Ubuntu Networking :: List Ip And Mac Address Of Users On A Network?

Jun 15, 2010

I want to find out ip addresses and also mac addressed of users connected to the same wifi router as me! how can I do that?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Static IP Address And The Install Configures For A DHCP Configured Address - Network Not Starting

Dec 16, 2010

Version 10.04 LTS. Installed desktop version and network worked but I needed a static IP address and the install configures for a DHCP configured address. I tried changing to static address using the System->Preferences->Network Connections application but was unable to get the system to come up with the network up.

So I manually modified the /etc/network/interfaces and the /etc/resolv.conf files. I restart the system but when I do an ifconfig, I don't see a configured IP address on eth0 (only the loopback address). If I run /sbin/ifup eth0 everything then works fine and ifconfig shows the correct address bound to eth0.

My files are as follows:

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Ubuntu Networking :: Assign An IPv6 Address To Separate Users?

Apr 15, 2011

I have an Ubuntu 10.04 server/router with IPv6 internet connectivity (I have an internet routable /64 subnet). Since I have this abundance of IPv6 addresses I wanted to try and assign v6 addresses to specific users on the local system. I've been looking at ip6tables with packet mangling but I don't seem to be able to find out how to do this or if this is even possible.

Current configuration: eth0: Local network, has the /64 IPv6 public range active and the IPv4 LAN range. tun0: 6in4 tunnel with a ISP assigned public v6 address. eth1: Standard IPv4 internet connection.

All users on my system use the v6 address configured on tun0. I want to force them to use the /64 range which is configured on eth0. If I can force users to use a specific v6 address, I'll configure more then one v6 address on this interface based on the users userID on the system.

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Fedora Networking :: Block Certain Sites For Exception IP List Users?

Nov 3, 2009

I have FC-4 with Squid and Dansguardian. Internet Users in my organisation are configured to use proxy with 8080 in browser IE. There's no issue with Users as DG working perfect for them. We have Business Development Team, as they need to do most of the research over internet, their IP's are included into "Exception IP List" in Dansguardian. Obviously these people will be excepted from all banned sites, BD Team able to do chat, play games and do social networking and other stuff over the net, which results in more bandwidth consumption and breaking office policies.

I have tried to implement SQUID ACL's to block few sites like " meebo.com, orkut.com,facebook.com etc" but SQUID acl's not coming into picture. any one who successfully blocked chat, banned sites and social networking in DG with my case.

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Programming :: List 4 Names From Users List And Output Them To Fbusers In Numbered Ascending Order?

Feb 2, 2010

How would I list 4 users ID numbered 10, 11, 12 and 13 from my users list and output them to a file busers where their names are numbered by ascending order? How would I accomplish that on a one line command?

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Networking :: How To Get Network Ip Address

Dec 11, 2009

I use getaddrinfo to get the ip address of the server, it works well on other 3 machines, but always get local address on an 64 bit linux machine. Therefore, other remote clients can not connect to the socket server because the server binds local address l27.0.0.1.

I have also tried pass to getaddrinfo, now the server bind on available interface). But now I can not print the correct network address of the server, as it is always which is provided by getsockname.

I do not know how to get the network address of the server, rather than the local address.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Obtain IP Address On Wireless Network?

Feb 19, 2010

I believe I have the wireless card installed properly and wicd sees the router. When I try to connect I get an error "can not obtain IP address" Output from iwcongif and lspci is.

dillan@dillan-desktop:~$ iwconfig
lo no wireless extensions.
eth0 no wireless extensions.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Obtain Ip Address With A Particular Wireless Network?

Mar 5, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 9.10 and I recently changed certain settings of my router. After that ubuntu isnt able to obtain IP address from this wifi network. I've tried to connect with win 7 and OS X and both of the OSes are able to connect to the same wifi network. I tried to connect ubuntu to another wifi network at school and it connected successfully.

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Ubuntu Networking :: /etc/network/interface Address Not Recognized

Jun 18, 2010

Showing my ignorance, but why would this work



Notice the 2 in address. Seems to me it doesn't like the network and wants it to be, but I am adding to a network already configured this way.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Changed IP Address Now Cant See Windows Network

May 21, 2011

I'm not sure this has anything to do with Samba because I can see and access the ubuntu share files that I share with windows still. I can't see the windows network share files though. If I switch back to my private IP the windows network comes back. How I can get the network to show on my public ip.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Block Mac Address In Adhoc Network?

Sep 1, 2011

I want to block the Mac address in adhoc network to check the behaviour of the aodv protocol.Is there any other utility available for this purpose rather than Mackill..?

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Ubuntu Networking :: App To Check Local Users On Network?

Jan 11, 2010

I remember back when I used Windows, there was a shell command call "net view", which would allow me to see all the other users on my wireless net.

