Networking :: Iptable Record Adding Successfully But Not Showing In List?

Jun 28, 2010

I've been trying to add a redirect iptable record but each time I add it, it appears to add successfully (meaning it doesn't throw me any errors); yet when I run 'iptables -L' I can't see it listed:

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 82 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8081

I also tried to do a DNAT redirection but this too, executed successfully but did not show in the list:

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dst --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination

Am I missing something or am I not applying the rule correctly?

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Networking :: Adding An Additional Iptable Rule?

Mar 4, 2011

This is what I have currently running.


iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT


How do I add this to the ruleset, without doing the whole thing over again?


iptables -A OUTPUT -d -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

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Server :: Adding A Record To Local DNS

Mar 14, 2011

I have configured a CENTOS 5.5 server with DHCP + DNS. The network environment contains clients to obtain IP dynamically and some amy be configured manually. Until noe I have not used any GUIs for the configuration.

Now I want to manually add some hosts to my DNS. Can this be done by directly adding the host names to data files (pointed by the f/w and rev zones)? Or should this be done differently?

What are the good DNS GUI tools available for CentOS?

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Server :: Adding New MX Record In A Domain?

Nov 24, 2010

If i want to add new MX in my domain name then what to do in new mx server. Suppose my existing mail server is whose mx record is below 14400 IN MX 0 14400 IN MX 5

So, what need to change in server.

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Networking :: How Many Rule Iptable Can Manage

May 12, 2010

i'd like to know how many rule can manage iptable. I'm asking that because i'd to drop all traffric from my localnet to porn site. I've a database of porn site witch contain about 900 000 domains. I know there are solutions like squidguard. But for my linux box i'd to use iptable to prevent users access to porn site and other blacklist site.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Adding DVD's To Repository List?

Feb 7, 2010

I just purchased openSUSE 11.2 x64 on DVD from, as well as the 5 x64 repository DVD's. The base install went fine, but when I try to add thos's to my software repositories using yast they all have the same listed name, "repository" - I can change that to show "repository disk 1" etc, but when I go to install stuff and the software installer asks for "repository disk 1" I put that in the dvd drive, and it cannot recognise it, spits it out and asks for the same disk again...hmmmm. Should I not change the default name that comes up when each DVD is added to the list? If I leave them unchanged will I be told which is the correct disk to insert, remembering that in the list they all have the same name

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Debian :: Adding A New Repo To Sources.list?

Feb 19, 2009

I want to download an application called deluge, browsing in the website I found that this app is in the experimental repo, and they write the url:


Packages are in the experimental repo: [URL]So, I went to edit my source.list and I added the next line:



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Software :: Adding To Source.list Denied?

Mar 1, 2011

I tried to add to the Ubuntu repositories via:

And got this message:bash:

/etc/apt/sources.list: Permission denied

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Networking :: Add Ports In Iptable /firewall Using Command?

Feb 18, 2011

I want to know how to add (ports to open)in firewall using command or scriptor any ather method

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Networking :: Possible In Iptable \ Switching Destination IP To Source?

Sep 16, 2010

Using iptables is there a way to switch the destination IP to become the new source IP and forward that connection.iptables store the src and dst IP in a variable for a particular connection?

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Ubuntu :: Pidgin Not Showing Friends List?

Jun 24, 2010

I m using ubuntu 10.04 netbook, My problem isWhen I use Pidgin, it didn't show my friends/contact list. It was showing 1st time when I configure my gtalk environment, but now it show my status available, but did not show my friends, so I couldn't know who is online

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General :: Adding Line To A Queried List Of Files

Apr 19, 2011

I am trying to add a line of text to hgrc files for Mercurial Repo'sThe file is found normally in a hidden .hg directory under the repo.I need to add a "deny_read = username" to the end of each of these hgrc files. Suggestions either in shell script format, or a single line?

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Networking :: Configuring Pptp + Iptable To Share Connection

Dec 27, 2010

Here's my setup: Slackware 13.1 External IFace = eth0 / DHCP (assigned from comcast) Internal IFace = eth1 / I've made it connect/authenticate, but I can't get anything to route through it..


Really wanting to try and get this setup to where all computers on my lan are forced through the VPN, i've tried most of all things I've googled, and no real luck.

