Programming :: Use Different Starting And Ending Delimiters In Awk To Search For Strings Or Numbers?
Jun 8, 2011
How can i use different starting and ending delimiters in awk to search for strings or numbers like:
now i want string and number as output from above lines. But if i use delimiter as : or ' it will print the entire line coz second delimiter is not same as first one.
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Jun 23, 2011
I am loading the file in Fortran. File looks something like this (shown below) I am interested in Velocity values and not Pressure values. Is there a way to code in Fortran which finds the staring LINE of Velocity values and ending LINE of values or I have to manually find the lines? IN this case it should return Starting line : 9 Ending line: 11
PHP Code:
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Jul 16, 2010
Something very handy to do in a Linux shell, is manipulating files and strings - essentially parsing data. Write a utility which will scan in a text file and search and replace strings. We also want to keep track of how many strings we've replaced.
I know that my command would look like this: <utility name> <filename> <stringToSearchFor> <stringToReplaceWith>
Code: #!/bin/bash
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Oct 27, 2010
I'm trying to search all .log files in ~/.irssi/irclogs/ and it's sub directories for the string 'irssi' and I had though the command I'd used for something similar before was.How should I edit the command, and is it possible to output every line found containing the string to file?
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Nov 15, 2010
I am using sed to process an ascii tcpdump file whereby each packet is processed into a line with the same number of columns and useful information is pulled out like the time, packet type, length, and also IP addresses, payload type and port numbers where appropriate. The time is already changed to seconds, followed by the protocol over ethernet, such as IP, IP6, ARP etc. and I can change anything it detects as IP, IP6 and ARP into some other string, pulling out necessary information depending on the protocol and payload.The beginning part of the search for IP starts with the sed search /([0-9][0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*)[ ]IP[ ,] ... /, where time is in seconds and ellipses means more stuff, and likewise for IP6 and ARP.But how do I process the lines that are NOT IP, IP6 or ARP? (Specifically NOT /IP[ ,]/, /IP6[ ,]/ or /ARP[ ,]/.) So that I can format them into a string with the same number of columns.
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May 19, 2011
What would be the best way to search for a file that contains a string similar to this:
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Jan 29, 2010
Is there a faster way to search for a file containing a given string than using grep -re "string" /
This takes a long time to search through the entire system, so I was wondering if there is a faster way. I don't know the name of the file, just that it will contain a given string.
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Feb 3, 2011
Long story short, I got a folder with nearly 800,000 php files. I would like to search each file for a string and if it exists in that file, the file gets copied to another directory. Is this possible from the terminal? So far I got: grep -i -n -r 'ppr-1792' * | cp $1 move_to_here
But this obviously doesn't work. $1 needs to be the file name that contains matching text.
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Jul 27, 2011
A function by name abc is called in many files. I want to copy all the lines with the function call to an output file.A simple grep on function name doesn't help me as the function call is spanning across multiple lines as follows:
So I want to copy all the three lines (till semicolon) to the output file.The problem is because there are more than 200 calls for the same function and I cannot do it manually
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Jun 13, 2011
I am trying to import a data file from old DOS application into MYSQL table The file is clear text file with fixed-width columns, without column delimiters
Example file :
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May 12, 2010
I am trying to create a regular expression in perl to remove all the delimiters (|) from a file. I was also thinking might I be able to use tr?
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Feb 23, 2010
This should be simple but I can't seem to find what I am looking for.I want to search a text file for the existence of certain strings and execute a command if they exist, something along the lines of:
if <string> exists
if <any member of this list exists>
I know how to manually search a file with grep, cat, etc., but the "if this exists" part eludes me.
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Apr 4, 2011
am writing a small search program for my class. I have decided to use indexing for my program. Ive researched online about indexing and how search engines do it. If im gonno do that I need to create inverted files to associate files to numbers ( numbers being the index of my paths ) . Now I was wondering what would be the best way to create an inverted file ? I was going to create sql tables using mysql api in C but then again there is no array data type or vectors to store few numbers in a single column in mysql and it is not advised to use Enum or SET
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Jul 29, 2010
I want to search and replace strings in a file with strings in other files/i need to do it with big strings(string1 is big) and i want to use a txt file for this.But this code not working :
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Sep 3, 2010
I am having a lot of problems trying to change one string by another using sed: the sentence is like this:
sed -i 's/KERNEL=="tty[A-Z]*", NAME="%k", GROUP="uucp", MODE="0660"/KERNEL=="tty[A-Z]*", NAME="%k", GROUP="uucp", MODE="0666"/g' 50-udev.rules
it is just to fing the line with:
KERNEL=="tty[A-Z]*", NAME="%k", GROUP="uucp", MODE="0660"
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Dec 11, 2009
I wrote this small program that will truncate a string that's entered in by the user.An example of its usage:if the user enters in a string say "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" the program will only take the first 9 characters and truncate the rest so that the user can be prompted for a second string and not be worried about remaining characters left in the stream.Now this program works O.K. but I would like to find something in C that has this functionality build into it...Does anyone know of any function that will accomplish this.
