Server :: Adding A Record To Local DNS

Mar 14, 2011

I have configured a CENTOS 5.5 server with DHCP + DNS. The network environment contains clients to obtain IP dynamically and some amy be configured manually. Until noe I have not used any GUIs for the configuration.

Now I want to manually add some hosts to my DNS. Can this be done by directly adding the host names to data files (pointed by the f/w and rev zones)? Or should this be done differently?

What are the good DNS GUI tools available for CentOS?

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Server :: Adding New MX Record In A Domain?

Nov 24, 2010

If i want to add new MX in my domain name then what to do in new mx server. Suppose my existing mail server is whose mx record is below 14400 IN MX 0 14400 IN MX 5

So, what need to change in server.

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Networking :: Iptable Record Adding Successfully But Not Showing In List?

Jun 28, 2010

I've been trying to add a redirect iptable record but each time I add it, it appears to add successfully (meaning it doesn't throw me any errors); yet when I run 'iptables -L' I can't see it listed:

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 82 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8081

I also tried to do a DNAT redirection but this too, executed successfully but did not show in the list:

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dst --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination

Am I missing something or am I not applying the rule correctly?

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Ubuntu Networking :: SSH Adding A New Non-Local User?

Jan 5, 2011

Trying to add my wife as a user to my computer, only to log on through SSH, not locally. Only problem is I use keys for logging in.

I've gone through the guide on the ubuntu website, created a key, copied to through a pen drive, put it in her .ssh folder on my computer, but it still comes up with the error:

Agent admitted failure to sign using the key.
Permission denied (publickey).

Is there a group I need to add her to, or add her public key to a different file somewhere?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Adding A Local Repository?

Mar 21, 2011

I have a Fedora 12 and OpenSuse DVD with me. It consists of lots of packages and hence to install these packages I don't have to download them. What I want to do is copy the package folder on my local machine and then add them as repository in Synaptic Packet Manager.

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General :: Potential - With Adding /usr/local/[s]bin To Root's Path?

Mar 2, 2011

I've noticed that the root account $PATH does not include /usr/local/bin or /usr/local/sbin by default. Are there any potential issues that could arise from adding those directories to the path? If so, what is the best way to make sure your shell finds executables in those directories, without affecting the stability and security of the system?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Automatically Adding Local User To Xhost List?

Jun 8, 2011

On Ubuntu, the local user is automatically added the xhost list when logging in (via a script in /etc/X11/Xsession.d).

Is there a way to enable this in OpenSUSE?

(My original problem is that I cannot interact with a running X session when loggin in via SSH, since newer GDM versions don't create $HOME/.Xauthority any longer.)

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Server :: Mail Server Blocks: Warning: Numeric Domain Name In Resource Data Of MX Record

Feb 4, 2010

My test messages from one mail server to another are getting sent to my spambucket and the only error in the logs is: warning: numeric domain name in resource data of MX record for [URL]:

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Server :: Use MX Record IN DNS?

Jan 28, 2010

Why do we use mx record???

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General :: MX Record In The DNS Server?

Oct 8, 2010

I am going to configure sentmail server i.e[root@mailserver ~] on Red Hat Linux 4 Enterprise.Already I have configured DNS server. I want to add record of my mail server in my DNS server.Kindly just guide me that what


@IN root.localhost(
42; serial (d. admin)


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Server :: A Record Currently Not Present?

Mar 19, 2011

i'm using nsd3 on debian 5what i want to know, how do i not have this output when i queried

# host A record currently not present


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Server :: Possible To Have Secondary MX Record To Another ISP

Jul 26, 2010

We have hosting all the domains to one ISP domain and we want a secondary MX record. Is it possible to have a secondary MX record to another ISP so that if our internet is down we don't lose any email. the first ISP are not providing any secondary MX records

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General :: How To Create PTR Record On DNS Server

Mar 8, 2010

I want to create a Ptr record on the Dns server. Dns server is Fedora Core release 1 (Yarrow). And We have been using zone files. How can I create a Ptr record for an ip address on the Dns server?

