just a blinking white line.

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Ubuntu :: U11.04 Not Booting Correctly / Why Is So?

Jun 7, 2011

I have been using Ubuntu for about a month now. I have the latest version, 11.04. Today, I was watching and downloading movies on Miro and while I was watching, the screen froze and I couldn't get it back to normal. I manually shut down the computer and when I turned it back on it brought me to a page that reads code...

I do not know what to do from here or what the problem is, I was thinking maybe one of the movies I downloaded caused the problem because it happened right when I was downloading. Any help is appreciated, I really want to have my computer working again.

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Debian :: Dd Can't Copy /var Partition Correctly?

Jan 7, 2010

I am trying to mirror partitions from one harddisk to another.dd if=/dev/sda7 of=/dev/sdb7 bs=4k conv=noerror 2Strangely, it refuses to copy anything inside the www directory. I've tried many times with the same result - /var/www is empty in the target harddisk.I do this all the time without any problem on Etch. On this Lenny box, mirroring other partitions seems fine except for /var.

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Debian :: Aptitude Not Playing Correctly ?

Apr 3, 2011

Just today saw that for some reason aptitude seems broken. Dunno the reason. I don't know if its do with aptitude or some other update which introduced the issue. The issue is simple.

Before I could do something like $sudo aptitude purge linux-image [TAB]

Putting down the tab it would autocomplete or/and give other options if there were multiple options (it would do some kinda grep)

Now after the update of aptitude few days ago and other things I get something like this : sudo aptitude purge linux-image [TAB]grep-status: /var/lib/dpkg/status:14651: expected a colon

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