Server :: The CFQ Scheduler And "low_latency" Option?

Jun 23, 2010

I the Linux kernel 2.6.32, The CFQ scheduler has been changed as you probably know. They insert the 'low_latency" mode in it.I read that this option, actually limits the affect of the dirty data write from the buffer cache while the system doing sync IO.

From url:


"the amount of async writeback sent to the device will be limited by the time since that last sync IO." "limiting the damage that the async IO can do while sync IO is also happening"

I also read that this option is not recommended to Database server.As I know, DB writes his DB files with O_DIRECT and won't write to the Filesustem buffer cache.SO this option don't need do bother him.

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Ubuntu :: Where To Put IO Scheduler Settings

Apr 24, 2011

I recently got an SSD and want to switch to using the noop IO scheduler permanently. I understand how to change the scheduler at runtime, but where can I put the command to make it apply on bootup?

I know you can pass "elevator=noop" to the kernel, but that sets all the drives to that scheduler, which I don't want as I still have ye olde spinning drives too - I just want a single drive set to noop..

I'm guessing there's an init script somewhere which is ideal for this, but I've no clue which!

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Ubuntu :: DEB Of The 2.6.32 Kernel With The BFS Scheduler Built In?

Feb 6, 2010

Is there a DEB of the 2.6.32 Kernel with the BFS Scheduler built in? I'd like to give it a run, but I'm not so sure about compiling it on my own.

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Ubuntu :: Where Is Task Scheduler In Kubuntu 9.10?

Apr 9, 2010

I have seen tutorials all over the web on how to use this, but I can't find the Task Scheduler anywhere on my system. I'm using 9.10.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Ubuntu :: Kde Scheduler (kcron) Not Working?

Oct 5, 2010

When I try to schedule a task with kcron, It doesnt work. I installed it with sudo apt-get install kcron. Now it appears in advanced system settings.If I test the task with the run now button the task works correctly. However, when the set time arrives, the task is not performed automatically. I have tried both the personal user cron and the system cron.

By the way, when I try sudo service crond restart, It says service not recognized and when I use sudo contab -e, the file is empty. It should have something since I added an entry in the system's cron in the kde schedule manager.

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General :: Run A Command With The 'at' Scheduler In Mint 9?

Jul 12, 2010

I'm trying to run a command with the 'at' scheduler in Linux Mint 9. It's basically a ssh connection to my Smoothwall firewall to tell it to shut down, but that part isn't really important. The problem I have is that I can't get the 'at' schedule command to do much. I can type commands into the terminal and they work perfectly. If I enter exactly the same command into 'at' nothing happens.

For example, I can type 'plink -load smoothwall' into a terminal and a new ssh terminal comes up asking for my password to make an ssh connection. If I create an 'at' job with the same command, ie:

$ at now + 5 minutes
at> plink -load smoothwall
at> <Ctrl-d>

then nothing at all happens when the 5 minutes are up. I've checked that the job exists by doing an 'atq' command. Obviously there's something about 'at' that I don't understand. I've googled, I've looked in this forum and I've looked in a copy of 'The Linux Bible 2010' all without success. I've tried various alternative ways of entering the command for a couple of hours and I'm still stuck.

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Programming :: LPR Error - Scheduler Not Responding

Feb 9, 2011

I am trying to write a BASH script that will help people print on Linux Servers (CentOS). I am asking the file in the script. We use a print server That have specific named print queue/ports.

The syntax I am using is:
lpr -H -U test test.doc
and I get a "lpr : Error - Scheduler is not responding!".

[Examples used:]
Port/queues: Test-BWQ
user: test

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Slackware :: No More Anticipatory Scheduler In 13.1's Kernel?

Jun 9, 2010

So how do I get real USB performance back? On older kernels, copying files to USB sticks, I'd get 30Mb/s. Struggling to get 4Mb/s now. What settings can I change?

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General :: Unable To Use GUI Scheduler On Ubuntu Desktop 10.04

Jul 20, 2010

I recently loaded ubuntu 10.04 on an older laptop to get a feel for using a GUI version. I would like to setup a recurring job schedule to start sound recorder or Audacity. I would prefer it was from a graphical user interface but would do it with a cron if I could get started.

