Server :: PHP From Command Line Gives A Warning?

Dec 28, 2010

Whenever I try and use php from the command line, I get this message:PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib64/php/modules/' - /usr/lib64/php/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0The problem isn't the missing module, it is the warming message itself -- it is breaking scripts that rely on the output.I tried shutting off errors, changed my error reporting to:

display_startup_errors = Off

Doesn't seem to matter though - it is almost like it isn't using the php.ini file at all

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Fedora :: Run Python3 Scripts From Command Line And Call Up Python 2.6.2 Idle With The Command Idle From Command Line?

May 29, 2010

i've gotten my fedora 12 to the point where i can run python3 scripts from command line and can call up python 2.6.2 idle with the command 'idle' from command line. what command will call up python3 (3.1.2 to be exact) idle?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Server - When Boot It Only Boots To The Server Version And All Get Is Command Line

Apr 1, 2010

I was having so much trouble with ubuntu 8.04 that I deleted off my computer and did a fresh install of 9.10. I downloaded the 64 bit iso from the internet, burned it to a disc and installed it. When it asked if it should be the server version I thought I said no. Now when I boot it only boots to the server version and all I get is command line. Can I get out of this and get my regular ubuntu screen back or did I install the wrong version?

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Server :: Working At The Command Line With Ubuntu Server Edition?

Jun 30, 2010

Whilst I have used GUI-based Linux distros for the last few years, I am now struggling somewhat when it comes to setting up a server from the command line. All the howto's I've read so far tell you how to set up certain things, but I don't know what I actually need to set up.Rather than asking the same questions all over again on a forum like this, and generally being a bit of a noob, I wonder if there's a resource somewhere that someone could direct me to in order to know what I need to do to set up a fileserver.

The hardware is all done, and I will probably set up a router distro like IpCop to manage the network, but I'm rather lost as to what packages I need, and how to know what the server is/isn't doing.I've used plenty of command lines in the past (ms dos, amiga dos, BASIC programming etc), just not a linux command line. All I've ever done is mount a few drives, use nmap and started x

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CentOS 5 Server :: Setting Up CUPS (command Line) On New Server?

Mar 29, 2009

I was using Red Hat 7.3 forever and decided it was time for a change. I went to Fedora 10 but it was really buggy. CentOS 5.2 is VERY stable.Here is my problem.The server is command line only -- I tend to hate GUI"S.I setup Samba no problem disabling the ports needed through the firewall and that was straightforward.CUPS is a nightmare for me since CentOS locks down the cupsd.conf and then the firewall does its thing. I allowed port 631 through the firewall but then got lost on the cupsd.conf. It's been too long and the old redhat one won't work with CentOS (not surprising since it's a VERY old system) straight-forward CUPS tutorial for a command line interface. I just need it to be:

a) do this

b) do that

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Ubuntu Servers :: Does Server Have GUI Or Command Line Only?

Jan 22, 2011

I just got done installing Ubuntu Server 10.04 on a home server. Now what should I do? I was hoping to have 3 computers connected to it so that we can all share files wirelessly if that's possible.Does Ubuntu Server have a GUI or command line only?

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General :: Log Out Of Command Line Without Shutting Down The Server

Feb 14, 2011

I am accessing a linux server remotely from my putty. I started the server and now I want to close the command line. when I do cntr+c or cntr+z it kills my server aswell. how will I close my terminal without closing my server? I tried cntr +d but it is not doing anything

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Server :: Send An E-mail With The Command Line?

Sep 12, 2010

I want to send a simple mail from my terminal

I'm using opensuse and a Know that I have postfix installed...

I don't know what I need configure first...

I know that I need a SMTP server to send e-mails write?

When I try send e-mail with the command mail I received this message :

mail -s "meeting reminder" -c
(host [] refuse to talk to me: 421 cannot conect to SMTP server.

I was reading about fetchmail But I can't understand....

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Server :: Use Scp Or Sftp Command Line With A Key File?

Oct 6, 2010

Running: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 5.2 (Tikanga) I need to be able to automate transferring a few files over from one server to another using scp or the sftp protocol. I have received a text file which looks like a key file along with username and passphrase information for the target server in question.