Is there any command or application that can do this? I dont mind if it is a terminal command either, but I would really like to know a way that I could see other users on my network.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Allow Client Users To Access The Network?

Dec 30, 2010

The question is related to one single desktop machine, with 3 users.

1) the superuser (me)
2) My elder son
3) My younger son.

As superuser, I can access the network (internet router) via "Wicd" perfectly well.

Both Client users can't.

Do I have to give them special user priviledges? If yes, which ones?

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Networking :: Get A List Of IP Addresses Currently On The Network?

Dec 13, 2008

I am using DHCP on my home network. There could be as many as 5 computers logged in at any given time. Their IP addresses change depending on the sequence they log in.I want to be able to connect to them from any of them (some wired, some wireless) and share files by issuing a mount command for the appropriate shared drive.My question is how to get the IP of each computer when I only know the names of the computers. Pinging the computer name succeeds, but it does not give the IP.In other words I am looking for a Linux command that will come back with a list of IP's with their corresponding computer names so I can issue the right mount command. I would like to issue this command from a Linux terminal, but would also be happy to issue it from a Windows XP station.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Obtain IP Address From Wireless Network / Enable This?

Jan 17, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 9.10 and for a while I had no problems connecting to the internet through the wireless network. But recently, my wireless connection started disconnecting regularly. Following an advice I found online, I installed linux-backports-modules-karmic, but after a reboot the wireless device stopped working altogether - it had lost its driver. Since then I managed to associate the device with Broadcom's STA driver, which I had been using before. But now, the wireless device cannot connect to the internet anymore. The network manager's output to /var/log/syslog indicates that the device cannot obtain an IP address. When I run code...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Authentication - Wirelessly Connect To My Network - Cannot Get Address

May 27, 2011

I have been trying to wirelessly connect to my network for weeks now. My netgear dongle is fully working. I have installed the driver using ndiswrapper. I can see my network and signal is excellent; everything is working perfectly. When I try to connect it thinks about it but never connects. The password is fine; it works great with other computers. decided to have a go with wicd, so got rid of the Gnome network manager and installed wicd. Adaptor and wicd appear to be working brilliantly EXCEPT I cannot connect. wicd tells me its a bad password. Password fine because it works brilliantly with every other device I connect to my network. If I remove security from network, it tells me it cannot get address, even though it sailed passed that with no problem when there was security. I have searched the internet for a solution to this problem time and time again. Lots of people seem to be having this problem, but no one knows the solution. Is there a solution? It happens with both Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1 v2 and Ubuntu 11.04. What the heck is going on. This happens with WPA WEP and anything else I try to use

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Ubuntu Networking :: Redirect Network Traffic To A New IP Address Using IPtables?

Jun 19, 2011

how to redirect network traffic to a new IP address using IPtables. I am using Baffalo router and the rtos used is DD-WRT. Basically, I want it so that any connection going through my router to a specific IP (say, will be redirected to another IP (say, so any outgoing connections made by a program that is attempting to connect to192.168.11.5 will instead connect to

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Networking :: Add Route To 1 IP Address Through Second Network Card

Sep 8, 2010

I have a server with 2 network cards. eth0 is used for all traffic and everything is working fine on this side. Eth1 is used for traffic to and from 1 ip address.

Lets say the ip address of eth1 is and its gateway is I need to pass all traffic to through eth1. What command would i use?

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Networking :: Connect To Network With Static IP Address?

May 19, 2009

I am running on my laptop.

I am trying to connect to a network at a university in China right now and I cannot figure out how to connect.

subnet mask:
default gateway:

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Network Icon In Panel - Switch Users

Nov 8, 2010

Have a strange problem with the network icon on my laptop.

I have two users (me & my wife). We often log in and use switch users so we're both logged in at the same time.

Whoever logs in first will get the network manager icon in the top panel, and whoever logs in second won't get the icon.

The second user does get a message (growl notification?) saying the wireless network <whatever> is now connected & it is indeed connected.

It's a bit annoying, as if I log in second, I can't chnage my wireless network to the other one we have, I'm stuck using whichever one my wife selected.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Monitor Websites Visted By Network Users

Feb 17, 2011

I need to setup a box to monitor what websites users are accessing on a small network.I don't have a switch with a spam port, but I do have a machine with two nic cards. I would like to set it up between the router and cable modem so that users won't know it is there but it logs all the websites that are being accessed.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connect With Other Windows Users In A Local Network?