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Software :: Scheduler/VB6 Program / Run-time Error '429'?

Nov 16, 2009

I have made a vb6 porgram, it is running without any error in windows platform. However, i want it to be run at Fedora too. I run my program with Wine Windows Program Loader in a Linux pc, but the program stuck with an error message:

Run-time error '429':
ActiveX component can't create object

I thought it was the error message because of missing some dll/reference files, so I tried to copy all those related .dll & .ocx file into my wine file. (Just copy and paste into the system32 of wine, no regsvr32 statement to register the .dll as what we always do in Windows.) However, all my efforts are in vain. I not sure what is the cause of this error.

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Programming :: Implementing A Classless Qdisc (a Scheduler)?

May 13, 2011

i am running linux kernel 2.6.32-30 and my aim is to do packet aggregation in linux,so i created a qdisc simple one like sch_fifo.c and i wanted to put upon the dequeue function but when i attach my qdisct with tc qdisc add dev wlan0 root aggregate my screen just go black and in var/log/messages it says 31 m of stolen memory.graphic perfomance may suffer. can you somebody pls help me. Below is my dequeue function.

static struct sk_buff *aggregate_dequeue(struct Qdisc *sch)
struct sk_buff *skb;
struct packet_buffer *packet_buffer = {0};
skb = __skb_dequeue(&sch->q);


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Server :: DHCP Server Option T150 Code 150 = String?

Jan 6, 2011

I have come across this option given below in dhcpd.conf file for DHCP Server configuration. Can any body let me know what this option is all about.Code:option T150 code 150 = string;

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CentOS 5 Server :: What Is Configure Option Of Mysql Server From Repo?

May 6, 2010

what is configure option of Mysql server from Centos repo? I mean configuration option used before compilation.

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Debian :: Starting Deferred Execution Scheduler: Atd Failed

Mar 20, 2011

When I boot , I find a line: starting deferred execution scheduler: atd failed. How to do with it? I use Debian 6.

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Ubuntu :: Speed Scheduler Plugin Locks Up Vuze?

Jul 8, 2010

I'm having a problem with Vuze locking up when I use the speed scheduler plugin. I never had this issue when I was using them in windows.

Here is whats happening. I have speed scheduler set to pause my seeds during the day. sometimes when it pauses a finished torrent the status of the torrent will be stuck on "stopping". When it does this my bandwidth up and down drop to 0 and I cannot download new torrents. I cannot removed the "stopping" torrent or even restart it. Vuze just kind of locks up. I have to kill the java process and restart Vuse before I can get it working again.

I'm running the latest version of Vuze and the speed scheduler plugin on Ubuntu 10.04.

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Programming :: Simple Download Scheduler Program Code?

Apr 30, 2010

I have created a simple download schedular with source-code give below :
touch /home/student/packs/lynx/logfile
lynx -cmd_log /home/student/packs/lynx/logfile


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Server :: Best Option - Modem Or Server As The Router Of My Network ?

Sep 30, 2010

What is the best option: leave the ADSL modem as the router of my network, or use a Debian Linux server in place?

* there is high traffic on my network (at work time);
* 7 PCs on the network;
* Debian Linux server: PC - Intel Pentium IV 3.06 Ghz - 2 GB RAM.

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Debian Configuration :: Changing Linux I / O Scheduler For VMware Guest

Mar 22, 2016

Following VMware recommendations on how to change linux I/O scheduler for guests, I'm trying to do it on my VM machine running Debian Wheezy. At the moment I'm running kernel backports:

Code: Select all$ uname -a
Linux brutus2 3.16.0-0.bpo.4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt20-1+deb8u3~bpo70+1 (2016-01-19) x86_64 GNU/Linux

The default I/O scheduler at the moment for device /dev/sda is CFQ, and I can change it on the fly to NOOP:

Code: Select all$ cat /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler
noop deadline [cfq]
$ echo noop > /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler
$ cat /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler
[noop] deadline cfq


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General :: SMP Scheduler Support For Identical Cores At Different Clock Speed?

Jan 17, 2011

I am new to the forum and new to Linux.

