Server :: How To Reload Sysctl.conf In Centos

Jan 20, 2010

Like in the subject. Does anyone knows how to do it without restart

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CentOS 5 :: Purpose Of Fs.file-max In /etc/sysctl.conf?

Jul 29, 2010

On a production Centos 5.3 system, I want to raise the hard & soft limits of open file handles from 1024 -> 8192 (not a "biggie", I'd think) Right now, "sysctl -a | grep file" shows fs.file-max=463144 (a default, I'd guess) I'm guessing file-max is the maximum number of open file handles on the system, vs the per-user limits seen with "ulimit -Hn" and "ulimit -Sn". Right? If so, I shouldn't think I'd have to touch this on a server with few users.

Also, after doing a lot of reading, I still don't understand the mentions of needing to also add: "session required" to /etc/pam.d/loginor adding "session required /lib/security/$ISA/" to /etc/pam.d/system-auth Maybe I've gotten off into the deep weeds in goggling about raising file handle limits.

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Server :: Tuning With Sysctl.conf - Memory And CPU Settings For Heavy Loaded Systems

Jun 28, 2011

Does anybody have experience with linux tuning. I`m realy interesting about sysctl.conf tuning settings for batch(3d rendering, phisycs simulations, etc.) servers. Does anybody has an experience with linux tuning - I mean memory and CPU settings for heavy loaded systems. What kind of settings You have in Your clusters ? I`m working with Red Hat Enterprise 5 x86_64.

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Debian Configuration :: Sysctl.conf Not Loaded At Boot

Aug 12, 2011

My sysctl.conf in /etc isn't loaded at boot, it does however get parsed with the command # sysctl -p I believe this problem started when I got the 3.0.0 kernel just a few days ago. Does everyone has this problem? Then it's probably a bug.

My system:

Debian Testing (Wheezy)

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Ubuntu :: Sysctl.conf Doesn't Load On Boot?

Jun 6, 2010

I made some change to my sysctl.conf file and it they doesn't seem to load at boot? Each time I boot I need to send a sudo sysctl -p command to load the new parameter!

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Ubuntu :: Change Sysctl.conf File (read Only)?

Feb 1, 2011

im trying change my etc/sysctl.conf file but it won't let me as its read only. how to i change this?

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Ubuntu :: /etc/sysctl.conf - Make A Change To This File?

Apr 20, 2011

How do I make a change to this file? More specifically this is what I am trying to do.

Add the following line to /etc/sysctl.conf

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SUSE :: Find The Size Of Units In Sysctl.conf?

Feb 7, 2010

How can I find the size of units in sysctl.conf e.g whatis the size of the shmmax variable i.e. is it byte kb , Mb etc....???

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Ubuntu :: Sheep Shaver - Set A Variable In The File /etc/sysctl.conf?

Oct 31, 2010

Due to a change in how programs in Linux are allowed to use memory, before using SheepShaver you need to set a variable in the file /etc/sysctl.conf Add this line: vm.mmap_min_addr = 0 but when i add the line in my text editor it says i cant save

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Networking :: Sysctl.conf Settings For Best Internet Connection Speeds?

Mar 7, 2011

Last week I attempted to get "up to speed" with my Comcast cable connection... Ubuntu 9.10, Dell Vostro 400 desktop, Firefox 3.6.13... Comcast says I should have 12 Mbps connection... if I get 1.0 Mbps, I'm doing good... they just tested everything, and said everything is fine on their end. They use [URL] and connects to a server in Chicago, 60 miles away. That gets fantastic speeds, and it's a durn shame the internet doesn't store all its files there!! I use [URL] for my tests, and it uses a server in Dallas TX.

I go to my girlfriends house, and her AT&T DSL line has d/l speeds of 4.5 Mbps or better!!! She's running XP Pro on a Dell machine. So, started digging on the web and thru the forums, and found this:


But, like ALL too many things, it's dated... it's from 2008... I've set my settings to what is there, and disabled ipv6 in Firefox. Hey, now, I'm sometimes up to 1.4 Mbps!! Also found this, but no date...