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Server :: Create A,NS And MX Record In CentOs

Apr 11, 2011

I would like to know how to create a A,NS and MX record in centos.

I dont know where the DNS zone file is in CentoS

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Networking :: SSH Tunnel - Record Traffic Through Server

May 20, 2010

I'm currently tunnelling to my Ubuntu pc at home from my laptop in order to bypass my schools false-positive prone filter. Is there a way to record traffic that both comes to and is delivered by my pc?

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General :: BIND DNS Server - Add Host Record

Oct 14, 2010

I'm new to using a BIND DNS server. I currently have one set as a master zone on my LAN. My question is how can I add a record for my local lan that will resolve without typing in the FQDN? For example I want to be able to type "server" instead of "".

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Server :: PTR Record Using BIND Version 9.3.3 On RHEL

Jan 29, 2010

I am using bind for DNS services on RHEL 5. The forward lookup is working fine. When I try to do a reverse lookup at the server, it shows the correct output but when I try lookup from Internet it shows something like - " points to a.b.c.d, which has no PTR record"

Here are the files:
options {
directory "/var/named";
statistics-file "/var/named/data/named_stats.txt";

inet allow {localhost;} keys {rndckey;};
// Declaring reverse lookup zone
// Declaration of domain name resolution
view intranet {
zone "" {
type master;
file "/var/named/";
}; .....

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Server :: Sendmail Adds MX Record To Addresses

Nov 1, 2010

Im working with virtuals machines to configure Sendmail on Linux.

I work with two domains (ar and org), the configuration is similar in both, so i will write just one.

In orgs mail server:

The emails stopped coming and the server adds to the e-mail addresses the MX record. For example, if i send an email to u1@org in log appears

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General :: Need Bulk Record Creating For BIND Server

Oct 2, 2010

Need Bulk record creating for BIND DNS server. I have information in a file I need to crate a new zone and A-record. I have 10000 domains in a file. Is there any tool available to do this @ one go

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Server :: Can't Insert A Record In A Table On Postgresql Database?

Sep 2, 2010

my database (PostgreSQL) has ever funtioned OK, but today don't let me insert a new row in a table and the record itsn't duplicated. I did a vacuum full and reindex the database and the problem continue. I don't know what the fuck is happening

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Server :: Record Inputs Which Will Be Provided During Running Script?

Feb 22, 2010

Is this possible to record keyboard inputs in a file which will be provided during running a script.? Means suppose there is a script ./ To run this script, some inputs need to be provided.Is this possible to record these inputs in a file?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Create A,NS And MX Record - Where The DNS Zone File

Apr 11, 2011

I just ordered a new unmanagd VPS I have already Apache, PHP and Mysql the only problem I have now is how to create a A,NS and MX record in CentOS. I dont know where the DNS zone file is in CentoS

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Server :: Creating Alias Or CNAME Record For Each Network Device

Oct 28, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu Server 10.04 to provide DHCP and Internet Sharing on my home LAN. In a previous configuration, I was running Fedora + AMAHI to provide the same services. As most of my linux devices are Ubuntu, I decided to decommission and rebuild my server. I've been able to configure all of my services with the exception of one. As a rule, I assign static IP or reservations based on MAC address's for any of my network devices or appliances.

One cool feature that AMAHI provided a GUI for, was the ability to recognize devices by name as well as IP. i.e.. "" or "http://home-NAS" Going from memory, the long name upon first entry may actually have been ""? From my reading, I think I either need to setup up a Static Alias or CNAME for each assigned IP. I can't find any tutorial's that will walk me through this process. I'm guessing I need to generate the records under one of the master DNS zones, but that is just a guess?

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Server :: Install Video Camera To Record Specific Place 24/7

Jul 15, 2011

I have an idea to install a video-camera to record 24/7 the place in the yard where the car will be kept. Can not say that I'll configure such a system for sure, but I have an interest to it. On the other hand I've never worked with such systems and I don't know what cameras are better, should they be IP-based or the USB-webcam will be OK, I also do not know much about the software. I've found that gphoto is a good software for such a purppose, and some photo-cameras can be managed remotely through console, I mean that we can take pictures/?video?

