Server :: Best Way To Build A Few Webservers?

Mar 9, 2011

What is the best way to build a few webservers. Not that I would need this amount of space but taking ..... for an example. How are they able to have so much storage performance. Is it clustering? I mean how do you get that much storage and the performance shared? I know with raid you can get alot of space but videos are massive? I know there has to be a lot of servers filled with hd's. but how do they run all as one?

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Networking :: Two Webservers Behind A Firewall?

Jan 30, 2011

I have two webservers in differents machines ( and that hosts two differents domains ( and

I have a machine that acts like firewall with two NICs one to the ADSL router and another to the internal net where the two servers are.

There is a way to route to one or another machine based on the domain name? I've been reading about how to do this with iptables and DNAT but I can't find a propper solution that use domain name as destination instead ip address.

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Server :: Build A Redundant, High-availability File Server System?

Mar 23, 2010

I am kinda stuck while providing solution for the above problem. I have achieved the fail over using keepalived but not sure how can we replicate the data from one server to other seamlessly and have them in sync with each other. My prime requirement for this project is end user should not notice the fail over and replicated copy of data should be available on the secondary as well.

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OpenSUSE :: Find All The Build-deps Or What They Are For That Matter To Build Boxee

Feb 20, 2010

I'm in love with my Opensuse 11.2. Love my KDE 4.4. The only thing I miss from my Ubuntu installation, is the ability to use Boxee. I would be more than willing to compile Boxee from source. I only have 2 problems with that:

1) I don't know where I can find all the build-deps or what they are for that matter to build Boxee.

2) I'm running on a Netbook. Yes, my measly Intel Atom is no fun for compiling and building.

What are my options/what can I do to get Boxee up and running on 11.2? I've tried searching on build service for an RPM, but I think due to legal restrictions, Boxee can't be on there.

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OpenSUSE :: Build Libevent-dev 2.0.10 In Ooder To Build New Version Of Transmission?

Feb 16, 2011

looking for LIBEVENT... configure: error: Package requirements (libevent >= 2.0.10) were not met: In order to build transmission 2.21.I need libeventnew version of transmission,I need to build libevent-dev >= 2.0.10 and installed first.But I can't get any information about building development files for libevent.

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Software :: Self Build Rpm Fails With Missing Dependencies On Build Host?

Sep 24, 2009

as I'm advancing in building some nice rpm I finally wanted to install on of my gems also the build was successful the actual install fails with missing dependencies.


$ rpm --root /home/sascha/rpmbuild/ -i ./RPMS/x86_64/memcached-1.4.1-2.x86_64.rpm
error: Failed dependencies: is needed by memcached-1.4.1-2.x86_64 is needed by memcached-1.4.1-2.x86_64


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Server :: How To Build A New Kernel

May 24, 2010

my server are acting weird, how to build a new kernel ?

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Ubuntu Security :: Script Running As A Special Build User Which Performs An Automated Build That Fails With (Too Many Open Files)?

Feb 11, 2011

I have an init script running as a special build user which performs an automated build that fails with (Too many open files).I updated /etc/security/limits to allow the special user more open files, but that didn't work - the init script still isn't allowed more open files.Here's a demonstration of the problem;

$ su - sbsbuild -c "ulimit -n"


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Slackware :: Install The I386 Build On One Partition And The 64-bit Build On Another

Sep 16, 2010

Trying to install SW 13.1 (on DVD) on the following system: M/B Intel: DX38BT Processor Intel Core 2 Quad Q6700 - 2.66GHz, 8MB Cache, 1066MHz FSB, Socket 775 Memory Corsair Dual Channel 8192MB PC10600 DDR3 1333MHz Memory (4x2048MB) Graphics Diamond Radeon HD 3850 Video Card - Viper, 512MB GDDR3, PCI Express 2.0 P/S Ultra 1000W

My goal is to install the i386 build on one partition and the 64-bit build on another. I have been away from Linux for a while and am sick to death of Win7, want to come home. :-}

Booted on i386 side of DVD, system freezes after a couple of lines that start with ATA2. Does not respond to 3 finger salute, ctrl-c, nothing. Have to press reset. I have tried both huge.s and hugesmp.s kernels

Booted on 64-bit side, comes up fine. I performed the install, selected for automatic lilo install. Lilo install hung but I was able to reboot. I booted off the 64-bit side again, entered the following: huge.s root=/dev/sde3 rdinit= ro It booted fully to the login prompt but the keyboard does not work, no input.

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General :: Build DNS Server In Slackware?

Jun 19, 2010

how to build DNS server in linux slackware...