Reading forums, I see that folks have said there is a network connection problem with 9.10... and then I see that others are saying the same thing about 10.04 and 10.10!! I have 10.10 on my laptop and had to fight to get its Atheos card to be recognized. Running some tests [URL] gives me weird results: Download 2.64 Mbps, Upload 4.12 Mbps. NOT what it should be. Similar results from

Dunno exactly what info is needed... gives me results below, but I've tried changing numbers (says my RWIN is low) and nothing changes:

TCP options string = 020405b40402080adf1dca100000000001030306
MTU = 1500
MTU is fully optimized for broadband.


So, today, find, once again, that I'm d'ling in the range of 90/KB/s (719 Kbps)... disgustingly slow. I go on my HP laptop and run the test, and it says 1.6 Mbps. So, desktop directly connected to router is not even 1 Mbps, and wireless connection is faster? Neither of which is close to what I should be getting...

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CentOS 5 Server :: Loading Multiple Virtual Host Conf Files From Httpd.conf?

Jun 1, 2009

I've been scanning the apache2 docs for the past few days and have not come up with an answer my following issue:

In my httpd.conf file, at the very end, I have the line

Include conf/vhosts/vhost_*.conf

However, when I run apache checkconfig or try to start apache, it gives me the error:

httpd: Syntax error on line 993 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: Could not open configuration file /etc/httpd/conf/vhosts/vhost_1.conf: Permission denied

It appears as if the Include line is correct - in terms of it grabbing the first virtual host conf file. However, I'm confused on the permissions. the /etc/httpd folder is owned by root:root, as are the subfolders. As a test, I chown'd the conf/vhost folder combination and all the vhost files to apache:apache to see if that made a difference, and it appeared to make no difference at all. The log files don't contain anything (assumed because apache isn't starting). If I place the contents of the vhosts in a singular vhosts.conf it works - with the permissions set to root:root. I'd like to avoid having to use one vhosts conf for the configuration I'm trying to achieve - as it would make my life a lot easier.

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Server :: When Rndc Reload Or /etc/init.d/bind9 Reload Got This: Rndc: Connection To Remote Host Closed?

Nov 30, 2010

We have ubuntu server and bind9 installed and setup.When I issue rndc reload or /etc/init.d/bind9 reload I got this:rndc: connection to remote host closedThis may indicate that* the remote server is using an older version of the command protocol,* this host is not authorized to connect,* the clocks are not syncronized, or* the key is invalid.If I issue named-checkconf /etc/bind/named.conf I got this:/etc/bind/named.conf.local:165: unknown key 'rndc-key'I got the key files in the right location but I'm not sure if we even need to use them.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Hosts File And Resolv.conf Conflict CentOS 5.5?

Apr 11, 2011

I am running an application that requires use of my /etc/hosts file. In it, I have my machine name and its LAN ip address. The program creates a service on a specific port, then attempts to connect to it based on the host name. So my hosts file has to be correct.I added the nameservers to resolv.conf and now my application will not run. My guess is that the computer is checking the name servers first, timing out then checking the hosts file.Is there a way I can tell the system to check the hosts file first, then DNS. I thought it should behave that way by default, but it does not appear to.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Rotating Named Logs Via Syslog.conf?

Mar 1, 2010

OS CentOS 5.4 I have a DNS server that is logging all named and dns requests to the chrooted named directory. By default named logs to /var/log/messages but I want to isolate all the dns queries and requests to separate files. I know I can add entries to /etc/syslog.conf to "roll" the logs and logrotate should pick them up but fuzzy as to the syntax. I don't know what "tag" to use in the first fieild. for example

# Log anything (except mail) of level info or higher.
# Don't log private authentication messages!

Here is the logging section of my named.conf

# pwd
# /var/named/chroot/etc


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Server :: Change Of Apache Httpd.conf Doesn't Work On CentOS/RedHat?

Jun 30, 2010

I've been trying to make install apache 2.1.8 and php 5.2.3 and work on them. After updating and installing some dependence files, apache and php could both be installed.

Then I tried to configure them. I added the following content to the end of Apache httpd.conf:


Then I run /path/to/apachectl start, and saw the message:


Invalid command 'RewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

Then I remembered that I didn't include the rewrite module while making install apache. So I removed the 2 lines I just added to httpd.conf.