Instructions were given to me to import the provided text file in puttyGen then save the imported key as a private key to be used by scp or sftp. My assumption is this is for windows utilities, which I am not using. My frustration comes in trying to automate logging into this server via sftp or scp to automate some file transfers. I am asked for a password every time because the public and private key methods failed to find my keys. How can I call scp or the sftp utilities and use the provided key file (the one I generated using puttyGen or the original one provided to me) to login to this server? I've tried taking the generated ppk file from puttygen and adding it with the ssh-add command but that still did not work.

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Server :: What Is XMX Command Line Options (API Error)

Feb 26, 2010

I install software called Sunflow v0.07.2 in my Ubuntu. When I try to run it,it says
"API error : JVM available memory is below 800 MB (found 728 MB only). Please make sure you launched the program with the -Xmx command line options". What is that xmx command line.What should i do to run Sunflow.

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Fedora Installation :: Install A Command Line Server Without Gui?

Mar 22, 2011

I need to install a command line server without gui and smallest as possible Is there a option on installer to obtain a minimal server?

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Ubuntu :: Install Webmin On My Server(9.10) By Command Line?

Feb 17, 2010

I am trying to install webmin on my server(9.10) by command line
what is the command to see if it is installed or not

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Ubuntu :: Install A Printer Server In The Command Line?

Apr 30, 2010

I am trying to install a printer server in the command line.

Does anyone know of good tutorials? or could explain it to me.

I already have cups installed. I just need to install the correct driver which is the Canon MP180 and set it to share.

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Ubuntu :: Unpack A *.deb File On Server Command Line?

May 13, 2010

how to unpack a .deb file on server, I tried tar, but doesn't work

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Ubuntu :: Command Line Mail Client Server?

Jan 27, 2011

I have just got myself up and running on a ubuntu 32 bit server with postfix using this guide here [URL] and everything is working great ( i didnt install ispconfig )

I want to get a command line mail client running but I am having some permission issue.

sudo aptitude install heirloom-mailx
then when i type mail this happens
/var/mail/jj: Permission denied

i also tried mutt etc but always get permission denied.

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General :: Minimal Installed Server, Put A GUI And VNC Via Command Line?

Apr 14, 2010

Total, total noob here, but I would like to know if this is possible, and maybe some tips on how to do it if it is.I just got myself a dedicated server, and I guess I assumed I could just remote control it via my own screen, much like using vnc or remote desktop, but that wasn't the case.The server has Debian 5.0, a "minimal install" is what they called it, I assume it's just installed and not configured at all.1. Connect to the server, and I guess the only way is via telnet? Since I have no VNC or remote desktop (yeah, microsoft, I know, but I don't know what it's called for Linux/GNU).2. Can I install VNC or somehow "activate" or "open" the GUI via telnet, much like a remote desktop kind of solution? I have used Debian's GUI on my laptop a couple of times, and I'm a total Windows-user, but I can navigate the graphical interface. I'm just COMPLETELY nulled when it comes to command line.So yeah, I guess I'm wondering how the heck I can remote control the server via a GUI, preferably VNC, and if I can install it via telnet or however I'm supposed to connect to the server?

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Server :: Configuring Shared Directories Via Command Line

Nov 29, 2010

Would anyone be so kind as to point me to a good reference for how use the command line to configure a directory to be shared in the directory properties?I know how to do it using graphical tools such as Nautilus, Konqueror, and Gnome's shares-admin, but I'd like to know how to do with via command line, because, once you know the commands, the command line is always quicker.I guess you could say I'm looking for a command line method for sharing directories in much the same way that chmod sets permissions from the command line.

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Server :: Crontab Fails But Command Line Works ?

Feb 19, 2011

Having an odd problem running a mysqldump via crontab. I have the script running on other servers and they work fine, so not sure how to actually troubleshoot, but the script looks like the following;

If I run it as a cronjob as root, it finishes in a second and a 20k file is there. If I run it from the command line as root it does the backup (takes a few minutes) but does complete the backup and can be unzipped and read successfully.

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Server :: Gawk Works From Command Line But Not From Cron

Jun 5, 2010

I have a very simple gawk script to add commas to numbers to make them more readable:

It works perfectly from the command line, but when run from cron it doesn't add the commas.