I am trying to explore if Linux can be run on a multicore platform when the max frequency of one the cores is less than the others.

please give me some pointers or let me know if you have tried such HW configuration.

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Ubuntu :: Power Top Wake Ups From [kernel Scheduler] Load Balancing Tick And [ohci_hcd:usb4?

Aug 7, 2010

trying to save abit of power where i can, this is from my fileserver/htpc, a zotac gf 9300 itx motherboard and a underclocked e3300 at 100mhz on fsb. is there any way i can lower the amounnt that these processes wake up the cpu?

Code:< Detailed C-state information is not P-states (frequencies)
1250 Mhz 0.1%
1000 Mhz 0.0%
800 Mhz 0.0%
600 Mhz 99.8%


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General :: Download Scheduler Program Code Which Creates Multiple Threads Of The Downloading Process?

Apr 30, 2010

I have created a simple download schedular with source-code give below :
touch /home/student/packs/lynx/logfile
lynx -cmd_log /home/student/packs/lynx/logfile


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Server :: Best Option For Home Server?

Mar 16, 2011

I have a computer lying around here and decided to turn it into a server. I installed Ubuntu Desktop 10.10 and was wondering what software would be best for it. I already have some software in mind but wanted to know if anyone here has a better aproach to my needs.

I wanted it to serve as:
-HTTP server; Apache
-File server for other computers on the network; Samba
-Streaming music server; SubSonic
-DHCP server; dhcpd3


What special care should I take on configuring it all, taking into account that I'll be using two ethernet cards (LAN & WAN)? Also the DNS part seems really tricky to me, as my needs are to resolve network names in my network.. (I can't ping any computer by name and file sharing becomes difficult)

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Server :: Option To Bandwidth Control?

Jan 31, 2010

what are the option in linux to bandwidth control?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Where Is The Package List For "Server-GUI" Install Option

May 5, 2010

There is a differentiation between a 'Server' install and a 'Server-GUI' install.

Using CentOS 5.4 DVD 1 graphic install...


So far I have not found a way to view the packages that are installed with the 'SERVER-GUI' option.
I would like to upgrade my 'Server' to a 'Server-GUI'.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Can't Start NFS Server With GSS Option

Feb 24, 2011

I can't start NFS Server with GSS option.I've added [URL] (example) principal via kadmin with -randkey option as mentioned at "6.4.8. Creating Kerberos Service Principals".After executing rcnfsserver start, /var/log/messages shows:"do you have a keytab entry for nfs/<>@<YOUR.REALM> in /etc/krb5.keytab?"

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Option In NFS Server Like 'hide And Nohide'

Aug 11, 2010

There is an option in NFS server like 'hide and nohide'. how to work with these options(Practically).

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Server :: NFS Mounting With Username / Password Option?

Mar 23, 2011

I'd like to manually mount my nfs share mount -t nfs ipaddress:/nfsshare /mnt/nfsfolder but would like to include a userid and password option via command (not via fstab), since the nfs share has different credentials than the server where I'm mounting to. What's the proper switch to include in this line?

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Server :: Option -m: Invalid Argument Near Character 14

Nov 26, 2010

Option -m: Invalid argument near character 14

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Server :: Sendmail Ignore RunAsUser Option?

Jul 27, 2010

I use Slackware 13.1 with Sendmail 8.14. I set RunAsUser=mail option in, but Sendmail still run under root. How run Sendmail under nonpriveleged user?

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Server :: Spam/virus Fetchmail Option

Oct 7, 2010

My client has finally had enough of being attacked via SPAM/Viruses and having his single email account for his company being destroyed. Since it is a single account and he does not want to add additional accounts or create a new one(mail is hosted by ISP), I wanted to ask the forum on their opinion on using Fetchmail to download the POP3 mail and having it piped through SMAM Assassion or DSpam and or CLAM_AV or F-PROT. In addition to that I am going to use a corporate strength anti-virus such as F-prot(Been using for years) and really put this email through a microscope. I also was thinking of just blocking out all domains other than his clients list of domains so in other words block all and allow just the domains that we know are valid and are only from his clients. It is super restrictive but what I believe will end his issue.

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