Server :: Yet Another Openfiler Thread About Hardware And Raid

Feb 28, 2010

i've been using Openfiler v2.3 and i'm looking to build a low power consuming machine for a home network.

Current Hardware / Setup
Aopen M-ATX s478 board
P4 3Ghz 800mhz


So what i would like to do is possibly get an atom 330 board with a pci-e slot and a 12port raid card and 2 or more GB of ram.Wondering if this would be a better setup then what i have now.Now there are some fall outs to what is setup now which are that Openfiler can not detect if a drive has failed so it requires me to monitor this server on a regular basis. I considered doing a software raid 6 but wasn't too keen on that since i read it takes a fairly good machine to compute.

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Server :: Using Either FreeNAS Or OpenFiler As The OS?

May 24, 2010

what is the best way to go for setting up a NAS. It will be used for 2-3 weeks worth of HD Video storage and needs to have a redundant power supply, swappable SATA drives. I'm thinking of using either FreeNAS or OpenFiler as the OS.

We are limited to a small amount of available server hardware in South America. To buy an 8TB HP NAS server costs $11000, quite pricey for us. In Canada I'd just get a couple of Buffalo Terrastations, but that's not an option now.

So I'm thinking of going with an INTEL SR2400 ($550), maybe even two of those for more redundancy. Anyway, I was thinking of using 1TB or 1.5TB drives, but according to other web sources, that's a bad idea with RAID, as it's more prone to hardware errors.

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Programming :: How To Bind Thread To Specific Thread In Multithread Application?

Dec 25, 2010

I am going to use "pthread_setaffinity_np" to bind a thread to a specific core. My application has two threads. I have used mutex to assign a specific id to each thread and then bind that thread to a core different from another core. but it seems that the os assigns both thread to one core.What should I do to bind each thread to a specific core?

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Server :: How Long Does Hardware Raid Card (raid 1) Take To Mirror 1 TB Drive (500gb Used)

Mar 22, 2011

How long does hardware Raid card (raid 1, 2 drives)take to mirror a 1 TB drive (500gb used)?Is there a general rule of thumb for this?4 hours? 12 hours? 24 hours?

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General :: Filesystem To Choose For NAS Box Based On OpenFiler

Feb 23, 2010

I'm a photographer and I have a requirement find a better method of storing my photos other than multiple USB2 drives via USB hubs. Currently I use a Macbook Pro and 6 external drives connected via USB2 or FW800. 3 are a copy of the first three, kept up to day manually by running an rsync backup. I'd like to run a FreeNAS or OpenFiler NAS box using 2TB drives mirrored via software RAID. But - I would like to have the flexibility of also plugging into the drive physically for the faster throughput when necessary. My question is, is there a file system that both *nix and Mac OSX will play nice with?

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Ubuntu Servers :: FreeNAS Openfiler - What Is Optimal

May 4, 2011

I've been tinkering with both recently to see what can suit my needs as a simple raid1 mirrored backup server. I used FreeNAS for all but minutes before I had a raid1 array running and shares set up through CIFS. Using Ubuntu on my laptop I was able to see them as well. I had some more figuring out to do, as I wanted each share to be blocked off from the other. aka - I didn't want "fred" to be able to access "bob's" share. So then I move on to Openfiler to check it out. I hear it's simpler. It's web interface, while no doubt much slower than FreeNAS, was easy to mingle around. At first glance, I thought I'd like it more.

I began to set up my raid1 array. After realizing the final release I was dealing with had a bug, I found some commands to run in a root shell to fix. Okay, so now we're moving along... raid1 array created. Then I had to create a volume group. Then a volume. Then shares. And I still don't have it running over cifs. I'm curious if FreeNAS by nature is truly simpler to set up raid array's with, or if maybe I'm just totally misunderstanding Openfiler and that be the reason why I'm thinking this.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Connect A RAID Box To The Server Via LSI 8880EM2 RAID Controller

Aug 3, 2010

I am trying to connect a RAID Box to the server via LSI 8880EM2 RAID controller.The raid box is FUjitsu Externus DX60 with raid 1 configured.The server is Fujitsu Primergy SX300 S5 with LSI 8880EM2 RAID card.The external raid box is being recognised by the raid controllers bios.

