Server :: IP Address Is Not Listed In Any Spamhaus List

Oct 22, 2010

My Postfix email server is hosted with a company called ViUX and their IP address is not listed in any Spamhaus list what so ever from what I can tell. But the residential ISP my mail clients send mail from to the remote Postfix server appear to be on the Spamhaus PBL.

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Server :: Squid Proxy Access List Configuration On MAC Address Basis?

Aug 24, 2010

I am using Redhat 5.3 , I configured well access list using IP address, but my customer want to access list on MAC address basis.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Samsung ML-2580N Printer Driver Not Listed In List?

Nov 8, 2010

using Samsung ML-2580N printer driver out of the box from Ubuntu 10.04 or Ubuntu 10.10? I couldn't find the driver in the Samsung driver list.

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Server :: Allow Unsubscribed Email Address To Send Email To Mailman List?

Jul 1, 2010

is there a way to allow unsubscribed email address to send emails to mailman list without having to manually set a filter for that email address?

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Ubuntu :: Control What Buttons/menus Are Listed And Which Icons Are Listed Under Each?

Jul 26, 2010

i just upgraded to ubuntu 10.04 the netbook distro. at the desktop view there is a list of about 10 buttons/menus listed on the left hand side, is there anyway to control what buttons/menus are listed and which icons are listed under each of them? having a netbook i would like to remove and unclutter the desktop view as much as possible but i dont want to remove those apps i still want to be able to open those apps if i want to even if by removing those icons and menus/buttons makes it a pain.

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Ubuntu :: Add Local Address To Sources.list?

Sep 1, 2011

In my sources.list all I can see is online addresses but there is another directory in my pc which has all the sofwares but I don't know how to add its address to sources.list. I need to know the format of how to add it.

local directory is: /var/www/debian/pool/main

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Slackware :: Which IP Address To Use When I List Machine Name In /etc/hosts?

Jul 21, 2010

1) I'm not sure which IP address to use when I list my machine name in /etc/hosts, particularly after reading:


By the w]ay, Arnt Gulbrandsen <> says that # should NEVER be named with the name of the machine. It causes problems # for some (stupid) programs, irc and reputedly talk. :^)

Here's what I have now:
root@eagleswing:~# hostname
root@eagleswing:~# cat /etc/HOSTNAME


I'm not certain how to include my router in /etc/hosts so I can use it to link my PCs as stated above. I was thinking of writing (see above link): localbelkin Will this work & is it proper?

3) Do I need to make use of any other IP addresses at this link? What are the WAN IP & Default Gateway addresses used for? I am going to be serving documents & running scripts on Apache.

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Ubuntu Networking :: List Ip And Mac Address Of Users On A Network?

Jun 15, 2010

I want to find out ip addresses and also mac addressed of users connected to the same wifi router as me! how can I do that?

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General :: Command To List Ip Address Of Working Computers On LAN?

May 28, 2010

Are there Unix/Linux commands to find out the IP address of running computers on LAN?

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Server :: Blocking Dhcpd Address Lease For Specific MAC Address?

Sep 4, 2009

I hv Cent OS 5.3 installed as server. I hv a network of approx 100 desktops and laptops. For a security purpose i want to block certain laptops from gaining a the network access using dhcp. Can we block the ip address leasing if a specific MAC address request for a ip lease?

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Server :: IP Address In Ubuntu \ Dont Find Inet Address?

Aug 4, 2011

If I give "ifconfig" in my laptop I get eth0,lo,wlan0.In that where do I find my Ip address in Ubuntu in 10.04. In eth0 I dont find inet address.Where can I find it?

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Programming :: Downloading A List Of Files From A Remote Server Using A List?

Feb 10, 2009

I am trying to get this script to work. The purpose is to download a list of modules from the the list consist of a list of module numbers. What I am trying to do is Download the file or the file name corresponding to the number in the list.the list is comma delimited. this is what I have done so far and I am a stand still.

# Wget script to retrieve modules from modules
# ----Begin of user defined values -----
# Path to wget


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Ubuntu Servers :: Can Evolution Get A Global Address Exchange List

Sep 22, 2010

I use Ubuntu with Evolution here at work, and we have an Exchange server. can I somehow suck up all of the addresses in the global address list and somehow save them locally and import them to Evolution? Since I can't "link" to the global list it would at least be handy for me to utilize locally.