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Networking :: Iptable Command To Allow Traffic To Internet But Not Subnet?

Jun 3, 2010

My internet gateway is with a subnet mask. I have a router connected to it running ddwrt with an ip creating a second subnet behind it. I have a tenant moving in that will be wirelessly connecting to the ddwrt router, so to the subnet. What I am looking for is a rule that will pass internet traffic to and from this client, but restrict him access from the subnet otherwise. The ddwrt router is connected to the gateway through its wan port, btw. For example, the client would get an ip address of wirelessly from the ddwrt router. I want him to be able to surf the internet through the gateway, but not to have any other access to the subnet (ideally not have access to ANYTHING besides the internet).

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Networking :: Check Older Iptable Rules That Were Loaded?

Oct 14, 2010

Is there a way to check older iptable rules that were loaded? I accidentally overwrote my iptables and that has killed internet access to all computers in the intranet. I must have accidentally deleted some line in the iptable rules and cannot figure how to get it back to how it was. I am using Debian 5.05 by the way.

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Ubuntu :: Not All Windows Folder Showing Up In Nautilus / List Them?

Mar 10, 2011

I have a shared windows folder mapped with nautilus. I can connect just fine, but it's strange... it doesn't list all the folders. The permissions are fine and if I "refresh" the view, sometimes the folders show, sometimes not. Any ideas?

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OpenSUSE :: Adding User To Access Control List In Nautilus

Aug 13, 2010

I have a shared folder that has it's access restricted to certain users on a file server at work. Currently when I try to add a user I follow this process:
Right click the Folder, go to Properties
Click the "Access Control List" tab
Select a user from the "Participants List"
Click Add

For most users this process works fine but with one of them I get the following error:
"Could not add ACL entry: Invalid Argument"
I also tried a script that a former employee created which seems to employ this command:
setfacl -m u:<USER>:rw- <PATH>
Running the command with the correct user and path returns a similar "Invalid Argument" error.
We're using OpenSuse 10.2.

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General :: Adding Cairo-Dock To The List Of Startup Applications?

Dec 14, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu maverick meercat 10.10. I don't think it's very necessary to mention my hardware to get an answer to this question.I found out about the Cairo-Dock and fell in love with it. It annoys the hell out of me to have to start it every time I boot. I navigate to- System> Preferences> Startup ApplicationsUnder the startup programs tab I click on add... Now what??? Put the name as Cairo... what about the command. I don't know what file to navigate to.

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Networking :: How To Open Port For IP Phone Using SIP Protocol With IPTable On RadHat

May 18, 2011

I configure IPtable on RadHat as firewall and i want to allow for IP Phone using SIP protocol.I already allow port 5060 for IP Phone using SIP Protocol and I can call out.The problem is:

1. I can call out and in but when they pick up my call they hear what i'm saying but i can't hear they are saying.

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Networking :: Iptable Rule For Blocking Direct Internet Access

Jun 13, 2010

i have the following system in my lan.

etho(private) -
eth1(public) -

squid server at

my request is that i have to make all out bound internet connection should go from proxy server , not directly to firewall. Please specify a iptable rule for blocking direct internet access. my clients ip ranges from to

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Ubuntu :: Shiki-colors In Xfce - Showing Up In GTK Themes List

May 5, 2010

I'm running PC/OS, which is based on Xubuntu. I've got all of the Shiki-Colors GTK themes, the GNOME-Colors icon themes, and the Arc-Colors themes installed. Everything's going great, but I've got one little annoyance going on. What's happening is the Arc-Colors (both the list and non-list version) showing up in my GTK themes list, and that's obviously not where they belong

these, of course, are supposed to be GDM themes. What's more, I see nothing in the /usr/share/themes directory to indicate that they're in there by mistake, and in fact, I distinctly remember putting them in /usr/share/gdm/themes, which is where they belong. I first tried this downloading and installing them from the repos, and when they acted up there, I tried the manual installs from GNOME-Look and got the same thing, too.

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Ubuntu :: Mounted Devices Not Showing In Dolphin Places List

Jan 16, 2011

This is probably me looking but not seeing an option somewhere. I re-installed 10.10 over 10.04 by formatting the root partition but keeping the home partition the same, to save me a lot of work. (64 bit) However, now when I mount a CD, DVD or USB stick, they don't appear in Dophin's "Places" window. What have I missed please?