But, after running /path/to/apachectl stop and start again, I could still see:


When I use firefox to open http://host_ip:8080/, I could see "It works!". But when I open http://host_ip:8080/hello.php (the file is already under htdocs), firefox said

Failed to Connect

Why and how to solve it?

I noticed that for some stupid reason, the conf file wasn't updated at all and the 2 erroneous lines were still there.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Server - Apache Reload SSL Passphrase

Jul 2, 2010

I have written a shell script which amongst a heap of other stuff creates virtual hosts, and consequently also reloads apache, however my problem is that unless I include a restart in the shell script, the reload is causing the server to stop, yet restarting everytime a new vhost is created is not really an option since it will disrupt the service for other users. I know this is directly to do with the SSL passphrase as simply restarting gets everything running again with no errors.

I have configured mods-available/ssl.conf so the SSLPassPhraseDialog directive uses the passphrase file instead of bulletin, hence the restart can work fine from within the shell script, but obviously reload and force-reload must be running some sort of background process which involves reloading the SSL certs or something?? so my question is can I over ride this and if so what directive / params do I use? Im on ubuntu lucid 10.04 server and apache v2.2.14.

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Server :: Squid Hang Until Reload Service?

Jun 9, 2010

frist i want to thank all who worked on this website i was install squid and other service in my office network server and install the same services with same configration on biger network about 150 machines every thing well on office network but the other network have problem squid hang and stoped serve any request and squidclient command return "alarm clock " message after many time but the service still run at port 3128 and status is started when i run /etc/init.d/squid reload its run again sometime and hang again squid log file have not any problem on it i install my server on gentoo with flags


net-proxy/squid-3.0.19 USE="zero-penalty-hit -caps -epoll* -icap-client (-ipf-transparent) -kerberos -kqueue -ldap -logrotate* -mysql -nis -pam (-pf-transparent) -postgres -radius -samba -sasl (-selinux) -snmp -sqlite -ssl"
my squid.conf


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Server :: Ldap Cannot Carry Slapd.conf Changes Or Did Not Use /etc/openldap/slapd.conf?

Aug 20, 2010

I am setting up LDAP server, i set slapd.conf(dc=proldap,dc=com) and start ldap it is OK but when i check using ldapsearch -x -b '' -s base '(objectclass=*)' namingContexts result is : namingContexts: dc=my-domain,dc=com

it seems that it did not use my slapd.conf so i tried removing my slapd.conf from /etc/openldap and start slapd again and it did start with no errors. and when i do ldapsearch again still uses dc=my-domain,dc=com

I tried searching about this in google and found no answers,

my reference in setting up ldap is the link below. but it seemed that it always uses another configuration not the one i modified

I'm using Fedora12, ldap version 2.4.19. i installed ldap by yum install url


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CentOS 5 Server :: Samba Config Doesn't "understand" Smb.conf Lines About "recycle"

May 5, 2011

Samba is working fine, and I haven't used the config utility for some months now. but today, in trying to create another share, a warning dialog is displayed about lines that are not "understood". What is wrong and why is this happening now?Here are the lines from the warning dialog

297: recycle:repository = .deletedlou/%U
298: recycle:keeptree = Yes
299: recycle:touch = No
300: recycle:versions = Yes


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SUSE :: Apache2 Reload Error Cannot Load /usr/lib64/apache2/ Into Server?

Nov 19, 2010

I have suse10 64 bit installed. I am setting up a svn server on it. After installation and adding the modules ,while reloading the apache2 it's throwing the error as: HTML Code: httpd2-prefork: Syntax error on line 113 of /etc/apache2/httpd.conf: Syntax error on line 31 of /etc/apache2/sysconfig.d/loadmodule.conf: Cannot load /usr/lib64/apache2/ into server: /usr/lib64/ undefined symbol: apr_memcache_add_server

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Software :: Regarding Sysctl With SCTP Module?

Feb 18, 2010

i am using ubuntu 9.10. i am trying to use ubuntu as a test bed for my thesis work on seamless mobility including SCTP and its add ip feature. i have installed lksctp with this command

sudo apt-get install lksctp-tools libsctp-dev

now i have to enable its addip feature and as i have read in other threads i have to change it from sysctl but the problem is that when i enter "sysctl -a" it does not show any sctp options.