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General :: List All Traffic From 1 IP Address But Filter Out Port 1057?

Jul 1, 2010

I am trying to list all traffic from 1 IP address but filter out port 1057.I keep getting syntax errors. I've tried:

ngrep -e host not port 1057
ngrep -e port 1057 -x host
ngrep -e not port 1057 -x host

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Ubuntu :: Give Server A Actual Address And Not Ip Address?

Mar 15, 2011

i am pretty much brand new to ubuntu i have messed around with it a little and have gotten my apache2 server up and running what i have some questions on is

1. How can i give my server a actual address and not my ip address?

2. Is there any way i can put like forum software on part of it? if so how?

3. What is the best way to write web pages i know some html so thats how i was able to write what i have now just wondering what best way is

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Server :: Binding Of IP Address To Its Mac Address In Squid Proxy?

Jun 3, 2009

I want to know how to bind Ip addresses to its mac addresses in Squid Proxy

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Server :: Dhcpd To Give A Certain Ip Address Based On Mac Address?

Nov 24, 2010

Im trying to setup dhcpd to put certain systems witch have mac address starting with 08:00:* in a certain ip class. How can this be done?So any system with mac address starting with 08:00 to get an ip from this range

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Software :: Importing Outlook's Global Address List Contacts To Evolution?

Apr 8, 2010

importing GAL to evolution:

1. In Xp open MS-Access create blank database.

2. From File->Get External Data->Import, Select file type as exchange()

3. Import contacts to new table, u can delete unwanted columns from this table. Now export this table to a csv file.

4. Following is simple code which takes contacts.csv as input and convert these contacts to vcf file which can be imported to evolution.

5. The contact.csv should be of format

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>


6. uuidgen should be present on your linux box. you can have other validations and field too as per your need. but these three fields worked best for m

7. ./a.out contact.csv output.vcf Now in evolution go to Contacts->File Import->Import single file, select output.vcf and File type as vcf.

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Server :: 98 - Address Already In Use - Make_sock - Could Not Bind To Address - 443

Oct 26, 2010

I dont know for what reason, I started having this message whenever I try to start httpd.
I commented "Listen 443", restarted httpd started correctly.

I issued "lsof -iTCP:443", I get


I can not understand where this come from and why. It seems that it is IPV6 protocol which is in fact not enabled on the network card.

Also, I can not find or dont know where 443 is configured apart from ssl.conf or httpd.conf

Today, I have added xrdp applications in order to be able to connect using RDP.

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Server :: 98 - Address Already In Use - Make_sock: Could Not Bind To Address

Mar 10, 2010

(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address no listening sockets available, shutting down. Unable to open logs

I am new to apache2 server i have been trying to start the server using the default httpd.conf file provided in the source code but when i give the following command sudo /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start i receive the above error and the server shuts down.

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Server :: Bind IP Address With MAC Address In Squid 3?

Jan 13, 2010

i have followed web site [URL] for MAC to IP bind but it dont work on my system


acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl to_localhost dst


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CentOS 5 Server :: Cannot Run Samba - Not Listed In Services

Oct 16, 2009

I recently installed CentOS 5.3. There I select desktop package (Gnome and KDE) didn't select server in CentOS 5.3 installation gui. I want to connect to the windows active directory domain in our company. To do this I want to run the samba service. But it is not listed in the services. (#service --status-all) but I cant see the samba config file smb.conf why I cant run this other services smbd, nmbd is also not listed. But winbind is listed and I started it.