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Server :: Passing On Command Line Switches To Other Programs?

Nov 10, 2010

On our server we have a certain directory, say /storage, that contains many large files. They are all compressed (gzip). Many of our users are not computer-savvy, and so when one of these files is needed, they will copy it to their own directory. Consequently, we have multiple terabytes of duplicate data. I'd like to enforce an alias whereby if someone tries to use cp on a file from /storage, they will instead create a symbolic link. My idea was something like:

alias cp=''
truePath=$(readlink -f "$1")


The conditional checks whether the file being copied begins with "/storage". The problem with this is that if someone wanted to use cp with any options on a file not in /storage, those options would be obliterated. Can someone guide me as to a good way to accomplish this? Either a way to get the options from cp into, or another approach not using alias this way. Everyone will be using bash.

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Server :: Retrieve MySQL Data From Command Line?

Aug 17, 2011

My computer has broken and I cannot login. I don't know what caused it.

I am using Fedora 14 and so it is easy to retrieve my files with the Fedora 14 installation disk under the 'restore' option. I cannot however, work out how to retrieve my MySQL data.

Would anyone be able to shed some light on this matter?

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Server :: Backup Nightly Some Items And Using A Command Line?

Jan 30, 2011

I have 2 'how-to's' with rsync neither are working. I need to backup nightly some items and using a command line, I am prompted with a password, enter and it works. I now tried these 2 items in the shell script, both of them still when run prompt for a password. I have tried;

export RSYNC_PASSWORD=passwordhere
- and -
also created a blank file called pw (to test) and then tried
rsync --password-file=/pw xxxx

Both of those options when run still prompt for a password. These severs are running old RH9 servers.

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Server :: Selecting A Font In An HP Printer From The Command Line?

Feb 16, 2011

Does anyone have an example of selecting a font in an HP printer from the command line?

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Server :: User Management Web Tool For Red Hat / Use Ssh - Command Line?

Jun 7, 2009

Just a quick question, is there a system user management app that could be accessed via a website for red hat (or really any distro)? Something kinda like phpMyAdmin, but can do useradd, userdel, groupadd, etc. For remote admins who don't know how to use ssh or the command line.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Setup Printer From Command Line?

Feb 24, 2009

I'm from a Solaris (printer.conf) background and having trouble setting up a printer on the network. My CentOS box does not have a GUI interface available. I have been playing with lpadmin trying to add a printer - which it did, but everything is disabled, and the "enable" command is not found on my machine.

How do I make a simple printer on my network talk to my centOS box?

Here's the printer.conf from a Solaris machine that works:

And the printers.conf from the CentOS box:
lumina# more printers.conf
# Printer configuration file for CUPS v1.2.4


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CentOS 5 Server :: Create An User Through Command Line?

Dec 16, 2009

i have a server running on centos5, i have run vsftp and samba, and i need create a user through command line and set your default directory, i can do this through graphic interface, but i need do throug line command.

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General :: Shell - Connect From Command Line To FTP Server With Proxy?

Aug 15, 2011

I want to connect to an FTP server from the Linux command line. The server is configured behind a proxy.

If I call:

echo $ftp_proxy

I get a result like this:


If I call:

ftp -pn $ftp_proxy

I get a unknown host error.

How can I connect to the FTP server using the Linux command line?

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General :: Command Line - SSH To Server Without Including Username In URL On Unix/Mac

Sep 8, 2011

I am trying to ssh into my server from the command-line without including the username in the url. I do not want it to send any username, as it currently takes the active account and sends that as user.ex:

ssh -> (doesn't send default username)

instead of [URL] I would want to input username directly into the server, just like it is done using putty on windows. he wants to be prompted for a username, rather than having to provide one when connecting - but I don't really see the utility in such a thing. - birryree Sep 8 at 17:41

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing 9.10 Server - In Command Line Mode?

Feb 5, 2010

How to installing ubuntu 9.10 server in command line mode?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Change Update Server From Command Line?

Sep 12, 2010

On Ubuntu Desktop editions, there is a GUI application which allows easily changing to a different server. It can even find out how one is the fastest update server.Is there a corresponding command line tool available to do this? Because I'm using the Server edition without GUI. I hate to manually edit /etc/apt/source.list.

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