Remotely, if the camera is connected to the Linix-box via USB. Another soft, which I googled, which (as I understood) is de-facto and which is powerful, is ZoneMinder. Today a friend of mine told me that many IP-cameras have everything inside them (a webserver, many tools for capturing video/photo and so on), so I just need to create some directory on the PC, where it will store all photos/videos. So, as you see, I know practically nothing about all this. That's why I decided to listen to you, what software and photo/video cameras would you recommend me.

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Server :: Adding New User In NIS Server And Client

Apr 27, 2010

I am Amit, working with IGate. I am able to configure NIS server and client,but after configuring server and client,when I add a new user to server and client and when I login througy new user from client, It shows error "user cannot found".I added a new user to NIS server make entry of user to client pc in /etc/auto.master file and restarted the services bind,nfs,autofs,portmap on server also restarted the serveces on client bind,autofs,portmap then alon I cannot login by new user on client matchine. Please tell me what is cause and how to resolve it.I shared server's /home dir and on client pc automounted the server's /home dir by making entries in /etc/auto.misc file on client pc.

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Server :: Apache Server - Adding Web Pages ?

Oct 14, 2010

I rented a server to run CS 1.6 game servers. I had someone install Apache and configure my server to be able to use control panel for my game servers( i am running 4 gservers and have 5 ips = 1 ip is free). When i type my primary ip in the web browser it displays the Apache test page.

My question is can i add pages to the Apache without messing up anything with the control panel or my game servers. I am familiar with html. My primary ip is used for 1 of th egame servers but i can change that if necessary. And if possible to add pages how to add a site name, sth like [url] instead of entering the primary ip to display the content.

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Networking :: Server On Multiple VLANs Server Not Responding To Pings From Non-local Subnets?

Jul 14, 2010

I've got a machine running Ubuntu Server that is on several VLANs. Each VLAN has its own subnet and the server has an address on each subnet. The switches are set to allow tagged traffic to the server for each VLAN that it is on. Switch ports ending with workstations are given untagged ports on whatever VLAN is appropriate. Workstations are given addresses on a subnet for each VLAN via DHCP. All this works great and hosts on any subnet/VLAN can access the server as normal via its address on that subnet/VLAN.

Accessing the machine by its address on a non-local subnet is where I run into a problem. Inter-subnet traffic has to go through a router, which has been set up appropriately. Running tcpdump on the server and pinging it from a workstation on a subnet, using its address on a different subnet, shows the server receives the ping, but sends no response:

sudo tcpdump -i vlan4 -n
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode


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Server :: ERROR 2002 (HY0000): Can't Connect To Local MySQL Server Through Socket

Mar 28, 2010

Im getting this error when i try to run mysql from a shell

ERROR 2002 (HY0000): can't connect to local MySQL server through socket

I have installed MySQL over yum on fedora.

but the path and file /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock does not exist on my system?

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Server :: Collecting Email From Remote POP3 Server And Delivery To Local Users?

Jul 12, 2011

I am having problem to collecting email from remote POP3 (all the emails for a domain is stored here) and distribute it after collecting to several users defined to Linux server. I have install postfix in Linux server for email distribution.

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Server :: ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't Connect To Local MySQL Server Through Socket

Apr 11, 2010

I've tried /etc/init.d/mysql start, and it actually starts, or at least, it doesn't error out. But when I do pgrep mysql I get nothing, and when I try to login with mysql -p as root, I get

ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)

None of my other logins work, either, but since pgrep mysql didn't work, it's clear that MySQL just isn't running. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling mysql-server via apt-get, but I get the same thing. The logs in /var/log/syslog show this:

Apr 11 14:31:26 /etc/init.d/mysql[9774]: #007/usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
Apr 11 14:31:26 /etc/init.d/mysql[9774]: error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server


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