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General :: How To Build Web Server On Ubuntu

Apr 14, 2010

how to build my web server on ubuntu

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Server :: How To Build Apache 2.2 Without DSO Support

Feb 17, 2011

As in the title how can I do it? The configure option --enable-so seems default.

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Server :: Kernerl3.0.0 Build As Rpm Package?

Aug 16, 2011

i make rpm package from linux kerlne 3.0.0 source. default spec file in "linux-3.0/scripts/package/mkspec" ,i add %post lines,this step use to install new kernel with rpm (ivh) tools and configure grub automatically


echo "%post"
echo '/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --mkinitrd --depmod --install "$__KERNELRELEASE" || exit $?'
then ,make rpm-pkg, it makes rpms bellow:
Wrote: /root/rpmbuild/SRPMS/kernel-3.0.0-1.src.rpm
Wrote: /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/kernel-3.0.0-1.x86_64.rpm


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CentOS 5 Server :: Build Xen 3.4.2 With Kernel

Feb 16, 2010

I need to install latest xen 3.4.2 to my centOS. I have:

* xen 3.4.2
* Linux 2.6.18 with Xen 3.4.x support source tarball, updated for Xen 3.4.2
* CentOS kernel-2.6.18-164.11.1.el5

Linux 2.6.18 with Xen 3.4.x have old cciss and scsi drivers. It don't support my hardware.

CentOS kernel-2.6.18-164.11.1.el5 works normaly, but was not compiled with xen 3.4.2.

How can I patch Linux 2.6.18 kernel or upgade CentOS kernel to the latest xen?

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Debian :: How To Build A Local Email Server

Jun 27, 2010

I need to setup a local email server. This mean, I send an email to admin@localhost and in thunderbird or any other program I receive it.

I need this to test a php script.

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Fedora Servers :: Build Radius Server On F13?

Jul 16, 2010

i have a project from my boss to make radius server on fedora 13 i 686. can u tell the step by step how to build radius server on fedora 13???? thx u for sharing

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General :: How To Build Cheap And Fanless Server

May 2, 2010

how to build a cheap and fanless server? It's main uses would be web and file servering, but it could be a day when I'd like to add some streaming and mailing capabilities as well.

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Build Internal DNS Server

Jan 14, 2010

How can i build an internal dns server for my network, but don't use the top level domain, e.g:. I want to use mycat.kgn. And I want to put a mycat.kgn mail server on the network for internal uses.

My setup:
dns mx (my server)
mx (godaddy)
inet-gateway & firewall & mailserver:
centos 4,
nic1 - internet
nic2 -
kerio email server 6

All workstation & server uses:
ip: (below)

windows & linux
nic1 - ( -

HP laserjet
jetdirect ( -

Data server:
1. ubuntu 8.04 LTS, nic1 -
2. redhat AS 2.1, nic1 -
3. xenserver 5.0, nic1 -
- windows 2003 terminal server, xen-nic1 -
- winxp sp3 accpac, xen-nic2 -
- win2000 sp4, xen-nic2 -

Config: I need a dns server with:
dns mx zimbra.mycat.kgn
A mycat.kgn
A samba.mycat.kgn
A www.mycat.kgn
NS ns1.mycat.kgn

All workstation and servers:
ip: (same as above)

ldap all machine to zimbra.mycat.kgn for login info and password.
map drive g: to samba.mycat.kgn data-share (with users rights from ldap)

I tried to do this in virtualbox, but fail badly! I created 6 vm using ubuntu 804 and 910, but my dns was not getting any records with dig, so I found an howto on powerdns. But I had to use and not mycat.kgn?

I will draw my network to be!
each machine:
ip: (sameas above)
and if the dns server does not find the info it forward it to the gateway

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Ubuntu Servers :: Build A Server With 8tb Of Storage

Jul 1, 2011

I am looking for the best/cheapest way to build a ubuntu server with 8tb of storage hanging off of it.

I don't feel it needs to be hardware raid, so more software raiding swap in and out failed disk drives.

The server itself normal duo core CPU with 2Gb of memory and i would like to have the internal drive of the O/S only.

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General :: Build A Server Using The SME Distro And MySQL?

Nov 9, 2010

I'm trying to build a server using the SME distro and MySQL. Following the tutorials for MySQL, I need to have certain software installed. How do I know what programs I have installed?

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Server :: Build A New SVN With LDAP Autehntification In Our Entreprise

Aug 3, 2010

I am looking to build a new SVN server with LDAP autehntification in our entreprise. I already did that in smaller corporations but at that time I had total controll over the MS AD server we where using.