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Install List - Mouse Is Not Responsive - Cursor Is Not Showing

Apr 28, 2011

So I upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 beta 2 two days back. Upon trying to use the system, these were the problems I had:

1. Mouse is absolutely not responsive. Even the cursor is not showing.

2. When I login through keyboard options only once this message flashed "Unity not supported by your hardware switch to classic mode on your next login". It flashed once, took me to the desktop screen where the classic desktop was available and I could not access anything without keyboard shortcuts.

3. When I tried launching firefox, deluge or even tried using the terminal to connect to the net I am unable to connect.

4. My USB devices are not read.

5. I finally tried to do a clean install of 10.10 using the live cd I already have but the OS is not booting from the cd.

As a result I am stuck with a comp which has no mouse, no internet, no usb support, no cd support. Do you guys have any idea how I get it to work again?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Automatically Adding Local User To Xhost List?

Jun 8, 2011

On Ubuntu, the local user is automatically added the xhost list when logging in (via a script in /etc/X11/Xsession.d).

Is there a way to enable this in OpenSUSE?

(My original problem is that I cannot interact with a running X session when loggin in via SSH, since newer GDM versions don't create $HOME/.Xauthority any longer.)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Set Iptable Rules And Access Superuser Permission From Web-based?

Mar 30, 2010

wrote a network emulator program in c programming. It can run for ubuntu terminal with good performance.But i have to make it for web-based user configuration. So i had setup apache web server and write this program in cgi script and try to execute this program from web page.This program must be run in root privilege($sudo -s) and add the iptables rules such as (#iptables -A OUTPUT -j QUEUE). So my question is how to add iptables rules in my cgi scripts? How to set the superuser(root privilege) permission to access my program through web server?

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OpenSUSE :: Recently Installed Items Are Not Showing At Add To Panel Item List

Nov 27, 2010

Recently I have installed DockbarX and Cardapio. After installation they are supposed to be found in the Add to Panel items, but both of them are not there.I can run them directly without any problem. Is there anything else I should do manually? I have tried pkill gnome-panel to restart the panel as well.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Machine Name Not Showing In Router Attached Devices List?

Nov 17, 2010

As the title says the machine name is not showing up in the attached devices list on my router. Is there a file where I need to add the name? Or is this an issue with the router? The router finds all the other machine names on the network except my 3 servers.

Ubuntu Server 10.04 Lts
Ubuntu Server 10.10 Lts

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Installer Hanging - Dialog Showing Check List

Mar 21, 2011

I am trying to install ubuntu 10.10 on an eee pc 1000H but the installer is hanging on the installation dialog that shows the check list for installation (min disk space, connected to the net, plugged in to wall outlet, etc).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Eth0 Unstable - Iptables Empty - Cant Service Iptable Restart

May 13, 2011

This is my first use of Ubuntu, but I have previous decent experience on Centos & Mandriva. I've just installed Natty 11.04 on a box that was running a mandriva 2010 - and the network is acting quite strange. When I define a static IP for eth0 through the gui, along with route & dns, it sort of works: ssh is fine, vnc too. However, I have an asterisk running on the box, and it is wild: some packets get lost in the box.

An ngrep shows the packets reaching the interface, but they dont show in asterisk !!! I've done a ufw disable, iptables is empty (why cant I service iptable restart btw ?). ip route list show decent routes (eth0 default); When I switch to DHCP, it is better, but unstable... If i plug a wifi usb stick, it seems to be better... Is there some known issues that could explain this behaviour ? The nic is a: Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88E8001 Gigabit Ethernet Controller

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Fedora Networking :: Successfully Ping Websites, But Can't Open Them

Nov 27, 2009

I have installed windows server 2003 on my computer, and i can surf the internet with my gui-based web browsers.

I have also installed vmware workstation 6.5 on the same computer, and successfully installed fedora 12 in vmware, with network is bridged.

I can successfully ping websites at the command line, e.g., ping [url], it did get replies with time and ttl, but i can't open the websites with firefox or conquerer browsers.

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