The server runs CentOS 5.5 64bit. I have installed the megaraid_sas driver from LSI website and MegaCLI utility but CentOS still fails to see the box.MegaCLI utility, when launched from CentOS, recognises the raid box, CentOS does not(no mapping being created in /dev).

I have also tried to create a logical RAID0 HDD on one physical HDD(as seen by MegaCLI) with MegaCLI utility in CentOS.The result was success and the new logical drive could have been used, but when restarting the server, the controllers' bios fails with an error (not surprised(one logical RAID0 on one physical HDD)) and configuration is being erased.

Has anyone tried connecting 8880EM2 controller to a raid box with raid configured on the box, running it all under CentOS and what were the results.

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General :: Openfiler Post Install - Login As Root And Configure Everything Within The GUI

Feb 1, 2011

I downloaded the lastest x86 stable release of openfiler and installed it on VBOX durring the install I selected to manually do the partitions and added a

swap (x2 ram)

Partition scheme. I selected DHCP client on the network configuration. Now from what I understand once I have done that I should be able to point my browser to https:<IP>:446 and login as root and configure everything within the GUI. But when I log in there is nothing to configure. My host system is Ubuntu x86_64 4GB Ram amd dual core processor.

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Server :: Convert Raid 1 To Raid 10?

Jul 21, 2011

I am looking to convert a raid 1 server I have to raid 10. It is using software raid, currently I have 3 drives in raid 1. Is it possible to boot into centos rescue, stop the raid 1 array. Then create the raid 10 with 4 drives, 3 of which still has the raid 1 metadata, will mdadm be able to figure it out and resync properly keeping my data? or is there a better way to do it?

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Server :: Tur A Non-RAID System To RAID?

Mar 24, 2011

I have a box that doesn't have a Raid controller or a software raid running currently. I would like to make it a RAID 1. Since it seems there isn't any IDE RAID controllers hardly around, I have another HD that is the exact model as the drive currently in the box running CentOS. Can I some how add the second drive and get the box to mirror from here own out? The box gets really hot and I want to be ready for a HD failure.

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Ubuntu Servers :: RAID-5 Recovery (spare/active) / Degraded And Can't Create Raid ,auto Stop Raid [md1]?

Feb 1, 2011

Could any RAID gurus kindly assist me on the following RAID-5 issue?I have an mdadm-created RAID5 array consisting of 4 discs. One of the discs was dropping out, so I decided to replace it. Somehow, this went terribly wrong and I succeeded in marking two of the drives as faulty, and the re-adding them as spare.

Now the array is (logically) no longer able to start:

mdadm: Not enough devices to start the array.Degraded and can't create RAID ,auto stop RAID [md1]

I was able to examine the disks though:

root@ mdadm --examine /dev/sdb2
Magic : a92b4efc
Version : 00.90.00

mdadm --create --assume-clean --level=5 --raid-devices=4 /dev/sda2 /dev/sdb2 /dev/sdc2 /dev/sdd2
As I don't want to ruin the maybe small chance I have left to rescue my data, I would like to hear the input of this wise community.

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Server :: Setup RAID 1 On CentOS 5 Server For A Zimbra Email Server

Feb 7, 2011

I'm trying to setup RAID 1 on a CentOS 5 server for a zimbra email server.I get a partion schema error. Can I do this?The server is a HP Proliant ML150 G3 server with two 80GB HDD.

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Programming :: Unix Programming - Single Thread Server Can Support Exactly 2 Clients At Once

Sep 28, 2010

A simple TCP based chat server could allow users to use any TCP client (telnet, for example) to communicate with each other. For this question you should consider a single process, single thread server that can support exactly 2 clients at once, the server simply forwards whatever is sent from one client to the other (in both directions). Your server must not insist on any specific ordering of messages as soon as something is sent from one client it is immediately forwarded to the other client. As soon as either client terminates the connection the server can exit

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Server :: Convert RAID 1 To NON-RAID System In Cent OS 5 System?

Jan 6, 2010

Here is my system: I have dell poweredge 1950 PERC 6 with 300 GB raid system. It has two disks of each 300GB RAID mirrored system. I have few applications and data that reached around 280GB. As you know, poweredge 1950 we can have only two disk.

They are not mission critical. Hence, I wanted to remove the raid system and use as a non-raid system. By doing it, The applications and data can grow upto 600GB. I do not want to loose the data and setup. I am not so clear about RAID system and its conversion.