As for now, I don't. And what I need is : AuthLDAPBindPassword "SecretPass".I know they wont give it me for obvious reason. Now, is there any other way to use that type of configuration without the master AD password ? Or is there any way to get that kind of pass for a specific OU section ?I know that is more of a MS product question kind of but since some peoples here probably faced that issue.Here is the config I would use in my Apache config file :

<Location /repos>
# Enable Subversion
DAV svn
# Directory containing all repository for this path
SVNParentPath /absolute/path/to/directory/containing/your/repositories


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Server :: Build A 2 Node Failover Nfs Cluster?

Feb 9, 2011

I am using Centos. I have read places that you can use Drbd + heartbeat + nfs to make a simple failover NFS server.I can't find any document that works though. I've tried 20 or so, including some Debian ones.So, does anyone have any other ideas of how to do this?Point me in the right direction please.I want 2 nodes. One to be actively serving an NFS share The other to be ready for failover. If the first one goes out, the second takes over.Meaning, the filesystem is in sync, the IP must change, and NFS must come up

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Server :: Raid5 Online HDD Build Setup

Mar 10, 2010

For the troubleshooting of one server (having 73Gb 3HDD, Raid5 of 140Gb). When I check in the Array The Logical Vol Appears as One HDD not Online
0 HDD1
1 HDD2
2 HDD3
0 HDD not showing Online, When we set it for Oneline & save, After restarting it will go off.

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Ubuntu :: Build LAMP Server Behind A Router?

Dec 9, 2010

I build a LAMP server behind a router.The current situation is:1.I could access index.html of apache within the LAN.2.I could access the vsftp outside of the LAN.3.I could access the ssh outside of the LAN.I have configured my router to do reflections(although I don't know it's correct or not.). I think the LAMP works good since I could use it inside the LAN. The configuration of the router is at least partly right because ssh and vsftp work fine(I test by browsing the ip:74.***.***.*** in the lan, not --this also works. ).I cannot access web service outside the LAN. And the error message is "Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to 74.***.***.***"Did I miss some configuration of router?Apache2?Ubuntu? I use the ubuntu server 2010.10 version.

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CentOS 5 Server :: RPM Build Error Openssh 5.8p1?

Jul 19, 2011

I am trying to build rpm for openssh 5.8p1 on centos 5.6 (32 bit) as i have not found rpm for i386 online. i followed the below mentioned steps but when i apply command rpmbuild -bb openssh.spec it gives this error at the end:

configure error: Pam Headers not found
error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.18348 (%build)

if there is any rpm availble online or to sort out this build problem,Following steps i followed to build rpm. wget

tar -xvzf openssh-5.8p1.tar.gz[code]......

Now if you go back into /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/<arch> , you should see three RPMs. Go ahead and install them:rpm -Uvh *.rpm

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OpenSUSE :: Ant Build.xml Does Not Exist - Build Failed

Apr 19, 2011

Ant was installed in yast2 but will not run since build.xml was never created. How can this be fixed? I would like to run AudioTool.

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Fedora Servers :: Start To Build Up IMPS To Server

Oct 15, 2009

I start to build up IMPS to my server. Any ideas where to start? Any experience so far. I this think yamicocom like service. And about 5 bugs to get in. What you think? I need to put some extra to this basic concept.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Build LAMP Server Behind A Router?

Dec 9, 2010

I build a LAMP server behind a router. The current situation is:

1.I could access index.html of apache within the LAN.
2.I could access the vsftp outside of the LAN.
3.I could access the ssh outside of the LAN.

I have configured my router to do reflections(although I don't know it's correct or not.). I think the LAMP works good since I could use it inside the LAN. The configuration of the router is at least partly right because ssh and vsftp work fine(I test by browsing the ip:74.***.***.*** in the lan, not --this also works. ).

I cannot access web service outside the LAN. And the error message is "Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to 74. Did I miss some configuration of router?Apache2?Ubuntu? I use the ubuntu server 2010.10 version.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Build A Server To Run CentOS5 To Host Domains?

Jul 6, 2010

I'd like to build a server to run CentOS5 to host domains & run Boonex's Dolphin 7. I can't afford the hardware at present, but do have a spare laptop to test with. My two questions:

1) Is is possible to create a build on my laptop, with CentOS, PHP, Dolphin 7, DNS etc, and then create an image to transfer to the future hardware server when constructed? If not, are there alternatives e.g. to copy settings, and then paste then onto the new CentOS install? Anything else I should consider for doing this future move?

2) I presume it's not possible to transfer from 32bit (now) to 64 bit (possibly later) CentOS5?

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Server :: Build A PXE Boot On Rhel5/centos5 From Which All Type Of OS?

Sep 15, 2010

I want to build a PXE boot server on rhel5/centos5 from which all type of OS(Linux distros,Windows - xp,vista,7) these can be installed on any client on my LAN . I have tried it for some linux distros with TFTP ,but unable to add windows.

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