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Server :: "Could Not Reload FOP Server" On Asterisk

Apr 29, 2010

why I got "Could not reload FOP Server" on Asterisk?

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Server :: Phone System Reload Backup System?

Oct 7, 2010

At work we have a linux based ip phone system. Now this system was buggy for a bit but we now have it working perfectly. As it is we clone this hard drive and on backup I clone it back. This works but if for whatever I'm not in the office the backup can't go through because apparently no one can read the VERY simple instructions. What i would like to do is burn a cd with a copy of the hard drive (this configuration will change once every 6-12 months at maximum) as well as a VERY minimal linux install.

The goal is they stick the cd in and reboot. The system loads the super minimal linux then it runs a batch file that clones the portion of the CD that has the hard drive onto the system then it asks the nice remove the cd and reboot All I need is a a bootable system to a bash script that will run live from cd. I can make the nice bash script that puts to the screen a nice ascii graphic telling the lucky sap it's running and to come back in a little bit to make sure it's done.

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Server :: Resolv.conf Was Edited, Server Stopped Serving Websites?

Feb 21, 2010

I'll preface this by saying i'm by no means an expert on Linux. A competant beginner at most.We have a dedicated server, the 'resolv.conf' was changed, specifically the domain that was listed (this is the primary domain).I only became aware of this change, when we get into work on Friday and all our sites were down - I attributed this to DNS fault as if I changed my host file (I work on a windows machine) and specifically routed to the domains to the correct IP address, the websites were served fine.I tracked down the resolv.conf change by quizzing a collegue. I then switched the resolv.conf file back to it's original state - luckily a backup was made so I am 100% sure that the current resolv.conf is the correct one.

change was made Friday morning, around 9.30am (UK time). It is now 5.05pm (UK time). The original change was made sometime on Weds afternoon, and the sites stopped serving between Thursday night and Friday morning.Does anyone have any idea how long it should take for the fix to be picked up? Will it be picked up? I just started to think that the change can't be picked up due to some DNS related voodoo.

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CentOS 5 :: Httpd: Could Not Open Configuration File /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: No Such File

Nov 9, 2009

accidentally I do something wrong with my server and the httpd folder missing and I need it to setup my mail server and anyone can help me what can I do without reinstalling my Cent OS? Here is the error msg :

[root@mydomain etc]# service httpd stop
Stopping httpd: [FAILED]
[root@mydomain etc]# service httpd restart


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General :: Backing Up Httpd.conf On CentOS 5

Jan 13, 2011

How to back up my httpd.conf from my server to my computer and only found one solution via a google search


I typed in locate httpd.conf and see that it resides in /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf so I assume I would type $ cd /usr/local/apache/conf $ sudo cp -p httpd.conf httpd.conf.bak

I wanted to confirm this with an expert before I do damage that I cannot reverse.

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General :: Conf File Of A Service In CentOS

Aug 2, 2011

I have just installed sendmailanalyzer to my centos 6 by using rpm package. But before, i tried to install it by perl.There is no problem now everything works but when i want to configure i see that there are lots of conf file. How can i see a conf file of service "sendmailanalyzer" what is the command ?

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CentOS 5 :: Cannot Find Xinetd.conf In CentOS5.4?

Nov 18, 2009

I can not find xinetd.conf on my server (CentOS 5.4 operation system).

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CentOS 5 :: Yum Reinstalled But Cannot Find Conf File

Mar 15, 2010

I have managed to delete my yum.conf file and do not have a backup. I have tried reinstalling yum and it does complete but when I try and run yum I get cannot find any conf file. Is there a standard conf file I can download? I am running centos 5.3.

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CentOS 5 :: Can't Find Local Node Name In Cluster.conf

Apr 21, 2009

Using google with search option: cman not started: Can't find local node name in cluster.conf /usr/sbin/ cman_tool: aisexec daemon didn't start.I found this URL...I have found the config_version in cluster.conf. Unfortunately, as everyone may have noticed, english is not my native tongue so I am having trouble understanding the part "Make sure you bumped the cluster config version number". Can anyone enlightened me on what should I be doing so that I could "bump" the cluster config version?

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