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Server :: E-mail Clients Know Whether Or Not An E-mail Is Part Of A Thread?

Jul 5, 2011

How do e-mail clients know whether or not an e-mail is part of a thread? (For example, Thunderbird can fold e-mails into threads.) Do they just guess based on the Subject line, or do they know for certain based on an e-mail field? I was planning to tackle some more advanced filter programming on my Postfix server.

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Server :: Convert Single Drive Ubuntu Server To RAID 0

May 28, 2010

I am running single drive Ubuntu server 9.10 with a lot of software. Now I want to add one more disk (same size and type) and to convert this to RAID 0 without need of reinsallation. Is it possible and if yes how? I didn't find nothing for RAID 0. It sounds simple, but probably is not.

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Server :: Hp Server Smartstart Raid Software ?

Mar 25, 2010

I install 1 of the server build hardware raid 10 with hotspare. now the problem i cant monitor the raid. since it shows as single disk.

So if i need to see any crash disk/failure disk i cant monitor or get logs. can someone advise where to get and how to install the hp smart start for linux or any alternate way available in linux to perform such tasks.

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Server :: Configuring RAID 5 Under Ubuntu Server 9.10

Jan 16, 2010

I have a problem configuring a RAID server under Ubuntu 9.10 (kernel with mdadm (v2.6.7.1). First I had some hardware issues that finally got solved by using another motherboard. Now I am dealing with the software part.In order to ease things, I am trying to configure a RAID 5 with three partitions in one disk. I have two HD's, one IDE where the OS lies (recognized as sda), and another where I intend to build the RAID (recognized as sdb). In this second drive I have made three partitions (sdb1, sdb2 & sdb3) of the same size.I've already re-installed Ubuntu 9.10 a couple of times, zeroed the superblocks of the partitions, repartitioned the disks with different partition sizes (I am using 5 GB partitions to save time). I've gone through this process several times, and I really don't know how to move forward now. If RAID is about trust and reliability, this is exactly what I'm not able to get.

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Server :: RAID Configuration For New Home Server

Jun 1, 2010

I have a new home server I built this weekend with 4 x 320 GB Seagate Barracuda SATA drives. I am going to load my O.S. this week however I don't have a RAID controller so I would like to utilize 'Software RAID' via 'mdadm' package. My question is since this is a general home server with no specific function rather than hold my data reliabily and resonably fast, how do you guys recommend I configure my partitions for RAID? What level would be best with my 4 drive configuration? RAID5 or RAID10? Should I use a 3 drive RAID and use the 4th as a spare? Please let me know what you recommend as I don't have a lot of expertise with what is not practical or useless when it comes to Mdadm RAID.

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General :: How To Partition Server With RAID 1/10

Aug 26, 2009

I am trying to partition my server before installing CentOS and cPanel.I have hardware RAID 1/10 On RAID 1 I would have


On RAID 10 I would have

2 GB swap

Is it correct partionining setup?What should I have on RAID 10 ?

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General :: Setting Up Raid Server?

Apr 29, 2011

I just built a home computer with 3TB hard drives I wanted to set up in a RAID 5 and load Ubuntu server onto it. The first thing I did was set up the drives in a RAID 5 using just the motherboard chipset software to do it, so a 'hardware' RAID basically. I installed Windows first to see if all the hardware works ok (that seemed the easiest way to verify it) and with the exception of the ethernet card (which needed a driver disk to work) everything was plug n' play and worked wonderfully. After that I booted the Windows install disk again to delete the partitions, hoping Ubuntu 10.10 server would create its own.

The problem I'm having is no matter what I've tried (deleting and recreating the RAID 5 setup, departitioning the drives), whenever I try to install Ubuntu it won't recognize the RAID as a valid disk. Ironically, it did at first, because I installed windows to verify the hardware. The ethernet card wasn't working automatically in the Ubuntu setup, (although it found the unformatted RAID drive), so I installed windows and figured out it was just the drivers that needed to be installed.

So now when I try to install Ubuntu, it finds the ethernet card perfectly and connects to the internet during the installation...but that actually stinks because it's telling me it's still accessing the drivers from the drives that I thought I formatted. Once it gets to the storage part of the installation afterwards, it can't find the RAID drive anymore. I tells me to choose a disk from the list, but the list is blank. So I can't install on it.