[root@bryan-adams etc]# yum list samba
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base:
* updates:
* addons:
* extras:
Available Packages
samba.i386 3.0.33-3.7.el5_3.1 updates

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Ubuntu :: Open Office - OO Doesn't Show The 'ADDRESS DATA SOURCE' At The Bottom Of The List

Dec 12, 2010

I am using Open office 3.2 with Ubuntu 10.10. Trying to get it set up to print out the Christmas address labels. To register the data source its 'FILE'> 'WIZARDS' then' ADDRESS DATA SOURCE.' But OO doesn't show the 'ADDRESS DATA SOURCE' at the bottom of the list, so I am stuck. Apart from that, I have had no problems with ubuntu and its working well.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Centos And Xen: Lan Error - Vif0.0: Received Packet With Own Address The Source Address

Jun 18, 2010

I installed the Centos 5.5 and after the Xen. After I put a virtual machine named VM01.Initially it worked properly, I tried everything and it worked.When rebooted, I had problems with the network.I have two network cards eth0 and eth1, but eth1 does not have any ip and I use only eth0.The error that appears is:

vif0.0: received packet with own address the source address

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Server :: Server Refuses Mail With 550 5.1.1 : Recipient Address Rejected: User Unknown?

Nov 13, 2010

I'm having a problem whereby I'm able to send mail to a mailbox from several different email addresses and SMTP servers (gmail, RoadRunner broadband), but I'm unable to send mail to the same address from one particular account, the SMTP server for which runs on a mediaTemple (dv) 3.0 box with CentOS 5 Final.I've spent a full workday on the forums, trying to troubleshoot the issue, and I'm running out of ideas.The server on which I'm having the mail processing problem is a mediaTemple (ve) running Ubuntu 10.04 x64 (Linux 2.6.18-028stab070.7 #1 SMP Fri Oct 1 13:53:00 MSD 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux), with ISPConfig 3. Here's how I setup the mail-related aspects of the Ubuntu box:

apt-get install postfix postfix-mysql postfix-doc mysql-client mysql-server openssl getmail4 rkhunter binutils dovecot-imapd dovecot-pop3d


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CentOS 5 Server :: Qmail Server Is Not Notifying Email Address Does Not Exist

Oct 27, 2010

One of our client having issue with the qmail. The issue is if any one send email to ( the email address which is not exist) it should send failure notification i.e."email does not exist" to the sender. The qmail server is not notifying that email address does not exist.

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Server :: Config Apache Server To List Php, C/c++, Java Files As Regular Txt On Website?

Feb 2, 2011

I try to config my apache server to list all my files: c/c++, php, java files, like the txt file on my server,

e.g /var/www/mydomain/pub

i want to dump all my c/c++, php, java file under the pub directory and I can access it from my domain name,

if I dump txt file, I have no problem to view it, but when I dump c/c++ or php files under pub directory, then I can't view it like regular txt file,

Q: is there anyway I can configure my apache server to view all the c/C++, php, java file as like txt file?

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Server :: Config Apache Server To List Php / C/c++ / Java Files As Regular Txt On Website?

Feb 23, 2011

config my apache server to list all my files: c/c++, php, java files, like the txt file on my server, e.g /var/www/mydomain/pub i want to dump all my c/c++, php, java file under the pub directory and I can access it from my domain name, if I dump txt file, I have no problem to view it, but when I dump c/c++ or php files under pub directory, then I can't view it like regular txt file, Q: is there anyway I can configure my apache server to view all the c/C++, php, java file as like txt file?

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Server :: Deadlock In NFS4 / Shared Servers Suddenly Stop Responding And Cant List It From Debian 5 Server?

Jan 4, 2010

I am connecting servers using NFS4 the shared directories are on servers running Debian 4 while the one who read from them is Debian 5.0.3. The problem is one of these shared servers suddenly stop responding and you cannot list it from Debian 5 server, also df hang, and the web application that is using it does not respond to requests that use this shared directory since it is blocked. Then the load on the server start to increase until the server cannot respond (over 90). I have found many entries in the syslog that refer to this like:

ma25555 kernel: [1200285.732919] nfs: server not responding, still trying
Dec 31 08:16:33 ma25555 kernel: [1200289.815378] INFO: task java:9702 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
Dec 31 08:16:33 ma25555 kernel: [1200289.835249] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.

I have tried the connection between the 2 servers using ping for one day and all are OK (zero lost)

There are 3 other servers that are running Debian 4 and are working fine.

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Server :: Configure Address Of Next Level DNS In BIND Server?

Sep 24, 2009

I need to know how to configure the address of the next level DNS server in my BIND server. im in a FEDORA 10 system.

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