Jul 16, 2011

I have installed ubuntu 11.04 recently.. how can i connect ubuntu with other windows users in a local network...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Obtain IP Address / Disabling Network Manager In Preferences

Mar 13, 2010

The IP address acquisition problem I reported earlier has returned, and I am stymied. To recap: Ubuntu 9.10 would not obtain an IP address via a wired Ethernet connection. I resolved the problem at the time by configuring eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces:


auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

and disabling Network Manager in Preferences > Startup Applications.After a powering down the PC today, the problem has returned. It appears that dhclient cannot obtain an IP address. This is true whether I am connected to the router (a Linksys WRT54G running Tomato), or directly to the DSL modem. When my usually wireless Ubuntu 9.10 laptop is wired to the router, it obtains an address almost instantly. I have made no changes to the network configuration since January. I have tried to keep current on Ubuntu updates.


jgb@alienware:~$ ifconfig eth0
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:30:1b:ac:5b:9e
inet6 addr: fe80::230:1bff:feac:5b9e/64 Scope:Link


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Ubuntu Networking :: Change Ip Address Of Second Internet Sharing Network Card?

Sep 2, 2010

I have a second network card in my ubuntu desktop that I have sharing my internet connection with a wireless router. I have set the router to a static ip address within the network cards range. But, every time I restart the computer, the network card uses a different ip address. One time it will be, the next time it will be, ect. This makes me have to hard reset my router every time it does this. How can I set the network card to use the same ip address all the time?

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Networking :: Virtual Network Adapter With Multiple Mac Address

Nov 10, 2010

Is it possible to create virtual network adapter on the same physical network adapter? or How to give or have multiple MAC Address to the same adpater? I m working on centos 5.3.

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Networking :: Finding Mac Address Of A Machine On Local Network?

Dec 18, 2010

i want to know mac address of a particular ip but the problem is that i am unable to ping that ip but that ip is being used by someone in my local network that i know from my proxy logs. i want to know the mac address of that ip,

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Networking :: Find The IP Address Of Connected Network Drive?

Mar 31, 2011

I desire to access a WD Netcenter network drive from Ubuntu 10.10 using NFS mounts.Several on line helps show how if you know the IP address of the drive. How can I discover the IP address of the drive. My Windows network is using DHCP, though I understand that the drive uses a static address. I know the MAC address of the drive. As a user (but not an administrator), I have much Unix experience.

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Networking :: Individually Address Hosts In Private Network From The Outside

May 24, 2011

The facts are as follows:

1. I have at work a regular LAN with many PCs, each with a DNS-registered public IP. Therefore I am able to address each of these PCs by their fully-qualified names and, for instance, initiate ssh sessions to any of these computers just by typing "ssh <name_of_machine>" from a terminal.

2. Within the aforementioned LAN I have just created a private network with some clients, which access the LAN through a router (a D-link DIR-825). We have created this private network for many reasons, but most importantly because we need to guarantee that the hosts in this network will remain networked among them even if the LAN goes down for any reason (which unfortunately happens often). But we still need to have access to the hosts in the private network from the LAN.

3. I am able to define port forwarding rules in the router in order to access certain services on the private network's clients. For example. I am able to access (by ssh) hosts "H1" and "H2" on the private network from a client on the LAN by defining rules for forwarding ports "P1" and "P2" on the router's public IP to TCP port 22 on the private IPs of "H1" and "H2", respectively. Then I would access each of these hosts from the LAN by using:

>ssh -p P1 [ip.address.of.router] (for accessing H1) and >ssh -p P2 [ip.address.of.router] (for accessing H2)

4. The problem with the port forwarding approach is that it is not easily scalable. For instance, If I wanted to enable ssh access to each host in the private network, I would have to define a port forwarding rule for each machine, and then REMEMBER all these port rules when initiating a ssh session from the LAN in order to point to the right host. And the problem gets worse when considering more services in addition to ssh.

5. The ideal solution would be to be have a means for addressing each host in the private network individually, in much the same way in which I address the hosts in the LAN (which have DNS-registered names). For instance, in order to access hosts H1 and H2 as in the previous example, i would like to be able to just type

>ssh [name_of_host_H1] (for accessing H1) and >ssh [name_of_host_H2] (for accessing H2)

The bottom line:

I guess I can say that what I need is some kind of combined DNS-ing and routing that allows me to communicate with the hosts in the private network from outside of it in a transparent way.

The question is: what are any possible solutions for accomplishing this? I have searched the web and found stuff about things like VPNs, reverse-proxies and NAT servers, but I really can't understand if any of these could serve to solve my problem (BTW, isn't my router doing some sort of NAT-ing already? could I just add some DNS-ing in some way?)

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Networking :: Subnetwork , Network And Broadcast Address / Difference Between Them?

Mar 31, 2009

I dont know the difference between these topics.

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Networking :: Ldap Not Recognizing Users On Debian Network

Jan 16, 2010

I installed ldap on my server and one of my client machines yesterday.It also now won't let me get into graphical utilities that require root privileges; synaptic for example. It comes back with "incorrect password". I noticed that in the terminal it now requires me to enter two passwords to become root: the root password and the ldap password. I wonder if the two are related.I'm not sure what information to post; there's a ton of configuration files associated with this setup. Can somebody help me troubleshoot this? Thanks!

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