If I remove the RAID entirely and just keep the drives as 3 separate IDE drives, it finds every drive perfectly and can install to either one I choose. But I don't want this, I definitely need them RAIDed.

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Server :: How To Format RAID 5 Using 3 Disks

Aug 16, 2011

I have built a couple RAID's, but I'm uncertain of how I should format the partitions of the raid. Should I format partitions on each disk, and then add them to a raid, or should I create a raid on unformated disks and then format the raid as a partition? Does it matter, and are there performance/reliability issues? I'm creating a RAID-5 using 3 SATA disks on RHEL for user data area.

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Server :: CentOS 5.3 - How To Configure RAID 1

Dec 28, 2010

I have centos 5.3. I have two h/d 1st h/d used as primary and backup of reqd things of first h/d is copied into 2nd h/d. I want to configure mirroring in this server how to configure this, raid 1 is ok or not.

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Server :: Having Slow RAID 1 Resync?

Aug 1, 2010

I have ClearOS (CentOS) installed. I have 2 x 2TB SATA HDDs (hda & hdc). At installation time, I configured a RAID 1 (and LVM) between the two HDDs. After a power problem happened, the two HDD were re-syncing and I checked it using: watch cat /proc/mdstat The speed didn't exceed 2100 KB/s I tried the following with no change:

echo 50000 > /proc/sys/dev/raid/speed_limit_min

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Server :: Software RAID On Existing LVM

Feb 9, 2011

Currently I have 3 hard drives
2pcs 10gb almost the same
1pc 20gb

I have a layout of
/dev/hda1 boot 104391 83 Linux
/dev/hda2 9912105 8e Linux LVM
/dev/hdb1 9873328+ 8e Linux LVM

The two 10g is setup as lvm and I want to make raid1 using the 20gb hdd. Almost all I see is raid1 first in the internet.

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Software :: Failed SME Server 7.4 Raid 5

Mar 18, 2010

Just had my Raid 5 config on Sme server 7.4 crash due to a faulty drive, I have manage to setup a machine with ubuntu 9.04 and installed the drives in there original config (I haven't overwritten them). Ubuntu can see the raid config but for some reason I cannot mount it as it keeps asking for the filesystem which if I check says LVM2_member, anyone know how I could get it to mount?

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Software :: Raid Details For Ibm X Server?

Jul 30, 2010

Using redhat linux 4 update 5 find out the raid details of a server. I have a machine which is a t remote site. i thing all the disk slots are populated but only two disks are used. I can see those two disks presented as a volume to my operating system. I would like to confirm if the other disks are there or not

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CentOS 5 :: Setup A Server With RAID 5?

Jul 21, 2009

I looking to setup a CentOS server with RAID 5 i was wondering what the best way to set it up and How with the ability to add more HDD to the RAID system later on if needed?

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Ubuntu :: Format 4.5 TB RAID 5 For Multimedia Server?

Jul 22, 2010

I have created a software raid 5 array which is currently sitting idle all space is unallocated. My plan was to use all 4.5 TB as a single partition for multimedia files. My problem is that I am trying to set up a file server acessible to windows systems al well as linux. Is there a file system I can use to partition this space that will geve me what I want?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Server 10.04 With Software RAID?

Sep 17, 2010

I recently assembled a small pc with two 2TB harddisks to set up as a home server,and I figured I'd install Ubuntu Server 10.04 on it.As simple as that sounds I'm pretty close to restructuring the machine with a kitchen knife . The data on the server will mainly consist of backups so I'd like the disks configured in RAID 1, a hardware RAID controller was way over budget/overkill since software raid seemed perfectly sufficient for this purpose. So I downloaded the 64-bit server installer for 10.04, put it on an usb-stick (no optical drive in the machine) using the usb-creator tool.

Everything goes perfectly well up to the partition editor. I try to create the partitions I want for the RAID configuration, but I cannot switch the boot-flag to on when I select "physical volume for raid". When trying to switch it briefly shows a progress bar and it's still set to off. I got this problem in both the 8.10 and 10.04 installers (I figured I'd try configuring in a different version, but no luck). Right now I just configured the boot partition (and several others) to be on one disk and the data partition the only one configured as RAID-1, which took ages to apply (I actually thought that had crashed too when I started this topic..) but this is far from ideal since I won't be able to boot from disk if one of them fails and it might be a pain to recover the data. how do I make a "physical volume for raid" bootable in the installer?

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