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Aug 4, 2010
I am trying to replace a section of a file between the first instances of the strings {}, with the contents of another file. Example of the format of the file I'm trying to modify
hosts {
Then captured all the "macaddress#"s to a variable and used sed to swap
sed "s/$CURRENTDATA/$NEWDATA/" filename
However I get 1 of 2 errors,
Using a small number of macs in "$NEWDATA"
sed: command garbled: s/ macaddresshere
Or when using a large number of macs in the $NEWDATA variable get
bash: /usr/bin/sed: Arg list too long.
how to replace a large block of txt in one file with another large block from another?
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Feb 8, 2014
I use udhcp with some of my minimal installs. I've messed around with the code a bit when it wasn't working correctly - a few years ago. I will find time - I hope soonish - to figure out how to do a few other things with it.
For now though, I'm using this string to grab my ip after startup
Code: Select allsu -c 'ifconfig eth0&&ifdown -a&&ifup lo&&ifup eth0'&&/sbin/ifconfig eth0
I realize I could substitute ifup -a but I'm more interested in figuring out how to make ifup wait for the ip to become available if it is not available yet.
Never mind that one, just typing out the question answered it for me, when I find it in the scripting man ' ; : " & =
Or if there are any other suggestions for better construction of the string.
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Jun 28, 2009
I have a PHP script written that is checking a string to see if it contains a link in it (i.e. a URL). I have the following if statement, that uses 3 possible regular expressions to determine if there is a link or not.
// check if we found a link
// links are denoted by strings that:
// - contain http://
// - contain www.*.*
I'm not convinced yet that writing a shell script to do this is the best course of action. If someone is capable of doing this with a Perl or a Python script that's fine too. If you want to make it super high performance and write it in assembly
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Mar 24, 2010
what is the best command to use to parse strings?I have a variable $str and need to parse this string.Can you provide an example of the command used to get a substring of $str based on the index values of start and end
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Feb 25, 2011
i have an sql table with 2 columns i run a script that randomly selects a word from the table in column 1.
the word is displayed on the screen and I guess what it means i concatenate the randomly selected word and the answer the script looks for a match in mysql if it finds a match it says "Good job!" if there is no match it will say "not correct". However when i get it right it says not correct even though when i echo the variables they look exactly the same. the script below:
var=$(mysql translator -u root --password=*-N<<EOF
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Jun 8, 2010
Using the regex.h functions, how do you:
1) get the matched strings?
2) get the strings that matched sub-expressions?
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Jul 14, 2010
it is about 'strings' binary from binutils. I recently wanted to test what it does and how it works. The best I did was this:
int main()
Ok, from the output I don't get it.Can someone show me in a simple script, what is 'strings' good for ?
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Sep 5, 2009
I have a set of numbers under some headers in a file:
4535, 109, 5.5955, 5.6523, 5.8084, 311.419, 295.2540, 286.9984,
4536, 109, 5.7667, 5.7174, 5.6771, 291.782, 285.0646, 271.5945,
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Mar 7, 2011
I have a function that retrives text between title and links tags from an XML file, but what i want is to test if the title and link tags are between item tags. This is my code:
istringstream iss(content);
string line;
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Dec 15, 2010
if I'd a file like this
begin something end
begin xyz end
and I want to find the strings only between begin and end, exluding begin and end; How can I grep that?
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Nov 10, 2010
I am trying a search for a pattern in the file. I can have any character in the pattern. I am pretty sure I will have $, ", ', ^, ` etc., The Problem I am facing is if I use "" (double quotes) to enclose the pattern, it gives special meaning to $, ^ and " within the string. I have no control over the pattern input. I am getting it from some other file. On the other hand, If I use '' (single quotes) to enclose the pattern, it gives special meaning to the ' (apostrophe) within the string and terminates the pattern prematurely. How do I disable the special meaning these characters have? For example, in perl, I could enclose the pattern within Q and E. Is there an equivalent in grep pattern expression? I could find one in the man page of grep. Is there a solution to this problem?
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Dec 7, 2009
I need to make a daemon which listens to port 81 for messages like [URL] So far I made a daemon which serves as a simple stream server: I set up a socket to listen to a non-reserved port (like 9999), but I don't know how to read the query strings.
Linux distro: Kubuntu 9.04
Language: C
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May 6, 2011
I have an interpteter that supports string literals, and the way it works is that the lexer returns the entire string as a single token, with the quotes removed and escape sequences replaced with the literal characters they represent.
I already implemented single-quote strings, they don't interpret any characters specially except for the single quote. I partially implemented double-quoted strings, they already support all the same backslash escape sequences that C does. But I would also want to add variable substitution.
The way it would work is that "${expression}" would interpret the expression (which could just be a variable name) and replace itself with the result. But I have no idea how to do this.
In case it matters, I'm using a hand-written lexer and recursive-descent parser.
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Jul 8, 2011
I have that script that checks the nfs mount points:
#set -xv
I am no expert in loops and it took me all day to write that. I couldn't really tell how to match the string in $df_file and $fs_share, so I did a little workaround with a count.
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